тест по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Ризатдинов Алмаз Гаязович

Материал для проверки знаний


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Предварительный просмотр:


BEGIN     BE     HELP    PLAY   HAVE    DIE     BREAK     EAT    BE     SAY   GO   PAY

1-My sister...........................me with my work.

2-The school year ......................8 months ago.

3-When I was younger, I never .........................mushrooms.

4-My brother never..........................football when he was a child

5-Her mother ..................................10 children.

6-I was in Japan when my father ......................

7-There......................only 6 students in our class yesterday.

8-I...............................$ 500  for this old bike.

9-I first .........................to Africa ten years ago.

10-It..........................very cold so we couldn't swim in the sea.

11-Sally knocked at the door." Come in"..................... the man.

12. Who ......................... the vase?



1-How long ..................you........................a student here?

2-I...........................him since he came to Izmir.

3-She................never.....................a lie to me.

4-How long..................you............................your watch?

5-This week I..................not................  any bananas.

6-He ..............not.................any letters since he left.

7-I............................my book.............. you ................................it anywhere?

8-I'm happy because I........................a letter from him.

9-................you ever............................to Australia?

10-No thanks I............... already ...................... two cups of tea

11-She is still home.  She.......................................her breakfast yet.

12- Susan likes Agatha Christie.

She ................................ all his books.

Present Perfect Simple Put in SINCE or FOR

BE   SEE   KNOW   BE    BE   HAVE   BE    BE

1. Andreas ..................... in Rome ................ two years.

2. George ................. a job in a sports shop ................ January.

3. We ................on holiday ............... Sunday.

4. Sarah ............ not ................ to Turkey .......... 1991.

5. My parents ............... married ....... 30 years.

6. My video ............. broken ............. over a week.

7. Paul ................ Kim ............ she was a child.

8 ................... you ................. your parents ................... last Saturday?


be  go    listen    be    eat   visit   write    go   go    finish   see  do   go

1. ............... you ever ................. to Tatilya?  Yes I ................. there last year.

2. He .................. to his walkman last night.

3. .......... Kate ........... to James yesterday?

4. I ............. never ................ to the cinema in my life.

5. Rob ............... his homework half an hour ago.

6. ............. you ever ............... a kangaroo?

    Yes I ................ many kangaroos in Australia last year.

7. I ................. my homework. Now I can watch TV.

8. When .............. Tom ................ Italy?

9. We ............... very hungry last night so we ........... a lot of spaghetti with cheese.


1. How long have you had your shoes?                      ...............................................................

2. How long have you lived at your present address? ...............................................................

3. How long have you known your teacher?                ...............................................................

4. How long have you had your bike?                          ...............................................................

5. How long have your parents been married?            ...............................................................

Perfect Tense

1.He bought his car tree years ago. He has had his car for three years.

2.He got his driving licence when he was 19.  

He ............................................................... (have)

3. Mike moved to London from Ireland in 1990.   He ......................................................................(live)

4.A friend of his gave him a gold fish three months ago.

He ....................................................................... (have)

5.He moved out of his flat and came to live in the office two weeks ago.

He ............................................... ( live)


1. He ................ happy since he .................. to New York. (be /  move)

2. We ................... friends since we ........................ 19 years ago. ( be / meet)

3. I ............... better since I .................... the new medicine. (feel / begin)

4. They ................. in the same city since they ........................ (live / be born)

5. Their son ....................... a lot of money since he ................ a shop in Antalya.( make / open)

Complete the Sentences:

1. I have studied English for ......................................

2. My father has had his car since.............................

3. I have had this  pencil for... ........................... ......

4. My parents have been married since ...........

5. My family haven’t .......................................................................... for ...........................................

Past / Pres. Perfect

SEE     BE        GO      ENJOY        BE       HAVE      STAY      SPEND   FLY     DRIVE     BE      BE           STAY     BE        TAKE      HAVE

A: I ...... not ....... you for weeks. Where ........ you .........?

B: I ............to the United States on holiday.

A: Oh really?  How long ........ you spend there?

B: About three weeks.

A: And ..... you ........ yourself?

B: Oh,yes. It ......... the best holiday I ....... ever ........

A: Where ....... you .........?

B: Oh, we ........ to Los Angeles, then we hired a car and ....... to Vegas.

A: Wonderful how many times ....... you ......... to the United States?

B: Twice but this ....... my first visit to the West Coast.

A: I ......... in New York once, but it ........... only for a night.

B: Remind me to show you the photos I....... when I........them developed.

A: I'd love to see them.

Write   did / do / does / is / are / was / were    for the Questions:

1. .......... you at school last weekend?

2. A: Where .......... you stay?       B: We stayed in a five star hotel.

3. ......... you listening to me?

4. A: How often ........ he go there? B: Every two months.

5. What ............ she do when she heard the noise?

6. ........... Alan good at swimming? B: Yes. He swims very well.

7. ......... your mother watering the plants in the garden?

8. ........... he live in London?

9. What ......... you do when you are late for school?

10.A: When ............. you come?    B: Two days ago.


Uses of the 'going to'future

1 The 'going to'-future for prediction

Oh, look! It's going to rain!

Look out! She's going to faint!

They're going to be married soon. (Her brother told me.)

It's going to rain tonight. They're going to be married next May.

2 The 'going to'-future for intentions, plans.

I'm going to practise the piano for two hours this evening. (That's my intention.)

at the moment of speaking:

We're really lost. I'll stop and ask someone the way.

I'm now going to show you how to make spaghetti sauce.

I'm just going to change. I'll be back in five minutes.

She says she's going to be a jockey when she grows up.

I'm having dinner with Janet tomorrow evening.

I'm going to have dinner with Janet tomorrow evening.

It's going to snow tonight.

Avoid going next to go or come (e.g. going to go/going to come):

I'm going/coming home early this evening.


a) The telephone's ringing.                                                    1) I'll find it.

b) I think there is someone at the door.                                 2) I'll close it.

c) I've dropped my book.                                                      3) I'll help you.

d) Here's the bill.                                                                   4) I'll answer it.

e) This box is difficult to open.                                             5) I'll pay it.

f) I can't close the door.                                                        6) I'll pick it up.

g) This homework is difficult.                                               7) I'll open it.

h) Where is the magazine?                                                    8) I'll get it.

Future Tense  Will

tidy something up        turn something on             turn something off

hang something up      switch something off          turn something up

put something out       wake somebody up        

1. A: This light is very bright.                B: Ok. I’ll switch it off.

2. A: Is John  still asleep?                      B:Yes, .............................................

3. A: Your coat is on the floor.             B: Ok, I’ll .......................................

4. A: I can’t hear the radio.                   B: ...................................................

5. A: Is that cigarette still burning?        B: ...................................................

6. A: This room is in a mess.                 B: ...................................................

7. there is a good program on TV.   B: ...................................................


1- Will you be at school tomorrow?.................................................................

2- Where will your parents  go next Sunday? .................................................................

3- When will she go to your home town ? .................................................................

4- Will you  go to a restaurant this weekend?.................................................................

5- Will you see your friend this weekend?.................................................................

