Заседание Клуба английского языка
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
В течение нескольких лет я руковожу клубом английского языка “YES”. Хочу предложить Вашему вниманию сценарий открытого заседания клуба, тема которого “Loveis…” Участниками этого меоприятия были ребята 3-11-х классов, учителя английского языка нашей школы, директора школ Амурской области. Это заседание проходило в апреле 2010 года.
Заседание Клуба английского языка
Тема: “Loveis…”
Цель:совершенствование речевых компетенций.
образовательная- совершенствование умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи, т.е. умений высказываться логично, продуктивно, говорить экспромтом, без специальной подготовки и обсуждения, знакомство с произведениями английских и американских поэтов, композиторов и певцов.
развивающая- развитие коммуникабельности, гибкости и логичности, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
воспитательная– воспитание любви к родным и близким людям, к Родине, к поэзии, толерантного отношения к мнению других.
Оборудование:компьютер, WEBкамера, музыкальный центр.
Participants: the pupils of the 3 - 11th forms, the English language teachers, the principles of the secondary comprehensive schools of Amur Region.
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Предварительный просмотр:
В течение нескольких лет я руковожу клубом английского языка “YES”. Хочу предложить Вашему вниманию сценарий открытого заседания клуба, тема которого “Love is…” Участниками этого меоприятия были ребята 3-11-х классов, учителя английского языка нашей школы, директора школ Амурской области. Это заседание проходило в апреле 2010 года.
Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
МОУ СОШ №4, г. Белогорска
Амурской области
Мальцева Татьяна Ивановна
Заседание Клуба английского языка
Тема: “Love is…”
Цель: совершенствование речевых компетенций.
образовательная - совершенствование умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи, т.е. умений высказываться логично, продуктивно, говорить экспромтом, без специальной подготовки и обсуждения, знакомство с произведениями английских и американских поэтов, композиторов и певцов.
развивающая - развитие коммуникабельности, гибкости и логичности, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
воспитательная – воспитание любви к родным и близким людям, к Родине, к поэзии, толерантного отношения к мнению других.
Оборудование: компьютер, WEB камера, музыкальный центр.
Participants: the pupils of the 3 - 11th forms, the English language teachers, the principles of the secondary comprehensive schools of Amur Region.
Beginning. Song “Crazy” is performing Darina Selyakina.
Teacher. Good-afternoon, my friends, good-afternoon, our dear guests! I’m very glad to greet you here in our studio, moreover, I’m very proud to see you here as participants of our English-Speaking Club “YES”. Our teachers are also with us.
Today we invite you to a mysterious, amazing and eternal world. What’s this?
Pupils. The world of Love.
Teacher. Of course, it’s the world of Love!!! This is forever! And it will be forever! I suppose, you won’t deny that everything begins with Love. Do you agree?
P1. Yes, of course.
P2. Yes, yes, yes.
P3. It’s out of the question.
P4. No doubt, Love is the most important thing of our life.
Teacher. My friends, we are not alone here. I’m sure, you know Robert Rozhdestvensky, one of the greatest Russian poets, who devoted many of his poems to Love. I’d like to suggest you listening to the poem «Все начинается с любви». Igor will recite it for us. By the way, he is the first prize winner of one of the town contests in literature of this year. Igor, please. (He is reciting the poem in Russian).
Teacher. Do you like it? As for me, I do!
P1. It’s wonderful.
P2. It’s definitely great.
So, practically 6-7 students expressed their opinions.
President. And what’s love for you, my friends? For me, it’s my husband, my children and their wives, my granddaughter Sasha; she is here, relatives and friends.
President. Let’s ask our teachers, first.
Olga Vasilevna. The dearest for me is my family: my husband, my son and his wife, my grandchildren.
Larisa Mikhailovna. I’ve got a son and a husband. They are my life, of course. Besides, I’m lucky with my friends. I can’t also imagine my life without my friends.
Marina Alekseevna. My daughter and my parents.
President. What’s love for you, my pupils?
P1. Firstly, my parents. They presented life to me, besides they are constantly taking care of me. More than that, they are my best friends; I can share any secrets with them. Then, my brother and his wife, my nice nephew, my boyfriend.
