Урок 11 класс "Non-verbal means of communication"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Латышева Ирина Петровна



Урок “Non-verbal means of communication” – Body language


Класс: 11 класс



  • развитие навыков культуры поведения и контроль своих эмоций в общении с окружающими людьми,
  • умение использовать невербальные средства при общении с носителями языка
  • формирование компенсаторных умений


Задачи урока:

  • развитие монологической и диалогической речи
  • повышение значения невербальных средств коммуникации  (через картинку, фото, демонстрацию учителем)
  • повторение прилагательных, обозначающих физические и эмоциональные состояния предметов, людей
  • формирование навыков при чтении, говорении



картинки, фотографии людей, их эмоциональные выражения, диалог для практики устной речи, текст с пропущенными словами


Ход урока




Good morning dear boys and girls and our guests!

How are you today? You may use gestures to express your mood. Nice of you.



догадка о теме урока

(слайд 1)

 Look at the slide, you can see two images, what do they mean?

 Is there association between them? Is it difficult for you to guess?

на доске два изображения (язык и тело)

определение темы урока,

Узнают термины «Язык тела»


Can our body speak? How do we call it in one word?


body language

(рисуют диаграмму название“Body language”, gestures, clothes, face expressions, touches, sounds

Let’s try to analyze what our body language consists of?


Today , it is a good chance  to welcome you to this wonderful, amazing and exciting world. We’ll try to open the secrets of your body, not all, but some of them, using the non-verbal means of communication, which you have already mentioned.


Игра разминка


At the beginning of our work, let’s play the game, which is named “Gestures”. You are showing the  action, which you are listening to.

Are you ready?

shake hands with your partner

make a happy face

cross your fingers

stick your tongue out (say Ah)

bow your head

twiddle your pen

clench your fist

point at smth

shrug your shoulders

wink to your teacher

clap  your hands.


Good job!






Psychological exercise

“The Face Moves”

Facial expression is an important channel of non-verbal communication. What is a role of it?


There is another game “The face moves”. You will enjoy it.


1 Sad - Think about how your face and posture change when you are feeling sad or lonely.

1                      Place your fingertips at the corners of your mouth.  When you are sad or lonely, the corners of your mouth turn down, (practice sad, relax, sad, relax...)

        2Angry - Think about how your face and posture change when you are feeling angry.

         Place your fingertips on your eyebrows; now pretend you are angry.  Your eyebrows go toward each other or inward.  Practice.

3 Happy - When you are happy you are usually smiling.  Think about how your face and posture change when you are feeling happy or proud.

       Place your fingertips on your cheeks; now smile.  What happens to your cheeks?  Your cheeks rise up.  Practice.


Look at the slide.


How does the character feel in this drawing?

How do you know how character feels?

When do you feel this way?

If you don’t like the way you feel, what do you do to feel better?


People smile when they are happy and frown when they are sad.


Another way of showing your feelings as we’ve said it is our clothes.


What can you say looking at these photos?



What do your clothes say about you?

Business people usually wear expensive suits, people in the entertainment wear glamorous outfits, teenagers prefer designer clothes, sporty style.

П. Слова по теме «Прилагательные, выражающие эмоции и признаки предметов»

Now, let’s play a little. You should say these sentences, but emphasized the words in italics with gestures.

  1. The track is round.
  2. Michael Jordon is really tall.
  3. There is still one problem.
  4. She was so happy after the wedding.
  5. This dinner is very good.
  6. English is a difficult language.
  7. We are going to win!
  8. Prices keep going up.
  9. We can do it together.
  10. We expect bad profits this year.
  11. Eat right and stay healthy.

учащиеся с помощью жестов показывают прилагательные, выделенные курсивом.

введение жестов и их значений

Look at the pictures of gestures  and say their meaning  in our culture, and what do they  mean in English-speaking countries, if you know about it.

(слайд 6)

l      1.Turkey: Homosexual

l      Commonly: Perfect

l      Japan: Money


(слайд 7)


l      Turkey: Right wing political party

l      Commonly: OK

l      Japan: five


 (слайд 8)


l      Turkey: You get nothing from me

l      Commonly: Stop, enough

l      W. Africa: You have 5 fathers!


(слайд 9)


l      Turkey: obscene gesture

l      No such gesture in English

l      Brazil: Good luck


(in American English   (give the finger),

Nuts to you!  (Кукиш тебе)


While all cultures share the same emotions, the form of communication can be different. What can mean in one country, can often mean something completely different in another.


Well done!

учащиеся определяют значения жестов в нашей стране и стране/странах изучаемого языка


Let’s work in pairs. Student B replies silently to half of a dialogue read by Student A, then A replies to half of a dialogue. Both of you become familiar with the dialogue, then act out the dialogue using expressions, gestures and postures.  I give you some minutes for thought and rehearsal. During acting out you should stand  up to practice your posture and whole body language.


учащиеся разыгрывают диалог

Вставь недостающие слова, используй жесты вместо них

The speaker is very boring, because he is not using gestures and words. The missed words mean gestures in the pictures. Choose gestures from below to help emphasize the important parts of his talk. Read the speech out loud to your classmates. Don’t forget to gesture.


Good afternoon, my name is Bob Hartland from Austin, Texas.  I think that there are three          reasons why you should visit my hometown.  The first          is that Austin has the longest  running blues festival in America.  Second, some of the hottest and most powerful  tasting chili in the world is made there.  But, most important every year 500,000  people from around the United States come for the South by Southwest Music Festival and the number is increasing  every year.  So come on down to Austin.  How can so many people be wrong?

Good job!

Thanks a lot for you work today. It is time to say Good-bye!

At the end of the lesson I want to ask you to write  some words what  Body language  means for you.

It is a kind of creative work .

Line 1 -  one word for the topic
Line 2 -  2 words to describes your topic 
Line 3 -  3 words that describes the actions relating to your topic 
Line 4 - 4 words that describes the feelings relating to your topic 
Line 5 - one word that is another name for your topic









учащиеся вписывают недостающие слова и читают речь Боба, вместо пропущенных слов используют жесты.























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