6- Where will you go on your holiday this summer?.................................................................

7- Where will your father be tomorrow morning?.................................................................

8- Are you going to do your homework this afternoon?.................................................................

9- Is Mr. Wilson going to hire a new secretary next week?.................................................................

10- Where are you going to go tomorrow?.................................................................

11- What is he going to do after the lesson finishes?.................................................................

12- How are you going to go home?.................................................................

13--When are you going to see your parents again?.................................................................

14- What are you going to be in the future?.................................................................

15- Where are you and your family going to have dinner?.................................................................

16 When are you going to have a holiday?.................................................................

Nick’s     Alibi

It’s now 6.30 pm and a policeman is asking Nick some questions about his day.

1. I  was having breakfast  at half past eight.

2. I .......................................at half past nine.

3. I ............................... at quarter past eleven.

4. I ...........................................at one o’clock.

5. I ..........................................at half past two.

6. I ....................................... at quarter to four.

7. I ........................................ at half past four.

8. I .............................................at five o’clock.

Past  or Past Continuous?

find     meet    get    walk   dig   walk    have     ring  see   play    see  walk     see   go     watch     arrive

1. They .............. lost as they .............. through the woods.

2. She ................... in the park when  a dog ....................... her.

3. George ............... some old coins while he ................... in the garden.

4. I .................... a bath when ...................... the phone .........................

5. We  ................... TV when Peter ........................

6. You ......................... quickly when I ..................... you.

7. They ..................... in the garden when they .................. the balloon.

8. James ................. to the shops when I ........................ him.

Complete the Following:

was working/ clean /in / was watching / I heard / was reading /was snowing / It stayed / see /outside

One evening last year I ................ late at the office. It was winter, and it ................... outside. I .....................

........... some reports when ....................a noise. I looked out of the window but I couldn’t .............................

anything. I went back to the reports but ............................ I was working, I had a strange feeling. I felt that

someone .......................... me through the window. “ This is silly,” I thought.  “ The office is on the second

 floor. It’s impossible for anyone to be outside.”

   I turned around to pick up a book and saw something in the mirror. It was a face and it was watching me

through  the window. When I turned back , the face wasn’t in the mirror anymore- but it as still in the mirror.

.............................. there all night, watching me as I worked.

    The next day , I looked at the ground ................................. the building. There were no marks in the snow underneath the window. It was .......................... .......... and fresh. There were no marks on the window itself

and nothing  .............................. the mirror. But I know I saw a face. And there ‘s something else. That night was 31st October, or Halloween, the night when ghosts call and witches walk.

    Since that night , I have believed in ghosts.


1.She ............... (go) to bed when suddenly she ............... (see) a mouse.

2.We ................. (sit) down to dinner when someone ................ (ring) the door bell.

3.Columbus ................ (try) to reach India when he ................ (find) America.

4.They ............(watch) a nice program when the burglar .............(break) into the house.

5.Peter .................. (meet) with an accident as he .................... (cross) the street.

6.He ..............(suffer) from shock when I ..................... (see) him in hospital.

7.He is fine now and when I last ...........(see) him he ............(work) as hard as ever.

8.While he ................ (lie) in bed his firm ..................... (pay) his wages every week.

9.Mary's grandfather ................ (hurt) his back while he ................. (dig) in the vegetable garden yesterday.

10.They put him to bed at once. Just as he ............. (fall) asleep the doctor ............. (arrive).


1Peter .......................... (stay) at a seaside hotel on holiday when he first .......................... (meet) his wife.

2The sun .........................(shine) when I.............................. (set) out on my walk.

3It .........................(rain) when I ..................... (arrive) at my destination.

4While I ....................  (have) lunch the sun ....................... (come) out again.

5Peter ......................... (serve) in the artillery when a mule ........................(kick) him.

6It ............................. (kick) him as he ..................... (pass) behind it.

7Where......... you ............................. (live) before you moved house to come here?

8Who......... you ............................... (talk) to on the telephone just now?

9As Mary ........................ (type) the letter she ..............................(notice) many spelling mistakes.

10 While Peter ................................ (carve) the chicken his wife ................... (lay) the table.

Past Tense 


1. The wind ...................... very hard last night.

2. He .................. his hand with a sharp knife.

3. She ................... for ten hours last night.

4. The dog .................. me and .................... my clothes.

5. Tom and Ed ................. dinner with Mr Carter.

6. When they were in Foça  at weekend, they ................ a lot of fish.

7. Did you break anything ? Yes, I ...................... my leg.

8. How was your weekend?  Oh, I ................. a great time.

1. I .................. my car from a friend.

2. Vera got up at seven o’clock and  .................... her teeth.

3. The homework was very hard so my parents ..................... me.

4.  On the way to school I ................. a big dog.

Strange But True

stop    start    work    die    be   need    

In 1977 Jean Jawbone ................... in hospital in Canada. She ............... an operation. In the middle of the operation, she ............... Her heart ............... The doctors ................... for 3 hours and 32 minutes and finally they ...................... her heart again. And she is still alive today.

Rick made a list of things to do yesterday. But he didn’t do everything on the list. What did he do?   What didn’t he do?

3 Go to the bank                         He .................................................

8 Buy some shoes                       He ..................................................

3 Write to his family                    He .................................................

3 Buy some shirts                       He .................................................

3 Have lunch with friends            He ..................................................

8 Do homework                          He .................................................

8  Read the letters                       He .................................................

3 Watch TV                                 He ..................................................


1. Somebody broke the window.                Who ..............................................................................?

2. Something happened.                             What .............................................................................?

3. Somebody took my umbrella.                 Who ..............................................................................?

4. I saw somebody.                                     Who ..............................................................................?

5. Tom said something.                               What .............................................................................?

6. We bought something.                            What .............................................................................?

7. Somebody asked me for some money. Who ...............................................................................?

8.Tom did something bad.                          What ..............................................................................?

Future   GOING TO

eat         give         lie          rain          study         walk         wash

1. My hair is dirty. I .......................................................................................... it.

2. I don’t want to go home by bus  I ...................................................................

3. Jon’s university course begins in October.  He .............................................

4. Take an umbrella with you.   It ........................................................................

5. I am hungry   I ..................................................................................................

6. It’s my friend’s birthday today. I ............................................. him a present.

7. I feel tired. I .................................................................................. for an hour.

Make Questions:

1. What / you / wear / to the party ?                        ......................................................................

2. When / you / visit / me / again ?                          ......................................................................

3. What time / John / telephone / you / tonight ?     .....................................................................

4. How long / your friends / stay here?                    .....................................................................

5. What time / your mother / get up / tomorrow?     .....................................................................

Going to  /   Will

A: Don’t forget. It’s Jo’s birthday tomorrow.

B: Is it? OK: I ‘ll send her a card this afternoon.

A: What are your plans for the summer?

B: We are going to spend the whole summer by the sea.

1. Oh no, look at that child. She ...................... fall off her bike!

2. I think Ruth ............... pass her exams without much difficulty.

3. Those bags look heavy. I ............. carry one for you.

4. A: Don’t forget to phone every day.

   B: Don’t worry. I ...................... phone every day.

