Заседание клуба английского языка “YES” в старших классах .
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Заседание клуба английского языка “YES” в старших классах .
Тема: «Кино».
Форма проведения - ролевая игра: “FactoryofDreams”.
Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
МОУ СОШ №4, г. Белогорска
Амурской области
Мальцева Татьяна Ивановна
В течение нескольких лет я провожу итоговое заседание клуба английского языка “YES” в форме деловой или ролевой игры. Хочу предложить Вашему вниманию ролевую игру для старшеклассников по теме «Кино», которая мотивирует речевую деятельность школьников, активизирует употребление ими изученного языкового материала, формирует познавательные интересы учащихся.
Предварительная работа включала: ознакомление с темой «Кино», с жизнью и творчеством русских и зарубежных актеров, режиссеров, продюсеров; изучение лексики и выражений, необходимых для обсуждения темы в диалогах и высказывания своего отношения к ней.
План мероприятия.
Цели и задачи.
Познавательный (культуроведческий) аспект:
продолжение знакомства с историей развития кинематографа в Великобритании, США, России, Амурской области; учащиеся узнают об известных актерах, режиссерах и продюсерах.
Учебный аспект:
совершенствование речевых компетенций (говорения, чтения, аудирования).
Развивающий аспект:
развитие способностей к анализу, синтезу, обобщению, классификации, систематизации, способность к догадке, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект:
воспитание уважительного толерантного отношения к чужому мнению, чужой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры; воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории.
видеоплеер, компьютер, презентация, магнитофон, видео и CD диски.
Литература: УМК В.П. Кузовлева 10-11 класс.
Материалы школьного Краеведческого музея.
Материалы Интернета.
Периодическая печать.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Заседание клуба английского языка “YES” в старших классах .
Тема: «Кино».
Форма проведения - ролевая игра: “Factory of Dreams”.
Учитель английского языка
высшей квалификационной категории
МОУ СОШ №4, г. Белогорска
Амурской области
Мальцева Татьяна Ивановна
В течение нескольких лет я провожу итоговое заседание клуба английского языка “YES” в форме деловой или ролевой игры. Хочу предложить Вашему вниманию ролевую игру для старшеклассников по теме «Кино», которая мотивирует речевую деятельность школьников, активизирует употребление ими изученного языкового материала, формирует познавательные интересы учащихся.
Предварительная работа включала: ознакомление с темой «Кино», с жизнью и творчеством русских и зарубежных актеров, режиссеров, продюсеров; изучение лексики и выражений, необходимых для обсуждения темы в диалогах и высказывания своего отношения к ней.
План мероприятия.
Цели и задачи.
Познавательный (культуроведческий) аспект:
продолжение знакомства с историей развития кинематографа в Великобритании, США, России, Амурской области; учащиеся узнают об известных актерах, режиссерах и продюсерах.
Учебный аспект:
совершенствование речевых компетенций (говорения, чтения, аудирования).
Развивающий аспект:
развитие способностей к анализу, синтезу, обобщению, классификации, систематизации, способность к догадке, к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Воспитательный аспект:
воспитание уважительного толерантного отношения к чужому мнению, чужой культуре, более глубокое осознание своей культуры; воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории.
видеоплеер, компьютер, презентация, магнитофон, видео и CD диски.
Литература: УМК В.П. Кузовлева 10-11 класс.
Материалы школьного Краеведческого музея.
Материалы Интернета.
Периодическая печать.
Ход заседания клуба:
President: Good-afternoon, my dear friends, good-afternoon our dear guests. We are glad to greet you here in our Fan Club.
- Well, do you hear this music, my friends?
- What does it remind you of?
St1: Of course, it’s the music of the film «Mission is impossible».
St2: No doubt, it’s the music from the film «Mission is impossible».
St3: I’m sure it’s from the film «Mission: Impossible».
President:You’re quite right, my friends; and it’s not occasionally that we are beginning with the film music, because the topic of our talk today is «Cinema», this magnificent people’s invention. And why not cinema? Why did you choose this topic?
St1: I suppose because cinema is a part of our everyday’s life and we can’t imagine even a day without cinema.
President: I’m fully with you here, my friends. I personally also can’t imagine my life without cinema. By the way we decided to interview a few boys and girls and ask them one question: «What is cinema for you?». Our TV correspondent was Tanya. Let’s watch and listen to their responses, shall we?
Members: O.K!
Телеинтервью снято на видеокассету во дворе школы; четыре девочки и один мальчик были его участниками.
TVcorrespondent: Good-morning. I’m Tanya. I’m a school TV correspondent and I’d like to find out
- What is cinema for you, my friends?
TV correspondent: «What is cinema for you, Kate?».
Kate: Cinema?.. Well, it’s super! It’s fascinating! More than that it’s magnificent. I’m sure, it’s cool.
TV correspondent: And what’s your opinion, Nastya?
Nastya: As for me, most of all I like to go to the cinema. What’s more, cinema is my hobby. I delight seeing all kinds of films: comedies, love-stories, thrillers, westerns and cartoons. I adore films if they are exciting. I hate horror films because of their frightening moments.
