Рождество в городе Хеллоуин
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 6 класс) по теме
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку.
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Сцена 1
Занавес закрыт, общий свет погашен. В луче “пистолета” из дверей появляется Джек Скеллингтон. Он идет, задумавшись, что-то напевает. Откуда-то раздается звон колокольчиков.
Д ж е к . Where am I?
С веселыми криками вбегают дети.
Д е т и . Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
Д ж е к . Christmas? New Year? What’s this?
Д е т и . Will you meet Santa Claus with us?
Д ж е к . Santa Claus? Who’s that guy?
Д е т и . Hey, Mister! Let’s sing Christmas Carols with us!
Д ж е к . Carols? What are they?
Д е т и . You don’t know Carols, do you? But you should know “Jingle Bells” at least!
Дети поют песню “Jingle Bells “ и водят хоровод вокруг Джека.
Д ж е к (повторяет последнюю строчку из песни). One-horse open sleigh ... Sleigh – what’s this? I don’t understand anything!
Д е т и . Hush! Santa is coming!
Из дверей появляется Санта Клаус, окруженный эльфами и детьми. Он сверяет списки детей, поглядывает на них.
С а н т а К л а у с (бормочет). Не is good, she is good, he is naughty ...
Д ж е к . Who is this guy?
Д е т и . Don’t you know? He is Santa Claus and he is just coming to town!
Дети подбегают к Санта Клаусу, поют песню “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town”, веселятся, играют в снежки, кидают конфетти и серпантин.
SantA Claus is coming to town
You’d better not shout.
You’d better not cry.
You’d better not pout.
I’m telling you why.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
R/f: He sees you when you’re sleeping.
He knows when you’re awakes.
He knows if you are bad or good.
So be good for goodness sake!
He’s making a list
And checking it twice.
He’ll never forget
Who’s naughty and nice.
Santa Claus is coming to town.
R/f: He sees you when you’re sleeping.
He knows when you’re awakes.
He knows if you are bad or good.
So be good for goodness sake!
Повтор первого куплета.
Д ж е к (внимательно глядя на рукавицы Санта Клауса). Claus ... But he doesn’t have claws ... That’s strange ...
Дети со смехом убегают за Санта Клаусом.
Д ж е к (остается один). I haven’t got it quite well, but I liked it! That’s what I have been looking for! We should do the same and the life in Halloween Town will change forever!!! I must go and tell everybody about what I have seen! (Уходит.)
Сцена 2
Раздвигается занавес, на сцене – декорации Города Halloween. Отовсюду появляются Гномы, Ведьмы, Тролли.
М э р . Hi, my ugliest! Again and again I welcome you here in our dreadful and terrible Town of Halloween! I’m glad to say life is still awful and ghastly. Despite Jack’s absence we go on our scaring everybody because FEAR and TERROR still exist in everyone. I will show you what the real FRIGHT is! I will make you HAPPY! I will give you what you need! So MERRY HALLOWEEN to you!!!
С а л л и . Stop it, that’s enough! I’m sick and tired of your screaming round and round! It can’t last any more. We must put an end to it! It reminds me of a nightmare that never ends. (Обращается к Мэру.) You are wrong! You can’t make them happy. Nobody can until the hearts are locked and the eyes are blind to BEAUTY and LOVE.
М э р . Beauty? Love? What nonsense you are talking of! Who cares for love? There is no place for it in our Town!
С а л л и . There is! The only thing you are to do is to believe that LOVE can exist everywhere!
М э р (обращаясь к окружающим). Love, love ... Can you imagine it, my ugliest?
С т а р а я В е д ь м а . Sacred feelings and stupid romance!
Д р а к у л а . And silly flowers and even more – silly words and ... and ...
Д ж е к (появляясь из дверей). And here comes Jackie! Hi, my dearest! Haven’t seen you for ages! I’ve missed you so much! Home, sweet home! Nothing has changed! But you know what? I will blow up all this routine because I’ve brought a real bomb to you!
В е д ь м ы . A bomb!!!
There will be a crash!
A big big crash!!
Wow! That’s cool!!!
Д ж е к . It will blow, but there will be no crash! Because the name of this bomb is CHRISTMAS!
М э р . Christmas? What’s this? I will tell you. Keep your eyes open and you will see, keep your ears open and you will hear.
Исполняется песня “Christmas”.
We wish you a merry Christmas (3)
And a happy New Year!
Oh, bring us some figgi pudding (3)
And a glass of good cheer.