5. If my marks are good, I .................. get a place at university.

6. Millions of people ....................  die of hunger again next year.

Past Continuos Match the Groups:

1. I broke the plate.              a I was standing on it.

2. I damaged a chair.           b I was smoking a cigarette.

3. I burnt the carpet.             c I was trying to open a bottle.

4. I bent a knife.                   d I was drying the dishes.

5. I stained my shirt.             e I dropped a soucepan.

Past or Past Continuos

Match the Groups and make sentences. use WHILE or WHEN

A                                                 B

a I (break) my leg                        The visitors (arrive)

b She (have) an accident            He (paint) the walls.

c My car (break) down                 She (see) a shark

d I (drive down a hill                    I (play) football

e She (swim) in the sea              She (drive) back home from the office

f There (be) a fight                     I (see) a spider on the wall

g The baby (sleep)                      It (begin) to rain

h I (talk) on the phone.                We (watch) the football match.

i  He (fall) off the ladder              I (meet) those strange people on the road

j They (wait) for a bus                I (travel) in Finland

k Mum (cook) in the kitchen         The phone (ring)


When the visitors arrived, mum was cooking in the kitchen.

Mum was cooking in the kitchen, when the visitors arrived.

While mum was cooking in the kitchen, the visitors arrived.

The visitors arrived while mum was cooking in the kitchen.

a ...........................................................................................................................

b ...........................................................................................................................

c ...........................................................................................................................

d ...........................................................................................................................

e ...........................................................................................................................

f ...........................................................................................................................

g ...........................................................................................................................

h ...........................................................................................................................

i ...........................................................................................................................

j ...........................................................................................................................

k ...........................................................................................................................


HURT       BUY    WATCH     BUY   GO    WATCH   BE    PAY     WORK    HAVE  

1. My sister ..............hard last night because she ......................... an exam today.

2. Salih .................skiing last week and he ......................... his leg.

3. .............. you ................. the film on TV last night?

4. I ....... just ......... a magazine and ........ 250,000 TL but last week it ...........only 100,000 TL.

5. I .................... Back to the Future on TV last night and I .................. the book tomorrow.

Will Future   Write W I L L or W O N ’ T

1. She has lost her job. She ..................... buy that car.

2. ...................... Hake come this evening?

3. They ................ leave tomorrow. They decided to go on holiday next month.

4. They baby is sleeping. I ........................... put him to bed.

5. I am working late today. I ......................... come home before midnight.

6. Put some bread on the window sill. The pigeons ..................... eat it.

7. It’s very hot today. I think I ............................go to the seaside.

8. Our team is very good. We ................... be the champion next year.

Past Progressive

* We were having a cup of tea when we heard the crash.

* While my parents were having dinner I arrived at home.


* I arrived at home while my parents were having dinner.

   Use Past tense or Past Progressive

1-He ______________ near the beach when he ___________ a shark.  see/swim

2-The accident ______________ while we _______________ to work.  go/happen

3-We ___________ for a bus when a car __________ a small child.  wait/hit

4-Terry _____________ my car when he ____________ the accident.  drive/have

5-Sue ________________ coffee when she ______________ the news.  hear/drink

6-She ______________ a green sweater when I ______________ her.  wear/meet

7-When I _____________ home last night, the baby _____________.  cry/arrive

8-John ______________ in Istanbul when his father ____________.  die/stay

9-We ______________ the tickets when the film ________________.  buy/start

10-I ______________ my homework when electricity _____________.  go off/do

 Use Past Tense or Past Progressive

1- Lucy and Mary slept. Their mother washed their clothes.

   While .................................................., Lucy and Mary ...............................................

2- I watched TV. Fahri studied his lessons.

    ....................................................  while ......................................................................

3- She peeled some patotoes. She cut her finger.

   As ..................................................................... , ........................................................


     Past / Past Progressive:

 BREAK       GO         PAY         HEAR       SIT              PLAN

 MEET        RAIN       WORK        COME       PREPARE          DISCOVER

1. Colombus ................... America in 1492.

2. Where ....... you ........last Saturday when I saw you in the street?

3. I ........... to go skiing in February but I ........... my leg.

4. She .......... the news while she ............. dinner.

5. While it .......... they stayed in their hotel. Later the sun ...........

   out they went to the beach.

6. I .......... my wife while we ........... in Germany.

7. ...... John ........ you back the money?

8. At ten o'clock I ............ in the cafe near the sea.

    Match the Groups and make sentences as in the examples:

     Past / Past Progressive:

He was painting the ceiling WHEN he fell off the ladder.

  He fell of the ladder WHILE he was painting the ceiling.

He fell off his ladder.             He was writing a cheque.

His jeans split.                       He was tidying his room.

He burned his hand.               He was climbing over the fence.

The TV screen went blank.    He was having breakfast.

He lost consciousness.          He was painting the ceiling.

The tyre burst.                      He was taking the meat out of the oven.

He found his passport.          He was getting an injection.

His pen ran out.                    He was turning a corner.

He bit his tongue.                 He was watching the news.

 Make sentences:

   We have dinner / our visitors arrive

  * We were having dinner when our visitors arrived.


  * When our visitors arrived we were having dinner.

  ** While we were having dinner, our visitors arrived.


 ** Our visitors arrived while we were having dinner.

1-I study English / electricity go off

2-I watch TV / Paul arrive

3-Sue wash hair / hairdryer break

4-They swim / it start to rain

5-I talk to my father / Sue telephone me

1- __________________________________________________________________________.

2- __________________________________________________________________________.

3- __________________________________________________________________________.

4- __________________________________________________________________________.

5- __________________________________________________________________________.


1. If you feel hot                                          you should put the heating on.

2. If you are cold                                         you ought to see a doctor.

3. If you feel hungry                                    you should see a dentist.

4. If you feel sleepy                                     you should go to bed now.

5. If you don't feel well                                you ought to open the window

6. If your teeth hurt                                     you should have something to eat.

7. If you don't understand something           you should ask for help.


1. We ............................................. (have) an exam now.

2. What time ............................ you go to bed every night?

3. We ........................ (be) in the classroom tomorrow.

4. The girl .......................(wait for) her friend  now.

5. Take an umbrella. It ............................... (rain).

6. Why are you under the table?

 What ................. you ....................... (do) there?

7. Listen! A girl ............................. (sing).

8. He ........................................ (not usually drive) to work.

    He usually................................. (walk).

9. They ...................................... (watch) TV very often.

10.She's not tired now.  She ...................... (go) home later.

How long ago?

1.How long ago were you born?...........................................

2.How long ago did you start school?...........................................

3.How long ago did you start learning English?...........................................

4.How long ago did you meet me?...........................................

5.How long ago did your parents get married?...........................................

6.How long ago did you read a story book in English?...........................................

7.How long ago was your birthday?...........................................

Complete the Sentences:

ago     after     next     early     late      in

1. She died ten years ......................

2. Andrew and his family were in London  the ...................

3. Picasso was born ................ 1881.

4. ................ washing in the river, Robinson Crusoe climbed the mountain on the island.