TV correspondent: How do you treat cinema, Dima?
Dima: Surely, films serve as a form of entertainment, which is important to us. But entertainment is not the only purpose of films. I am truly convinced that films should awake the best, the lightest and highest feelings in every person. Films should contain hope for a better life.
President: We’ve heard now different opinions.
- And what is cinema for you, my friends?
St1: Everything. I can’t help going to the cinema once a week. Frankly speaking cinema usually inspires me and makes my mood better.
St2: Personally I treat cinema as an entertainment. Of course, I prefer watching films on TV, CD or DVD, but I go to the cinema once a month by all means.
President: Well, we’ve come to a conclusion that cinema is an amazing and magnificent entertainment and we all are fond of going to the cinema. But as you see, we are now in the school museum. And why? Because there’s a corner here devoted to the man cinema for whom was his life. More than that it was his fate. Cinema was his job. By the way our school is named in his honour. Who’s he, my friends?
St: He’s Valery Priyomyhov.
President: Yes, you’re quite right. As far as I know one of you has prepared a project about him. She’s Julia. By the way, Julia is a museum guide. And we ask her to perform the project.
Во время презентации проекта демонстрируются кадры из фильма «Пацаны»
без звука
Julia: Valery Priyomyhov was born on 26th of December in 1943 in a small town – Kuibyshevka - Vostochnaya (now it’s Belogorsk), in the family of a builder of the railway. From 1957 to 1959 studied in our high school №4. His class teacher Syrovatskaya Nadezhda Grigoryevna was the teacher of the Russian language and literature. Just under her management Valery Mikhailovich wrote his first story «The ticket» which was published in the newspaper «Amursky komsomolets». Untill 1961 he studied in Blagoveschensk and in 1966 finished theatrical faculty of the Far East Pedagogical institute of Arts in Vladivostok. A little bit later he moved to Moscow and entered screenplay faculty of the Russian cinema institute. He started cinema career as the author of the screenplay of the film «Ivan and Kolombina», and as an actor in films by Dinara Asanova «The wife has left» , «Guys». For the role in the film «Guys» he was awarded the State Premium and confession of spectators. The greate success has come to film «Who if we aren’t», that wins the prize at the festival in Canada. The most part of the films by Valery Mikhailovich was devoted to youth problems and that’s why they are so close and understandable to everyone, that’s why we like them and watch for so many years, that’s why we respect this man and his creations.
But he is not the only we could be proud of. The wonderful cinema-director, the author of ironical comedies, who glorified the USSR all over the world is Leonid Gaidai.
President: Thank you so much, Julia. Your project is nice to my mind.
- What new facts have you learnt from her project?
St1: I’ve learnt that his first story «The ticket» was published in the newspaper «Аmursky komsomolets».
St2: For me it was new that he has finished the theatrical faculty of the Far East Pedagogical institute of Arts.
St3: It was a surprise for me that for the role in the film «Guys» he was awarded the State Premium.
St4: Frankly speaking I didn’t know that Valery Priyomyhov was the author of the screenplay of the film «Ivan and Kolombina».
St5: It’s a shame, but I didn’t know that the film «Who if we aren’t» won the prize at the festival in Canada.
President: Did you watch any of his films?
St1: «Guys».
St2: «Guys», «Summer of 1953»
President: Well, my friends, Priyomyhov and Gaidai are brilliant representatives of cinema art and people of the Amur region value them greatly. By the way, during the days of the Amur Autumn Festival was held one important event. These photographs will remind you of it.
Демонстрируются фотографии памятника Леониду Гайдаю в г. Свободном и фотографии кинотеатра, которому присвоено его имя.
President: Do you know anything about this event? Does anybody have any information?
St: I do. As far as I know a monument to one of the most brilliant producers was raised in Svobodny. By the way Svobodny is Gaidai’s motherland. Sculptors Razgonyaev and Karnabeda are the authors of the monument. Film stars such as Nina Grebeshkova, Kharatian, Durov, Ivanova and others came to participate in the opening ceremony of the monument. Then the film stars planted the alley in the square near the monument. Now, you’ll listen to some songs from Gaidai’s films (comedies). Please, guess «What films are these songs from?».
Прослушиваются 5-6 отрывков песен из кинокомедий «Кавказская пленница», «Бриллиантовая рука», «Иван Васильевич меняет профессию». Члены клуба угадывают эти мелодии.
President: It’s evident, that the Amur Region is closely connected with the Russian Film Industry. As you know every autumn the most outstanding producers, directors, actors and actresses come here to participate in the Film Forum « Amur Autumn». This year it’s the 4th time. I consider it to be the greatest event and we can’t help mentioning about it. Alina’s information is devoted to the results of it.
Alina: As you know the annual Film Forum «Amur Autumn» takes place in our region in September. It was the 4th time this year. The most outstanding actors, actresses, producers and directors come to our place to take part in this Forum. We were happy to meet Lev Durov, Ludmila Khityaeva, Anna Samokhina, Igor Liphanov, Andrei Phedortsov and others. The citizents of our region watched films and performances of different genres. The official closing ceremony of the Film Forum took place on the 28th of September 2006. The result of this event was following:
Best Film is «Zhivoi» by Andrei Veledinsky.
