Урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме "Испльзование мобильного телефона" в форме известного телевизионного шоу
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Данный материал может быть использован при проведении урока по теме " Использование мобильного телефона". Урок носит дискуссионный характер, построен на основе ток-шоу "Пусть говорят".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-дискуссия с элементами телевизионного шоу.
Тема урока: Использование мобильного телефона.
- формирование умений и навыков устного общения;
- развитие умения мыслить и излагать мысли на иностранном языке;
- расширение активного и пассивного вокобуляра;
- формирование своего личного мнения и умения его отстоять.
- развитие коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенции учащихся
- ноутбук, проекторная установка,
- аудиозапись, магнитофон,
- реквизит для инсценировки.
- сплотить коллектив;
- расширить кругозор;
- повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.
Ход урока.
1. Оргмомент (приветствие, беседа о дате, погоде, отсутствующих, Объявление темы, целей, задач урока ).
T.: Today we are going to talk about using mobile phones. At our lesson we’ll discuss positive
and negative factors of using phones , expand vocabulary, try to understand some speakers.
Блиц-опрос по теме:
Well, you know that people use mobile phones every day and everywhere.
- Have you got a mobile phone?
- Do you use it every day? What for?
- Why people choose to use mobile phones?
T: Today we are having an unusual lesson. I want to invite you to our TV-show, which is called
“Let’s talk about…” We’ll discuss using mobile phones. I’m glad to see our spectators. All of
you have got red and blue cards. If you agree with somebody’s opinion , please rise blue
cards. If you don’t agree – red cards.
My name is Olga and I’m a compere. So, let me introduce our special guests:
Donald Carbor – a professor of communication, Cambridge University.
Rachel – a pupil,
Patrick Kelly – a University student,
Mark – Rachel’s father.
There are lot’s of different ways of communication nowadays such as letters, telegrams, telephones and Internet, but perhaps the most popular one is a mobile phone . People choose to use mobile phones for communication because they are convenient. But some people are against mobile phones.
Compere :Good afternoon professor, what do you think about using mobile phones?
Professor:Well, I think it’s really very big problem. They are everywhere on the campus, going
from class to class all students have mobiles stuck to their ears. I hear kids say all
kinds of things on their phones, things I don’t want to hear about … silly, unnecessary
Compere: Let’s ask our spectators’ point. If you agree - rise blue cards, if you don’t agree – red
cards… You have risen red card , tell us about your opinion.
Sasha: In my opinion, mobile phones are small enough to fit into our pockets so we can easily
take it everywhere and always stay in touch. It’ s very important for my friends
Maria: Besides, mobile phones allow us not only to phone, but to send small messages , which is
very cheap. You can log on to the Net, pay for things, play games, take photos to send
to your friends. Very tempting!
Compere: Thank you. Patrick, do you support professor’ point?
Patrick Kelly: Well, maybe… but I have another point. Mobile phones are the perfect way to
organize last-minutes parties. Word spread fast from phone to phone. Before
people had mobile phones, how did they make plans for Saturday night?...
Compere: I can see your point, but…whose view do you support Mr. Crown, Rachel’s
Rachel’ father:I think that only older people should have them. Children are just wasting money
and time on them, and it could damage their health. A lot of teenagers are used to
taking their mobile phones to school now, but I don’t see the real need to because
schools will phone home if there are any problems.
Compere : By the way surveys show that teenagers are reading less and mobile use is
affecting the marks of secondary education.
Rachel: I think my father is not right. I believe it’s a good idea to have a mobile phone
with you everywhere, even at school, because in case of emergency we can
contact our parents ourselves to let them know that we are OK or to ask for help.
Besides, if we need some information or advice, we can always get in touch with
our friends or parents.
Besides I think using mobile phones help us to train our fingers. Tell me
please which fingers do you train using phones. Look at screen. It will help you.
Answer the questions: Which finger do you use:
a) to press the remote control button?
b) to text the message?
d) to count?
e) to dial a phone number?
Natasha/ spectator : I use only the thumb, it’s not useful. Using thumbs is so often in Japan that
the Japanese call teenagers “ thumb generation”. Scientists think that this shows
that modern technology can change the way our bodies grow
Rachel : Moreover, we can use mobile phones as calculators at the
lessons. Do you use it as a calculator? Let’s ask our spectators’ point. If you use
- rise blue cards, if you don’t use – red .
Compere: You have risen red card , tell us about your opinion.
Ivan: I use my phone as a calculator. I think it’s very easy and fast
Compere: Ok. OK. Lets count all together (6+6-8+24=28). I think you must train your
brains not fingers. Now let’s listen a cassette tape with foreigners’’ interwies.
If you agree - rise blue cards, if you don’t agree – red
You have risen red card , tell us about your opinion.
Compere : Dear guests, spectators thank you for being with us. Using mobile phones of
course is very convenient, but harmful for your health. We have discussed the
advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones, but I think it’s your
choice and each of us must be concerned about talking on your phone and
disturbing people near us.
3. Домашнее задание: написать небольшое сочинение о достоинствах и недостатках
использования телефона мобильного.
4. Names – your answers were full, pronunciation – ok. Your marks are 5.(Оценки за
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