Подготовка к ГИА для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Дается 9 вариантов заданий по английскому языку для 6 класса. Можно использовать для контрольных работ   или для подготовка к ГИА.


Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT1    READING 1            The Cheap Apartment                                                                                                                                   A.        I don't want a new apartment.

B.        The company builds the skyscraper behind the old building.

C.        Jean's apartment is in an old building.                      D.        Her son sends her this sum of money every month.

E.        Every day the people come back with more money.     F.        Some people from the company visit Jean.

G.        The skyscraper has an old building in front of it.

       Jean Herman lives in an apartment in New York City. Jean's apartment is small, but she likes it. The apartment is cheap; Jean pays only $200 a month. (1) One day a big company buys the old building. The company wants to tear down the old building and build a skyscraper. (2) "We're going to tear down this building," the people tell Jean. "So, you have to move. Here is a check for $50,000. You can find a new apartment —a big, beautiful apartment." "(3)" Jean says. "I like this apartment. I'm not going to move," Jean doesn't take the check. The next day the people come back with a check for $ 100,000. Jean doesn't take .the check, "I'm not going to move," she says. (4) Jean doesn't take their checks. Finally the people come with a check for $750,000. "Please take the money and move," the people say. "I'm not going to move," Jean says. "Not for $750,000. Not for a million dollars. Not for ten million dollars. I like this apartment. It's my home." Jean doesn't move, and the company doesn't tear down the building. (5) And so, on East 60th Street in New York there is an unusual skyscraper. (6) Jean Herman lives alone in the old building. Her apartment is small, but Jean likes is. The apartment is cheap; Jean pays only $200 a month.







READING 2    In which of the stories does the writer state the following:

  1. The films about them are very frightening.        
  2. He was very strong.
  3. The scientist was killed.
  4. This character appeared at the beginning of the 19th century.
  5. He died at the age of 71.
  1. He was a noble man.        
  2. this character appeared at the end of the   19th century.
  1. There are many songs about him.
  2. It was unhappy because nobody loved it.        
  3. They didn't really exist.        
  4. He lived in a forest.        
  5. Later he became an actor

Did They Really Exist?         A     Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill (real name William Cody) lived from 1846 to 1917. He lived in the West of the USA and killed buffalo as food for railway workers. In the 1870s Buffalo Bill worked with the US Army in the wars against the Indians. He started to be famous and appeared in plays about his adventures. Later he travelled all over the world with his Wild West Show. Buffalo Bill also appeared in the first Cowboys and Indians films.

B       Count Dracula

Dracula appears in many horror films, but did he really exist? The British writer Bram Stoker invented the character in his book "Dracula". It appeared in 1897. Stoker used a real person for some ideas in his book. A king, Vlad Tepes, lived around 1450. He lived in a castle in Poenan, now a part of Rumania. Bela Lugosi, a Hun garian actor, starred in the first Dracula film w 1931.

С        Frankenstein's Monster

A scientist called Frankenstein existed — as a character in a book, but not as a monster. Frankenstein appeared In а т$Ы by Mary Shelley (1818). In the book Frankenstein created a monster. The monster wanted people to love it, but they feared it. The monster turned into a lonely and unhappy creature and in the end it killed Frankenstein. There are many horror films about this.

D            Robin Hood

Robin Hood didn't really exist. In songs and stories he lived in Sherwood Forest, near Nottingham in England. He robbed rich people and helped poor people. The songs and stories first appeared about five hundred years ago. Robin Hood is still a famous person, and there are many films about him.

АУДИРОВАНИЕ LISTENING          My Weekdays                                                                                                     How many children does the woman have?        (1)     When do her children get up?        (2)

Where does she go early in the morning?        (3)            What does she do on Mondays?        (4)

Who likes cooking in their family?        (5)      How often does she visit her father?        (6)

How often do they visit their friends?        (7)


1 __________ Robin Hood is a legendary English hero who has lived in the

2 _________13th century. According to his traditional stories, songs and,

    3 ______poems, Robin had been a rich man whose land and the money

4. ______were stolen by an evil man, Prince John.  Robin had to live

5._____ and hide in a Sherwood Forest, where he met a group of men       .

  1. ___        who were also be enemies of the prince. They decided to

       7.____become thieves and steal them from the rich and give to the

8._______poor. Several  films and lots of TV series have been made

9.                about Robin Hood, who many, of people believe was a "good" thief.

USE OF ENGLISH 2                  I Think I'm Your Mother

Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can't take (1) ____        of her baby. The government  takes Joyce's  baby and gives her to (2) ____        family. Joyce never forgets her daughter. For 20 years Joyce looks (3) ___her. She can't  find her. She doesn't know her daughter's new name. She doesn't  know her daughter's (4) _.

When Joyce is 44 years old, she gets a (5)        at a small  store. A young woman works with Joyce at the store. The young woman's name is Tammy. Tammy and Joyce are friends. One day: at work Tammy begins to cry. "What's the matter?" Joyce asks Tammy.  “I feel so (6) ______," Tammy says. "I'm looking for

my mother and I can't find her." "I don't understand," Joyce says. "I know  your mother. She comes into the store (7) ___."  "Yes, she's my mother, but she's not my birth mother. I can't find my birth mother because I don't have her name or address. I have (8)___        this photo. See? This is me when I was a baby." Tammy shows Joyce the photo. Joyce looks at the photo for a long time. Then she opens her (9) _______ and takes out a photo.

It is a photo of a baby girl. Joyce's photo and Tammy's photo are the (10)____. "Tammy," Joyce says. "I think I'm your birth mother." The two women (11)        ___for a long time. "This is the best day of my life," Tammy says. Joyce smiles and looks at Tammy. "This is the best day of my life, (12)___," she  says.


A  love

В  care

С   kindness

D  attention


A  other

В   an other

С   others

P   another


A  for

В   forward

С  after

D   through


A  school

В   country

С   address

D   character


A  place

В   work

 С  department

D  job


A   sad

В   excited

 C bored

D   thirsty


A   never

В   yesterday

С   Sometimes

D   tomorrow


A   already

  B only

C  just

D   always


A  wallet

В   safe  

С   cupboard

  D     jar


 A  some

В   different

С   difficult

D   same


A  scream

B  wave

С   hug

D  shake


A   yet

В   also

С   however

D   too

USE OF ENGLISH 3  School Problems                                                                                                            Masha lives in Moscow and is 13 years (1)        ___. She's got a hew pen friend called Claudia, who's German. They send e-mails (2) ___     each other in English, but Masha feels she's not very good (3)__writing e-mails in English and  wants to improve.

      Paulo  is   15.  He's very good  at English,  but  he  has (4) _______ an important exam at the end of the year and he's not looking forward to it. He isn't sure if it's a good idea to stay up all night (5) ____ an exam. He'd like to know what the best ways to prepare for an exam are.

       Freda enjoys her English classes at (6) ___, but she does badly when they have grammar tests. She knows what present simple and present continuous are, but she (7) ______mistakes when she uses them. She wants a book which she can  use to study at home to help (8)         ___ improve her grammar.

Jonathan loves English lessons in the classroom, but he's not fond (9) ____         doing homework. He spends hours every evening doing, it, but his teacher is often unhappy with what
he (10)___        done. He needs some help!

      Irini is 14 years old. She finds her lessons a bit boring sometimes, and is not very good at being quiet (11) ____ class. Her teachers often tell her to behave. She doesn't want to get a bad report at the (12)          of term, but she thinks she will. She's beginning to think she wants to try to be better in class.

Предварительный просмотр:


1. Once upon a time there were no people  on the earth. There were only animals, birds and plants. God wanted to make Man. He created the first human in His image. He called the man Adam.

2.Adam lived in the Garden of Eden. This was a wonderful, heavenly, place. It was warm and green. Adam had everything that he needed, but he was lonely. He said, "God, this garden is lovely. I am happy here, but I am lonely too."

3. Then God decided to make Woman. He called the woman Eve. She was beautiful. She lived in the garden with Adam and they were very happy. They talked together. They played with the animals.

4. God said, "Live here together in my Garden of Eden. You are my children. I want you to be happy. I give you only one rule. You can do everything here, but never eat an apple from my apple tree." Adam and Eve stayed in the garden. They obeyed God's rule.

