Волшебный лес
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Данный пакет дидактических материалов можно применять на уроках английского языка для 7-х, 9-х классов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Magic Forest
Reader level 1
Hello! I am Comp!
Look! This is Magic Forest. You can see many
trees, flowers and animals. The trees can
speak, flowers can smile, animals can ask questions. You can see a lot of wonders and you can play great games in the forest. Welcome to the Magic Forest!
Draw – Нарисуй
Guess the way – Угадай путь
Match – Соедини
What is it? – Что это?
Colour – Раскрась
Circle – Обведи
Write – Напиши
Look at the text – Посмотри на текст
Choose – Выбери
Tell your friends – Расскажи друзьям
Count – Сосчитай
Make – Сделай
Draw an ABC line! Guess the way! C D
Unit A
It is a Magic Forest.
Guzel: Come on!
Marat: What is that?
Dima: Oh! Where are we?
Olga: Oh!
Marat: Look!
Shurale: Hello! I am Shurale. What is your name?
Guzel: My name is Guzel.
Shurale: Who are you?
Guzel: I am a girl.
Shurale: What is your name?
Marat: I am Marat.
Shurale: Are you a girl?
Marat: No. I am a boy.
Shurale: Hello! I am Shurale. And you?
Dima: My name is Dima. I am a boy. This is Olga.
Olga: I am a girl.
Shurale: I don’t understand. Help me!
Come on! – Вперёд!
I don’t understand. – Я не понимаю.
Help me! – Помогите мне!
1. Match.
I am Guzel
I am Dima
I am Comp
2. What is that? Circle.
| ||
It is a tree. | It is a tree. | It is a tree. | It is a tree. |
It is a forest. | It is a forest. | It is a forest. | It is a forest. |
It is a flower. | It is a flower. | It is a flower. | It is a flower. |
It is a boy. | It is a boy. | It is a boy. | It is a boy. |
Shurale: Thank you! Good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit D
Squirrel: Hello! I am a squirrel.
Olga: Is it your home?
Comp: The squirrel lives in a tree. She lives with a big family, but her home is small. She has not got a dining room, a kitchen and a bedroom.
Guzel: And I have four rooms!
Marat: I have a big living room! I watch TV in the living room.
Dima: My room is small. I do my homework, play and sleep in it.
Olga: I have a clean bathroom! I wash my face in the bathroom.
Marat: I have a nice bedroom, I sleep in it.
Squirrel: I want to have many rooms. Help me!
squirrel – белка
dining room – столовая
kitchen – кухня
bedroom – спальня
living room – гостиная
bathroom – ванная комната
- Make the Squirrel’s new house. Draw and tell your friends about it.
living room | kitchen | bedroom | bathroom |
- Match
dining room watch TV
kitchen wash
bedroom eat
living room cook
bathroom sleep
- Guess the wards
indgin moor ________________________
tchenki ____kitchen__________
rbmeood ________________________
oomrbaht _________________________
vlgini orom _________________________
Thank you! Good bye!
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit F
Marat: There is a shop in the forest!
Olga: Yes, it’s a Magic Forest!
Comp: Magic animals like different kinds of clothes. They wear dresses, blouses, T-shirts, shorts, trousers, tyubeteikas, kalfaks, boots, sandals. Oh, no! The wind is blowing. All the clothes are flying away.
Bear: I wear green trousers and a white shirt. Where are they?
Squirrel: I wear a yellow dress and a kalfak. Where are they?
Hare: I wear a red shirt, a tyubeteika and tatar boots. Where are they?
Animals: Help us!
different – разный
clothes – одежда
wear – носить
tyubeteika – тюбетейка
kalfak – калфак
sandals – сандалии
The wind is blowing. – Ветер дует.
All the clothes are flying away. – Вся одежда улетает.
- Draw, write and colour
T-shirt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tyubeteika _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- Match
shorts dress trousers T-shirt blouse
- Draw your clothes. Tell your friends.
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit G
Guzel: Hey! Who are you?
Wizard: I am a wizard. I’m lost. Where are we?
Dima: In Tatarstan.
Wizard: You speak English. Great! Who are you?
Guzel: We are pupils. I am from Bugulma. My name is Guzel.
Wizard: I am from London. London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s a big city. It’s on the Thames River. My parents are wizards too. I study at a magic school. My best friends are dragons.
Dima: I am Dima and this is my sister Olga.
Olga: We are from Elabuga.
Marat: Hello! My name’s Marat. I am from Kazan.
Wizard: Where is Kazan?
Olga: Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan.
Wizard: Have you got a river in Kazan?
Dima: We have the Volga River, the Kazanka River and a lot of bridges.