5. I usually get up at eight o’ clock but yesterday I got up at 10 and was  ............. for work.

6. We are too .......... It’s 8.00 and the bank isn’t open.


1. I .................stayed in a hotel.

2. They went on a holiday three days ..................

3. I ............... get up early on Sunday mornings.

4. Do you ever watch that program on TV?

5. A few years .................... I visited Disneyland.

6. They saw their grandparents two hours ..............

7. Has Ann ............... ridden a motorbike?

8. Alice has ............... studied English before.


1. We haven’t gone holiday .............. We are .............. at home and it is ............ late in the season.

2. The doctor says you mustn’t get up ................ You are .............. too ill to get about.

3. Have you finished my book ................. ? No, I am .............. in the middle of it.

4. Have you replied to Mary’s letter .............. ? No, I’m trying to find time for that.It is 3 days late ...............

5. I’m in a hurry. I must be at school ............ but I’m ........... at the station. The train hasn’t come ..............

6. Does your father ............. keep horses?

7. Is Peter’s sister married ..................?

8. I have done my exercise three times and it ................. isn’t right.

Write the Correct Forms of Verbs: past  / perfect present


   My name is Fred Grass. I .................. in Bristol in the south west of England. I don’t ................. from

Bristol. I ................ born in Scotland. I ..................... in Bristol for a year now. Before I ................ to

Bristol I .................. in London. I ............... there for three years. I .................. in a bank there. I ...............for BBC now. I ................. this job for six months. My best friend is my wife Magie. We .................... each other since we were children.

Past / Present

get up    leave   get    lock    have   not have   get    have    have    read    be    put on    close   go   have

Andrew ................. at 8.00 yeserday. He usually ........... a quick shower but he ...........

 not ........... a shower yesterday. He ................... a bath. Then he ............ dressed and ........... downstairs to the kitchen. Andrew often ............... cereal and a cup of black coffee but yesterday morning he ................... two pancakes, toast and orange juice. He always ................ the newspaper in the morning but yesterday he ................ in a hurry. He ..............his coat ............... the front door and .............. it. Then he ............. into a taxi and ...............

Put the verbs in the past or the past continuous tense.

a) I ..........................  (have) a bath when the telephone .........................(ring)

b) We .....................( play) golf when it ......................... (start) snowing.

c) I ....................(read) when the lights ..........................(go out).

d) They ............(live) in San Francisco when the earthquake....................... (happen)

e) He .........................(have) a dinner party when the police.........................(arrive)

f) Detective Gumshoe ................... (question) the guests when the cook  ................  (bring) the tea into the room.

g) He .........................  (paint) the window when he ........................  (fall) off the   ladder.


wore / tried / parked /saw / walked /stood / drove / bought /watched / ate

 1.On Tuesday, he ..................... the same shirt as I was wearing.

 2.I ................. the boats going by up and down the river.

 3.We all................ too much at the party last night.

 4.The driver.................the bus at the bus-stop.

 5.It wasn't easy, although I.....................many times.

 6.It was dark, but he.....................me all the same.

 7.The policeman......................dangerously to catch the yellow car.

 8.He did not drive that day, he....................there.

 9.The boys......................against the wall watching the fight.

10.With my money, I......................the books that I needed.


     while   just   soon   still   already   until

 1.Are you................at home, or have you left yet?

 2.I'll telephone Jim..................you are getting ready.

 3.I did not know the way...............I saw the name outside the church.

 4.We have ...............arrived home because we lost our way.

 5.They'll arrive.................It's not far from Cooks town to Dorling.

 6.I was...............coming when you called.


sell    polish   do  wash   want    have   take   speak    sleep  play   come   leave   drink  

1) You can't see Tom now. He ............................. a bath.

 2) He usually ....................... coffee but today he ........................... tea.

 3) The last train ............................ the station at 11.30.

 4) What .............. he ................ his car now?  I ............... he .......................... it.

 5) That film ....................... to the local cinema next week. .............. you ................ to see it?

 6) She ..................................... her car last week.

 7) He usually .............................. till 9.00 but yesterday he .............................. till 10.00.

 8) He .................................. at Wimbledon next summer.

 9) The Prime Minister ......................... on tv tonight.

10) We ..................................... the children to the seaside this summer.


wait    look for   study      find    play    throw   arrive    rain    watch     make    think    like

 1) I .................................... a cake when the light went out.

 2) He ................................... tv when the phone rang.

 3) What ...................... you ........................ of his last book?   I ........................... it very much.

 4) He ........................... the guitar outside her house when someone opened the window

     and ..............................out a bucket of wate

 Which Tense?

1.Roberto........................... (be) to New  York three times.

2.Some times we.................... (play) cards on Friday nights.

3.Kethy and Mike are living in Chicago where they................(live)for six years.

4.the children...................... (play) outside  when the fire started.

5.I............................... (study) French from 1987 to 1988.

6.The mail never.................. (come) on Sunday.

7.Trang..........................  (graduate) from collage  next June.

8.We.................. (stay) at the Bilmore Hotel for a few days last year.

9.Paul Theroux.......................... (write) 25 books since 1970.

10.When you ............... (call) me yesterday, I .......................... (type) a term paper.

11.My grandmother ........................ (take) two night courses at the community college tis semester.

12.Mae Ling................... (be) on her next birhtday.

13It ................. (rain) now.It....................... (rain) for two days.

14Listen!I think someone.......................(knock) at the door  right now.

15Ron and Jennifer usually...............(go) to church on Sundays.

16.A dog ................ (bite) Jone while he........................(wait) for the bus last week.

17.The Carlson family...................... (move) there times since they arrived in this country.

18.How much was that sweater?      It................... (cost) 30.ooTL.

19.Where is your sister?  She...................(shop).

20.The bus................. (come) in a few minutes.

 Complete the sentences with  the simple past or the past  progressive

1) Alison ............................ ( walk ) home when someone ........................ ( stop ) her.

2) When I got there the sun  ............................ ( shine ), but it ........................... ( start ) to rain soon afterwords.

3) Who ................. you ........................ ( talk ) to when I ........................ ( see ) you in  town?

4) I ...................... ( break ) my arm while I .......................  ( play ) tennis.

5) Why ..................... you ......................... ( speak ) to him when he .....................................  ( try ) to study?

6) I ............................... ( live ) in Germany at that time I ........................... ( meet ) him.


hear / sleep     clean / arrive   clean / arrive   receive / open    play    wear    fall / cross   see /do      go / rain

1) I ...........n't ................. the bomb last night because I ........................

2) My mother  .................... the house when I ...................  there.

3) I ....................  a package yesterday. When I ................... it ,I found a surprise.

4) Ali went to his friends' house, but they weren't there. They .....................  football in the garden.

5) A- I'm sure you met Elif at the conference yesterday.

    B- I don't remember her. What ............. she .........................?

6) A- How did you break your arm? B- I ................. down while I  ........................ the street.

7) When she  ...............  me,I .................... my homework in the library last night.

8) When I  ....................to school, it  ........................... cats and dogs,so I got wet.

Complete the folowing sentences by adding for,since,from or until:

1.There has been a university in Oxford ...... more than eight hundred years.