5.One day, Eve walked by the apple tree. There was a snake near the tree. The snake was evil. He wanted to tempt Eve. He said, "Eve, taste this apple. It is a delicious apple." Eve answered, "No. God said that we cannot eat the apples from this tree. I cannot dis obey him." The snake talked to her again. He said that the apple was delicious. He said this many times.

6.Eve finally believed the snake. She tasted the apple. It was wonderful. She wanted Adam to try it too. Adam came to the tree. He was shocked, but he agreed. He tasted the apple.

7.God learned that  Adam and Eve disobeyed him. He was very angry. He said, "You are bad and dishonest. I said that you can never eat these apples. You must leave the Garden поw. You cannot live here." Adam and Eve were embarrassed and sorrowful. They never lived in the Garden of Eden again. Their lives were sad and full of pain.

A.        God's Rule            B.        They Disobeyed God

C.        Careless Life                                      D.  A Delicious Apple

E.        The Earth Without People                F.        Temptation

G.        God's Punishment     H.  Not Lonely Anymore











A.        I don't like lemonade.                                         B.        "It's always March."

C.        The-March  Hare broke a cup in two pieces and gave one to Alice.

D.        They are both mad.                                 E.        I would like a sandwich.

F.        It was in a tree.                                   G.        The door mouse went back to sleep.

H.        There was a door mouse sleeping between them.

The Hatter and the March Hare

In the garden Alice saw the Cheshire cat. Only the face.
(1) "Haven't you got a body?' Alice asked the cat. "Oh yes," it
said. "I know where my head is, but I don't always know where
my body is. Do you like it here?" the cat asked. "Everything is
very strange," Alice replied. "Where can I go now?' she asked;
"If you go left, you can see the Hatter," said the cat. "If you go
right, you can visit the March Hare. (2)" Alice decided to visit the
Mad Hatter.  

There was a table under a tree in front of the house. The March Hare and the Hatter were having tea. (3) The table was full of dirty plates and cups. There was also an enormous teapot in the middle. Alice sat down at the table. "Would you like some wine?” the March Hare asked Alice. "I can't see any wine on the table," she said. "No, there isn't any," said the Hatter. "Would you like some fizzy lemonade?" continued the Hatter. "No, thank you. (4)" "Would you like a cup of tea?" he asked. The cups on the table were huge. "Yes, please, but only half a cup," said Alice. (5) "Here you are, half a cup." "That wasn't very nice of you,” said Alice. "I know," answered the March Hare. "I'm not nice and Pm not handsome. I'm mad. The door mouse opened one eye and said, "Yes, you are mad. You and the Hatter are both mad. I am the only one who is sane." (6) "What day of the month is it?" the Hatter asked Alice. "It's the fourth of June," she said.

"Oh dear, my watch says the second of March," said the Hatter. (7) "That's a funny watch," said Alice. "Does it tell the time?" "Not usually," answered the Hatter and put his watch in his cup of tea!








АУДИРОВАНИЕ LISTENING   Plans for the Future

  1. Who is going to work at the theatre?
  2. Who is going to learn French?
  3. Who wants to learn to drive?
  4. Who wants to wear casual clothes?
  5. Who is going to work abroad?
  6. Who is planning to travel a lot?
  7. Who is going to work for a long time?
  8. Who wants to be a writer?


Tom woke up (1)        _ on Monday morning.      MISERY

He always woke up (2) ___on Monday mornings. It was the idea of a whole week of school;  HAPPY

he almost wished there (3)         no weekends        BE

because that made it even more difficult to go back into
captivity. He (4) ___in bed and wondered what    

he (5) _______ invent this time. He listened to his      CAN

body but could find (6)        wrong. A little       THING

tummy ache? No.

Then he realized that one of his (7) _____   TOOTH

was loose. Good! He was just going to start

(8)         when he thought that Aunt Polly        GROAN

would pull the tooth put and that would hurt. He

looked for something else. (9)        _he        SUDDEN

remembered what the doctor had said about

a certain problem with (10)         —        TOE

sometimes one had to stay in bed for one or even two weeks.

He pulled his right (11)        out and looked        FEET

at it. One of the toes was really hurting. Tom began

to groan. Sid continued to sleep (12) _______        PEACE

Tom groaned more loudly. No result.

USE OF ENGLISH 2   In a Language School

water          fond          exciting          whole          problems          love
making      teacher        boring        summer        learning        

Fourteen-year-old Andy, who is from Korea, lives in France.
He is (1)___French and is also studying English. What's
it like for him? "I (2)___living here," says Andy, "and I'm beginning to feel like I've lived here my (3)__ life and not for only four years. I'm not usually very good at (4) ___  

friends, but everyone here is so nice that I'm not having any
(5)___. If I don’t understand an exercise at school, I ask the (6)___        or one of my friends to help me with it, and they always do. I enjoy most of the subjects we do at school, but
I'm not very (7)____of history. It's a bit (8)____        ! Another thing I like about living here is that I'm able to do lots of (9) ______ sports, like swimming and water-skiing. I'm really

looking forward to my (10)         holidays this year because I want to learn windsurfing!"

USE OF ENGLISH 3   Robin Hood

In 1191, King Richard the Lion-heart of England went on the 3rd Crusade. He had a big army, tents and a lot of horses. He was (1)___a long time and his brother Prince John ruled for him. Prince John (2)___not a religious man. He hated his brother Richard and didn't want him to come (3)__to England. He wanted Richard to die in battle. Prince John wanted to be King!

   Prince John was not a generous person and the crusade was (4) ___ expensive. He ordered the (5)___        of England to pay heavy taxes. Prince John's sheriffs collected the taxes. They also took castles and land from the nobles  (6) ____        were loyal to King Richard. Most of the people (7)___very poor. A lot of people couldn't pay the taxes. Some went to prison and others went to live in the forests.

     Robin Hood's real (8) _______ was Lord Locksley. When he returned from the crusades his father was (9)         and he had no castle and no lands. Robin went to live in Sherwood Forest. Robin met a (10) _______ of people there. He decided to form a band of men to fight the Sheriff of Nottingham. Everybody hated the Sheriff! In a short time Robin had a hundred(11) ___, twenty-five women and thirty-seven horses with him.  A small army!  He had three very good (12) ____:  Little John, Friar Tuck and Alan-A-Dale.

Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT 3  READING 1 Tax Collectors                                                                                                                                                                One day Robin was in the forest with Little John. "Look over there, Robin," said his friend, "near the river." Robin looked to wards the river. There was a young deer standing under a tree. Robin put an arrow in his bow and aimed. But it was a beautiful deer with big brown eyes and he didn't really want to kill it. "Go away," he shouted and the deer ran off. "Now, what can we eat?" shouted Little John. “I’m hungry!" "You are always hungry," said Robin, "but I'm sure you won't starve!"

"Listen," said Robin. "I can hear horses. Let's hide behind this tree." Robin and Little John saw two men and a woman on horses come into the forest. They wore beautiful clothes. They were rich! Robin and Little John put arrows in their bows and stopped the group. "Your money, please," said Robin, "if you want to leave the forest!" "You can't rob me," said one of the men. "This is tax money for the Sheriff!"

Robin Hood and his men took money from the rich people who went through Nottingham Forest. They also stole money from the Sheriff of Nottingham's tax collectors and gave it back to the people. The poor people of Nottingham loved Robin and his men, but the Sheriff hated him. "The people pay me taxes. Robin Hood steals it and gives it back. I want Robin Hood in the castle dun geons!"

1.        Why didn't Robin kill the deer?
A.  The deer was too far.

 B.   He was not hungry. С.  Не loved animals.

2.        Why did Robin say that Little John would not starve?

A.        They might have a lot of food to eat.

B.        He was not sorry for him.

C.        Не was going to kill another animal.

3.        Why did Robin offer his friend to hide behind the tree?

A.        He was frightened.

B.        He wanted to hide his beautiful clothes.

C.        Не wanted to see who the people were.

4.        Why did they stop the group?

A.        They wanted to kill them.

B.        They wanted to take money from them.

C.        They didn't want to be robbed.

5.        What did Robin and his men do with the money taken from
the rich?

A.        They bought food and clothes because they lived in a forest.

B.        They wanted to collect taxes themselves.

С  They returned the money to the poor people.

