Открытый урок английского языка в 8 классе по теме: "Means of communication.Modal verbs"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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План – конспект урока по английскому языку в 8 классе
Тема: Means of communication. Modal verbs.
Цели урока: 1. Познакомить учащихся с великими изобретениями в рамках речевой ситуации «Средства коммуникации и их роль в обществе» и обучать кратко высказываться о фактах и событиях, изложенных в текстах. 2. Познакомить учащихся с употреблением артикля с обобщающим значением. 3. Развивать умение находить ответы на вопросы в воспринимаемом на слух тексте. 4. Обучать ознакомительному чтению, выбирая из текста главное и опуская второстепенное. Учебные пособия: Учебник K. Kaufman M. Kaufman Happy English.ru, рабочая тетрадь, магнитофон, компьютер.
План урока:
1. Организационный момент. Фонетическая зарядка.
2. Проверка домашнего задания – работа с текстами по Work book.
3. Аудирование и практика говорения.
4. Физкультминутка.
5. Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом – артикль the перед существительными с обобщающим значением.
6. Практические упражнения с использованием программы «Профессор Хиггинс».
7. Подведение итогов урока и домашнее задание.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент. Рапорт дежурного. Задания к уроку.
- Слайд №1
Слайд №2
2. Фонетическая зарядка по материалу домашнего задания. [reI tOmlInsqn] Ray Tomlinson [IlISq greI] Elisha Gray [grxm bel] Graham Bell [sxmjuql mO:s] Samuel Morse [roulqnd hIl] Roland Hill [faIbqz] fibres [kxdmqs] Cadmus [wxks] wax [IdZIpSqnz] the Egyptians [IdZIpt] Egypt [CaInJz] the Chinese
Слайд №3
Слайд №4
2.Проверка домашнего задания - упр.7, с.74.
3. Беседа с учащимися о средствах коммуникации
Teacher: Now let’s speak about the main mass-media, our means of communication.
T: Do you like reading newspapers?
P: Yes, I do.
T: What newspapers do the members of your family prefer reading? F.eg. your mother?
P: My mother likes reading….
T: What do people read newspapers for?
P: They want to learn some news (TV programme, horoscopes, weather forecast, etc.)
Teacher: So students, when television arrived, many people predicted that radio would disappear. They were wrong. Since the arrival of television, radio audiences has increased, and radio now has more listeners than ever before. Radio has changed I think that radio has become the most important media for music.
T: What do you think, when do the people listen to the radio nowadays?
P: I think that many people now listen to the radio while they are working or relaxing.
T: What radio stations do you prefer to listen?
P: I prefer to listen to ….
2.Teacher: And now tell me what types of mass-media do you know?
P: I know TV, the Internet, newspapers and radio.
T: What types of mass-media do you use in your everyday life?
P: In my everyday life I usually use TV, the Internet, radio and newspapers.
Teacher: What things can you call a means of communication?
3.Работа с текстами. Read the “Ink” text and answer the questions.
Teacher: Read the “Ink” text and answer the questions.
Слайд №5
1.Ink and paper
People invented ink before 2500BC. Some books say that it was the Chinese, but probably the Egyptians invented it at the same time. However, the whole world knows the name of the Chinese philosopher, Tien-Lcheu, (2697BC), who used ink to write with.Paper came from China, in the second century BC. The oldest piece of paper in the world is made from hemp. The archaeologists found it in a tomb near Xian, in China. They think the Chinese made it between 140 and 87 BC.
Вопросы и ответы:
People invented ink more than four thousand years ago, didn’t they?
Yes, they did.
2.Did the Chinese and the Egyptians invent ink at the same time?
Yes, they did.
3.Where did the first man who used ink come from?
He came from China.
Слайд №6.
Teacher: Writing is very important. Read the “Means of writing and letters” text and answer the questions and the “Paper” text and write True or False.
1. Who made the first writing stylus? The Greeks did.
2. Did the Greeks write their messages on paper? No, they didnt. There were wax-coated tablets. 3. How did Cadmus send his messages? He sent his messages by foot messengers.