Best Director is Katya Shagalova for the film «Pavlov’s Dog».
Best Actors are Andrei Chadov, Maksim Lagashkin, Vladimir Epiphantsev, Aleksey Chadov.
Best Actress is Elena Lyadova in the film «Pavlov’s Dog».
President: Thank you, Alina.
- Did you watch any of these films?
St: Yes, of course. The film «Zhivoi».
President: As for me I was at the opening ceremony and was happy to see such actors and actresses as Lev Durov, Ludmila Khityaeva, Anna Samokhina, Andrei Phedortsov and many others. My friends, we touched now the cinema life in our region. But how do you treat Russian Film Industry in whole?
St1: It goes without saying Russian Film Industry has a magnificent history and is worth of great value. Fortunately it’s developing now and produces real masterpieces.
St2: I can’t but agree that it’s developing. But on the other hand it’s monotonous. Only detectives are produced.
St3: As for me I can’t but admire Russian Film manufacturing. Frankly speaking I adore detectives and serials. So, I’m all for Russian cinematography.
St4: Russian cinematography?!. Great! Magnificent! Eloquent! But we shouldn’t forget Hollywood, the international film factory. For better or worse Hollywood became the cultural capital of the modern world in the 20th century. But it was never an exclusively American capital. Like past cultural centeres – Florence, Paris, Vienna – Hollywood has functioned as an international community, built by immigrants enterpreneurs and drawing on the talents of actors, directors, writers, cinematographers, editors and costume and set designers from all over the world. The first American movie star, after all, was Charlie Chaplin, whose comic skills were honed in British music halls.
President: Do you agree with the opinion on Hollywood?
St1: I can’t but agree with everything told by my friends. What’s more I adore Hollywood films especially comedies, westerns and musicals.
St2: As for me I support my friends here. Different genres are produced in Hollywood and they are usually amazing.
President: As you know, my friends, we sent E-mail letter to our friends in America and asked them about their favourite genres, films, actors and actresses. By the way we received a video lettter from America. Let’s watch it, shall we? O.K?!
I was very glad to get a letter from you. As you remember you asked me to express my opinion on different movies. And I’ll try to do it. As you know, there are so many genres in cinema: action films, horror and adventure films, soaps and so on. From my point of view I prefer watching romantic stories and films about love, because they are about real events. The plot of such films is mysterious. To my mind, they teach us to believe in love, to respect each other. These kinds of films are full of passion, kisses, presents, dates and flowers, of course. In my view romantic stories are impressive and super. They are touching make me cry and laugh simultaneously. The films in which men “love them and leave them” irritate me. I consider that watching films is a fine way to spend my spare time, to relax and to inspire.
I hope to hear from you soon, best wishes to you. Bye!
President: Now, you’ve heard Marina’s preferences. What are your favourite genres, films, actors and actresses?
St1: I delight seeing all kinds of films: comedies, love stories, thrillers, actions and cartoons. I adore films when they are dinamic and really exciting; when they grab your attention from the first scene, besides when films teach people to defend justice and to be strong and brave.
St2: If you ask me I’m crazy about cartoons and love stories.
St3: I personally was really impressed by «Gladiator». Russel Crow starred in it.
President: Do you have something to tell us, my friends?
St1: Yes, I have. But I’d like you to ask me questions and guess who my favourite actor or actress is.
Student’s questions:
- Is this an actor or an actress?
- Where was he born?
- Is he also a screenwriter and producer?
- Does he produce melodramas?
- What film genres does he produce?
- He is an Oscar winner, isn’t he?
- What films did he star in?
St1: I think I know him. He’s Silvester Stallone, isn’t he? I’ve watched practically all his films. They are usually sensational, fantastic and super.
President: Well, my friends, thank you so much for such interesting information even about Oscar winners. But do you know why Oscar is called «Oscar»? I suppose it’ll be interesting for you to find it out.
На экране появляется следующая информация.
(from Pop Culture):
The little golden statue given to Academy Award winners is called «Oscar». Nobody knows how it came to be given this nickname. The most popular story is that an employee of the Academy Margaret Herrick, once said that the statue looked like her uncle Oscar.
President: I see, my dear, you’re quite aware of even detailes about cinema art. Personally I, value greatly your knowledge. But I’d like to ask you:
- What was the most interesting for you here in our fan club?
All the students express their opinions.
President: As far as I know Oksana has prepared a surprise for all of us. Am I right, Oksana?
Oksana: Sure, I’d like to perform a song from my favourite film «Titanic» «My heart will go on».
She is singing a song.
President: Well, my friends, today we’ve touched different film genres, but we didn’t mention musicals. To my mind musicals are as amazing as the other genres I think we’ll do it next time. And now I suggest you to relax and begin watching a musical «The Sound of Music».
После просмотра эпизода мюзикла «Звуки музыки» заседание заканчивается.
President: I thank you so much for such creative cooperation and I will give you all Oscars for outstanding knowledge of such art as cinema. I hope to see you again in our fan club.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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