Wizard: Help me! I want to go home!
wizard – волшебник
capital – столица
city – город
river – река
study – учиться
bridge – мост
Great Britain – Великобритания
- Circle
- I can see the Kazanka river in London. Yes/No
- I can see many bridges in Kazan. Yes/No
- I can see the Thames River in Kazan. Yes/No
- I can see the Kremlin in Kazan. Yes/No
- I can see a bridge in London. Yes/No
- Write a letter to the wizard
My name is
I am
I am from
My family is
I have got
My best friend is
Best wishes,
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit E
Marat: Oh! It’s cold!
Olga: It’s windy. It’s autumn!
Guzel: But it’s July now! Why is it autumn?
Hare: It’s a Magic Forest! Hello! I am a hare.
Comp: Autumn is nice in Tatarstan. Trees are bright: green, yellow, red, orange. It’s often rainy. It is not sunny. Bears go to sleep in autumn.
Dima: Look! Snow!
Guzel: Is it winter?
Hare: Yes, it’s winter. Look! I’m white in winter and grey in summer. I like snowy days. I like winter. I play with snow.
Olga: But it’s cold! Help us!
- Guess three seasons. Write.
Dima: It’s sunny and warm! The trees are green. It’s spring.
Marat: But I like summer! Help me!
- Draw a picture.
It is summer. It is sunny. It is hot. You can see green trees. You can see many flowers.
autumn – осень cold - холодно
winter – зима now - сейчас
spring – весна bright – яркий
summer – лето warm – тепло
windy – ветрено hot – жарко
snowy – снежно nice – красивый
sunny – солнечно rainy – дождливо
Guzel: Look! Flowers!
Dima: It’s hot!
Olga: The hare is grey!
- Write the season
Hare likes _______________________.
Guzel likes _______________________.
Dima and Olga like _________________.
Marat likes _______________________.
Hare: You are great!
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit H
Shurale: You are great! You have the last task. Good luck!
last task – последнее задание
sea – море
few – мало
treasure – сокровище
chest – сундук
knowledge – знание
- Count and write
One _house_________
Three ________________
Four _________________
Five _________________
Six __________________
Eight ________________
Ten _________________
- Colour
1 – red 3
2 – white 2
3 – green
- Choose
We live in Tatarstan/ England.
London/Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan.
Kazan is a big/small city.
Kazan is on the Kazanka/Thames River.
There are a lot of seas/forests in Tatarstan.
Many/Few children live in Tatarstan.
In autumn they go to work/school.
- Open your treasure chest. Write the words.
My family
_______________________ Seasons _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ _______________________ ______________ Colours
Rooms _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________
Shurale: Your treasure is your knowledge!
Name: _____________________________
Form: _____________________________
completed the first level
of the “Magic Forest” game.
Teacher: ___________________________
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit C
Bear: Hello! I’m lost.
Dima: Who are you?
Bear: I’m a baby bear!
Marat: Where is your family?
Comp: This is a little bear. He has got a big family. He has got a mother, a father, two brothers and a sister. His mother cleans the house and cooks dinner. His father works in the forest. His brothers and a sister run in the forest and play…
Bear: …and I help my mother. Have you got any brothers or sisters?
Dima: I am Dima. This is my sister Olga.
Marat: My name is Marat. I have two brothers. I have a big family.
Guzel: I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. But I’ve got a mother, a father, a grandmother and a grandfather.
Bear: Grandmother? Who is it?
Guzel: M-m… my mother’s mother.
Bear: Cool! You are happy! Help me!
I’m lost. – Я потерялся.
Baby bear – медвежонок
clean – чистить
cook – готовить
work – работать
run – бегать
- Look at the text. Where is the baby bear’s family?
2. Do you like it? Draw a face.
Clean the house.
Run in the forest.
Cook dinner. Play.
Work in the forest. Help your mother.
3. Draw your family and tell your friends.
Предварительный просмотр:
Тезисы работы:
- Изучение английского языка ведется по учебно- методическому комплекту «Enjoy English-4».Авторы М.З.Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина, Е.А.Ленская. Каждый комплект включает : учебник, книгу для учителя, рабочую тетрадь и кассеты, которые помогают достичь наибольший учебно- воспитательный эффект. Содержание курсов полностью соответствуют требованиям федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования по иностранным языкам. Поэтому требуют использования дополнительных эффективных методов и технологий обучения: мультимидейные технологии, мозговой штурм, проектная методика, энергизаторы, групповая работа и т.д.
- Данный пакет дидактических материалов по английскому языку рекомендуется использовать на уроках иностранного языка в 7-9-х классах.
- Данные презентации можно использовать на бумажных носителях как раздаточный наглядно-дидактический материал.
- Прилагаются конспекты уроков с пратическим применением данного материала в 7-9-х классах.
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