Текст Means of writing
The earliest means of writing that approached pen and paper as we know them today was developed by the Greeks. They employed a writing stylus, made of metal, bone or ivory, to place marks upon wax-coated tablets. The tablets made in hinged pairs, closed to protect the scribe's notes. The first examples of handwriting (purely text messages made by hand) originated in Greece. The Grecian scholar, Cadmus invented the written letter - text messages on paper sent from one individual to another.Writing was advancing beyond chiseling pictures into stone or wedging pictographs into wet clay. The Chinese invented and perfected 'Indian Ink'. Originally designed for blacking the surfaces of raised stone-carved hieroglyphics, the ink was a mixture of soot from pine smoke and lamp oil mixed with the gelatin of donkey skin and musk. The ink invented by the Chinese philosopher, Tien-Lcheu (2697 B.C.), became common by the year 1200 B.C. Other cultures developed inks using the natural dyes and colors derived from berries, plants and minerals. In early writings, different colored inks had ritual meaning attached to each color.papyrus and parchment papersThe invention of inks paralleled the introduction of paper. The early Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Hebrews, used papyrus and parchment papers. One of the oldest pieces of writing on papyrus known to us today is the Egyptian "Prisse Papyrus" which dates back to 2000 B.C. The Romans created a reed-pen perfect for parchment and ink, from the hollow tubular-stems of marsh grasses, especially from the jointed bamboo plant. They converted bamboo stems into a primitive form of fountain pen. They cut one end into the form of a pen nib or point. A writing fluid or ink filled the stem, squeezing the reed forced fluid to the nib.
Teacher: Read the Paper text and write True or False.
1. Paper came from Turkey. F 2. The Chinese learned about paper in the second century AD. F 3. The oldest piece of paper was made of hemp fibres. T 4. The archaeologists found the oldest piece of paper in a tomb. T
Teacher: Children, look through the “Telegraph” text and answer the questions
Слайд №7
Текст «Telegraph»
The word comes from Greek and means «to write far». In other words, it is a communication system which transmits signals. In 1835 a professor of arts and design at New York University, Samuel Morse, developed telegraph wires. He also invented Morse code, an electronic alphabet. With the help of that alphabet it was possible to code the letters and sings of a language.
What does the word “telegraph” mean?
It means “to write far”
Does the telegraph transmit signals? Yes, it does.
Who invented the electronic alphabet? Samuel Morse did.
What was it possible to do with the help of Morse code? It was possible to code the letters and signs of a language.
Which two cities did the first telegraph connect? It connected Washington and Baltimore.
Teacher: Do you often have a telephone call? Read the Telephone text for the detail and choose the correct answers to the questions.
Слайд №8
.1. February 14, 1876 was the day when a) Morse invented his code b) Bell invented the telephone c) Rowland Hill invented the first stamp 2. Bells invention was able a) to send letters b) to code the letters of the alphabet c) to transmit the sound of the voice by wire over long distances. 3. Elisha Grey didnt become the inventor of the telephones because a) Bells invention was better b) he didnt know the address of the patent office of the patent office c) Bell arrived at the patent office two hours before him. c) Bell arrived at the patent office two hours before him. 4. In 1891 there were a) 778 telephones b) six telephones c) five million telephones. Read the “Telephone” text for the detail and choose the correct answers to the questions.
1. February 14, 1876 was the day when
a) Morse invented his code b) Bell invented the telephone
c) Rowland Hill invented the first stamp
2. Bell’s invention was able
a) to send letters b) to code the letters of the alphabet
c) to transmit the sound of the voice by wire over long distances.
3. Elisha Grey didn’t become the inventor of the telephones because
a) Bell’s invention was better b) he didn’t know the address
of the patent office
c) Bell arrived at the patent office two hours before him.
4. In 1891 there were a) 778 telephones b) six telephones c) five million telephones.
What does @ mean?
Слайд №9
Teacher: Сhildren, please, scan the “E-mail” text and find the right sentences. (Ознакомительное чтение. Верные высказывания выделены жирным шрифтом)
1. A lot of people were trying to invent e-mail.
2. An American, Ray Tomlinson, was working on a programme called SNDMSG (send message).
3. With the SNDMSG programme the people in his company were able to send messages to each other.
4. With the second programme (CYPNET) users were able to send files between linked computers.
5. Ray Tomlinson put the two programmes together and users were able to send messages, not just files, to other computers.
6. E-mail address is the same as your postal address.
7. The @ symbol means “at”.
8. Petrov@obninsk.com means (пользователь Петров на
компьютере obninsk.com).
