"Урок развития устной речи по теме:" THE SEASONS" учитель английского языка МКОУ СОШ № 10 п.Лебединый Алданского района Серватовская Татьяна Александровна.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Урок развития устной речи разработан учителем английского языка. в нем показана методика проведения подобных уроков.
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Предварительный просмотр:
ЦЕЛИ: Развитие навыков и умений устной речи на иностранном языке.
ЯЗЫКОВОЙ МАТЕРИАЛ: стихи английских и американских поэтов, изученная по теме лексика, материал из хрестоматии “English Reader” (M.M. Fomin, N.V. Sitnikova), учебный материал пособия «Занимательный английский» (М.Н. Шамаева, В.В. Софронеева), дидактический материал «Национально-региональный компонент на уроках английского языка» (М.И. Шамаева, Семенова В.Д.)
ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ УРОКА: проектор, экран, муз. центр,
T. – Dear children, dear guests! I’m happy to greet you on such a lovely spring day and I hope that our English lesson will be a success. 1 минута
(учащиеся размещены по 2-м группам)
And now I want the students to try to guess the theme of the lesson.
1 Слайд: the weather is fine,
The sun usually shines,
The clouds are not in the sky
And the birds want to fly.
(варианты: the Seasons, the Weather, the Spring) 1 минута
T. – Yes, quite right you are! Today we are going to speak about spring. Because spring is one of the best seasons of the year. The weather is usually fine, the sun shines brightly and brooks are clear, the trees are getting green and birds return from hot countries. This season inspires poets and they dedicate their poems to this time; musicians compose their songs. It is the time of love, dreams and wishes.
And now I want you to share your dreams and wishes with the help of the Talking Chips. So, please take the chips and tell us what you are dreaming of, what your top wishes are. Each group has the monitor who will control your sayings and then will introduce the members of the team and tell us about your wishes. So, please, start on! 1 минута
(Учащиеся по очереди высказываются, выкладывая чипы на стол, как при игре в карты. Староста следит за тем, чтобы все члены группы высказались, затем подводит итог сказанному, представляя поименно своих товарищей по команде)
M.1 gr.: This is Rita. Her best wish is to get a good mark on maths today. This is Sasha. He dreams to travel to different countries. This is Kolya. He wants to become a champion in skiing. Now I want to introduce to you Sergey. He wants to see the film “AVATAR”. This is Vova. He dreams about the new computer game. My name is Vova too. I want to go to a camp this summer.
M. 2 gr.: This is Yana. She wants to have a new photo album. This is Dasha. She dreams to visit the USA. This is Julya. She dreams about million of roses. This is Julya too. She dreams to become a famous writer. This is me, Ira. After finishing school I want to become an economist )
4 минуты
T.- O’key. All dreams are worthy and I wish them come true. Thank you!
And now let’s continue our lesson. We say “spring, spring…”, but what are the signs of spring? Why do you like it? What is good and what is bad in it?
На доске написано SPRING
Учащиеся посредством технологии «Мозговой штурм» высказывают слова и выражения по теме «Весна» 5 минут
По окончании данного этапа доска выглядит следующим образом и являет собой «Карту памяти» - “Mind Map”:
Weather is changeable gets warmer
Dirty puddles appear SPRING snow melts
Ice breaks Sun shines brightly
People are tired birds return
Sometimes it rains, sometimes it snows flowers appear
Very slippery the school comes to an end
sloppy streets, days become longer nights shorter
Spring holidays:
Women’s Day, April Fool’s Day,
Seeing off the winter, Victory Day, Easter
T – Thank you, the opinions are different, but Russian people say “Nature has no bad weather”. As for me I like when spring comes. The air is fresh, the sky is blue, snow melts, sun shines, it’s so pleasant to spend much time outside, all people around you smile and don’t forget about spring holidays: the 8 th of March, the Seeing off Winter, April Fool’s Day, the Victory Day, Easter. As for Sakha people, they like spring very much. Winter lasts so long and they like the season, when nature awakes, and now, I want you work in your groups, using these words and word expressions on the blackboard describe spring in our republic. And then the representatives of each group will speak about spring at our place from the positive and negative points of view. We’ll do this task with the help of MIND MAP-technology.. 1 минута
(Звучит музыка «Времена года» Чайковский. Коллективная работа в группах. Учащиеся описывают весну в Якутии с разных позиций, учитель подводит итог): 3-4 минуты
Национально-региональный компонент: варианты ответов учащихся, представителей каждой из групп:
- In Yakutia spring begins in mid-March and lasts until June. After long-long winter comes the best season, when days become longer and nights shorter. Birds return from warmer countries and the bright sun melts the snow on the fields. Dirty puddles appear. People are tired of long winter. But spring is not only the loveliest season. It also threatens the people, living near the rivers with flood. Especially those who live in the basin of the river Lena. When ice on Lena breaks, it is a vigorous and bewitching sight. And people unite together to fight with the rigorous nature phenomenon.
