Срезовая работа для 4 класса к УМК "Английский в фокусе"
тест (английский язык) по теме

Срезовая работа для 4 класса к УМК "Английский в фокусе"  , 4 варианта.


Предварительный просмотр:

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант:                                                                         Вариант № 1

1. I   ( am, is, are)  at  the zoo.

2. We   ( is, are, am)  from Russia.

3. My sister ( have  got, has got ) a doll.

4. My   brother  and  I ( have got, has got ) a nice dog.

5. The  dog  ( like, likes, liking ) to play with my toys.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8.  We   ( write, are writing, writes ) a test now.

9.  There   ( is, are ) two children in the classroom.

10. There   ( is, are)  a banana  on the table.

11. I`ve  got ( a, an, - ) orange.

12. There  is  ( some, any ) milk in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How  ( much,  many) bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t  ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. My little brother has got  two  (tooth, tooths , teeth)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. My birthday   is  ( in, on ) October.

19. ( Luly, Luly`s) toys are in the box.

20. How old  ( are you, you are)?

21. John and Jane (was, were) on holiday last week.

22. Brian was at the shops on the (fifteen, fifteenth) of March.

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Larry has got many friends.

2. Kate can   read very well.

3. He is a driver.

4. We are swimming now.

5. She likes pizza.  

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

                                                                                                            Вариант №2

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. My mother ( am, is, are) at work.

2. I  ( am, is, are)  eleven.

3. We ( have  got, has got) a dog.

4. My brother ( have got, has got ) two friends.

5. He (likes, like, liking) to play soccer.

6. My sister ( go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( is swimming, swims ).

8. We  ( is reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) a ball in the box.

10. There  ( is, are) two apples on the table.

11. I`ve  got  ( a, an,-) aunt.

12. He has got ( some,  any) bananas.

13. Have you got  ( some, any) oranges?

14. How  ( many, much) butter do you need?

15. There aren`t  ( many, much) children  in the classroom.

16. How many ( foot, feet, foots) have you got?

17. My dog has got three ( puppies, puppy, puppys).

18. My birthday is ( in, on) September.

19. (Kate`s, Kate) dog is under the table.

20. What  ( are you, you are) doing?

21. Yesterday (was, were) a great day.

22. Ann was in London on the (seventeenth, seventeen) of February.

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. Mike has got a toy car.

3. Tom can climb.

4. We are writing a test.

5. Chuckles likes bananas.

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант:                                                      Вариант № 3

1. We   ( am, is, are)  at   home.

2. Bob   ( is, are, am)  five.

3.  Tom  ( have   got, has got ) a bike.

4. My   sister   and  I ( have got, has got ) a computer.

5. His   dog   ( like, likes, liking ) to run.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8. She can  (jump, jumps, to jump).

9.  There   ( is , are ) three books  on the  table.

10. There   ( is , are)  a girl     in the classroom.

11. I`ve   got  ( a, an, - ) uncle.

12. There   is  ( some, any ) orange juice in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got  ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How   (  much,  many)bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t   ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. Mr. Brown has got  two ( childs, children, son)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. ( This  / Those) are his balls.

19. ( Ann  , Ann’s) pen  is in the box.

20.  ( Do  you   / Are you)……….like to dance?

21. The food (was, were) nice at lunchtime.

22. I was in France on the (seven, seventh) of March.

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Tim has got many toys.

2. He can write very well.

3. We are pupils.

4.  Chuckles   is   climbing   now.

5. She   plays  tennis  every day.

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                                      Вариант №4

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I (   am , is, are)  from Russia.

2.  She   ( am , is, are)  six.

3. They (  have   got , has got) funny kittens.

4. My   brother   ( have got, has got )a mobile phone.

5. My friends (likes, like, liking) to play computer games.

6. I (   go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( rides,  is riding) his bike.

8. We   (  is  reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) toys in the box.

10. There   ( is , are) a  ball  under the table.

11. My   father  is  ( a, an,-) officer.

12. He has got ( some,   any) CDs.

13. Have you got   ( some,  any)  friends ?

14. How   ( many,  much) potatoes do you need?

15. There  isn’t  ( many, much )  meat in the  fridge.

16. I can see a lot of ( man,  men, mans) in the picture.

17. My   uncle has got two……(horse, horses, horse’s)

18. I like  (this, these  ) little house.

19. (Nina / Ninas/  Nina’s) toys are funny.

20. What  game ( do you play, are you play, are you playing) now?

21.The shops (was,  were) open yesterday.

22.Gary was at school on the (twentieth,  twenty) of March.

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. My sister   has got a teddy bear.

3. We can   read .

4. Kate is skating.

5. Larry plays at home.

Предварительный просмотр:

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант:                                                                         Вариант № 1

1. I   ( am, is, are)  at  the zoo.

2. We   ( is, are, am)  from Russia.

3. My sister ( have  got, has got ) a doll.

4. My   brother  and  I ( have got, has got ) a nice dog.

5. The  dog  ( like, likes, liking ) to play with my toys.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8.  We   ( write, are writing, writes ) a test now.