2.They have been married ....... 1966.

3.The first world war lasted ........ 1914 ...... 1918.

4. ......... 1992 ......... last year we had a flat in the center of town.

5.Can you wait for a few minutes ......I'm ready.

6.I haven't spoken to Bill ......... we were at school.

7.We usually stop for lunch ....... one ...... two thirty.


catch  feed  ring  work  learn  be  steal  shout  do  play  come buy leave  go  post  know steal  cook

clean   meet  invent   enter  write drive  wait  score  buy  start  get

1.The money _________ yesterday.

2.How long_________ your parents_________ married?

3.Listen! Somebody _________ for help.

4.How often _________ your mother_________ your room?

5.They_________ a new house two months ago.

6.The president_________ to Izmir tomorrow.

7.What _________ you _________ tonight?

8.My father always _________ home early in the mornings.

9.While they_________ football,they broke the window.

10.Every year different kinds of animals_________ in forests.

11.What _________ you _________ since you came here?

12.I_________ a student at this school for a year.

13.The chickens_________ by my father every morning.

14.When I leave school,I'd like_________ to university.

15.She _________ their since two o'clock.

16.The telephone _________ when I was sleeping.

17.I_________ in a night club for two years.I don't work there now.

18.She's a good friend of mine .I have _________ her for a long time.

19.Ahmet's bike was _________ last week.

20.The room _________ yesterday.

21.A meal _________ for the guests last night.

22.The letter _________ at 3 p.m

23.Ballpoint pens  _________ by Lazslo Biro.

24.I  _________ a letter, when the telephone rang.

25.My father  _________ a new car,but he  _________ it yet.

26.Someone was cleaning the classroom when I  _________ the class.

27.I _________ never  _________ a famous person before.

28.Our team _________  a goal yet.

29.I  _________ these shoes two weeks ago.

30.The students _________  for the bus, when it started to rain.

31.Yesterday morning it was sunny and beautiful, but at 1:00 in the afternoon.

32.Excuse me. Can you tell me how  _________ to the supermarket.

33.Who _________ your house  _________ by everyday.

34.She always  _________ problems with her house.

35.I _________ a football fan since I was ten.

on Mary ............................. for me.

7) I don't want to go to the zoo because it is raining. The same thing happened yesterday.

    I didn't want to go to the zoo because it .........................................

8) I called Mehmet at nine last night, but he wasn't at home. He ......................... at the library.


BUY       SPEAK     PAY      DO     GO     UNDERSTAND

1.`............................to a restaurant yesterday?'            `No we went last week'.

2.`Where ............................. your sunglasses?'              `I didn't. They were a present.'

3.`How much .......................... for your camera, Sandra?'

4.`What ......................... at ten o'clock last night?          `We were talking with some  friends.'

5.` ............................... what he said?'                            `No, he .......... Italian, I think.'

1. When................................. the jacket?

   When she was on holiday.

2. Where ............................. on holiday?


3. What ........................................ steal?

 A jacket and $25.

4. Where  ..................................... from?

   From the staff changing room.

5. How much  ............................... cost?



go   see    work    shop  walk   work   do   meet   stay   begin    be   hurt    stay     go   forget     live

1. When I _________________Peter while I _________________this morning.

2. We_____________home this evening when it suddenly__________  to rain.

3. I _________________ my back when I _________________ in the garden.

4. I _________________ in Oxford, so I_________________ to see Tim.

5. Ken__________ his homework last night and he_________  to telephone home.

6. We_________________ in Greece when our first daughter_________ born.

7. She_________________ in the library when she_________________ Maria.

8. We_________________ to the opera when we _________________ in Milan.

MAKE SENTENCES: Past /Past Continous

arrive  get   ring   begin   go   go    begin   come   hurt    listen   talk   have   hear   hear   have   play  

1. When he  ....................  his back he ............................  to see the doctor.

2. When she ......................... the news she ...................................  to cry.

3. We  ..................... to the radio when Fred  ..............................  home.

4. I ...................  a strange noise and the dog ................................ to bark.

5. Everyone  ............................ and suddenly the lights  ............................... out.

6. I ........................ a nice hot shower when the doorbell .....................................

7. He .............................. a nice hot shower when I .................................... home.

MAKE SENTENCES: Past /Past Continous

shop   need  find out  be   surprise   know  come   wear  see  play   walk  be

The other day .............. something that ................. me while I ............ in the city centre. I ................

down the High Street when someone I .................... out a very expensive clothes shop. The surprising

thing ..............that she ..................... terrible old jeans and a dirty T-shirt. Later on I .................. that those

were the clothes she .................. for her job: she......................an actress who ........................ the part of a

punk in a new film!

Past / Past Cont.

drive   break   break   walk   hurt   play  wait   see  see  phone    walk  see  see  stop    talk  

1. Mike ............... in the park when he .......... an old friend Sue. When he .............. her, he .............. and      

     .................. to her.

2. Tina ................... at a bus stop when she .................. an accident. When Tina .............. the accident

     she ................. the police.

3. Bob and David ............ home when their car ........... down. When their car ........... down they .............. home.

4. I ................ my foot when I ................... football.


A: Hello, nice to see you again. I ............................ (not/see) you for a long time.

B: No, I ............................. (not/live) here anymore. I ...................... (get) a job in Scotland a few months ago.

A: Oh, how nice. So, what .............................. you ............................. (do) here now?

B: I ........................... (visit) my parents for a few days but I ........................... (go) back to Scotland next week.

A: What ....................... (be) your job?

B: I have got a job as an electrician in Edinburgh.

A: Edinburgh ! Oh, lovely !

B: ..................... you ever ..................... (be) there?

A: No, I .................... (not) , but I often ....................... (hear) how beautiful it is.

     My mother ................... (live) there when she ............... (be) a child. So what are your plans now?

B: I ........................ (not/know) but I ................... (think) I ...................... (be) there for quite a long time.


1.Jane ........................ (not / be) at home when I went to see her. She ...................... (work).

2.I was late but my friends  .................. (wait) for me when I ....................... (arrive).

3.I know George.I ............................ (know) him for along time.

4.Where are you, Roy? I am in the living room.I ........................ (read).

5.She ......................... (be) in London now.She ............................ (arrive) there four days ago.

   She ..........................  (be) there for four days.

6.George  .......................... (have) a new car next week.



ago      can     before  could   more   better     has to    most   another    for   since

1.I haven't been there_________I was seven.

2.We last went there four years__________.

3.Now,you have been a student here________ about eight months.

4. Sarah is a nurse.Sometimes she________work at weekends

5. When I was young,I_______run very fast.

6. Jill's idea wasn't very good.My idea was__________.

7. Money is important but it isn't__________important thing in life.

8.Do you have_________paper,sir?I can't read this one.

WRITE      SEE        STUDY      WASH      HELP     HAPPEN     PHONE      BE      

LEAVE      FIND      BUY          WRITE     TRY        HAVE          ARRIVE      BE

13. ................ you ................... to your new pen friend?

14. The police ................................ the thief.

15. Leila ...................................... the country yet.

16................. you ............................... the new teacher?