М э р . It sounds nice and attractive. You are delighted and carried away with this idea. But what do you want from us?
Д р а к у л а . Yeah, Jackie, tell us!
Т е н ь . What must we do?
Д ж е к . Well, I am not quite ready to tell you yet. I need some time to think it over. Very soon I’ll explain everything to you. (Уходит за кулисы.)
Сцена 3
С т а р а я В е д ь м а . How do you like it? Not ready yet!
Д р а к у л а (передразнивая Джека). I’ll explain ... soon ... What is he going to explain?
Г о б л и н . Не is becoming strange!
Т е н ь . Yes, something’s wrong with our Jack!
Сцена 4
Д ж е к (появляется из-за кулис). Hooray!!! This year Christmas will be ours!! Now I know for sure what we should do. I’ll need your help. I have a special secret for everyone of you! You, my trick-or-treaters, you will decorate a Christmas tree.
Г н о м ы . A Christmas tree? What is it?
Д ж е к . Well, it’s something unusual and awfully nice. Take a tree and put the best things you can find on it.
Г н о м ы (показывая друг другу разные страшилки). Wow, we know such things!!
Д ж е к (обращаясь к ведьмам). And you, ladies, you will make presents.
В е д ь м ы (радостно потирая руки). Presents ... It sounds ghastly!!!
Д ж е к . Not ghastly, my dear. If you want to please someone you give him something nice, something you like.
В е д ь м ы . ОК. We got you. (Уходят.)
Сцена 5
Д ж е к . And where are my beloved goblins? Come here. I have a special task for you. I know you are perfect at singing. I know a wonderful song!
Г о б л и н . Song! That’s cool! (Начинают петь ‘‘Blue Canary”.)
Д ж е к . No, something quite different. I’ll try to teach you. (Поет “Jingle bells”.)
Г о б л и н ы . Don’t worry! It’s as easy as that! (Щелкают пальцами, поют “Jingle Bells “ в миноре.)
Д ж е к . Oh, that needs to be improved. Go now and try hard!
Сцена 6
М э р . Well, Jackie, you won’t manage! Your idea will certainly fail. I’m sure you’ll see it.
Д ж е к . Stop grumbling! Where are my trick-or-treaters? How are you getting on?
Г н о м ы . Fine as usual!
Д ж е к . What’s this? I told you – a Christmas tree! And what have you done? Take it away and try again!
М э р . I told you, you are a whole failure. While being with me you were lucky and success in everything. And now having your crazy ideas you are all alone and can’t do anything. Nobody understands you.
Д ж е к . Get out! Don’t be in my way! (К ведьмам.) Well, what have you done? You, silly foolish things! I told you to make something you like best of all!
В е д ь м ы . That’s it, Jack! Aren’t they ugly enough?
Д ж е к . Not ugly, I told you – something PLEASANT! Go away and think well!
М э р . They don’t understand you because you are speaking of senseless things. They get ME – I tell them reasonable things.
Д ж е к . You again? Leave me alone! I’m still the Pumpkin King and I’ll prove that I’m right!
С а л л и . My dear Jack (спокойно и убедительно), I’m afraid you are mistaken. You are trying to change the outside of our life.
Д ж е к . And so what? What’s wrong with it?
С а л л и . You don’t understand. You are to change the inner world, too!
Д ж е к . What is it for? The only thing I want is to brighten our gloomy grey life and bring some beauty in it!
С а л л и (назидательно). Beauty is impossible without love. To teach everybody to love is the first thing you are to start with!
Д ж е к . Love! It was invented by those foolish romantic people unable for determined actions. They waste their precious time on silly sighs in the moonlight and senseless words.
С а л л и . I don’t want to hear it, Jack! I never expected you to say such words! Love is magic. It can make wonders!
Д ж е к . Magic? Wonders? What do YOU know of it, Sally?
С а л л и . I know, Jack, I do because I love you.
Д ж е к . Nonsense, Sally! Your problem is that you think too much. Now – let ME think a little bit. I have much to do. Leave me alone.
Массовка с песней “Love of my life”.
Love of my life
Love of my life,
You’ve hurt me.
You’ve broken my heart
And now you leave me.
Love of me life,
Can’t you see?
R/f: Bring it back (2)
Don’t take it away from me
Because you don’t know
What it means to me.
Love of my life,
Don’t leave me.
You’ve taken my love
And now desert me.
Love of my life,
Can’t you see?
R/f: Bring it back (2)
Don’t take it away from me
Because you don’t know
What it means to me.