6.        How did the Sheriff want to punish Robin Hood?

A.        He wanted to cut off his head.

B.        He wanted to send him to prison.
С  He wanted to lock him in the castle.









In which of the stories does the writer state the following:

  1. She obeyed the manager.
  2. He hurt himself accidentally.
  3. It happened outdoors.
  4. They both were surprised.
  5. The man was carrying a heavy thing.
  6. He was doing the housework.
  7. It happened indoors.

8.        He had a problem with his health.
        The man wanted to have it fixed.

A Funny Thing Happened...

 A  A man had a grandfather clock. The clock wasn't working properly, so he decided to take it to a clock repairer. As he was walking down the street, he turned a corner and bumped into a woman who was coming the other way. "You stupid man!" she said angrily, as she was getting up. "Why can't you wear a watch like  other people?"         В   A girl was watching a film in the cinema. Her dog was sitting quietly in a seat next to her. The manager of the cinema saw the dog and said angrily to the girl, "You mustn't bring your dog in_ here." So the girl took the dog out. As they were walking out, the girl said to the manager, "It's a pity. He was really enjoying the film." "I'm surprised," said the manager sarcastically. "Yes, so am I," said the girl. "He didn't like the book at all."                   С  A man came into, a pub. He had a bandage over one ear. A friend of his was standing at the bar. "What happened? What's the matter with your ear?" he asked. "I burned it." "How did you burn it?" his friend said curiously. "Somebody telephoned while I was ironing."

АУДИРОВАНИЕ LISTENING  The Life of Ryan                              1.        How long did he live abroad?

A.        For two years.

B.        For a year.

G.  For half a year.

2.        What did he do in Japan? ,
A.   He worked as a taxi driver.

B. Не travelled around the country by car.

C.        He worked for a car company.

3.        Can he cook?

A.        Yes, he can, but he doesn't like cooking.

B.        No, he can't. His girlfriend can cook very well.

С Yes, he can. And he likes to cook for a lot of people.

4.        Where do they often have meals?

A.        They have meals at home.

B.        They go to his parents' house.
С  They go to a restaurant.

5.        What famous people has he seen?

A.        He hasn't seen any famous people.

B.        He has seen a politician and an actor.

C.        Не has seen only one famous person.

6.        How many times has he been at the theatre?

A.        When he was a schoolboy he often went to the theatre.

B.        He has been at the theatre only once.

C.        Не goes to the theatre once a year.

7.        What did he do on a farm when he was 17?

A.        He worked as a tractor driver.

B.        He spent his summer holidays.

C.        Не enjoyed living in the country.

8.        When was he in hospital last?

A. When his wife bore him a child.

B.   When he was born.

С  Last year When he was ill.










1.___My mum and dad are read several daily newspapers every

2.___ morning, but I don't. The only things where I really like

3.___ reading are monthly magazines such as "Star World” and

4. ____"Fan Club". They have a loads of stories and news about

5.____more famous people — usually celebrities like Brad Pitt and

6. -------Jennifer Lopez. They have been lots of interviews. For

7. the example, this month in "Star World", George Clooney

8.------talks about what it's like directing and very starring in

9.____movies. I think journalists have the best job all in the world!

10.___When I am grow older, I want to work in the media. I'd like

   11._____ to write for "Star World", and then I could meet every pop

12.-----and film stars and ask them lots of interes ting questions!

USE OF ENGLISH 2  A Lawn Chair Pilot

Larry Walters wants to be a pilot. He wants to (1) ____an airplane. But Larry is not a (2) ___man. He doesn't have an airplane. Не has only a lawn chair.

Larry ties 45 big balloons to his  lawn chair and then sits (3) ____the chair. The lawn chair goes up. For a few minutes everything is fine. The view from the lawn chair is beautiful. Larry can (4)___houses and trees below him. He is happy.  He is flying!  The lawn chair goes up very (5)___. Larry is afraid. "I don't want to go very high," Larry thinks. "I want to go down a little." With a small gun Larry shoots 10 balloons. Then something (6)____happens. Larry drops the gun, and it falls to the ground. Larry can't shoot (7) _____balloons. The chair goes up and up. Larry is three miles above the ground. Airplanes are flying over him and (8) _____ him. Larry

has a small radio. "Help! Help!" he says into the radio. "I'm flying in a lawn chair and I want to come down!" People (9) ______Larry but they can't help him.

Larry flies in the lawn chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons begin to (10) ___air. Slowly the lawn chair

comes down, and Larry is back on the ground. He is not (11)____. Larry says, "For 45 minutes I (12) _______

a pilot — the pilot of a lawn chair."


A   drive

В   ride

С   fly

D   lead


A   rich

В   famous

С   misery

D   popular


A   down

В   on    

С   into

D   in


A   watch

В   see

С   notice

D   look


A   far

В   high

С   slow

D   tall


A   pleasant

В   unusual

С   suddenly

D   terrible


A   more

В   less

С   much

D   few


A   beside

В   tinder

С   in front of

D   behind


A   listen

В   shout

С   whisper

D   hear


A   throw

В   forget

С   lose

D   leave


A   hurt

В   sick

С   dead

D   hungry


A   been

В   am

С   was

D   became

USE OF ENGLISH 3    The Kind Waitress

Every evening (1) ____six o'clock an old man goes to a  restaurant near his house. He eats dinner. After dinner he (2) _____coffee and, talks to the people at the restaurant.  The old man's name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening (3)_____he is lonely. His wife died, and he has (4) ____children.  Every evening the  same waitress brings Bill (5)_____        dinner. Her name is Cara. She is 17 years (6)__        . Cara is kind to Bill. She knows he is lonely, so she talks to him. If Bill is late (7)_        dinner, she calls him on the telephone. "Are you OK?" she asks him.

One evening Bill doesn't come to the restaurant. Cara (8)---him, but he doesn't answer the phone. Cara calls

the police. "Please go to Bill's house," Cara tells the police. Later
the police call Cara at the restaurant. "Bill died in his sleep," the
police (9)----her. Bill was 82 years old.

A week (10) ____a man comes to the restaurant. "I have something for Cara," the man says. The man gives Cara a check for $500,000. The money is (11)        ---Bill. "This money is for me? From Bill?" Cara asks the man. "Yes," the man answers. "But... why?" Cara asks the man. "Bill liked you," the man says "You (12)        kind to him."

Предварительный просмотр:

READING 1   The Golden Duck

                                   A.        Не always helped poor people because he knew the meaning of happiness.

                            B.        In the evening, though, he still had lots of money left.

                        C.        One day he complained about his poverty to an old man.

                   D.        The princess made a magic spell and gave him a hundred gold coins.

                          E.        He bought a lot of expensive things and spent all the money.

                                                                                                    F.        There he searched the dungeons.

                      G.        Hard work and good health bring happiness, not money.

                      H. The shoemaker felt sorry for him and gave him some money.

               Once upon a time there was an unhappy shoemaker. He wanted to be rich because he thought this was the only way to be happy. (1) The old man told him what to do. "Go to the castle and look for the golden duck. It's really a princess, and she will tell you what to do."

The shoemaker was excited and went to the castle. (2) When he saw the duck, she turned into a beautiful princess. "I want to be rich and happy," he said. (3) "Spend all this money tomorrow," the princess said, "but only on yourself, not on other people. Then when you have nothing I will make you rich." "This is easy," thought the shoemaker, and the next day he started spending the money. (4) Then he met an old soldier, a beggar, with one leg. "I'm hungry, help me," he said. (5) The magic spell stopped working, and the princess appeared. "You gave some money to another person," she said. "I cannot make you rich." Then the old soldier said to the shoemaker, "Don't be unhappy. (6)" At last the shoemaker understood. He .worked hard, saved money and started his own shop. In time he got married and had a family. (7) And he lived happily ever after.








READING 2                         As Others See Us

Every year millions of visitors come to Britain. What do they think of the country and the people?

1.An Italian boy, who is in Britain for the first time, talked about the weather, "I can't understand it. I've been here for over a week and I still haven't seen any fog!"

