Урок по английскому языку:Политическая система Великобритании
методическая разработка (английский язык, 11 класс) на тему
Политическая система Великобритании и роль королевы
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Тема: «Политическая система Великобритании и роль королевы».
1. Обобщить знания учащихся по теме : «Политическая система Великобритании».
2. Обеспечить отработку лексических единиц по данной теме в серии речевых упражнений.
3. Обучить применению полученных знаний в коммуникативных ситуациях и в различных видах речевой деятельности.
- Развитие умений найти требуемую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте.
- Развитие языковых, интеллектуальных, творческих способностей учащихся.
- Расширение кругозора учащихся.
- Воспитание уважения к культуре другой страны.
- Воспитания умения группового воздействия.
Оборудование: телевизор, DVD, магнитофон, ноутбук, проектор.
Раздаточный материал: индивидуальные сообщения учащихся.
Наглядность: презентации.
Ход урока.
- Приветствие.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon to you
Good afternoon dear teacher
We are glad to see you.
- Сообщение темы урока, целей урока
Today we would like you to present a project «Political system of Great Britain and the role of the queen» . We are going to discuss the main aspects of the British political system.
Let s start our lesson. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. This means that it has a monarch as its Head of State.
Исполнение гимна Великобритании.
God save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen
This is a national anthem of Great Britain and the anthem of Canada, Australia, New Zealand because Elizabeth is Head of these countries.
Now let s speak about the queen. How much power does the Queen have? It is often said that she reigns, but not rules the country. What does it mean?
Учащиеся отвечают.
It means that her role is mainly ceremonial, and all the real power belongs to the Bri tish Parliament. The queen may summon the Cabinet and present the speech about the position in the coun try. She also appoints life peers and signs many state acts and bills. She presents her country in different in ternational meetings. But she never makes any deci sions.
The Royal family is a focal part of British life, whose members attract worldwide interest with their lifestyles under constant scrutiny from the media. Their position remains one of great fascination and is based on a history of more than 1500 years.
Let s speak about the Royal family.
Два ученика рассказывают о королеве и ее семье, используя презентацию.
The Royal Family
At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the 21st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George VI.
As a child she studied constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.
The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in November 1947. She came to the throne after her father's death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953.
Among Queen Elizabeth's many duties are the regular visits she makes to foreign countries, and especially those of the Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen has allowed the BBC to make a documentary film about the every day of the royal family. She also started the tradition of the "walkabout", an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.
The Queen's husband, Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving raise wild animals from extinction.
The Queen's heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince of Wales is well-known as a keen promoter of British interests.
In recent years he has become outspoken on such controversial topics as modern architecture, violence in films and on television, and the standard of English teaching in schools. His wife Diana, Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di), won the affection of many people by her modesty, shyness and beauty. Unfortunately, she died in a car accident in August, 1997.
The Queen's other children are Princess Anne (born in 1950), Prince Andrew (born in 1960) and Prince Edward (born in 1964). Anne, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation for being arrogant, but in recent years has become quite popular with the general public.
The Queen is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is now president of the Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London and carries out many public engagements.
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters.
Prince Edward is keen on the theatre. This interest began while he was at university. He quit the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a theatrical company.
The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her one hundred birthday in 2 000 and died in 2002. The Queen's only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, is well-known for her charity work.
Well done. Before speaking about the British Parliament I propose you such task. Look at this slide. You should compose combination of words from these political terms.
to appoint Prime Minister
to determine policies
to delay a bill
to revise a bill
to examine a bill
to draft a bill
to sign a bill
to pass a bill
to rule the country
to oppose the Government
to make a law
to discuss policies
to give Royal assent
I know that you interviewed our teachers. The question was: «What can you tell us about the British Par liament?»
Просмотр интервью.
In this connection let's speak about the British Par liament
Parliamentary in Britain has a long history and tra ditions. Parliament was organized in England about a thousand years ago. The English barons wanted to li mit the King's power to rule the country in a more in dependent way.
The Parliament in Britain consists of two Houses — The House of Lords and The House of Commons. The House of Lords consists of the appointed and life peers. The peers, over 1100 in number, revise and examine bills from the House of Commons. They can delay a bill for a year.
The House of Commons is elected by the popula tion of the country. There are 650 members in it (MP's). They make laws and discuss political affairs. The speaker presides at the sessions of Parliament. Par liament can declare wars and make other important de cisions.
The British Parliament seats in the Houses of Parli ament — one of the most famous buildings in London. It was built in the middle of the XIX century and is one of the main tourist attractions in the capital of the Gre at Britain. When Parliament is at session, you can see the British flag at the roof of the building. The visitors are allowed to attend the building. They can seat and watch the Parliament at work from a special gallery.
OK. Now it s time of listening comprehension. You listen to the text then you should fill in the gaps. Please, look at the slide. Let s read and translate the sentences.
Учащиеся читают и переводят предложения, затем прослушивают текст.
Welcome to the Palace of Westminster. It consists of three parts: the Royal Apartments where the colour is gold, the House of Lords where the seats are red and the House of Commons where the seats are green.
We are now in the Chamber of the House of Lords. Please be quiet and don't sit on these red benches.
The Chamber of the House of Lords is also called the Parliament Chamber, because every year when the Queen comes to open Parliament, all three parts of Parliament come together here for the Queen's Speech. In fact, it's not really the Queen's Speech, because she doesn't write it. The Government writes it for her. In the speech the Queen tells Parliament about the Government's plans for the next year. When she gives her speech, she sits on the throne over there. Can you all see it? Yes, it's that big chair behind the big red cushion.
Oh, and that cushion is, actually, the famous Woolsack. And yes, there is wool inside it. It's a part of a very old tradition which started in the 14th century. It was put in Parliament to symbolise the importance of wool to the British economy at that time.
The person who usually sits on the Woolsack is the Lord Chancellor. He presides over the House of Lords.
Now we are going through into the House of Commons, where MPs make decisions on new laws. Let's walk through this beautiful arch. There are two statues, one on each side of the arch. Both of these two men were Prime Ministers. One is David Lloyd George, and the other - Sir Winston Churchill. They represent the two main British political parties - the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. We have a tradition: if you're a Conservative, touch Churchill's shoe, and if you're Labour, touch Lloyd George's shoe. Have you touched a shoe? Now let's turn right.
После прослушивания текста учащиеся выполняют задания – вставляют пропущенные слова .
1. The Palace of Westminster consists of three parts : the Royal Apartments, the House of Lords, the House of Commons.
2. The Government writes.
3. The Lord Chancellor sits on the Woolsack.
4. There are two statues into the House of Commons : the statue of David Lloyd George and the statue of Sir Winston Churchill.
5. The main political parties are the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.
6. The benches in the Chamber of the House of Lords are coloured red.
7. The benches in the Chamber of the House of Commons are coloured green.
- Заключение.
Our lesson is over. I like your work today. You were active and I get you good marks. Good-buy. See you tomorrow
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