Конспект урока по английскому языку "Means of Communication"
план-конспект урока (8 класс) на тему
Конспект предназначен для проведения урока по английскому языку в 8 классе (учебник М. Кауфман и М. Кауфман "Happy English.ru").
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Урок по теме “Means of communication.” 8 класс (Учебник К. Кауфман Happy English. ru)
Тема: «Средства сообщения»
Тип урока: речевой
Вид урока: урок обучения грамматике, развитие навыков устной речи.
Цель урока: развитие навыков и умений речевой деятельности (монологическая и диалогическая речь)
Задачи: 1) Формировать лексические навыки по теме «Средства сообщения» 2) Развивать умения учащихся воспринимать текст на слух и понимать его содержание. 3) Активизировать употребление в речи учащихся модальных глаголов. 4) Практиковать учащихся в чтении.
Методы: исследовательский
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент.
Good morning, today we are going to speak about different means of communication in the modern world. Also we are going to show you our computer presentations, then we’ll read a little, listen to the text and do the exercises.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. Listen and repeat after me.
Communication, to connect, to send, to receive, new technologies, messages, to keep in touch, invitation cards, to surf the Internet, to confirm, to fax.
3. Речевая зарядка. Please, try to answer the questions. (ex. 7., p. 74)
Who invented the telephone?
Who invented the stamp?
Who invented the telegraph?
Who invented the e- mail?
Who invented the alphabet?
4. Презентация проекта. (Computer presentation)
Ведущие: Good morning dear teachers, children and guests. We welcome you to our conference devoted to different means of communication. Today people communicate a lot because they have a lot of different devices.
A few centuries ago people knew only a few kinds of communication. They could speak to each other, they could send their messengers from one place to another by smoke signals, they used mail and later on they also had some newspapers. Then radio and television were invented.
Today people can’t live without communication either, because they need it for their work, study, leisure. A lot of people have friends and relatives who live far away.
And fortunately there are a lot of different means of communication in modern world that can help us to keep in touch.
They are the post, the telephone, the Internet, etc.. And now we are going to tell you all we know about it.
Pupil 1.
Post is probably the means of communication. In the ancient times when there were no post offices and letter boxes, oldest no paper, people used birds and other animals as messengers.
At first it was very expensive to use it as the person who received a letter had to pay. Then a postage stamp appeared in 1857. And it became easier to send letters and postcards.
Nowadays the post is a reliable organization that exists throughout the world. It delievers letters, newspapers, parcels.
Though there are many other different means of communication people like to receive letters very much. It’s better to get a postcard than an e-mail.
The building of the post office usually accommodates the telegraph. There are different kinds of telegrams: ordinary, urgent, express, etc.
Pupil:- Do you often go to the post office?
Pupil 2. E-MAIL.
There are some other means of communication which are becoming very popular nowadays, for example e-mail, which allow you to keep in touch through the Internet. Clicking the mouse is very convenient. You needn’t go to the post office to send a letter or a telegram. You need only to write a postcard and your computer will send it automatically to all your friends. Also you can ask your friends to confirm receipt of your postcard, so you know, they received it or not.
The great thing about e-mail is that you can choose when or whether to answer them. Also when you write them you can think about what you want to say and get your thoughts in order. Besides you can carry on surfing the Net or doing your homework while you are writing for a reply. You needn’t even worry about pens and papers.
Moreover the Internet has created a new world of more information and communication. A lot of people have computers now and computers are equipped with microphones and webcams so you can see and hear each other. You don’t have to pay extra for the conversation.
Pupil: - Are you a fan of new technologies?
Pupil 3.
The most popular way of communication is a mobile phone. People choose to use mobile phones for communication because they are very convenient. First of all they are small enough to fit into our pockets so we can take it easily everywhere and always stay in touch. Perhaps it’s a good idea to have a mobile with you everywhere even at school, because we can contact our parents to let them know that we are OK or to ask for help. Besides if we need some information or advice we can always get in touch with our friends or parents.
Moreover we can use mobile phones as calculators at our lessons. Using a mobile phone is the best way to arrange a meeting or to tell our parents that we are going to be late. Also you can send a message from your mobile phone. Messages are very cheap now, so it won’t cost you a lot. If you have one of the new multimedia mobile you can log on the Net, pay for the things, play games, interact with TV programmes and take photos to send to your friends.
Pupil: Do you have a mobile phone?
Pupil 4.
In old times it was very difficult for people to communicate if they were far away from each other. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. It was great. People could speak even if they didn’t see each other. Soon telephones became popular. People liked the invention very much and used it with great pleasure. It was convenient.
Nowadays telephones are very popular too. They save our time very much. You needn’t think about ink and paper; you needn’t go anywhere to buy an envelope and to post the letter. People use telephones to speak to their relatives or friends, they call on business, they tell the news or make appointments. People got used to telephones and now they can’t live without them. There are a lot of telephones companies in the world but the largest of them is the Bell Telephone Company.