17. My father ................. just ............................ his boss abut the problem.

18. How many times ................ you ............................... abroad?

19. ................... the postman ................................ yet?

20. Nimet ...................................... a lot of new clothes recently.

21. .................. you .................................. for the exam?

22.I wrote to my penfriend but she ............... not ............................ back.

23. I am sure you can do that. You ................ not .................. hard.

24. There are a lot of policemen in the street. What ...................... ?

25. I am going to Nevsehir next week. I ................ never ................ there before.

26. Thank you very much. You .......................... me a lot.

27. Sorry, I can’t eat anything. I ................................ my lunch.

28. ................ she ..................... the dishes?


STAY   SEE      KNOW    SEE       BE    GO    LIVE    

1- I......................John yesterday .

2- Did you ? I.............not....................him for weeks.

3- I ........................ Mary since 1989.

4- .....................ever............................to India?

5-We................................ in Marmaris for 3 weeks and  returned home last week.


1-She..............French when she was in high school.

2-He ..................to the radio until the sun rose.

3-She was a famous writer.She ........a lot of stories.

4-The baby...........not.......yet.It's still sleeping.

5-She.....................to London.She is still there.

6-This week I..............................the TV once.

7-When you were out,I.......................everywhere.

8-She is not in hospital now.She.............hospital.


WRITE       LEAVE         BE       STUDY        L ISTEN          SEE

1- I....................... John yesterday .

2- We .......................... in Marmaris for 3 weeks and returned home last week.

3-She ............................. French when she was in high school.  

4- He ................................ to the radio until the morning.  

5- She was a famous writer. She .......................... a lot of stories.  

6- She is not in hospital now. She ............................ the hospital.

   PUT in SINCE  /  FOR  /  NEXT  / AGO 

1-We have lived in London................eight years.  

2-I have only known her................... yesterday.  

3-My grandmother died five years ....................

 4-She has been a teacher............. eighteen years.

  5-I first went to Africa seven years ................  

6-I haven't seen him ..........................weeks.  

7- Last year they stayed in Antalya..........ten days.  

8-I've never drunk alcohol ...............I was born.

9. They are going to England ................... week.

10. My parents have been in Izmir ...................... twenty years.

11. I first came to Izmir four months .................  I have been here .................. June.

12. Filiz is very busy today. She has typed ten letters .................... morning.

13. Where are you going ......................... weekend?

14. Ayla worked in Germany seven years ................, then she went to France .

     She has been there .................... 1990.



1) He sometimes ................................... tennis,but today he is playing football.

2) We ............................. a house in Antalya a month ago.

3) Have you typed the letters? No. I ................................. them soon.

4) Bill .............................. cars since he was thirteen years old.

5) What time ................... you ............................ your breakfast?

6) We ................................. good friends for many years.

7) When I was in Antaya last summer I never ...................................

8) Well. She can't answer the call now she ........................... a shower.


be / rain / not go /arrive / phone /hate / look / call /  not speak / start / sleep / do / hear / do / need / apologise

1. As soon as he ............................. home, he ............................................... me.

2. I .................................... to him until he ............................................................

3. What .....................you ............................, if you ..................................money?

4. If it ..................................., we .....................................................................out.

5. When the film ........................................., he ..................................................?

6. My mother ..........................................................................................after pets.

7. What .................you ..........................., when you .............................the crash?

8. He usually ...........................................................................me, in the evenings.

9. ............................................................................................you afraid of dogs?


Put the verbs in the story  in the Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.

Last Sunday Mr Evens .........................(take) his children to North London  Safari to see the animal. They

.................. (sit) in the back seat and   ................... (watch) out through the firmly shut windows. Baby

monkeys .......................(jump) up and down in the tall trees. One even   ..................( climbed) onto the

bonnet of the car and ....................... (make) faces at the children . Some giraffes .................. (eat) green

leaves from the trees. They ..................... (be) beautiful! Two lions ....................... (lie) on the grass and

a huge hippopotamus .................. (have) a bath in the shallow lake. They ..................... (ride) for an hour

along   the path of the park. They ..........................(cannot) get out of the car because it ...............(start)

to rain heavily and all the animals  ....................(run) into their shelters. Mr Evens ..................(drive) back

home. The children ..........................(be) happy. They ......................(have) a fantastic time!

Write the correct Forms of Verbs:


1. What .............. you ...................... two hours ago?

2. While they .......................... to the picnic area they ....................... a group of tourists.

3. If you don't come in time we ....................... late for the meeting.

4. Look at the clouds. I think it ......................... soon.

5. He ..................... he had headache but I think he just didn't want to come.

6. If he ......................... you, don't tell him anything about that subject.

7. My mother ......................... earlier than I do.


LOOK      BE       LEAVE       DO      FALL      BUY    FINISH     RAIN

1-He picked up his clothes and ..........................home for school.

2-The film starts at 5 o'clock and ........................ at 8.30.

3-Tom is bored today because it ..............................

4-Yesterday it ........................ warm but today it's cool.

5-Sorry, I can't. I'm busy. I ...................... my homework.

6-I like your shoes. They .............................. very nice.

7-Yesterday I .................................. a new book about wild animals.

8-He has got a broken leg. Yesterday he ................................ off his bicycle.



1) I don't want to go to the zoo today because it's raining. The same thing happened yesterday.

I ............ not ........................ to the zoo because it ................................

2) It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park.

 The sun ............................. and the birds .....................

3) Ahmet went to his friend’s house, but the boys .............. not there.They ............. basketball at school.

4) She ............. not ........................... her work yet.

5) I .............................. there three times so far.

6) Mrs. Green: Do your homework!  Tom: I ................ already .................... it.

Past / Past Continuos

play    arrive   play       see    burn       have      look for     

1.I ........................... him two days ago. He ....................................... a new job.

2. Yesterday at 9 in the morning I .......................................... breakfast.

3. My little brother .................................. near the stove when he .............................. his hand.

4. When my father .......................... my sisters ........................................... a computer game.

What were the people doing when Rick came into the room?

George was reading a newspaper.

1. Julie ................................................................... a sandwich.

2. Sue and Liz ....................................................... table tennis.

3. Frank ......................................................... television.

4. Caroline .................................................. on the floor.

5. Barbara .................................................. a letter.

6. Rita ............................................. her hair.

7. Alison ................................................ to some music.

8. Ann ...................................................... a picture.

Look at these pictures of people who are coming through passport control at an airport.

Change the things they said into REPORTED SPEECH

Make Sentences with given words: What are they doing?

clean / paint / sweep / eat / play / dig

ball / brush / spoon / spade / broom / racquet

 1. The woman is ............................................. with a ......................

2. The old man is ........................................... with a .......................

3. The baby is ............................................ with a ............................

4. Tom is ................................................ with a ................................

5. The cleaner is ..................................... with a ...............................

6. The housewife is ...................................... with a .........................

A policewoman is questioning  Mary about last Friday. Look at the picture and complete the conversation:

Policeman : What time did you get    ( you /get ) home from work?

Mary         : At about six o’clock.

Policeman : And what ............................................ (you / do) after you got home?

