материал по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Урок- викторина
Что? Где? Когда?
по теме:
Школьное образование России и США
Цель: Контроль навыков аудирования и говорения по теме «Школьное образование».
Задачи: Практиковать и контролировать учащихся в аудировании, монологической и диалогической речи.
Воспитательные задачи: Привить интерес к системе образования России и Америки.
Оснащение урока: 1.Лексические картины по теме.
2. Опоры по теме.
3. Магнитная запись для музыкальной паузы.
План урока
1. Оргмомент.
Teacher: Boys and girls! Today we shall have an unusual lesson. We have many guests at our lesson today. They are teachers of English from different districts of our republic. We shall show our guests how we can talk with our friends, how we can discuss about education of the USA and Russia. At last we shall have the game «What? Where? Why? ». There are two teams in our group: Russian and American children. I wish you good luck. Your prizes will be good marks. Our jury will be our guests.
2. Фонзарядка.
Ученик читает слова и выражения на доске.
to go to school (a primary/ a ninth year school )
to enter ( leave)…. school( a secondary /high school/ a gymnasium/ a lyceum
to learn (study)….at school (different subjects)
to be interested in…..
to do well (badly) in….
to have school traditions ( the Day of knowledge, the day of the Last Bell, the Day of Reunion of old classmates)
to pay tuition
to be run by…..
3. Речевая зарядка.
T-Cl We ll have the training of the teams. Ask the other team questions about the system of education in America and in Russia.
Our jury is working. Don’t forget.
4. Ролевая игра
Now we are going to practice role play. Imagine a group of teachers from America has arrived at your school. They take a great interest in the latest school reforms in Russia. Tell them about three levels of the Russian secondary education. Characterize each level from the point of view of the latest reform.
Imagine: A group of American students is receiving guests from Russia’s schools. It’s their first visit to America. You want to know about American schools. (Dialogue 6 p.39)
Imagine: You are TV reporters in the USA. Make up a short report about American schools.
5. Now we’ll play the game «What? Where? When?”
1.When do American children go to school?
2.What are the school years in American schools called?
3. How long do American children go to elementary school?
4. How long do American children go to high school?
5.Who is the first teacher in high school see students in the morning?
6.What are compulsory subjects called in America?
7. How are subjects chosen by students according to their ability and inclinations called?
8. What is one of big social events that takes place in high school?
9. Who leads everyone in shouts and cheers when their team is playing?
10.How do students from elementary to high school start each day?
11. What do they say while saluting the flag?
12. What is the US’s flag called?
13. What are the ceremonies for students who have done good work in school or who are excellent at sports?
14. What is the prize each student gets when he/she graduates from school?
15. What kind of schools are there in the USA?
16. Do American students of all schools wear school uniform?
17. What is the marking system used at American schools?
18.Do students pay to study at colleges and universities?
19.What degrees can students take?
20.When do Russian children begin to go to school?
21.What kind if schools are there in Russia?
22.How many years does the secondary education take in Russia?
23.What are the longest holidays of an academic year?
24. What innovations have been introduced in Russia?
6. Заключительная часть урока. Подсчет очков. Подведение итогов .
Teacher: Our time is out. Let’s give a word to our guests. The team of …… has won. Their score is…….Their opponent’s score is….. .
I think that your marks are 5-s for today. You really were active and tried your best. My congratulations on your awards.
Good luck for everybody.
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