Д ж е к . You pay too much attention to emotions. Just relax! Don’t worry and you’ll be happy then!
С а л л и . But how can I?
Д ж е к . Easily, just like this!
Исполняется песня “Don’t worry. Be happy”.
Don’t worry
Here’s a little song I wrote.
You might want to sing it note for note:
Don’t worry, be happy!
In every life we have some trouble.
If you worry you make it double:
Don’t worry, be happy!
So this is a little song I wrote.
I hope you learnt it note for note:
Don’t worry, be happy!
Массовка наступает на Салли, та убегает. Джек в раздумье, массовка уходит.
Сцена 7
Д ж е к . That’s got to be a logical way to explain – what a Christmas is. What does it mean – X-mas?
Simple objects, nothing more
That something’s hidden through the door.
Though I do not have the key
Something’s here I cannot see.
I’ve read the X-mas books so many times.
I know the stories and I know the rhymes,
I know the X-mas carols all by heart.
My stones of thoughts are tearing me apart.
A X-mas tree, touching mistletoe,
Nice presents, X-mas carols, shiny snow,
Red stockings, woollen mittens for the claws ...
Claws ... CLAUS! SANTA CLAUS -that’s it!
That’s what I need!
Достает одежду, надевает, смотрит на себя в зеркало.
Д ж е к . No, something is wrong again. It seems to me we need a real Santa Claus. (Уходит.) Fir-trees in stars, electric lights on doors.
Сцена 8
М э р . Well, well, well. Something’s wrong with Jack. He comes here, he goes there, looks for something, makes everything difficult ... Take it easy, Jackie! Who cares for Christmas? Halloween – that’s what we need! All together, now!
Исполняется песня “Halloween”.
The sky is blue,
The sky is green.
Have you got a penny
For Halloween?
Halloween! Halloween!
Let us have a penny
For Halloween!
The sky is dark,
The Moon is blue.
All the ghosts and witches
Came to frighten you!
С т а р а я В е д ь м а . Wait a minute, young man! X-mas sounds awfully curious, I’ve spent all my life in Halloween Town and I wonder if Christmas is worth having it. (Грохот за дверью.) Hear that?
Джек тащит кого-то под покрывалом, сдергивает его.
Г н о м ы . Wow, who’s that? Hello, who are you? You’ve come to scare us, haven’t you?
Д ж е к . No, kids, he doesn’t scare anybody. He gives joy and luck. Santa, you are kind. Help us, make us happy!
С а н т а К л а у с . Don’t be silly. It’s impossible to make anyone happy as easy as that! You must be ready for it. And you, Jack, what have you done?
Д ж е к . Me?
С а н т а К л а у с . You were not able to understand and appreciate the only sensitive creature in your world! Hurry up! Try to bring her back until it’s too late.
Д ж е к . You are right! I should understand it myself. (Уходит.)
Сцена 9
М э р . Well, well, well. I can’t believe my eyes! A stranger is giving orders to our King! Who are you, I wonder? Don’t you have anything else to do? Mind your own business. Go back to your country. You’re waited for there. Forget everything you’ve seen here!
Массовка расступается, Джек сидит на ступеньках.
Г н о м ы . Oh, look at Jack! Jackie, how are you? What’s the matter with you? Has anything gone wrong? You look so unhappy! Can we help you?
Д ж е к . What have we done? How could I be so blind? All is lost, I spoilt ever all. Everything’s gone so wrong! What should I do?
Гаснет свет.
Исполняется песня “Love of my life”.
Сцена 10
Слышны звуки колокольчиков, зажигается елка, свет в зале. Звучит мелодия “Jingle Bells”.
С а н т а К л а у с . I told everybody in my place about the town the people of which know nothing of Christmas and its wonders. We’ve come to bring all this to you. Christmas is magic. It’s the time when all your dreams come true. Let everyone of you get something nice and light. I wish you to become happier tonight! (Раздает подарки.) Have fun but mind: in real life Christmas and Halloween go side by side. They are not to exist isolated. We must learn to live together caring for and helping each other. Only then the world will be saved!
Исполняется песня “I‘ve saved the world today”.
I’ve saved the world today
One day find you like a fall
Spill like taking bad too long.
You’re pleeding!
Some day there’s nothing left to learn
From the point of no terurn.
You’re leaving!
R/f: Hey, hey
I’ve saved the world today!
Everybody’s happy now.
The good things here to stay.
Please let them stay!
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