P2. We’re three in the family: a mother, a sister and me. So, my mum and my sister are the dearest and the closest people for me in the whole world. I can’t imagine even a minute without them. (5-6 pupils shared their opinions on this question).
President. And let’s ask our guests. We suggest them speaking Russian, because it’s rather complicated for them to speak English. They graduated from school long ago. They are the principles of different schools of Amur region. (Guests, they were 12, answered this question, they spoke Russian).
President. So, we see that Love is the feeling to relatives, friends, girlfriends and boyfriends. Oh, it’s so wonderful to love and to be loved! Well, my dear, somebody is calling. Oh, it’s Japan. They’re our friends from Japan! Sasha Maltseva knows Japanese and can speak this language perfectly. We ask her to speak to our friends from Japan and then she will translate it into English.
Саша разговаривает с японцами на японском языке, а потом говорит:
Sasha. For Japanese people love means also a family, children, their pets, Motherland.
President. It’s not surprising, because we are all people, no matter what nationality we are. I’d like to tell you, my friends that our friendship with Japan was born a few years ago, when the pupils of our school joined a scout organization. As the members of the scout organization they visited Japan. Lada Shmakova was one of them, she is here. Now you’ll see the photographs of those days. (There are photos in presentation.)
President. Well, my dear! As you know, the decade of the English language took place in our school in March. You also were the participants of it and took part in different competitions. One of them was devoted to the writing of compositions with the title “Love is…” I think, it will be interesting to find out the opinions of the students. ( отрывки из сочинений и фотографии учащихся есть в презентации; ребята зачитывают их). President. It’s clear as a day, if somebody loves and is loved, he is happy and lucky. The song “Lucky” tells us about it. Darina will sing it. Let’s sing altogether. (All of us are singing and applauding during the performance of the song).
All participants. Wow, wow, wow. Thank you, thank you. Thank you!!!
President. As you know, my friends, many English, Scottish and American poets dedicated their creations to Love. Who are they?
Pupils. William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, George Gordon Byron and others.
President. As far as I know, some of you have prepared reciting of poems. Am I right?
Pupils. W. Shakespeare: Sonet25 – Zinger Tolya, Sonet130 – Savrov Alexei; R. Burns “Red, Red Rose” – Alyona Dordyuk, G.G.Byron “Farewell! If Ever Fondest Prayer – Samorukova Kristina.
President. We’ve made sure once again that the poets and all people in the world speak about love only by wonderful words, because it’s an amazing feeling. As we’ve already said, love is also a family. For children their parents are the most important people in the world. Our guest Anya Skidan is the pupil of the 3-d grade and she has been studying English since the 2-nd form. She is going to recite the poem “Family”. Am I right, Anya?
Anya: “Yes, you are”.
President. Love to Motherland is also very important for all of us. Just the same poets expressed their feelings to Motherland in their outstanding creations. Let’s take, for example R. Burns. Everybody knows his poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” which is devoted to his native land Scotland. Lada will recite it, will you? Please, Lada. ( Lada is reciting it in English, but there is a translation into Russian in presentation).
President. But, my friends, we can’t help speaking in English about our dearest Motherland, Russia. There is such a beautiful poem by L.A.Khusainova “Oh, Russia, I am in Love with you!” Roman, will you recite it now? (R.Orlov, the 9-th grade student is performing it).
And here is the translation of this poem into Russian made by Irina Androsova the pupil of the 7-th form. (It’s in presentation).
President. My friends, you’ve impressed me greatly by your knowledge of classical poetry. I’m very glad and proud of you, because there is love in your hearts! I personally love you greatly.
My dear, every day we wake up, go to school and to work, and do hundreds of everyday things. But if we stop for a moment and take our mind off everyday fuss we realize, that everything we do is for only one goal and the name of this goal is Love!
I wish you to love and to be loved forever!!! Let’s say together: “LONG LIVE LOVE!”
Let everybody ring you up to say: “I LOVE YOU!” as Stevie Wonder is singing in his song “I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU”.
President. Let’s sing this song together with Stevie and dance. (We are all singing and dancing.)
President and the participants thank each other for such a wonderful party.
See You at the Next Meeting. Good-bye.
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