Pupil – Are telephones still popular?
Pupil 5.
Ordinary letters are used very often nowadays. They are especially popular for sending documents. Another reason why people continue using ordinary mail is sending information cards. The form of communication very much depends on the purpose. Written communication is preferred in business because you have to think carefully about what you are going to say. So writing letters is back on top again.
Another reason why people will continue using ordinary letters is sending invitation cards or a postcard. It’s a great pleasure for a person to get a beautiful postcard not a text massage or e-mail.
Pupil: - Do you think many people write letters nowadays?
Pupil 6.
The Skype is one more modern device connected with the Internet. It’s possible to use it if your computer is equipped with a webcam and a microphone. Using the Skype is very convenient. You can connect with people if they are not only in your country but also abroad. Another advantage of this device is that you can communicate with a few people at the same time. Such kind of communication is called conference connection. Also you can use the Skype in business working together from different offices. The Skype gives us a possibility not only to talk to each other but also to see a person at the same time. If you can’t talk to a person you can leave a message. When you have the Skype on your computer it’s possible to send not only messages or use it for talking you can also send and get photos, music, films, etc. Besides it’s rather cheap even cheaper than a telephone call. You simply make a call and you are on line.
This mean of communication is rather new but it becomes very popular. People use it in business, in their study or simply when they have time to talk to each other.
Pupil:- Do you have the Skype on your computer?
Pupil 7.
There are many people who are not big fans of new technologies. They prefer person to person communication over a cup of coffee without interruption. Maybe it’s old-fashioned but people understand each other better.
When you see your friends you not only get the news but also you can understand how they feel about it. And you can understand at once that a person has a problem. You can’t always do that on the phone or with any other method.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to find some free time to meet your friend but if you have the time it’s a real pleasure to be with your friends. Usually you have much in common with them, you have a lot of things to discuss, you can easily express your thoughts and share opinions, you can trust your secrets and it’s impossible to do with the help of the telephone calls or messages or e-mail.
Pupil: - What kind of communication do you prefer?
Ведущие: Now you can see that people have a wide choice of modern devices. And they can use what is more convenient for them in this or that situation. All these things make our life easier and more interesting and help us a lot.
5. Аудирование
Fax deals with transmission of written message, drawings, graphics, pictures or any other things which cannot be sent through telegraphs, telephones or teleprinters. This machine operates by sending electrical impulses. Connection can be made over very long distances using the public telephones net works or radio links.
Fax is perhaps the speediest system presently available and transmitting and receiving a standard letter size document takes about four minutes. All the things can be transmitted effectively.
1. Fax deals with transmission of
a. parcels b. messages and pictures c. bags and books
2. Fax deals with transmission of written message, drawings, graphics, pictures or any other things which cannot be sent through
a. TV b. telegraphs, telephones c. radio
3. This machine operates by sending
a. electrical impulses b. ultraviolet light c. magnetic waves
4. Fax is perhaps the speediest system which sends messages at about
a. five minutes b. four minutes c. ten minutes
5. Connection can be made over
a. short distances b. long distances c. not very long distances
6. Работа с текстом.
Just ten years ago, very few people heard about the Internet. Now it’s nearly as common and useful as the telephone. On the one hand, the development of the Internet has brought new opportunities to many people. Its users can already buy books, find out about holiday offers, book tickets and get all sorts of information from the Internet. The Internet will also allow a lot of talented people to show the world their achievements. Some people think that in the future, we’ll get entertainment from the Net and the television will probably disappear. The postal service may also disappear with the increasing use of e-mail. As more and more people use the Internet, as it becomes cheaper and faster and easier to use, there will be new things on the Internet that we cannot imagine today.
But on the other hand, the possibilities of the internet may be dangerous because teenagers spend a lot of time chatting or playing computer games.
The Internet seems to have changed our world for the better and we must try to make the best use of it.
1. When did the Internet appear in Russia?
2. Do many people use the Internet nowadays?
3. What does the Internet allow us to do?
4. Can the Internet help people?
5. What are the disadvantages of the Internet?
7. Выполнение упражнения . Fill in the gaps using modal verbs( be able to, can, must)
1. We … to make the report tomorrow. 2. He … ski when he was four. 3. You … come and see us. 4. She … to translate the text yesterday. 5. Their friends .. speak two foreign languages.
8. Выполнение упражнения.Fill in the articles.
1. … New York is one of the … biggest cities in … USA. 2. I like … juice. 3. She always has a rest in … Caucasus. 4. My friend knows … English and …German. 5. I have never been to … Bolshoy Theatre.
9. Домашнее задание. Make up the dialogues on the topic.
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