2.A Japanese student from Tokyo said, "I've been in Britain
since April and I'm living with a British family. I've noticed one big
difference between British and Japanese families. British men do
jobs like cooking, washing up and ironing. They're jobs which I've
never seen Japanese men do. They think it's women's work. But I
don't agree!"        

3.A German student at a language school in Oxford said, "I thought Britain was a modern European country — you've been in the EEC for years now. So why do you still use miles,

pints and pounds instead of kilometres, litres and kilos? And why do you still drive on the wrong side of the road?"

4.A Danish girl who works as an au pair in Brighton said, "I came to Britain a month ago. I've noticed one very strange thing here. After British реорlе have washed the dishes, they never rinse them. They just take them out of the dirty, soapy water and leave them to dry!"

5. A Swedish girl said, "I've watched a lot of television since I arrived in Torquay two weeks ago. British television's brilliant! But the "programmes" which I've enjoyed most are the advertisements. They're very funny or very clever, or both. Back home in Sweden we don't have any TV advertisements at all!"

6. A French girl outside Buckingham Palace said, "I'm so excit ed. I've just seen the Queen! She came put in a Rolls Royce. I've been interested in your royal family since I was a little girl. I've read all the stories — especially about Prince William — in French newspapers and magazines. They tell me what your royal family really do. Your newspapers can't tell the truth about them!"

A.        Soapy Plates

B.        Enjoyable Ads  

C.        Where is the Fog?

D.        Main Tourist Attraction

E.        Right-Hand Driving!

F.        Traditional Measures

G.        Who Should Do It?









Use of English 1    Castles

There (1)        hundreds of castles in the        BE

British Isles. Some of them are ruins, but

(2)        are in very good condition. Some   ANOTHER

castles are homes for (3) ______ people        FAME

like the Queen of (4)         Many of        ENGLISH

them are very, very old and have got a

(5)__        history. Castles are big,        FASCINATE

strong (6)        . People built castles        BUILD

in the past to protect everyone inside the castle from attack. Many castles have legends.

Legends are (7)        about        STORY

(8)        and places in the past. There are      PERSON

                          legends of ghosts, wizards, kings and queens, and heroes.

Use of English 2   After School

reading          mistakes          empty          beautiful          lesson        hand

pencil        rivers        home        last        class        on        were

Tom could not concentrate for the rest of the morning (which was not unusual). He tried really (1)         but the confusion inside him was too great. In the geography (2) _________ he

turned lakes into mountains, mountains into (3) ________ rivers into continents, until everything was complete chaos. In the spelling class he made (4) ___ in the simplest words, and he messed up his reading in the (5)        class. At (6)        the school bell rang. He ran to Becky and whispered: "Put (7)        your bonnet and pretend you're going (8)         . Go round the corner and then come back when the others have gone." At last they (9)        together, alone. They went into the school-house which was (10)   ___ and sat down. Tom gave Becky his (11)   ___ and guided her hand across the page. They drew a (12) ___        house

                                                  Use of English 3    Maid Marian

    Maid Marian was the pretty (1)        lady Robin wanted to marry. She lived in Nottingham with her family. Marian helped (2)__, people too and often went to the forest to tell Robin about the (З) ____things the Sheriff did. The: Sheriff sent his soldiers to arrest Maid Marian, "Do you  know the outlaw

called Robin Hood?" (4)        ___ the Sheriff; "No, I don't," said Marian. "I think you know him very. (5) ___."said the Sheriff. "Take her to the dungeon!" Robin received a secret message from Marian (6) ________ she was a prisoner in Nottingham Castle. "We (7)        save her." said the men.

"Tomorrow, is Nottingham Fair and the archery contest. Then tomorrow we will go and save Maid Marian and win the contest, (8) _______!" "We can dress as jugglers and clowns," said Little John. "My dogs can perform," said Friar Tuck. "I can sing and play my  (9) ___," said Alan-A-Dale. "And I will go to the castle

and rescue Marian," Robin said.

  The women in the forest worked all day. They (10) ___ suits for clowns and jugglers. The men looked so funny that everybody laughed!



























































































Предварительный просмотр:


In which of the stories does the writer state the following:

  1. He is alive!___
  2. He works in seven places._____
  3. People don't want to sleep in a garage.                
  4. She wanted to help the police._______
  5. Не always works in the evening.                
  1. He is a bad builder.                
  2. His weight helps him earn money.                
  3. He needed the professional help.                ___
  4. There have been lots of home buyers.                     

Strange but true

Have you ever read a story in a newspaper which, you can't believe? These newspaper stories, believe it or not, are all true.

A   Seven shops in the town of Melton Mowbray have given a job to Mr Jack Beaver. His job? Every day he goes to each shop after they close and jumps up and down on the rubbish in their dustbins. "I've never had such an easy job," said Mr Beaver. "After I've done it just a few times, they can put twice as much rubbish in the next day!" Mr Beaver weighs 120 kilos.

В  Mr Fred Diplock of Neasden, North London, is trying to sell his house. He hasn't had any luck yet. "The garage has been the problem," said Mr Diplock yesterday. "I built it myself last year, but I made a small mistake. The garage is higher than the drive. You can get into the garage of course — I've built four steps up into it. Quite a lot of people have already come to see the house. But nobody has bought it yet. I've told them that the garage is a very exfra bedroom. But it's useless for a car, I'm afraid!"

C  Mrs Jane Wisty of Downend, Bristol, rang the police yesterday. "I've just seen a dead body!" she told them. "It was in the boot of a car. The boot was open and I could see two legs hanging out." The police contacted all the police cars in the area. "We've just had a report of a car with a dead body in it," one police

 car reported. "We've seen it too. We're following it now." A few minutes later the police stopped the car. The "dead body" got out of the boot. It was a car mechanic. The driver of the car explained. "I've had a funny noise from the back of my car for a long time. The mechanic just wanted to find out where it came from." The police have decided not to arrest the driver or the mechanic.


A.        Three playing cards were painting some roses.     B.        "It's the Cheshire cat," she said.

C.        It was a very strange croquet ground.                       D.        Alice was afraid.

E.        A very fat Queen of Hearts arrived.                         F.        Alt the soldiers were playing cards.

G.        It looked like a cat's head.

H. "In March," the Hatter answered. I.   The Hatter arrived with a cup of tea.

The Game of Croquet

There were a lot of animals and people in the castle garden. And a lot of soldiers. (1) They were all very busy preparing for the game. (2) "What are you doing?" asked Alice. "The Queen told us to plant red roses," said one of the playing cards. "But one is white, so we are painting it red."

"The Queen, the Queen!" shouted a playing card. (3) "Who are these people?" the Queen asked Alice. "I have no idea," answered Alice. "Off with her head!" shouted the Queen. "Don't be silly," said Alice. "Can you play croquet?" the Queen asked Alice. "Yes, of course," she said. (4) The balls were hedgehogs, the mallets were flamingoes and the Queen's soldiers were the arches! Everybody played at the same time. The Queen shouted "Off with his head!" all the time. It was chaotic!

Alice saw a mouth, then a nose, then whiskers. (5) "Who are you talking to?" asked the King. "A friend of mine," said Alice. "I don't like him," said the King. "Off with his head!" "How can you take his head off when he hasn't got a body?" laughed Alice.

"Where are my tarts?" said the Queen. "The Knave ate them," said the White rabbit. "The Hatter saw him." "Bring the Hatter!" ordered the King. (6) "Excuse me, I was having my tea," said the -Hatter. "When did you start tea?" asked the King. (7) "Off with his head!" said the Queen. "Stop!" shouted Alice. "You are only playing cards, you can't." "Off with her head!" shouted the Queen.

The playing card soldiers walked towards Alice. She started to run. Everybody was saying, "OFF WITH HER HEAD, OFF WITH HER HEAD!" (8) "No, no!" she shouted. "Wake up, Alice," said her sister. "It's time to go home."










Аудирование listening

My Favourite Season

  1. Who doesn't like cold weather?        
  2. Who is fond of sport?        
  3. Who is a very busy man?
  4. Who spends his holiday out of town?      
  5. Who spends his free time at the seaside?
  6. Who is a very sociable person?        
  7. Whose favourite season is spring?        
  8. Who likes autumn?             9.Who can't sing in public? 