Mary         : I .......................................... the newspaper.

Policeman :Did anything happen while you ......................................................... ( read ) the newspaper?

Mary         : Yes, the phone ................................................ ( ring ).

Policeman : What ...................................................... ( you / do ), when you husband came home?

Mary         : I ............................... ( watch ) television and ................................ ( drink ) a cup of coffee?

Policeman : Did you and your husband stay at home?

Mary         : No, I .................................. ( drink ) my coffee. Then I put on my raincoat, and

                    we .................................... ( go ) out at seven o’clock.

Policeman : Why .................................................. ( you / put ) your raincoat on?

Mary         : Because it ....................................... ( rain ), of course.



1) A: ........... you .................. your dictionary this afternoon?

    B: No, you can borrow it if you want.

2) It is a lovely day. It is sunny and the birds .............................

3) When I first met him, he ........................... in a restaurant

4) He ............................ a very nice story and everybody liked it.

5) I .......... never ..................... pork since I was born.

6) He usually .......................... so quickly that I don't understand him

7) I don't know what to do this afternoon. Perhaps I ...................... at home until seven o'clock.

8) I have bought a fridge; it ..................... be ......................... this afternoon.



   I ...................... spend my holiday in Crete because there is a lot to see. I..................... travel there by ferry because I enjoy boat trips. I'm not going on my own; my best friend ................... come with me and I think my cousin ....................... come too if I ask her. We ........................ stay in Hania for twoweeks,then we ................... go somewhere else.I hope we.................... find a hotel easily but if there is any problem, we ........................... stay ay a campsite.We.................... swim everyday so I ................... take a lot of sun tan oil with me- I think we...................... need it. I am looking forward to this holiday. I'm sure it ..................... be the best holiday ever.


  I heard on TV last night that Portsmouth Council .......... build a new swimming pool in the centre of the town. They ........ start work in July and the pool.......... probaby be finished by September. The Mayor said,'I'm sure the people of Portsmount ......... welcome the new pool. I hope they ............ understand the temporary problems which ......... be caused in the centre of the town. "The opposition leader does not seem  to like the idea. He ........... organise a protest to stop the council wasting public money, and he believes that  the majority of the people living in Portsmouth ............ support him.


1.A:What do you want for lunch?                   B:I think I.................... have chicken and some salad.

2.A:John has come back from England.          B:I know.I ......................... see him tonight.

3.A:I haven't got any money.                          B:I .......... lend you some if you want me to.

4.A:Ben and I ............ get married in April.    B:Really? Conguratulations!

5.A: ........................ we meet on Sunday?      B:Sorry, but I ..................... visit my aunt. She is expecting me.

  6.A:Is Dave coming to the party?                         B:Yes, but he ........................ probably be late.

  7.A:Laura is in hospital.                                       B:Really? I........................... send her some flowers.

  8.A:Have you decided where to go on holiday?    B:Yes,I .......................... travel round Eorope.

  9.A:The plants need watering.                              B:I know.I ............................... water them later.



 John: ............................... you ski?

 Dave: Yes, I....................... I went skiing last year and I ................ go down the learners  slope easily.

 John: I ................. ski when I was younger, but since I hurt my leg I.............................

 Dave: Actually, I think ice-skating is much easier.I .................. ice-skate when I was five years old.

 John: Really? I tried ice-skating once, but I ........................ stand up at all.

Will  or Going to

1. Would you like a drink?  Thank you. I .............................have some juice.

2. Look at those dark clouds. It ................................ rain.

3. We ............................ go to Paris. We have just bought a flat there.

4. I feel tired. Perhaps I ................................ sit down.

5. It’s John’s birthday. I ..................... buy him a present.


Hurry up! The guests will be arriving at any minute!

A space vehicle will be circling Jupiter in five years' time.

It is often used for visualizing a future activity already planned:

By this time tomorrow, I'll be lying on the beach.

I'll work on this tomorrow. (intention, possibly a promise)

I'll be working on this tomorrow. (futurity)


When will you finish these letters? (e.g. boss to assistant)

When will you be seeing Mr White? (e.g. assistant to boss) > more polite


Mary won't pay this bill. (she refuses to)

Mary won't be paying this bill. (futurity)

Will you join us for dinner? (invitation)

Will you be joining us for dinner? (futurity)

Won't you come with us? (invitation)

Won't you be coming with us? (futurity)

We'll be spending the winter in Australia. (we are spending)

Prof. Craig will be giving a lecture  tomorrow evening. (= is giving)


The future-in-the-past

I couldn't go to Tom's party as I was about to go into hospital.

We were just going to leave when Jean fell and hurt her ankle.

I was to see/was going to see/was to have seen Mr Kay tomorrow,

 but the appointment has been cancelled.

I was going to see Mr Kay. (the meeting did or did not take place) compared with:

I was to have seen Mr Kay. (I did not see him)



1. I ........................................ to my parents every week.

2. I ........................................ to my parents every week last somester.

3. I ........................................ to my parents yet.

4. I ........................................ to my parents for two hours.

5. I ........................................ to my parents from 8 to 10 yesterday evening.

6. I ........................................ to my parents two days from now.

7. I ........................................ to my parents at the moment.

8. I ........................................ to my parents sisnce the somester began.

9. I ........................................ to my parents three days ago.


1. Some students ...................................... in front of the dean’s office now.

2. They ................................................. again this coming Thursday.

3. They ................................................. in front of his office since eight o’clock this morning.

4. They .................................................  while we were in class.

5. They ................................................. two weeks from today.

6. They ................................................. for the past two hours.

7. They ................................................. in front of the dean’s office last year.

8. They ................................................. to the president yet.

9. They ................................................. in a few minutes.

10. They ................................................. in ever since this morning.

11. They ...................... still ........................... in front of the dean’s office.

12. They ................................................. in two weeks.


I heard on TV last night that Portsmouth Council .......... build a new swimming pool in the centre of the town. They ........ start work in July and the pool.......... probaby be finished by September. The Mayor said,'I'm sure the people of Portsmount ......... welcome the new pool. I hope they ............ understand the temporary problems which ......... be caused in the centre of the town. "The opposition leader does not seem to like the idea. He ........... organise a protest to stop the council wasting public money, and he believes that

 the majority of the people living in Portsmouth ............ support him.

1They (spend) all their money and (not know) where to find Wey in ore.

(finish) our work so we (sit) down to talk.

3The sky (be) black for some time before the rain (begin) to fall.

4 you work to do again because you (do) it badly.

5 I (thank) my hostess i (leave) the house and (go)W enhome.

6Yesterday my wife (tell) me about a beautiful hat she (see) a few days earlier.

7        Dr Brown (just return) so they (give) him the message.

8        One of his 'patients (break) his leg and (need) a doctor at once.

9        The doctor (hope) for a quiet night.  He (feel disappointed.

10After the children (go) to bed the house1(be) ) very quiet.

11ve) in a small village and (not understand)

121 (forget) to fetch my glasses.

131 town that evening as his wife (go) to

14never be) in Athens before so we (want) to see the sig] ts.

15 child (lose) his money so he (cannot buy) sweets.

