Урок в 7 классе по теме "Внешность человека. Одежда."
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Урок по теме "Внешность человека. Одежда." с использованием мультимедийного проектора. На уроке использована проектная работа.
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Предварительный просмотр:
в 7 классе
Учебник: «Английский язык» О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева
Учитель: Балашова Ю. Е.
Цели урока:
- закрепление лексики по теме «Тело человека»,
- выучить новые слова по теме «Одежда»,
- формировать умения в употреблении модальных глаголов,
- развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи,
- развитие навыков аудирования,
- развивать творческие способности учащихся,
- воспитывать чувство коллективизма.
«Детский компьютер» 12 штук с карточками по теме «Внешность человека», аудиозапись физминутки, карточки с заданиями, проектор, мультимедийная презентация, мультфильм «Белоснежка и 7 гномов»; рабочие тетради, прозрачные папочки, фломастеры, салфетки (12 штук), диск к учебнику 7кл.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент и приветствие.
- Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you. Take your seats.
- Today the topic of our lesson is “Appearance and Clothes”. (слайд)
- Let’s begin our lesson.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
- And the first task is "Sounds and Words".
- Remember the English words on the topic "Clothes".
Let’s play the game “Rhymes”. I pronounce a word and you should say the word means “clothes”.
Детям предлагается составить рифму к произнесенному слову:
beans – jeans
better – sweater
bird – shirt, T- shirt, skirt
cocks – socks
mouse – blouse
choose – shoes
loves - gloves
map – cap
rat – hat
less – dress
boat – coat, rain coat
fruits – boots
sports – shorts
candles – sandals
kittens – mittens
racket – jacket
- Well done. Do you know the meanings of these words? Let’s play the computer game “Words and pictures” (слайд). Look at the screen. When you see a word you should match a word and a suitable picture.
- Актуализация знаний учащихся.
1) Найди лишнее слово
- And now I want to make sure that you know the meaning of the words on a topic «Clothes». We shall play the game “Find the odd word”. Look at the screen.
1. sandals, shoes, boots, cap
2. tights, scarf, trousers, jeans
3. T-shirt, coat, shorts, sandals
4. mittens, put on, take off, wear
5. blouse, tights, shirt, sweater
- You are right! Very good!
- 2) Вставить пропущенные буквы.
- - And now you should complete the new words and write the letters on the files. (слайд, слайд)
- Аудирование.
1) - And now listen to the tape and decide what clothes these people wear or will wear.
(Рабочая тетрадь с. 32 №1, диск)
- After listening be ready to write down your answers on the files.
Ученики прослушивают диск (задание 41)
2) - Good of you. Next task is №2 – listen to the tape and match these words with the pictures.
Ученики прослушивают диск (задание 42)
3) - Appearance is a very important aspect of a person and reflects one’s personalities.
- Let’s play the game “Guess a Person”.
- Divide into pairs.
- Who wants to be a presenter? Come to the blackboard and choose the card. Read it.
- Who is this person? Write down the name on your files.
- Говорение.
- You are quite right. As I know you have got your own projects “My Ideal Girl or Boy”. Please, describe them.
Ребята защищают свои проекты.
- All your projects are wonderful and very unusual.
- Физминутка.
- And now it’s time to relax. Stand up, please. Do our exercise.
(Head, shoulders, knees and toes.)
- Работа с текстом.
- Take your seats.
- Imagine that you are detectives. We must identify who is who at the party.
- Open your work-books at p. 43 № 20 (по картинке). You have 3 minutes for the task.
- Are you ready? … finished doing the task earlier than others. So, they have an opportunity to begin the first.
- You are quite right.
- Говорение (о себе – ответы на вопросы).
- ответы на вопросы
- All right. You have noticed that there are different styles of clothing.(слайд)
- And what do you like to wear? Please, answer my questions. Look at the screen. These phrases help you.
I like to wear …
I don't like to wear …
I’d like to wear …
I often wear …
I sometimes wear …
I’m wearing … now.
What do you like to wear?
What do you wear when it’s cold?
What do you wear when it’s warm?
What do you wear when it’s hot?
What do you wear when it’s cool?
What are you wearing now?
- согласись – не согласись
- Do you agree or disagree with the statements?
We never wear mittens in summer.
Kids always put on scarf in winter.
Children take off their fur coats in June.
When it is hot we usually wear T- shirt and shorts.
Girls always wear silk dresses in winter.
If it is cold, we put on socks and sandals.
It’s nice to wear trousers made of wool in summer.
- Грамматика.
- You have cards №1. There are some mistakes on these cards. Check up these sentences. And write down your answers in your cards.
- Good of you.
- Подготовка к письму.
- And the last task is very unusual.
- Look at the card №2. The words in the box can be helpful. (прочитать)
- Imagine that we are at the fashion show.
- Look at the models carefully. Choose the model you like most of all. Later you will have to write a letter to your pen-friend, telling him/her about this show.
- The first model is wearing elegant suit. It is made of cotton. It’s grey. It suits business.
- This style is sporty. The second model is wearing a white T-shirt and sports trousers. This sport suit is cosy.
- This style is called casual. Comfortable shoes, t-shirt and shorts perfectly fit active young people.
- Now you can see business suit for women. It’s made of cotton, that’s why it’s very neat.
- The next model is wearing a T-shirt and baggy trousers. This style is very popular among young people now.
- This pink dress is very smart. It is for cocktail parties.
- And the last model is wearing a chic dress. It’s a wedding gown. It is decorated with flowers and ruffles.
- Подведение итогов урока.
- Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active during the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following…
- Now, please, write down your home task: to write a letter to your pen-friend telling him/her about this fashion show.
Карточки для игр “Guess a Person”
This is a girl. Her face is round. She has fair complexion. She has small ears. Her eyes are green. Her hair is bright red. Who is she? (Meg) | This is a boy. His face is round. He has fair complexion. His ears are not big. His nose is small. His hair is curly. Who is he? (Jack) | |
This is a girl. Her face is round. She has fair complexion. Her ears are small. Her eyes are blue. Her hair is fair. She is sad. Who is she? (Lily) | This is a boy. His face is round. He has fair complexion. His ears are small. His eyes are brown. His hair is fair. He wears a cap. Who is he? (Bobby) | |
This is a girl. Her face is round. Her ears are big. Her eyes are black. Her hair is brown. She has dark complexion. Who is she? (Rose) | This is a boy. His face is round. He has fair complexion. His ears are small. His hair is black. We can see his teeth. Who is he? (Lee) | |
This is a boy. His face is round. He has fair complexion. His ears are small. He is blond. His eyes are blue. He is happy. Who is he? (Sam) |
1. Mary have got black trousers.
2. He has got a new jeans.
3. The boys wears shirts.
4. The girls wears blouses.
5. The boots is nice.
6. His trainers is black.
7. I likes white blouses.
tall, slim, light, dark, long, short, straight, narrow, wonderful, beautiful, fashionable, stylish The style is baggy (elegant, sporty, casual). He/she is wearing… |
Dear __________,
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.
You can’t imagine where I’ve been recently. I was at a fashion show.
I like the model number ___. She/he was _________. Her/his style was ___________.
She/he was wearing ____________________________________________________
I like ________________________________________________________________
What do you like to wear? ________________________________________________
Write soon.
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