- Our group decided to describe the spring in our settlement Lebediny. The winter at our place is frosty and snowy and people are tired of long winter. The spring begins only in April. All children wait spring impatiently. And at last the sun is shining brighter and brighter! Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Everybody is happy – a little bird, dogs and cats, trees and bushes and, of course children. They spend much time playing in the sun and in the clean, fresh, crystal air. Snowdrops, the first spring flowers, appear. For all young people a snowdrop is a symbol of love and youth. But on the other side spring shows the negatives of people’s living. Dirty yards, sloppy streets, and the hills of rubbish and used iron. A sad and joyless sight! 5 минут
T.: Let’s not speak about melancholy! But let’s count the expressions. The 1st gr. Used 5 expressions and the 2nd – 3, nobody used the spring holidays. But nevertheless both descriptions were worthy. 1 минута
(Национально-региональный компонент. Диалог культур)
Слайд 2 (портрет Роберта Фроста)
T – Thank you! We have already mentioned, that many poets wrote about spring. I want you to listen to one poem, written by the famous American poet Robert Frost. (Звучит аудиозапись с голосом носителя английского языка)
It is blue-butterfly day here in spring,
And with these sky-flakes down in flurry on flurry
There is more unmixed color on the wing
Than flowers will show for days unless they hurry.
But these are flowers that fly and all but sing:
And now from having ridden out desire
They lie closed over in the wind and cling
Where wheels have freshly sliced the April mire. 2 минуты
T – Do you know any poets, who wrote romantic poems, poems about nature?
(варианты ответов учащихся):
P1 – Fet
P2 – Okudzhava
P3 – Pushkin
P4 – Yesenin
P5 – Sakha poet – Semeyon Danilov.
Слайд 3 (портрет С.Т. Руфова)
T. – Do you remember the lesson, devoted to Shakespeare? We spoke there about well-known Yakut poet Semyon Titovich Rufov. Thanks to S. Rufov’s translation we can read pearls of English literature in Sakha. The sonnet’s translation was published in 1966. And now I want to give you sonnet No. 29 in the old English time of Shakespeare time and our Yakut teacher Larissa Anatolievna will read it in Sakha.
(Национально-региональный компонент. Диалог культур. Учитель читает сонет Шекспира на английском языке на фоне музыки.
Учитель якутского языка Захарова Л.А. – на якутском в переводе С.Т. Руфова.)
4 минуты
And I know, that some of our pupils also prepared the poems about spring. Please, children, you are welcome!
(учащиеся рассказывают стихи): 7 минут
T – Thank you, children! Thank you so much! Our lesson goes to an end and now, let’s try to make our own poems with the help of method of sink vain or “Pentametr”:
На экране:
Sink vain – соединение старого знания с новым – осмысленным, пережитым, выстроенным:
1-я строка – название темы;
2- я строка – описание действия в 2х словах – признаках, прилагательных;
3-я строка – описание действия в рамках этой темы 3мя словами;
4-я строка – это фраза из 4х слов, показывает отношение к теме;
5-я строка – синоним, который повторяет суть темы (количество слов произвольное).
1 минута
1 вариант (1 группа): 2 вариант (2 группа)
Spring! Spring!
Cool or warm, Slippery, dirty,
Like brilliant sparkles; People break legs,
It rains or it snows, it shines or it’s dark: They fell ill, sneezing and coughing
It’s beautiful! A damp season!
3 минуты
T – Thank you, children! You were super! You gave me some unforgettable moments! (оценки).
ЦЕЛЬ: Обучение чтению.
T – So, children, are you ready to continue our lesson? Aren’t you tired? Do you feel irritation or success? We’ll clear it up just now! Please look at the screen:
(на экране зарисовки с видами эмоций и варианты ответов) 3 минуты
1. Предтекстовые упражнения (Pre-reading stage). Подбор заголовка по первому абзацу
T – Thank you, children. I see that you are ready to continue our second lesson, which will be devoted to some forms of interactive reading. You are given a text, please take sheets with texts, but don’t read yet. First look at our screen, read the saying and say what you hope to find in the text?
Варианты: the climate of the UK
The weather in the UK 1 минута
The spring in the UK (записываются на доске)
2. Чтение текста с извлечением информации, 1 чтение (While –reading stage, 1 reading)
T – Now, please, read the text for the first time and choose the most suitable title.
(учащиеся читают текст в течение 1 минуты и выбирают наиболее подходящий заголовок, используют фразы типа “I think”, “to my mind”, “it seems to me») 1 минута
3. Чтение текста с извлечением подробной информации, 2 чтение (Detailed second reading)
T – Now, read the text for the second time for getting the details. 1 минута
British people say: “other countries have a climate, in England we have weather”. The British Isles have maritime type of climate, which is marked by mild and variable weather.