1.___The Tower of London is in the centre of the London, next to

2.---the River Thames. It is over 900 years old and it was been a

3.----famous prison and place of execution. The Tower is a full of

4.        the ghosts of past kings, queens, princes and princesses. But

5.---- they were all prisoners in the Tower dungeons. A dungeon is

6.------- a prison under the ground. The ghosts of this  two little princes

7. ____and Queen Anne Boleyn, one of King Henry VIII's his wives,

8.----- haunt the Tower of London. There are much guards at the

9. ----Tower in special black and some red uniforms. They are

10.---called Beefeaters. There are also a lot of big and black birds

11.____ called ravens. The Crown Jewels are in a museum at the

12. ______ Tower of London and thousands of tourists queue to see at them.


Huckleberry Finn

On his way to school Tom met Huckleberry Finn, the (1)___boy whose drunken father had abandoned him HOME

and left town. Huck was (2)___by all the other boys because he was free to do what he liked, and  ENVY

hated by all the mothers because he was lazy, vulgar and (3)___. Of course, Tom was not        LAW

(4)        to play with him so, of course,        ALLOW

he played with him (5) ______        he could.        WHEN

Huck was always dressed in old, (6) _____        TEAR

clothes that were much too big for him, and an old hat. In the spring he was always the

(7) ______ boy to go without shoes, and        ONE

in the autumn he was, the last one to put them on. On fine nights he slept on (8)        and    DOORSTEP

when it was (9)         he slept in an empty barrel. He did not have to go to school or to church RAIN

and he (10)         go fishing or swimming        CAN

when he wanted. He knew (11)         bad        MANY

words than (12)         else and used them, too! Tom admired him more than anyone.    ONE


The Battle

sun         men         must         day        as        end        fires

heard        o'clock        morning       оur        hours        thousand

We walked through the night for about two (1) ___until we came to a hillside on which many small (2) _____were burning. Infadoos  told us that the chiefs had gathered the warriors under their command here, and that as soon(3)___ the sun rose we should all address them. When the (4)____         had risen the warriors gathered on the slope of the hill, and Infadoos took the chiefs and stood before the army. When they had heard the prince's story and seen the markings on his back, the (5) ______ all stamped their feet, and the whole

hillside seemed to shake. We now had the backing of the army. The rest of the (6)___was spent planning, we had about 20  (7)_____men, but the king had more. We decided to wait for the enemy where we were, and the following (8)___ they came. We started firing as they came up the hill, we (9)____ have killed at least ten men, but they still kept coming, thousand after thousand. As the armies met, a great cry went up from (10) ______ warriors, "The prince! The prince!" and "We (11) ______ men screaming when the spears found them. In the (12) ___we managed to push their army back down the hill.

Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT 6 READING 1 Looking for Love

John is 52 years old. He is not married. Every day he comes home from work and eats dinner alone. Then he watches TV alone. At 11 o'clock he goes to bed alone. John is not happy. He has a good job and a nice house, but he doesn't have love. He wants a wife. How can John find a wife? One day he has an idea. John is a painter, and he drives a small truck. He paints these words on his truck:







Hundreds of women write letters to John. He reads all the letters. He likes one letter very much. The letter is from Bobbi. Bobbi is 33 years old, and she is divorced. She has two children and a dog. John calls Bobbi, and they meet. One week later John paints his truck white. "I'm not looking for love now," John says with a smile. One year later John and Bobbi are married.

1. Why does John eat dinner alone?

A.        He comes home from work late.

B.        His wife is sleeping.

C.        Не is single.

2.        Why doesn't he have love?

A.        He is busy with his house.

B.        He doesn't have a wife.

C.        Не devotes all his time to his job.

3.        What does he do?

A.        He is an artist.

B.        He is a driver.

C.        Не is a worker.

4.        How does he like to spend his free time?

A.        He likes to play loud outdoor games.

B.        He likes to spend his free time visiting the Zoo.

C.        Не likes to spend quiet evenings at home.

5.        What kind of person is he?

A.        He is hard-working.

B.        He is rude.

C.        Не is nervous.

6.        Why does John call Bobbi?

A.        She is much younger than John.

B.        She has two children and a dog.

C.        She is divorced.

7.        Why does John paint his truck white?

A.        It is his favourite colour.

B.        The white colour means happiness.

C.        Не wants to paint his previous sign.









In which of the stories does the writer state the following:

  1. It erupted in the 20th century. _____
  2. This volcano erupted twice._____        
  3. The island disappeared after the eruption.                
  4. The fewest people died during the eruption.        _____        
  1. The town disappeared after the eruption.                
  2. A lot of trees were destroyed.                
  3. The largest number of people died after the eruption.        ______
  1. This volcano is in Europe.        
  2. It erupted in the 19th century._____        

Volcano Stories

A   Nearly 2,000 years ago, in AD 79, Mount. Vesuvius, near Naples in Italy, erupted one night. A river of burning rocks came down the sides of the mountain. A massive cloud of volcanic gas and ash covered the town of Pompeii. The hot ash caught people inside their houses, and about 20,000 of them died. The mountain erupted again in 1944, but this time nobody died.

в   One of the most powerful eruptions of a volcano in modern times was on 27th August, 1883. The volcano on the island of Krakatoa, in Indonesia, erupted with an enormous bang! Volcanic rock and dust went 55 kilometres into the sky and some of it came down again 5,300 kilometres away ten days later. People in Australia, 5,000 kilometres away, heard the explosion. The island of Krakatoa completely disappeared. The eruption created a huge wave, 36 metres high, and 36,380 people died in the water of the wave.                                                                                                                                                                                          С   Mount Saint Helens is in the state of Washington, in the north-west of the USA. It erupted suddenly on 18th May, 1980. It was a very violent eruption. In the explosion 400 metres of rock vanished from the top of the mountain into the air. It killed thousands of trees 20 kilometres away, down the slopes of the mountain. Sixty-five people also died.

 LISTENING  The Lady Who Lives on a Plane

1. Why do Joanne's grandsons like to visit her?

A.        She lives near the airport.

B.        She lives on a plane.

С.    She allows them to fly a plane. 46

2.        How many rooms are there in her plane?'

A.        There are four rooms.

B.        There are five rooms.
   C.  There are six rooms.
                                                                                                  3.        When does she open her four doors?

A.        In case of emergency.

B.        When there are a lot of friends.
С.  When it is hot.

4.        Where did the plane fly?

A.        To the continent.

B.        To the Caribbean Sea.

C.        To Florida.

5.        How long is the plane?

A.        It is thirty-two meters long.

B.        It is twenty-seven meters long.

C.        It is forty-two meters long.

6.        Who serves guests their drinks when there is a party?

A.        Nobody.

B.        Joanne herself.  
C.   A flight attendant.
                                                                                                 7.        Why does Joanne want a Boeing 747?
A.    It is not very expensive.

B.        She wants to have a two-storey plane.

C.        She wants to have a more comfortable plane.









For three days we walked, the land on either side of Solomon's road was rich and well cared for. We saw farms and (1) ____,  with   people  planting crops  and  young boys looking after the animals, they were raising long (2)___ high above their heads and bringing them down on the animals' backs, to drive them along. During the trip I was able to (3)____to the older warrior, whose name was Infadoos. He told me all about Twala, their king, as well as their (4)___and cultural systems. By the time we arrived at the king's (5) ____I was already something of an expert in their tribe's affairs. I knew that their king was unpopular, as he was a (6) ____man, who had killed his elder brother to gain the throne, and sent his brother's young (7) ___, who should  have been the next king, into exile. We did not see the king (8) ___the following morning, when we went to the gates of his palace, around which were gathered (9) ___thousand warriors. When the king came (10) ______ with a younger man and an old woman we (11)___ see that he was a fat, sweaty man, with only one (12) ___. He looked at us and walked around us.


