Субкультуры. Урок в 10 классе (УМК Кузовлев)
презентация к уроку английского языка (10 класс) по теме
Презентация к уроку "Субкультуры" включает в себя отработку изученных лексических единиц и содержит творческий проект ученицы " Моя субкультура". Данная работа может служить примером ученического проекта для других учащихся.
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At the lesson we are going to revise the information about subcultures , practise speaking, listen to the project, express our own point of view, read and discuss the text
Mind your pronunciation: punk, drugs, bright, night, violent, biker, rap, fan, hacker
To dress in a shocking way To show off To change the world to the best To rebel against the society To have your own values and beliefs To protest against the parents To try out all sort of options To be in a collective To reject everything Is it good or bad? To take drugs Model: In my opinion,__ is good\ bad.
appearance lifestyle traits of character values and beliefs music clothes LET`S HAVE A TALK ABOUT your own subculture
My own subculture The project was done by Belimova Olesya
I`d like to present a project about my own subculture. You know, teens are often influenced by so-called ``bad guys`` and begin to smoke, take drugs and drink. They reject everything and rebel against the older generation. Besides, they want to express their individuality.
I have read a lot about different subcultures, and now I know that each of them has good and bad features.
I want to create a subculture that has only good features. The name of my subculture is ``Joy``.
The members of ``Joy``don`t take drugs like hippies and don`t protest against the society like punks. They don`t wear the blackest black like goths. They like to show off but prefer bright colours and listen to dance music. They like to go in for sports They are active and have many hobbies.
Their behaviours don`t differ from social norms, they are optimistic and kind. They enjoy life and want all people to be happy. They like to be in a collective and have many friends.
I am against violence and the members of my subculture are against it too.
I hope that we will be the founders of a new subculture ``Joy``
Choose the sentences you think are true 1. The members of ``Joy`` reject everything. 2. This subculture has only good features. 3. They take drugs and protest against the society. 4.They like to show off. 5.They go in for sports. 6.They are pessimistic. 7. They don`t want all people to be happy. 8. They have many friends. 9.They like dance music.
Correct yourself: 1.- 2.+ 3.- 4.+ 5.+ 6.- 7. - 8.+ 9.+ no mistakes= 5 1-3 mistakes= 4 4-6 mistakes= 3 7-9 mistakes= 2
Read the sentence and choose one of the variants (like\ as) 1. Teens in Russia__ teens in the UK want to express their individuality. 2.Russian punks__ British punks dress in a shocking way. 3.Russian goths wear the blackest black__ goths all over the world. 4.Punks in Russia listen to agressive music__ punks in the UK do. 5.The members of ``Joy`` __ ravers want to be in a collective. 6.The members of ``Joy`` want to show off__ punks do. 1.like 2. like 3. like 4.as 5. like 6. as
Do you agree with the following facts? Read the sentence, translate it and express your opinion. 1. Young people are more violent than ever. 2.The members of any subculture are potential criminals. 3.Teens don`t live in a desert. Home and school are part of the individual environment.
ex.2 (c), p.87 Who does this opinion about youth subculture belong to: an elderly person, a middle-aged or a teenager? Let`s read the text
Make up 5-6 questions to the text
Home task: discuss the problem of violence in the society
To rebel against the society Like t o show off To cut their hair short To dress in a shocking way To enjoy soul music To wear the blackest black T o be the`wizards` of the computer community T o prefer scooters To listen to rock`n`roll To take drugs To create all-night dance parties To try out all sort of options One of you doesn`t know anything about subcultures. Another one knows a lot.
Subculture Goth Punk Mod Hippie Skinhead Rocker Biker Raver Hacker Feature Brightly coloured hair Reggae fans, very short hair The `dark` look Italian look Army boots, leather jackets Drugs and rock`n`roll 2 or 3 wheeled motobike Wizards of the computer world All-night dancing 1-3, 2-1, 3-4, 4-6, 5-2, 6-5, 7-7,8-9, 9-8
In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed the sea and he told us of his life In the land of submarines. So we sailed up to the sun Till we bound the sea of dream And we lived beneath the waves In our yellow submarine We all live in a yellow submarine...
0 ошибок= 5 2 ошибки= 4 4 ошибки= 3 6 ошибок= 2 Оцени себя
Оцени себя работа с текстом говорение тест грамматика true or false?
The next lesson:
1 What ideals do hippies have? 2 What should you wear to look like a traditional hippie? 3 Are hippies more socially active today? 4 Why do you think so? Read the text and answer the questions
True or false?
1.Their ideals include love, peace, freedom of self-expression and non-conformity to society`s rules. 2. You should wear worn-out blue jeans, long hair and a couple of chains to look like a traditional hippie. 3. Today hippies are more socially active. 4. They set up environmental groups and join charity projects.
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