План-конспект урока "Отношения в семье"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Современное обучение подразумевает решение проблем, интересных ученикам и значимых для них. Отношения в семье относятся к числу таковых. Использование инсценировки позволяет на примере конфликтной ситуации помочь учащимся выработать необходимую линию поведения. Что касается языкового аспекта, то урок позволяет повторить ряд грамматических и лексических тем, развивать навыки говорения и аудирования.
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План- конспект урока с использованием инсценировки по теме «Отношения в семье»
I. Цели урока :
Образовательные: повторение структуры утвердительных, вопросительных, и отрицательных предложений
Развивающие: развитие навыка говорения и аудирования
Воспитательные: формирование чувства толерантности, культуры межличностного общения
II. Ход урока:
1. Учитель показывает ученикам иллюстрации(Приложение 1) и просит назвать, какие конфликты могут возникать у подростков в семье относительно следующих понятий: школа, друзья, деньги, хобби.
S₁ : At school: Parents don’t understand why we don’ study well, don’t like some teachers and subjects.
S₂ : About friends: Parents don’t like our friends and don’t want us to meet them.
S₃ : Money: We don’t get enough pocket money and are not allowed to get some job.
S₄ : Hobbies: Parents don’t like that we listen to music which seems to be bad for them, they don’t approve other our interests, for example watching films, cartoons, collecting something.
2. Учитель предлагает ученикам прочитать по ролям следующую сценку(можно ее заранее представить и записать на видео) :
Jane ( coming into the kitchen). Good morning, Mum. Good morning, Granny. Mother. Morning, Jane. Granny. Morning. Mother. How did you sleep? Jane. Quite well. I see you’ve prepared some toasts for breakfast. Mother. Yes, dear. Would you like some jam or marmalade? Jane. I’d like some jam. Mother. And you, Mum? Granny. Marmalade for me. Mother. Jane, dear, do you remember that we are going to make jam today? I need your help. Jane. Oh, mummy I’ve got another plan. I’d like to meet my friends. Mother. What friends? You promised to help me. Jane. I remember, but let me go. I can help you another time. Mother. You know, I never change my mind. Besides, you are too young to go out with boys. Jane. Why boys? Granny, please, tell something. I always help mother about the house take care of you. Can you understand me now? Granny. Oh, I’ve got a splitting headache, I slept badly. My back is aching, too. Jane, be a good girl, you should help your mother. Jane. Today is Sunday. I need some rest. Mother. In my opinion, you have too much rest. I never see you study at home. Jane. Mum, it’s not true! I study enough. Granny. Well, Jane has rather good marks at school. Maybe, we can allow he to go? Mother. I know where she will go. She’s going to spend all the day with a boy-friend. Jane. Why do you think so? Mother. Some boy often calls up and asks for you. Jane. What if it is so? We are not going to do anything wrong. Mother. You are too young, dear. You should not meet him. Jane. Oh, mum, please let me go. I promise I’ll help you next Sunday. Everything will be OK. Granny, do you believe me? Granny. Yes, dear. Jane. You see, mum? Mother. You mustn’t be very late. Jane. Thank you, mum.
3. Учитель задает вопросы относительно сценки:
What is mother going to do? Why doesn’t Jane want to help her? What doesn’t Mother like about Jane? What is Granny’s relation to the situation? Which arguments does Jane give to explain her intention? Why does Granny support Jane? Why does Mother allow Jane to leave at last?
4. Учитель дает свой комментарий к ситуации, предлагает вернуться к началу урока и обсудить причины конфликтов ( возможна работа в группах) :
So, you can conclude mother and daughter have their arguments in the conflict and it’s difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. It happens all the time. No we return to the beginning of the lesson and discuss what reasons for the conflicts are.
5. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение:
S₁ : School : Children can be lazy, but very often teachers can’t make lessons interesting, they don’t like their students. Moreover, practically nobody can be good in all subjects, some of them seem to be unnecessary. Students can do a lot of sport and music, for example and don’t have enough time for homework.
S₂ : Friends : Parents often think they know what people are best friends for their children. They consider it from their point of view and don’t understand children’s feelings and relations.
S₃ : Money : Children and teenagers especially need a lot of things which are really necessary for them because they want to be like others. Even rich parents think children spend too much. If they want to get some job, parents suppose it will do a harm for school matters and don’t allow it.
S₄ : Hobbies : Many parents are sure they know what kinds of music or films are good. They remember the time when they were young, but the times are changing and what was good for parents, isn’t good for children now.
6. Учитель комментирует сказанное и подводит итоги дискуссии:
Т : From everything which has been said today we can come to a conclusion. Parents and children shouldn’t be so critical to each other. In every conflict situation they ought to listen to the opponent and take into consideration his or her arguments. And only after that they should take a decision. Of course, each conflict has its nuances, but the main rule must be remembered.
7. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.
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