Моя родина - Россия
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Урок представляет собой интеграцию урочной и внеурочной деятельности
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Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий урока в 7 – ом классе по УМК Spotlight 7.
Тема: « My motherland is Russia».
Урок организован с использованием элементов следующих педагогических технологий: технология коммуникативного обучения иноязычной культуре, технология проектной методики, технология сотрудничества.
Оснащение урока: УМК, раздаточный материал ( прилагается), компьютер, интерактивная доска, сеть Интернет, электронные носители, презентации Power point.
Цель урока: создать условия для воспитания патриотизма, осознания своей значимости как гражданина своей страны.
Задачи урока:
- формировать коммуникативные навыков и умения использовать грамматический и лексический материал в речевой деятельности.
- активизировать изученный лексический материал в условно-речевых упражнениях.
- развивать навык восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.
- развивать навык чтения с различным пониманием прочитанного.
Структура урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
- Контроль навыков аудирования. (работа с текстом).
- Этап проверки домашнего задания: символы России (контроль монологической речи).
- Развитие навыка чтения с различными стратегиями.
- Презентация проектных работ (герб города).
Ход урока:
- Приветствие, сообщение темы урока.
Hello students! I think a person can’t study the language and culture of other countries and can’t appreciate them, if he doesn’t know his own country. That’s why today I would like you to tell about Russia, to listen about Russia and its people. At the end of the lesson you should complete the function file about Russia.
I absolutely agree with R. Burns who said: «He who doesn’t love his country loves nothing». And let this saying be the epigraph to our lesson. слайд 2
- Фонетическая зарядка: отработка произношения незнакомых слов: time zones, stretch , desert, scenery, harsh, fresh water, pine, fir, cedar, species, wildlife. слайд 3
Основной этап.
- a) Аудирование: Учитель: Ok, let’s start with general facts about Russia. You will listen to the text and do two tasks: a) complete the gaps, b) make up questions to it (учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись).
b) Let’s check up your ideas. ( учащиеся читают по одному предложению и на доске высвечивается правильный ответ) – индивидуальный контроль чтения впервые предъявленного текст. слайд 4-14
с) Explain the words in bold. Учащиеся переводят слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом.
d) Now, let’s divide the class into two groups: one group will make up questions to the text another one will answer them (работа в режиме: ученик – ученик).
Possible questions:
- How much time does it take to cross Russia by plane?
- How much time zones does Russia have?
- What is the longest river in Europe?
- What is the world’s biggest fresh water reservoir?
- What is the average temperature in Russia?
- The highest peak in the country is Mount Elbrus, isn’t it?
- What is taiga?
- How many percent of Russia is tundra?
Possible answers:
- It takes 10 hours to cross Russia by plane.
- Russia has 10 time zones.
- The Volga is the longest river in Europe.
- Lake Baikal is the world’s biggest fresh water reservoir.
- The temperature is + 22 to -25 C.
- Yes, it is.
- Taiga is a thick forest.
- Almost 10 percent of Russia is tundra.
- Учитель: Every country has the symbols. Russia has its symbols too. What do you know about them? ( учащиеся рассказывают о символах нашей страны: флаге и гербе) – контроль монологической речи. Затем описывают, герб России. слайд 15-16
- Учитель: Can you name two important cities of Russia? (Дети называют и говорят почему).
Ученик 1: Moscow, because it is the capital of our country.
Ученик 2: Orenburg, because it is my native town ( ученики читают высказывание Д. Лихачёва).
If one is not keen on the old houses or old streets, especially if they are shabby, that means that this one has not got any love for his native place ( 30 секундное обсуждение высказывания). слайд 17
Учитель: Can you find the city you live in on the map? Is Orenburg an old or a modern town?
Yes? it’s an old town. Let’s observe some historical facts. (интеграция урочной и внеурочной деятельности.
В своих ответах учащиеся используют знания, полученные на элективном курсе «Регионоведение». слайд 18
- Alexander Pushkin came to Orenburg on the same monument discussing
- One can see the two great Russians had been to Orenburg three times.
Pushkin and Dahl
- The name of the city was given in 1833 for the first time.
- Sovetskaya street was born after the river Or.
- In general the members of the Royal which had to be a for trees in that
family (tsars) part of Russia at that time.
- Neplueyev had chosen the site for our city together with the city in 1743.
Учитель: Are you keen on any additional information about the facts, which are mentioned in the sentences.
Ученик 1: Alexander Pushkin came to Orenburg because he wanted to collect material for his book about Pugachyov’s riot.
Ученик 2: The first Governor made a lot for Orenburg, but the monument to him appeared only in 1993 when the city celebrated to 250 th anniversary. Better late than never as the proverb says.
Ученик 3: At first Sovetskaya street was given the name of Bolshaya, then it received the name of Gubernskaya. In the middle of the XIX th century the street was given a new name of Nickolaevskaya in honor of the Russian tsar Nickolay II (the second).
Ученик 4: In 1823 the Orenburgers greeted the tsar Alexander I, in 1873 the future tsar Alexander II visited Orenburg, and in 1891 the future and the last Russian tsar Nickolay II came to Orenburg.
Ученик 5: Vladimir Dahl had arrived in Orenburg long before Pushkin’s visit. He was appointed an official of special affairs by Vasily Perovsky, who had been the General – Governor at that time and V. Dahl worked in his office.
- Учитель: Our town as well as the whole county has its own emblem.
You can read the information about it in your diaries. But your home task was to invent your own emblem. Дети представляют свои варианты эмблемы города.
Ученики описывают свои эмблемы: I have drawn this emblem, because gas industry is developed in our city. Our Orenburg region is the only place where very rare species of wheat are grown. That’s why I drew the wheat on the emblem of Orenburg. слайд 19, 20
Учитель: Now, let’s read some other facts about our town. Choose the right word from the box to complete the sentences. слайд 21-23
Produce, trade, population, called, founded, universities.
It’s ……………. is 547 000 people.
Different industries …………… agricultural machines and machine tools, elevator equipment, leather good, clothing, foods, and silk.
It was ……………. in 1735 as a fortress, Orenburg resisted a siege by Pugachev in 1773.
It became a center for Russian …….. with Kazakhstan and central Asia.
It was ……Chkalov from 1938 to 1957.
The town has teacher – training, medical, agricultural …….. .
- Учитель: Another important city is Moscow. It’s the main city of our country, our capital. Read the text about history of our country and be ready to do some tasks. (Учащиеся читают текст про себя, затем выполняют задание на выбор правильной информации: поисковое чтение). слайд 24-26
Учитель: What legend did you get to know from this text?
Ученик: (примерный ответ)- During the journey to Vladimir prince Yuri Dolgoruki saw a large white cloud. The cloud turned into a huge animal with three heads. Then, it disappeared. Yuri said: «it’s a sign. This is a place for a great city».
- Учитель: Do you know what the heart of Moscow is? Try to do some tasks then read the text «The Kremlin» and check your answers. слайд 27-28
- Учитель: There are a lot of songs about Russia and Moscow. One of them is «Moscow suburb nights». Let’s sing this song. Дети исполняют песню на русском и английском языках.
- Учитель: Read the information and be ready to complete the function file about Russia, Moscow and Orenburg. It’ll be your home task. слайд 29
Заключительный этап.
Подведение итогов: сообщение домашнего задания, выставление оценок.
Учитель: Thank you. You worked well today. I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you. Write down your home task. The lesson is over. You may be free. Goodbye. слайд 30
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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