Оскар Уальд
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Сябро Марина Адольфовна

Презентация по творчеству Оскара Уальда.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Do you want to know the greatest tragedy of my life? I put all my g enius into my life; only talent – into my works. Oscar Wilde

Слайд 2

Oscar Wilde as the precursor of modernism

Слайд 3

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (1856-1900) • An important figure of the European decadence • Aesthete, strange cloths and behavior • Numerous scandals • Love affair with Alfred “Bosie” Douglas • Fairy-tails , “The picture of Dorian Gray”

Слайд 4

Precursor of modernism Methods, themes Usual for the XX century Philosophy Philosophy and life are closely connected

Слайд 5

Major requisite. Biography Mother: exaltation, the atmosphere of poetry, art, freedom Good education (Trinity College, Oxford) Happy family life, early fame

Слайд 6

Фрагмент из фильма Brian Gilbert « Wilde » (1997) Happy family life

Слайд 7

Artistic method (3 ‘whales’) 1 Aestheticism cult of beauty, refined perception, dissatisfaction with the reality, effective external forms . 2 ‘ Pure art’ beauty is the final aim, dream to hide from injustice , no social and civil themes. 3 Decadence propagation of ‘pure art’, emphasized individualism, world of the personal feelings, perfection of the forms.

Слайд 8

Philosophic ideas Reasons of Wilde’s behavior and actions Led to epatage and homosexuality Certain philosophic idea – certain features of behavior Connected with the literary movements

Слайд 9

EPATAGE Aestheticism Theory of beauty Decadence Straggle against the Victorian society

Слайд 10

Alfred “Bosie” Douglas Homosexuality ‘ Pure art’ Decadence Homosexuality

Слайд 11

Religion (the Bible) The antique Greece A theatre and symbols of Maurice Maeterlinck The ‘doubles’ of Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann, Honoré de Balzac Pre-Raphaelitism Oscar Wild

Слайд 12

Wilde and the Pre-Raphaelites The conception of ‘pure art’ (later aestheticism) Against the Victorian moral philosophy Sexual beauty, colorful descriptions Scandalous love affaires John Ruskin

Слайд 13

Albert Joseph Moore. “The dreams” . The picture of Dorian Gray

Слайд 14

Oscar Wild and future The way of life “ Intellectual theatre” Literature Russian “ Silver Age” Philosophy and life Futurists

Слайд 15

Wilde looks like a person of the XX century. Victorian man Oscar Wilde David Burlyuck ( futurist)

Слайд 16

Conclusion Conclusion

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