9. It took Ray Tomlinson years to invent e-mail.
10. Ray Tomlinson got a Nobel Prize for his invention.
1. A lot of people were trying to invent e-mail. 2. An American, Ray Tomlinson, was working on a programme called SNDMSG (send message). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. With the SNDMSG programme the people in his company were able to send messages to each other. 4. With the second programme (CYPNET) users were able to send files between linked computers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Ray Tomlinson put the two programmes together and users were able to send messages, not just files, to other computers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. E-mail address is the same as your postal address. 7. The @ symbol means at. ------------------------------------ 8888.... P P P P eeee tttt rrrr oooo vvvv @@@@ oooo bbbb nnnn iiii nnnn ssss kkkk.... cccc oooo mmmm means (пользователь Петров на компьютере obninsk.com). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. It took Ray Tomlinson years to invent e-mail. 10. Ray Tomlinson got a Nobel Prize for his invention.
4. Аудирование и практика говорения. Практика аудирования.
Упражнение 3 стр. 73.
Слайд № 10
Teacher: Now listen the text and check one of your answers. Answer the questions.(Ex.3,p73)
Did yоu know that а yellow lilу means “happiness” but а yellow carnation means “nо”? Yes, flowers can bе а means of communication too.
For centuries people have communicated flowers. They were often able to say things that people couldn't say to each other. This tradition goes back to ancient Egypt, China and Greece, but the language of flowers bесаmе really popular in Victorian times. Реорlе who were in lovе used flowers to send secret messages to each other.
1. Саn flowers bе а means of communication? Ответ - Yes.it can be a means of communication
2. What does the lilу mean?ответ - happiness
3. What does the yellow carnation mean? Ответ - Реорlе who were in lovе used flowers to send secret messages to each other.
Слайд №11
Hands up! Hands down!
(поднимают и опускают руки)
Hands on hips! Sit down!
(руки на пояс, садятся)
Hands up! To the sides!
(руки наверх, в стороны)
Bend left! Bend right!
(наклоняются влево, вправо)
One, two, three... Hop!
One, two, three... Stop!
Stand still!(успокаиваются)
6. Работа с информацией по теме(изображения средств коммуникации,ответы на вопросы) Teacher: Answer the questions, please:
1.Which of these things can you call a means of communication?
2. How can you use them to communicate?
3. Which of these means of communication do you take for granted?
Работа с учебником. Выполнение упр. 4 стр. 73 Listen, follow the text and mark the answer. Слайд №13 Ответы:
1. What did people do when they didn't have the alphabet? The people drew picture on the walls.
2. What did people do when they didn’t have post offices?People still wrote letters.
3. What did people do when they didn’t have the telephone and the telegraph? The people have a foot messengers
7.Повторение грамматического материала
Слайд №14
Teacher: Look through to the picture and following this sentences.
Если мы хотим рассказать о том, что умеем делать, то употребляем модальный глагол сan
Если нужно спросить о разрешении что-то выполнить, то мы используем глагол may
Модальный глагол must употребляется, когда нужно сказать о….
Форма модальных глаголов для всех лиц и чисел…
После модальных глаголов основной глагол употребляется….
В отрицательных предложениях частица not ставится после модального глагола
Чтобы задать вопрос к предложению с модальным глаголом , нужно нужно поставить модальный глагол на первое место.потом подлежащее, потом основной глагол, далее второстепенные члены предложения
7. Повторение грамматического материала
Выполнение грамматического упражнения по теме: «Модальные глаголы».
Слайд №15 Используя лексику, постройте правильные предложения
Teacher: Answer the questions
1. can / you / help / I ?
2. English / read / must / books / we / .
3. come / may / I / in / ?
4. you / speak / English / can / ?
5. may / I / open / the / window/ .
6. I ? learn / must / this / poem / ?
Повторение модальных глаголов
Слайд №16
Say what we must or mustn’t do to be healthy and fit:
to eat sweets and cakes – mustn’t do
to eat fruit, to clean teeth - must
to wash hands, to swim - must
to go for a walk - must
to smoke - mustn’t do
to play computer games - mustn’t do
to clean rooms - must
to watch TV - mustn’t do
Повторение модальных глаголов. Слайд №17
Вставить модальные глаголы can, may , must.
1. In this room we can see a sofa and two arm-chairs.
2. Childre must not play in the street.
3. We must read the text. It is our homework..
4. May I play in the garden or in the yard?
5.Can you speak, read and write English?
6. Can we go home?
Слайд №18. Подведение итогов урока. Отзывы учащихся об уроке.
How did you like this lesson?
The lesson was very interesting.
I knew many new things.
I remembered many new phrases.
It will be useful for me.
There was something at the lesson to think about.
I’ve got answers to all the questions.
I ‘d put the (mark) to myself.
Оценки учащихся.
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