Открытый урок по английскому языку "Животные Великобритании и России".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Урок по теме "Животные Великобритании и России". В этом уроке закрепляется уже изученный лексический материал по теме "Животные". По грамматике учащиеся повторяют множественное число имён существительных. Дети совершенствуют навыки чтения с полным пониманием.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План урока
УМК «Opportunities Beginner » (Longman)
Учитель: Букреева Оксана Александровна
5б класс
Тема урока: « Животные Великобритании и России
Цель урока: Обучение устной монологической речи
I. Образовательные:
- Активизировать и обогащать лексический запас по теме «Животные».
- Познакомить учащихся с животными Великобритании и России.
- Повторять множественное число существительных.
- Совершенствовать навыки чтения с полным пониманием.
- Развивать память, внимание, мышление, воображение.
- Развивать эмпатические способности учащихся.
- Стимулировать интерес к изучению окружающей среды.
III. Воспитательные:
- Воспитывать культуру общения.
- Воспитывать сознательную дисциплину, трудолюбие, усидчивость.
- Поддерживать благоприятный психологический климат в группе.
Содержание урока.
- Организационный момент.
- Вводная часть.
2.1. Проверка домашнего задания – Round Up p.12-14 (plurals).
2.2. Сообщение темы урока – «Животные Великобритании и России».
- Основная часть.
- 3.1. Разминка – повторение названий животных и частей их тела.
- 3.2. Индивидуальная работа с текстом.
- 3.3. Работа в парах – игра «Угадай животное».
- 3.4. Работа в группах – составление группового описания животного по заданной схеме.
- Заключительная часть.
- 4.1. Подведение итогов урока.
- 4.2. Сообщение домашнего задания – Подготовить описание редкого животного России
- 4.3. Сообщение оценок за работу на уроке.
- Рефлексия
Конспект урока
Тема: “Животные Великобритании и России”
Учитель: Букреева Оксана Александровна
- Организационный момент:
Good morning! Sit down, please. Who is absent today? Who is not ready for the lesson? Why?
- Вводная часть.
- Проверка домашнего задания
You had to revise rules «Plurals» in your Round Up and you also had to revise the names of the animals and parts of animals’ body.
Let`s check how well you can use the rules in practice. Look at the board. There are nouns in singular. Your task is to write them in plural.
fox- fish-
bear- tooth-
deer- squirrel-
foot- hoof-
fly- goose-
wolf- ox-
- Сообщение темы урока.
The topic of our today lesson is “British and Russian Wildlife”. So we are going to talk about wild animals of Britain and Russia. The plan of our lesson is the following:
- Warming up (Brain storm)
- Reading (Text “British Wildlife”)
- Work in pairs (Game “Guess the animal”)
- Work in groups (Description of a rare animal)
- Основная часть.
- Разминка.
Brain storm: Open your exercise-books and write down the date. Today is the 7th of March. You have got 2 minutes to write down the names of the wild animals.
Now look at your lists and circle the names of the animals that live in Russia. Compare your answers in pairs.
Look at the pictures on the board. All these animals live in Russia. Let’s name them (badger, hedgehog, fox, hare, wolf, otter, lynx, squirrel, elk, bear, wild bore, beaver, pole cat, mole). These animals are not rare. Do you know any rare animals of Russia? They are Amur Tiger, East-Siberian Leopard, Snow Leopard, Polar Bear, Fallow Deer, Reindeer, Red Wolf and Steppe Eagle. Let’s complete the first part of the table:
Rare Animals.
Country | Animal |
RUSSIA | Amur Tiger (less than 530), East-Siberian Leopard (30), Snow Leopard, Polar Bear, Reindeer, Fallow Deer, Red Wolf (very rare). |
3.2. Индивидуальная работа с текстом.
3.2.1. Предтекстовый этап
Do you know any animals that live in Britain? Name them.
Ex.1: Read the text “British Wildlife” and match the pictures with the paragraphs.
Answers: 1K, 2H, 3 I, 4G, 5C, 6D and F, 7B, 8E, 9J, 10A.
3.2.2. Текстовый этап
Ex. 2: Read the text again and answer the questions:
- What is the native squirrel in Britain? ( Red Squirrel)
- Where can you see the Red Foxes in Britain? ( in gardens in Britain’s big cities)
- What is the number of Golden Eagles in Scotland? ( about 450 pairs)
- What bird is favourite for British people? (Robin)
- What is the most famous mammal in Britain? (Otter)
- Are Stoats and Weasels in danger of extinction now? (No, they aren’t.)