9.  There   ( is, are ) two children in the classroom.

10. There   ( is, are)  a banana  on the table.

11. I`ve  got ( a, an, - ) orange.

12. There  is  ( some, any ) milk in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How  ( much,  many) bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t  ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. My little brother has got  two  (tooth, tooths , teeth)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. My birthday   is  ( in, on ) October.

19. ( Luly, Luly`s) toys are in the box.

20. How old  ( are you, you are)?

21. John and Jane (was, were) on holiday last week.

22. Brian was at the shops on the (fifteen, fifteenth) of March.

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Larry has got many friends.

2. Kate can   read very well.

3. He is a driver.

4. We are swimming now.

5. She likes pizza.  

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

                                                                                                            Вариант №2

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. My mother ( am, is, are) at work.

2. I  ( am, is, are)  eleven.

3. We ( have  got, has got) a dog.

4. My brother ( have got, has got ) two friends.

5. He (likes, like, liking) to play soccer.

6. My sister ( go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( is swimming, swims ).

8. We  ( is reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) a ball in the box.

10. There  ( is, are) two apples on the table.

11. I`ve  got  ( a, an,-) aunt.

12. He has got ( some,  any) bananas.

13. Have you got  ( some, any) oranges?

14. How  ( many, much) butter do you need?

15. There aren`t  ( many, much) children  in the classroom.

16. How many ( foot, feet, foots) have you got?

17. My dog has got three ( puppies, puppy, puppys).

18. My birthday is ( in, on) September.

19. (Kate`s, Kate) dog is under the table.

20. What  ( are you, you are) doing?

21. Yesterday (was, were) a great day.

22. Ann was in London on the (seventeenth, seventeen) of February.

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. Mike has got a toy car.

3. Tom can climb.

4. We are writing a test.

5. Chuckles likes bananas.

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант:                                                      Вариант № 3

1. We   ( am, is, are)  at   home.

2. Bob   ( is, are, am)  five.

3.  Tom  ( have   got, has got ) a bike.

4. My   sister   and  I ( have got, has got ) a computer.

5. His   dog   ( like, likes, liking ) to run.

6. My father   ( works, working, work ) at the bakery.

7.  Look!  Larry   ( skate,  skates, skating, is skating).

8. She can  (jump, jumps, to jump).

9.  There   ( is , are ) three books  on the  table.

10. There   ( is , are)  a girl     in the classroom.

11. I`ve   got  ( a, an, - ) uncle.

12. There   is  ( some, any ) orange juice in the bottle.

13.  We haven`t got  ( some,  any ) cheese in the fridge.

14. How   (  much,  many)bread do you need?

15. There   aren`t   ( much, many) apples in the bag.

16. Mr. Brown has got  two ( childs, children, son)

17. Kate has got five (doll, mice, child)

18. ( This  / Those) are his balls.

19. ( Ann  , Ann’s) pen  is in the box.

20.  ( Do  you   / Are you)……….like to dance?

21. The food (was, were) nice at lunchtime.

22. I was in France on the (seven, seventh) of March.

Cделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. Tim has got many toys.

2. He can write very well.

3. We are pupils.

4.  Chuckles   is   climbing   now.

5. She   plays  tennis  every day.

Срезовая работа по английскому языку

Класс 4 ____       ФИ ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                                      Вариант №4

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I (   am , is, are)  from Russia.

2.  She   ( am , is, are)  six.

3. They (  have   got , has got) funny kittens.

4. My   brother   ( have got, has got )a mobile phone.

5. My friends (likes, like, liking) to play computer games.

6. I (   go, gos, goes) to school every day.

7. Look! Larry ( rides,  is riding) his bike.

8. We   (  is  reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

9. There (is, are) toys in the box.

10. There   ( is , are) a  ball  under the table.

11. My   father  is  ( a, an,-) officer.

12. He has got ( some,   any) CDs.

13. Have you got   ( some,  any)  friends ?

14. How   ( many,  much) potatoes do you need?

15. There  isn’t  ( many, much )  meat in the  fridge.

16. I can see a lot of ( man,  men, mans) in the picture.

17. My   uncle has got two……(horse, horses, horse’s)

18. I like  (this, these  ) little house.

19. (Nina / Ninas/  Nina’s) toys are funny.

20. What  game ( do you play, are you play, are you playing) now?

21.The shops (was,  were) open yesterday.

22.Gary was at school on the (twentieth,  twenty) of March.

Сделай предложения отрицательными и вопросительными:

1. She is a teacher.

2. My sister   has got a teddy bear.

3. We can   read .

4. Kate is skating.

5. Larry plays at home.

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