A   lakes

В   fields

С   rivers

D   towns


A   stones

В   flags

С   balloons

D   sticks


A   speak

В   ask

С   answer

D   tell


A   sports

В   foreign

С   political

D   traditional


A  garden

В   capital

С   house

D   palace


A   generous

В   careful

С   cruel

D   honest


A   wife

В   son

С   daughter

D   niece


A   until

В   after

С   and

D   while


A   several

В   some

С   more

D   few


A   to

В   near

С   behind

D   out


A   can

В   were

С   could

D   would


A   nose

В   eye

С   neck

D   mouth

USE OF ENGLISH 2   Tom's New Love

beautiful        incredible        towards        summer       century       garden
angel        shirt        fence        heart        leave        forgot        week

Walking past Jeff Thatcher's house, Tom saw a new girl in the (1)___. She had long yellow hair and blue eyes and was dressed in a white (2)___ dress. She was the most (3)___creature Tom had ever seen. A certain Amy  Lawrence immediately vanished out of his (4)        _; he thought he loved her more than anything else in the world — in fact, he had only won her a (5)___ago. Then, for seven days, he had been the happiest boy alive. Now, in one instant, he (6)___her completely. When this (7)___noticed him, Tom began showing off in all sorts of ways to impress her — doing (8)____gymnastic performances. Then he saw

that she was going (9)        the house, but before going in, she turned and threw a flower over the (10)___.Tom ran to pick it up and put it inside his (11)___, next to his heart, or, at least, next to where he thought his heart must be. But he did not (12)        the fence. He remained there, hoping to see her at the window, but she did not appear.

                                  USE OF ENGLISH 3    Behind the Mirror                                                                                                        Alice was in a beautiful garden. There (1)___a house with the door ореn. Alice went in. In the kitchen there was a woman with a baby, a frog laying (2) ____table, a cook and  a fish.  The frog was  putting the  plates and  glasses (3) ____the table-upside down! The knives and forks were in the wrong position! The fish was standing near the woman. It had a letter. The kitchen was full (4)____smoke and the cook was smashing plates on the floor! Everybody was sneezing! "There is too (5)        ____pepper in the soup," said the woman and sneezed again.

      'A letter for the Duchess (6)____the Queen," said the fish. "What does it say?" asked the Duchess. The fish read, "Dear Duchess, come and (7)____croquet with me. NOW." "Oh dear, I must go," said the Duchess. "I (8) ___ play croquet with the Queen. There are always tasty things to eat. There (9)___ cakes and tarts and fizzy things to drink at the castle."   The   Duchess   gave  the   baby   to   Alice.   "What

(10)        funny baby," said Alice. "It's got a big nose and small eyes. It's all pink. Oh," she shouted. "It's a PIG!" The pig  jumped down and ran (11)____. "(12)___strange people," thought Alice. "I think I'll go back outside."


Предварительный просмотр:


A.        After the last animal walked onto the ark, it started to rain.

B.        They caught fish and enjoyed their voyage.

C.        He was kind to all people.

D.        They were safe with the animals on the ark.

E.        One day the bird returned with an olive branch in his mouth.
E   Noah started to build the ark.

G. But Noah could not help them.

H. Most people on the earth are not as kind as you.

I.   The sun appeared.

Noah's Ark

Noah was a very good man. He was not wealthy, but he was honest and he worked hard. (1) He believed in God and he prayed every day. He lived with his wife and his children. One day, God spoke to Noah. He said, "Noah, I know that you are a good man. (2) I am going to create a large storm. I will destroy all of the bad things on the earth, but I will save you and your family." Then God said, "Build a large ark, Noah. Take your family on the ark with you. Also, take two of every animal on the earth. Bring food and supplies for several months." (3) All of the people in the city said that he was crazy, but Noah ignored them. He believed what God said to him. Noah finished his ark. He gathered his family and he gathered two of all of the animals on the earth. (4) It rained and rained and rained. All of the people in the city were frightened. They said, "Noah, help us! Let us on your boat!" (5) It rained for forty days and forty nights. It was the greatest flood ever. All of the people on the earth died in the flood. Noah and his family floated on the water. (6) The rain stopped after forty days. (7) "Noah wanted to see where land was. He picked a bird from the ark. He said to the bird, "I see only water around us. Fly away, bird! See if land is anywhere nearby!" But the bird returned with no sign of land. Noah continued this every day. (8) Noah saw the olive branch and understood that land was near. He said to his wife, "Land is here! We are safe! God saved us!"









READING 2  A Strange Incident

  1. Last night, at about three o'clock in the morning, I heard a strange noise downstairs. I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown. With my heart beating fast, I slowly went to the top of the stairs. It sounded like there were people talking in the kitchen.
  2. I didn't know what to do. Finally, I decided to go downstairs. I made my way quietly down the stairs and listened at the kitchen door. A man asked: "Did you kilt him?" and a woman replied: "Yes, I shot him." Then the man asked: "Why did you do that?" Suddenly I realised that there were not really any people in the kitchen. It was just the TV But why did it turn itself on in the middle of the night?
  3. While I was standing in the kitchen wondering about the TV, I looked out of the window. It was dark, but I could see a figure outside. Someone was walking slowly across the garden! He whispered something. He was talking to another person! What were they doing in my garden?              
  4.  I was wondering what to do when they started walking towards the kitchen window. They were coming towards me! I didn't know what to do so 1 grabbed a knife and waited. They were getting closer and closer. I was so frightened. They came right up to the window, and I saw their faces. It was my neighbours, Alan and Liz!

5.  They obviously were not trying to break into my house, so why were they talking in my garden in the middle of the night? I opened the kitchen door and Alan and Liz came in. They sat down, and I made them both a cup of coffee. This is what Liz told me: "We were sleeping in our bedroom when we heard a loud noise coming from your kitchen. So Alan and I decided to investigate. We came down to your garden, but couldn't see any lights on.

6.  People were talking in the kitchen! So we thought that we should call the police. Just then you turned the light on in the kitchen, and we saw that everything was all right. So we were standing in the garden wondering whether to say hello to you or not, when you opened the kitchen window and said hello to us!"

7.  That explained almost everything. But I never found out why the TV came on in the middle of the night!   

A.Polite Neighbours

B.        Early Coffee

С        A Working TV set

D.        Night Visitors

E.        Anxious Night

F.        Ready to Defend Myself

G.        Unsolved Mystery

H. Strangers in the Garden










АУДИРОВАНИЕ LISTENING   The Man with Thirteen Jobs

How old is Andrew?


Where does he live?


How many tourists come in summer

every day?


Who does he make breakfast for?


When does he collect the post from

the boat?


Where does he deliver the beer?


Who makes supper?


When do they go to bed?



An Adventurous Night

1.____Tom and Sid went to bed at half past nine at that night. Tom

2.___lay awake and waiting impatiently for Huck leberry Finn to

3.        ________ come. At last he has heard the sound of a cat. He quietly

4.        climbed out of the window and jumped down. Together he

5.        ____ and Huck ran away into the darkness. After half of an hour's

6. ____walking they came to the graveyard. It was an overgrown

7. ___with grass and weeds and the old tombstones were falling

8.____down. The wind was moaning round in the trees. They found

9. _____ the new grave and hid behind some trees to watch. But soon

10.        they heard voices. The voices came more  nearer. Out of the

11.___darkness they could see three figures. One was carrying with

12.        __________ a lantern. The others had a barrow, a rope and two spades and

13.        when they found the new grave they were stopped. Tom and

14.        his Huck held their breath, terrified. Soon the men pulled out

15.        the coffin, opened it up and took out the body.

USE OF ENGLISH 2  The Warriors                                                                                                                            The next morning we set off, (1) ___away from the cliff, in the direction of the houses that we had   WALK

(2) ______ in the distance. We turned onto the        SEE

track. When the sun was (3)          in the sky HEIGHT

 we (4)____ to eat and to rest until it became       STOP

a little (5)_____.  I lay down beneath a large        COOL

tree, not far from a small stream. I was woken by the sound of splashing, and lifting my hat up I could

see John wishing his face in the (6)        water.    RUN

Suddenly he froze, looking straight (7) ________,      HEAD

and the water was running between his fingers and , onto the ground at his (8)        ___. I turned my        FOOT

head to see what had grabbed his (9)        .    ATTENTIVE

About sixty feet away there stood a group of very tall warriors, they were (10) ____armed and      HEAVY

dressed in animal skins. I did not like the look of them, so I got up and picked up my gun.