Really spring-like weather sets in about the middle of March. The grass turns green again. The warm days of late March bring the blackthorn into bloom. In the woods trees stand leafless, but on the banks of rivers or lakes one can see crowds of daffodils fluttering in the wind. Many English people think that white and golden daffodils are more beautiful than any other spring flowers.
April is the month of showers, therefore English people say: “April showers bring May flowers”. When it rains in April, everybody knows that it helps things to grow. In April the first cuckoo arrives and starts calling.
May is really one of the pleasantest periods of the year. The orchards are in blossom. Different kinds of fruit-trees flower at that time. Willows come into leaf first. There are still more flowers in May than in April. Red and white daisies, sky-blue forget-me-nots, primroses, and hyacinths bloom everywhere. The weather in May is rather quiet. It doesn’t rain so often as in April, but sometimes thunderstorms break out.
1. Вопросо-ответные упражнения
T – First of all, I want to ask some questions to you to make sure that you have understood the text. Say if you are agree or disagree with your friends, add something if you want to.
- Why do the British people say, that they have no climate?
(The British people have no climate, because it is very changeable)
(The British people say that they have no climate, only weather, because the British Isles have maritime type of climate, which is marked by mild and variable weather.
- When does the real spring come to the UK?
(Really spring-like weather sets in about the middle of March).
(We are quite agree with our friends)
- What can they see on the banks of rivers and lakes in March?
(They can see flowers)
(They can see crowds of white and golden daffodils, fluttering in the wind).
- What do the English say about April?
(To my mind they say, that April showers bring May flowers).
(We are quite agree with our friends)
5.The thunderstorms break out in April, don’t they?
(Yes, they do)
(Oh, no that’s not right. The thunderstorms usually break out in May). 5 минут
2. Работа с графическими органайзерами
T – And now we’ll work with some graphic organizers.
First, make a chain of events according to the text; put these graphic organizers into the order according to the text and read them aloud. I’ll give you 2 minutes.
- The grass turns green again.
- In the woods trees stand leafless.
- When it rains in April, everybody knows that it helps things to grow.
- The orchards are in blossom
- The weather in May is rather quiet.
2.1 The weather in Britain changes very often.
2.2 Really springtime sets in the middle of March.
2.3 Many English people think that white and golden daffodils are the most beautiful flowers in the world.
2.4 In April the first cuckoo starts calling. 2 минуты
2.5 Willows come into leaf earliest.
T – The next task is to fill in the spider-map. You need not write the phrases, use only numbers.
March | 1 | 2 | 5 | 11 |
April | 4 | 6 | 10 | 12 |
May | 3 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
1. First flowers appear in…. 2. Leafless trees stand in …. 3. Orchards in blossom are in …. 4. The cuckoo starts calling in …. 5. Spring-like weather begins in… 6. The season of showers is in … 7. Thunderstorms break out in … 8. Fruit-trees flower at that time. 9. The most pleasant period. 10. Things begin to grow. 11. Grass turns green. 12. Less flowers in….
3 минуты
T – And now compare the signs of spring in the UK and in Yakutia with the help of this graphic organizer. In these sheets you can see two circles. Please write the numbers of the sentences into the suitable sectors.
Yakutia Both the UK
1. Springtime comes in April.
- The rivers get free of ice.
- Spring weather sets in March.
- The sun shines brighter and brighter.
- April is the season of rains.
- On the banks of rivers and lakes one can see crowds of daffodils.
- There are more flowers in May than in April.
- The rivers seldom get frozen.
- Snow melts and great brooks run.
- It’s dirty and puddles appear.
- Trees are leafless in March. 3 минуты
T – Thank you, please tell us what is common in springtime in Britain and in Yakutia.
3. Послетекстовые упражнения. (Post- reading stage)
T - the next task is to make a diagram Please compare the springtime in Yakutia and in the UK
Snow melts Brooks, puddles first flowers the cuckoo calls orchards blossom
3 минуты
4. Рефлексия: T – Dear children, And now I want you to draw the story in these sheets of paper and defend your works. (учащиеся делают иллюстрации к тексту и защищают свои работы) 4 минуты
T – Dear children, dear guests, at the beginning of our lesson we have mentioned that spring is the season of love; our younger friends will sing a song about this fine feeling. 2 минуты
T – Thank you, dear children. Our lesson is over. It was a real success! I’m proud with such talented pupils! Sometimes we are not happy when it’s cool or wet in spring, but we wait for it’s coming impatiently. Our lesson came to an end and at home I’d like you to write a short essay about spring in Lebediny. If you like it – take an orange sheet of paper, if you don’t – take a green one/. Please write why you like or dislike the spring and of course you may use the technology of sinkvain. I say “Thank you “ for your active work and going to put good marks. Thank you, children, thank you guests. 1 минута
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