Выступление за Круглым столом в Информационном учебно-методическом центре г.Дмитрова с докладом "Project work with teenages
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"Проектная работа с подростками"
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Project work is becoming an increasingly popular feature within the ELT classroom. Common projects are class magazines, group wall displays about students’ countries and designs for cities of the future. A project involves students in deciding together what they want to do to complete a project whilst the teacher plays a more supporting role. Some advantages P lanning the project S ome possible drawback Example projects
Some advantages of project work are: Increased motivation – learners become personally involved in the project. All four skills , reading, writing, listening and speaking are integrated. Autonomous learning is promoted as learners become more responsible for their own learning. There are learning outcomes – learners have an end project
Learners often get help from parents for project thus involving the parent more in the child’s learning. If the project is also displayed parents can see it at open days or when they pick the child up from the school. Some advantages of project work are: A break from routine and the chance to do something different A context is established which balances the need for fluency and accuracy.
Planning the project Proposing After explaining the idea behind the project a teacher asks learners to propose a scheme of work: What they want to include in the project What from it will take Who will be responsible for what An idea of the time it will take to produce each part of the project Any material or resources they might need A teacher then sits down with each group for 10 minutes to discuss their proposals
Time Allocate an agreed amount of time for the project. Planning the project The teacher would also have the sessions on the same day each week - Wednesday, and Friday, for example, so learners know to bring materials to class on that day.
Presentation Projects need to be seen, read and admired so schedule the last project session as a presentation. Ask the group to prepare a task for the others in the class to do connected to the project: it could be a quiz with questions for a wall display, a crossword using vocabulary for the project . Planning the project
Some possible drawbacks to project work Learners using their own language If the class monolingual they may use their own language
Some learners doing nothing By giving more freedom to the learners you may also be giving them freedom to do nothing! If the project is planned carefully and roles decided at the proposal stage this is less likely to happen. Groups working at different speeds One group may have ‘finished’ the project after a couple of hours and say they have nothing to do. Some possible drawbacks to project work
Music Project If your class loves songs this could be a motivating project. Make a CD Cover Invent the band and the names and biographies of the band members Video an interview with the band Examples of project work Record a song. Write gig reviews Photo shoot of the band Design a poster advertising gigs. There are also many other ideas but all of these shows the variety of the work.
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