The (11)        must have heard me moving.     OTHER

We were soon all standing with John, as the warriors (12)____walked towards us.        CALM

USE OF ENGLISH 3  Rent-A-Family

Mrs Sato is sad. It is her birthday, and she is alone. Her husband (1)____in 1985. Her daughter lives in another city. Her son is working. Mrs Sato goes to the telephone and (2) ______ a company in Tokyo, Japan. "Hello," a woman answers. "Hello," Mrs Sato says. "I'd like to rent a family."

"What (3)         you like?" the woman asks Mrs Sato. "A son? A daughter? Some grandchildren?" "I'd like to rent a daughter a son-in-law and two (4)____," Mrs Sato says. At seven o'clock that evening four actors come to Mrs Sato's (5)         — a woman, a man and two children. "Happy birthday!" the actors say. The actors stay (6)_____Mrs Sato for three hours. They talk with her, eat dinner with her and (7)____TV with her. Then they go home. Mrs Sato is happy. Mrs Sato was alone on (8)___ birthday, so she called Rent-A-Family. Rent-A-Family is a new company in Tokyo. The company sends "families" to people's houses. The families are

really actors. The actors visit (9)         three hours. The cost is $1,000. Most people rent families (10)__they are lonely. Their children and grandchildren don't visit them. But some people rent families because they like the actors. One woman says, "I always argue with my son and daughter-in-law. But I (11)___argue with my rented family. My family is OK.  But my rented family is (12)_____!"

Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT 8 READING 1 The Mystery of the Circles in the Wheat Fields

A.        They didn't see or hear anything unusual.

B.        Farmers say it is not good for making bread.

C.        It usually goes anti-clockwise.

D.        It was over 20 metres in diameter.

E.        He was dead.

F.        A farmer found white jelly in the centre of one circle.

G.        The circles are perfect circles.                                                                                                                                  

    Some years ago in Wiltshire, England, a farmer discovered something very strange. In one of his wheat fields there was an enormous circle. (1)

Since then many other circles have appeared In the same area. They are all very similar. (2) Around them the wheat Is completely vertical. Inside the circles the wheat is flat but not broken. (3) Sometimes there is another bigger circle around it where the wheat goes clockwise. Dogs often refuse to go into the circles.

Many other strange things often happen near the circles.

•        Five circles appeared in a field after a man and a woman saw very bright lights in the sky.

  1. (4) University scientists say they don't know what the jelly is.
  2. A pilot jumped from his plane in the area. The next day they found him near some circles. (5)

•        Two men waited all day and all night in the fields. (6) But in the morning they found an enormous circle in front of them.

More circles appear every year, but more than twenty years after the first circle had appeared nobody has a clear idea of where they come from.








In which of the stories does the writer state the following:
1.  Nobody gave him a lift.        

  1. He attacked the wrong man.
  2. They were driving very fast.
  3. His masters lost a lot of money.
  4. They are football fans.
  5. The sportsman was fined.
  6. He was looking strange.
  7. The cemetery was not their destination.
  8. It's useful to love animals.

Absurd but True

A     Late for the Match

Manchester police yesterday stopped a car which was driving at over 100 miles per hour oh the M6 motorway. The police asked the driver why he was driving so fast. The driver said he and his four friends were going to a funeral and they were late. The police officer, who stopped the car, afterwards commented sarcastically, "I found it a bit difficult to believe their story. They were all wearing Manchester United scarves and hats."                                                       В          Thumbs down- неодобрение, запрещение

   A judge yesterday fined 95-ki1о rugby player, Mike Brain, $5. The police arrested Brain, a medical student at Leeds University, as he was hitching by the side of the Al. Brain protested angrily in court. "I wasn't doing anything wrong! I was only trying to get a lift as quickly as possible." When the police arrested him, Brain was wearing a long blond wig, high heels and a mini-skirt.

C       Man's Best Friend?

When Mr and Mrs Kahn, of Golders Green, London, went to the theatre, they left their German shepherd dog, Butch, to guard their luxury home. When two burglars broke in and the burglar alarm rang, Butch was waiting for them. Unfortunately, one of the burglars was a dog-lover and he quickly made friends with Butch. Then, while the alarm was ringing, and the burglars were stealing cash and jewellery, worth over $10,000, from a safe, Butch lay down in his basket and went to sleep. When the police arrived twenty minutes later, the burglars had gone. Butch was proudly guarding the empty safe. When the first detective entered the room, Butch immediately attacked him, tore his trousers and bit him in the leg.


How old was Clem when he first tried to fly?        (1)

What did he do when he grew up?        (2)

Where did he move to learn sky-diving?        (3)

What is sky-diving like?        (4)

What is more dangerous than sky-diving?        (5)

When is he going to set a record?        (6)

How many people will take part in it?        (7)


Tornadoes are storms with very (1)____turning winds and dark clouds. These winds are perhaps the strongest on (2)____.They reach speeds of 300 miles per hour. The dark clouds are shaped like a funnel  (воронка)— wide at the top and narrow at  the bottom. The winds are strongest in (3)____centre of

the funnel. Tornadoes are especially common in the United States, but only in certain parts. They occur mainly in the (4)____states.

A hot afternoon in the spring is the most likely time for a tornado. (5)____        become dark. There is thunder, lightning and rain. A cloud forms a funnel and begins to twist. The funnel (6)____faster and faster. The faster the winds, the louder the noise. Tornadoes always move (7)____a northeastern direction. They never last longer than eight hours.

A tornado's path is narrow, but within that narrow path a tornado can destroy (8)___. It can smash buildings and rip up trees. Tornadoes can kill people as well. The (9)____tornado swept through the states of Missouri, Illinois and Indiana in 1925, killing 689 people. Modern weather (10)_____now makes it possible to warn people of tornadoes. People have a (11) ______ better chance of protecting themselves. But

nothing can stop tornadoes from destroying everything in (12)____path.


A  angry

В  weak

С   cruel

D   strong


A   spice

В   earth

С   ground

D   planet


A  the

В  that

С   this

D   a


A   unknown

В   central

С   foreign

D  farther


A  sun

В   sky

С   clouds

D  winds


A   files

В   slides

С   runs

D   moves


A  on

В   in

С   at

D   to


A  everything

В  anything

С   nothing

D  all


A   best

В   worse

С   worst

D  longest


A  equipment

В   machines

С   telescope

D   tools


A   many

В   very

С   too

D   much


A   they

В   their

С   its

D   there

USE OF ENGLISH 2 Interview with Michael

thrilled        forward        scared        concerts         around               fans

other        arrangements        recently        interview        tickets

Interviewer:   So,   Michael,   what   have   you   been   doing (1)_____?    

Michael: Well, Peter, the band and I've been travelling (2) _____ Europe on our latest concert tour.

Interviewer: Realty? Tell me, have your (3) ___         been buying lots of tickets for the concerts?


You can  say that again! They've  been  booking (4) ____since they went on sale six months ago.

Interviewer: You must be (5)        ! Tell me, have you been thinking about giving more (6) ___while you're in   Europe?

Michael: As a matter of fact, we've been making (7) _____stay in Europe longer and give concerts in some (8)______countries which were not in our original plans.        

Interviewer: Great! Well, our time is up for now! Good luck! And thanks for the (9)        __. I've been looking (10)____ to meeting you for so long!        '

Michael: Thanks for interviewing me!

USE OF ENGLISH 3   Painting the Fence                                                                                                                       It was Saturday and a (1)_____ summer day.             LOVE

Everyone was on holiday, everyone was happy. Well, almost everyone. Tom looked at the fence in front of him and the (2) _______ left his heart.                                HAPPY

Thirty yards long and nine (3)        high!                    FOOT

He began to paint and then stopped to compare his white line with the unending continent of

 (4)         fence. He sat down under a tree,                PAINT

discouraged. At that moment he saw Jim (5)                SKIP

along with a bucket of water. Tom had always considered (6)_____the job of fetching water      BORE

from the village pump, but now it seemed much (7)_____ than the job he had to do. You could     GOOD

take a long time and at the pump there were always lots of boys and girls. Tom offered Jim

to (8) _____ jobs for a bit — he would get the                                 CHANGE

water and Jim would do some painting.