Already   yet    stIll

1. I haven’t found my pen ..................... I am ...................... looking for it.

2. She only started the job a few weeks ago. and she is .................... bored.

3. We are late I hope the film hasn’t started ...........................

4. I sent the letter two weeks ago and I am .................... waiting for an answer.

It is half past eight in the morning, and Jack should be at school by nine but he’s ................

in bed. He has .................. had breakfast because he brought it back to bed. He hasn’t packed

his bags ................., and he is ....................... trying to make his mind up what to wear. He’s been late

for school three times this week.

Write the sentences in Present Perfect Tense:

1. The sun came out three hours ago. It’s still shining.


2. He started work in 1956. He is still working for the same factory.


3. We had our first holiday in Majorca ten years ago. We still go there.


4. I started learning Italian in 1987. I am still learning it.


5. Prices started rising three months ago. They are still rising.


1-Mr. Johnson ................................. (work) in the same place for thirty-five years, and he is not planning to retire yet.  
2-I ........................... ( just/ hear ) that you are going to buy a new house.
3-Can you see that man with the dark glasses? He ............................ (seem) to be afraid of
4-When Mrs. Hyde heard the explosion, she ............................... ( get ) ready to leave.
5-As I .................................... (type) the letter, I noticed a lot of mistakes.
6-The next issue of Tempo ................................... (not come) out the day after tomorrow.
7-Tom  is very happy, because he ..................................... (spend) two weeks in Germany.
8-They can go when they .............................................(finish) their work.
9-George .....................................(go) to the store at ten o'clock this morning.
10-The bus-driver ....................................................(drive) for ten hours.
 The present perfect progressive and past perfect progressive tenses    

present perfect progressive             past perfect progressive

have been + the -ing                        had been + the -ing form.

She is very tired. She's been typing letters all day.

(Depending on context, she is still typing or has recently stopped.)


She was very tired. She had been typing letters all day.

(Depending on context, she was still typing or had recently stopped.)


I've been working for Exxon for 15 years.

 (Depending on context, I am still now, or I may have recently changed jobs or retired.)

When I first met Ann, she had been working for Exxon for 15 years.

(Depending on context, Ann was still working for Exxon then or she had recently changed jobs or retired.)


Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week.

Jenny was annoyed. Jim had been phoning her every night for a whole week.

Your eyes are red. You've been crying.

Her eyes were red. It was obvious she had been crying.

This room stinks. Someone's been smoking in here.

I've been painting this room.   * I've painted this room.

In the first example, the activity is uncompleted. In the second example, the job is definitely finished.

When I got home, I found that Jill had been painting her room.

When I got home, I found that Jill had painted her room.

I've planted fourteen rose-bushes so far this morning.

She's never eaten a mango before. Have you ever eaten a mango?

It's the most interesting book I've ever read.

Olga hasn't appeared on TV before now.


I've lived here for five years. (and I still live here)

I lived here for five years.     (I don't live here now)

I am here for six weeks.       (that's how long I'm going to stay)

Have you passed your driving test? (you've just taken'.)

Yes, I passed when I was 17. (simple past: exact time reference)


The present perfect for recent actions

I've just tidied up the kitchen.

He's recently arrived from New York.

Have you typed my letter already? - Yes, I've already typed it.

Have you passed your driving test yet?

I haven't passed my driving test yet. 

I still haven't passed my driving test.

I have passed my driving test at last.

Habitual Activity    

I've watched him on TV several times.

I've often wondered why I get such a poor reception on my radio.

She's attended classes regularly. She's always worked hard.


1 Broadcast reports, newspaper reports

2  newspaper headlines


3 Letters, postcards, etc.

We've just arrived in Hong Kong.

Uses of the past perfect tense  

Anthony and Cleopatra died in 30 B.C.

The past perfect referring to an earlier past

The patient died. The doctor arrived.

The patient died when the doctor arrived. (i.e. the patient died at the time or just after the doctor arrived)

The patient had died when the doctor arrived. (i.e. the patient was already dead when the doctor arrived)

The doctor arrived quickly, but the patient had already died.

We cleared up as soon as our guests had left.

When I rang, Jim had already left.

The boys loved the zoo. They had never seen wild animals before.

Juliet is excited because she has never been to a dance before.

Juliet was excited because she had never been to a dance before.

the past perfect can emphasize completion:

I began collecting stamps in February and by November I had collected more than 2000.


The past perfect for unfulfilled hopes and wishes

I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage, but I didn't manage it.


Obligatory and non-obligatory uses of the past perfect

After I finished, I went home.

I wore the necklace (which) my grandmother (had) left me.

I got out of the taxi, paid the fare, tipped the driver and dashed into the station.

'I came, I saw, I conquered.' Julius Caesar declared.


When I arrived, Anne left. (i.e. at that moment) I saw Anne

When I arrived, Anne had left. (i.e. before I got there) I didn't see her at all.

Mrs Winthrop had no sooner left the room than they began to gossip about her.

Mr Jenkins had hardly/scarcely/barely begun his speech when he was interrupted.


Simple past and simple past perfect in typical contexts

When we returned from our holidays, we found our house in a mess. What had happened while we had been away? A burglar had broken into the house and had stolen a lot of our things. (Now that the time  of the burglary has been established relative to our return, the story can continue in the simple past.)

The burglar got in through the kitchen window. He had no difficulty in forcing it open. Then he went into the living-room


Silas Badley inherited several old cottages in our village. He wanted to pull them down and build new houses which he could sell for high prices. He wrote to Mr Harrison, now blind and nearly eighty, asking him to leave his cottage within a month. Old Mr Harrison was very distressed. (The situation has been established through the use of the simple past. He had been born in the cottage and stayed there all his life.

His children had grown up there; his wife had died there and now he lived there all alone.

Look at the dialogue and put either still, already, just or  yet into the spaces.

Listen and check your answers.


Mum:  Have you finished your homework _______?

Sue:  Yes, I have _______ finished but Tom is _______ doing his. He hasn’t finished ________.

Mum:   Ok since you have ________ finished  you can help me organise the party. We ______ haven’t  made the cakes or bought the drinks but the food has ________ been made. Oh! Tom hasn’t  bought the nuts _________.

Sue:    Ok! I’ll help make the food and when Andrew has finished  he can go and buy the drinks and get some nuts.

Tom:  What do you want me to do?  I’ve ________ finished my homework.

Put the verbs into the correct form.

A: Let’s go to the cinema this evening.

B:  yes, good idea.  ________________________(you/hear) about the new Spielberg film yet?

A: Yes. I _______________________ (already/see) it.

B:  Oh really? When _______________________________ (you /see) it?

A: Last week. I _______________ ( go) to the cinema with Mark. I _______________ (not /see) Titanic yet. Have you?  

B: No, I ______________ (not / have). Let’s see that. Shall we invite Sara?

A: Yes but I_____________________ (not /speak) to her yet this week. Is she at home?

B:  Yes she is. She ________________ (just / come back) from her holiday.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Повторяем времена английского глагола: The Present Simple Tense и The Past Simple Tense

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Past Simple Tense и Present Perfect Tense

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