- Are Badgers rare in British Isles? (No, they aren’t.)
- Are the Atlantic Puffins birds or animals? (They are birds.)
- What is the difference between Red Deer and Fallow deer? (Fallow Deer have white spots on the skin.)
- What snakes are exceptionally rare in the British Isles? (Smooth Snakes)
Now let’s complete the second part of our table:
Country | Animal |
RUSSIA | Amur Tiger (less than 530), East-Siberian Leopard (30), Snow Leopard, Polar Bear, Reindeer, Fallow Deer, Red Wolf (very rare). |
GREAT BRITAIN | Red Squirrel, Golden Eagle, Smooth Snake. |
- Работа в парах.
Look at the board. There is a diagram for description of an animal.
You are going to play a game “Guess the animal”. S1 thinks of an animal and describes it. S2 tries to guess it. Then change your roles.
3.4. Работа в группах.
Make groups of 4. You have to describe rare animal of Russia using the diagram. Each group should report its description.
4. Заключительная часть.
4.1. Подведение итогов урока.
Today we revised plurals and names of the animals, we read about British wildlife, we learnt about rare animals of Russia and Britain, we worked in pairs and we described rare animals of Russia in groups.
- Сообщение домашнего задания.
Your home task is to write a description of any rare animal of Russia.
- Сообщение оценок за урок.
Your marks for the lesson are: …………………………………………………………………………...
Рефлексия: If the lesson was interesting for you, put this card ☺ into the box on my table. If the lesson was boring, put this card ☹ into the box. The lesson is over. Good bye.
- There are two species of squirrels in Britain – Red Squirrel and Grey Squirrel. The Red Squirrel is in fact Britain’s only native squirrel. Grey Squirrels have been living in Britain since 1876. A few thousand of them live in Wales and they are still common in Scotland. Their number in UK is about 150,000. Red Squirrels are very rare. You can find them in Scotland and some parts of the islands.
- In the UK the Red Foxes are common. They eat small animals such as field mice and rabbits but they will eat almost everything they can find. You can see Red Foxes in gardens in Britain’s big cities.
- There are two species of eagles in the UK – Golden Eagle and White-tailed Sea Eagle. Golden Eagles are now very rare. There is only one male Golden Eagle in England. In Scotland their number is better. There are about 450 pairs.
- In Britain, everyone’s favourite bird is the Robin. Robins are common visitors to people’s gardens.
- The most famous mammal in Britain is the Otter. Today you can find them in North Western Scotland, Devon and Cornwall.
- Neither a Stoat nor a Weasel is in any real danger of extinction in the UK. They are however threatened by hunting and poisoning because they tend to live around farms.
- Badgers are quite common in the British Isles. In past times badgers have been threatened by badger-baiting, a sport in which the badger was attacked by dogs. Now they are well protected by law.
- Atlantic Puffins are sea birds with bright orange rounded bills. They are not rare. You can see them on the islands such as Skomer Island, Puffin Island and Staffa Island.
- There are two species of deer in Britain – Red Deer and Fallow Deer. Fallow Deer have white spots on the skin. Red Deer are very big and live in Scotland.
- There are three most popular native snakes in the British Isles. They are the Adder, the Grass Snake and the Smooth Snake. The Adder is Britain’s only poisonous snake. Adders are Scotland’s native snakes. You can find them all over mainland UK, but not in Ireland. The Grass Snake is the largest of three British Snakes. It can be found in the southern regions of Britain. The Smooth Snake is not poisonous and is exceptionally rare in the British Isles.
Read the text “British Wildlife” quickly and match the photos with the paragraphs.
II. Read the text again and answer the questions:
1. What is the native squirrel in Britain?
2. Where can you see the Red Foxes in Britain?
3. What is the number of Golden Eagles in Scotland?
4. What bird is favourite for British people?
5. What is the most famous mammal in Britain?
6. Are Stoats and Weasels in danger of extinction now?
7. Are Badgers rare in British Isles?
8. Are the Atlantic Puffins birds or animals?
9. What is the difference between Red Deer and Fallow Deer?
10. What snakes are exceptionally rare in the British Isles?
Describe one of the animals:
Amur Tiger
Polar Bear
East-Siberian Leopard
Fallow Deer
Red Wolf
Snow Leopard
Steppe Eagle
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