At (9) ______ Jim didn't agree. Then Tom promised                            ONE

to give him a marble. The temptation (10) __________             BE

too much for Jim. He put down the bucket. But in

(11)_______  minute he was flying down the        OTHER

street again, his bottom hurting. Tom was

(12) ____  painting and Aunt Polly        BUSINESS
was walking back to the house with a slipper in her hand and a look of triumph on her face.

Предварительный просмотр:

UNIT 9    READING 1   Jonah and the Whale

Jonah lived in Israel. One day God came to him. He said, "Jonah, go to the country of Ninevah. I am mad at the people there. They are wicked. Теll them to ask me for forgiveness."

Jonah did not want to go to Ninevah. He did not listen to God. He went on a boat and sailed to Spain. When he was on the boat, a storm started. The storm was terrible. All of the sailors were  scared. They prayed to their gods to help them. The storm  continued. Jonah said that he was the reason for the storm.  "My God is angry at me. I disobeyed him. If you throw me into  the water, the storm will end."

The sailors threw Jonah into the water. A whale waited for Jonah. The whale swallowed Jonah when he landed in the water. Jonah lived in the whale's stomach for three days. He prayed to God to help him. He promised that he would obey God in the  future.

   Finally God helped Jonah. The whale became sick. He swam to the shore, opened his mouth and freed Jonah. Jonah went to Ninevah. He said to the people there, "You are sinners. God is angry with you. Pray to God and ask him to forgive your sins. He will destroy your city in forty days if you do not pray to him."

The king and the people were frightened. They all began to  pray. God heard the people's prayers. They were sorry for their sins. He forgave them.

Jonah was mad at God. He said, "I look like a fool, God. I said that you wanted to destroy the city. You changed your mind. Now the people think that I am a liar."

God spoke to Jonah. He said that the people were sorry for  their sins. If they asked God for forgiveness, it was correct for God to forgive them.  Jonah understood this and agreed with God.

1.        Why did God tell Jonah to go to the country of Ninevah?

A.        The people were mad.

B.        God was angry with them.
С God wanted Jonah to see another country.

2.        Why did a storm begin?

A.        The weather was rainy and windy.

B.        There were always storms near Spain.

C.        It was God's punishment.

3.        What happened with Jonah?

A.        He found himself inside the whale.

B.        The whale took him to the land.

C.        He found a swallow in the whale's stomach.

4.        How did God help Jonah?

A.        He told the whale to open the mouth.

B.        He made the whale sick.

C.        Не helped Jonah to swim to the shore.

5.        What did God want to do?

A.        He wanted to destroy the city.

B.        He wanted the people to be kind and generous.

C.        Не wanted Jonah to stop sinning.

6.        Why did God forgive the people?

A.        They were frightened.

B.        He liked their prayers.

С They were ashamed to sin.

7.        Why was Jonah mad at God?

A.        God didn't destroy the city.

B.        The people thought Jonah was a liar.

C.        Не didn't want God to forgive the people.








READING 2   What's the Matter?

A. She says we need to help each other.  B. I shouted at her because I was so angry.

С Then she won't take yours anymore.

D. Last week she used my basketball.  E. Maybe I'll ask her to help me with my French.    

F.   No, I wasn't nodding at her.  G. Well, her bike is broken.

 H. She doesn't have much time to talk to me. I.   When I got the bike back, the seat on it was too high.

 J.  You give great advice!

Rita: What's the matter?

Jerry: I don't know what I'm going to do: My sister is driving me  crazy!

Rita; What does she do?    

Jerry: She always uses my things. (1) Then yesterday she took my bike. I looked out of the window and I saw her riding off on it. Then I had to walk for ten blocks to my soccer game. (2)

 Rita: Did you talk to her about it?

Jerry: I didn't talk to her. (3) I told her to stop using my things.

 Rita:. What did she do after you shouted at her?

Jerry: She got angry and shouted back at me. She said she asked me for permission to use the bike, and I nodded OK.  

Rita: Did you really do that?

Jerry: (4) I was talking on the phone.

Rita: Did you explain that to her?

Jerry: Yes, I did. But she says that doesn't matter. She thinks I'm only interested in myself. (5)

Rita: Why did your sister use your bike?

Jerry: (6) I guess she got an emergency call from a friend, so she had to hurry to her friend's house.

Rita: It sounds like she had a good reason to use it. Does she ever help you with anything?

Jerry: No.

Rita: Then why don't you ask her to help you with something?

Jerry: That's good advice. (7)

Rita: There's something else you can do, too.

Jerry: Oh, what's that?

 Rita: You can help her fix her bike. (8)

 Jerry: That's the answer! Why didn't I think that? (9) You need to write letters of advice! You need to write letters of advice for a newspaper or magazine.

 Rita:    Maybe I will some day. 










LISTENING  Homes around the World

  1. Who lives alone?
  1. Whose house is very old?
  1. Who lives near the sea?
  1. Whose house doesn't have any walls?
  2. Who lives in the centre of the city?
  3. In whose house everything is of the same colour?
  1. Who has a pet?
  1. Who lives next door to famous people?
  2. In whose house there is only one room?
  3. Whose children work in another country?

USE OF ENGLISH 1    Popcorn

All corn does not pop. A seed or kernel of corn must have 14 percent water in it to pop. Other kinds of corn have less (1) ____ and do not pop. When you put a kernel of corn on a fire, the water (2) _______ makes the corn explode. This makes a "pop" noise. That is why we call it popcorn. The American Indians popped corn a long time (3) ____. The Indians knew there (4) ___  three kinds of corn. There was sweet corn for eating, corn for animals and corn for  popping. The Indians introduced  corn to the (5)____ settlers, or Pilgrims, when they came to America in   1620.  One  year after they  (6) ____ the  Pilgrims  had  a

Thanksgiving dinner. They invited the Indians. The Indians brought   food   (7)____ them.   One   Indian   brought  popcorn! Since that time Americans continued to pop corn (8)___ home. But in 1945 there (9)___  a new machine that changed the history of popcorn. This electric machine popped corn outside the home. Soon movie theatres started to sell popcorn to (10)____more money. Popcorn at  the   movies   became   more   and   more   popular.   Today Americans still continue the custom of (11) ____ popcorn at the movies. Americans use 500,000 pounds of popcorn every year. Many people like to put salt and melted butter on

their popcorn. Some people eat it (12)        salt or butter. Either way — Americans love their popcorn!

USE OF ENGLISH 2    Snake in the Mattress

1. ___It is three o'clock in the morning. Gladys sits up in the bed        

2.____and turns on the light. "John! Wake up!"  she tells to her

3.____ husband.  John wakes up and opens his eyes a little. “What’s

4. _____ the matter?” he asks Gladys.  “Something is a moving in the

      5. _____  mattress,” Gladys says.  “There here! It’s moving now! Do

    6. _____  you feel it?" "No, I don't," John says. I’m  going back to my

7.         sleep." John and Gladys go back to sleep. After an hour later

8.        Gladys wakes up. "John!" she says. "It's moving again!"

  9.         "Gladys," John says, "as this is a new mattress. There is

10.          nothing in the  mattress." John and Gladys go back to sleep

11. ____ again. An hour later John jumps out of bed  and will turns on

12.               the light. "But something is moving in the  mattress!" he says.

13. _____"You see me!" Gladys says. "There is something in the

14. ________  mattress! Let's to cut the mattress open." “Cut our new

  15. ______mattress?" John asks.  "Yes," Gladys says.  "I would want to

16.         see inside." John and Gladys cut the mattress open. Inside it the mattress they find a snake.

USE OF ENGLISH 3  Arnold Schwarzenegger

Although he was (1)        in Austria, Arnold       BEAR

Schwarzenegger has spent (2)        of his life    MUCH

in the US. He has been (3)        for a long       ACTOR

time. He started his career as a champion body builder, but (4) ___ became popular        QUICK

with movie (5) _____ and fans, and his        PRODUCE

popularity has been increasing ever since. He has (6) _____ in comedies, thrillers,        PERFORM

(7)         fiction, and other types of films.    SCIENTIST

According to many of his fans, he has never made a (8)        film.        WORSE

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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