Действия в аварийных ситуациях
Предварительный просмотр:
Изучите слова и выражения:
1. | to tackle (emergency) | справляться с (аварийной ситуацией) |
2 | training/drills | тренировка/учения |
3 | seafarer/seaman/sailor | моряк |
4 | to be aware/to familiarize oneself | быть осведомленным, знать |
5 | life saving appliances | спасательные средства |
6 | rough weather | непогода, буря, ненастье |
7 | machinery malfunction | неисправная работа оборудования |
8 | collision | столкновение |
9 | flooding | затопление |
10 | grounding; to run aground | посадка на мель; сесть на мель |
11 | emergency team | аварийная партия/команда |
12 | standby team | резервная партия/команда |
13 | roving commission | команда, руководящая операцией |
14 | engine control room (ECR) | помещение пультов управления двигателем |
15 | EPIRB (emergency position-indicating radio beacon) | аварийный радиомаяк для обнаружения кораблекрушения |
16 | SART | аварийно-спасательный приёмопередатчик |
17 | ship specification | технические характеристики судна |
18 | salvage vessel | спасательное судно |
19 | shipwreck | кораблекрушение, обломки судна |
20 | second in command | заменяющий, заместитель |
21 | sick bay, galley | судовой лазарет |
22 | distress call | сигнал бедствия |
23 | oil spill | разлив нефти |
24 | to be on stand by (engine) | быть наготове |
25 | to raise/to give/to sound the alarm | подавать сигнал тревоги |
- Actions in Emergencies
An emergency situation on ship must be handled with confidence and calmness, for haste decisions and “jumping to conclusions” can make the matters even worse. Efficient tackling of emergency situations can be achieved by continuous training and by practical drills onboard vessel. However, it has been seen that in spite of adequate training, people get panic attacks and eventually do not do what they should in an emergency situation.
As far as the seafarer is concerned, first and foremost, he or she must be aware of the different types of emergency situations that can arise on board ship. This would help in understanding the real scenario in a better way, and would also lead to taking correct actions to save life, property, and environment.
Officers and crew should familiarize themselves thoroughly with the Fire Training Manual and the training manual on Life Saving Appliances of the ship.
A ship crew must be prepared all the time to tackle and fight against any kind of emergencies which can arise due to reasons such as rough weather, machinery malfunction, pirate attack, human error etc. Such emergencies can lead to fire, collision, flooding, grounding, environmental pollution, and loss of life. To stress the importance of training for different emergency procedures and duties of personnel, muster list is provided onboard ship.
It should be mentioned that different teams are made to tackle emergencies like fire, flooding etc. these are command team that is operated from bridge, emergency team 1 that operates at the point of scenario, while emergency team 2 is a standby team and helping hand for emergency team 1. And also there are two more special groups such as roving commission that is a team working along with all other team and engine room team that stands by in engine control room (ECR).
The muster list is posted to keep the crew aware of the different emergency situations and duties to be performed if such situations occur in reality. Some of the important areas where the muster list is posted are bridge, engine, and accommodation alleyways etc., areas where ship’s crew spends the maximum of their time.
№ 1 Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
- What emergency situations do you know? 2. Where can the crewmembers find out about their duties in emergency and types of alarms? 3. What is “emergency team”? 4. Where is the muster list posted? 5. What manuals should any crewmember look through regularly? 6. What kinds of trainings can be carried out? 7. What are the possible reasons of emergencies?
№2 Соедините тип тревоги и действия, которые необходимо выполнять в этой ситуации:
Type of the alarms | The actions in emergency |
1. a general alarm | a. All Ship Engineers Should assemble in the Engine Control Room. |
2. a fire alarm | b. Chief Engineer should be called immediately and general alarm should be raised. Immediate action should be taken in preventing more sea water to enter the engine room and Emergency bilging from the engine room should be established in accordance with the Chief Engineer. |
3. Man Over Board signal | c. raise the Fire/General alarm as soon as possible. Try to stop fire and if it is not possible, muster according to the Fire Muster List |
4. Abandon Ship signal | d. in this case Master must be informed immediately. All precaution must be taken to contain the flooding to that hold. General alarm must be raised. |
5. Engineers Call | e. immediate action should be taken according to the vessel’s “Shipboard Oil Pollution Prevention Plan”. Emergency Plan (SOPEP) and Onboard SOPEP Equipment located in deck stores should be used in case of Oil Spill. |
6. CO2 alarm | f. Inform Officer On Watch. Check if it is a false or true alarm and report back of findings. |
7. Engine Room Flooding | g. call for help either by using the phone or by activating the emergency call. Whatever might be the situation, keep the Master, Chief Engineer and Officer on Watch informed of the situation all the time. |
8. Cargo Hold Flooding | h. leave the engine room immediately. |
9. In case of any oil spill/pollution | i. Rush to the deck and try to locate the crew member fallen in the water and throw lifebuoy and inform deck. |
10. In case of fire | k. Rush to the muster station. Carry as much ration, water, and warm clothing as you can carry. Act according to the vessel’s Muster Lists. |
11. In case of any other emergency situations | l. Rush to muster station with life jacket, immersion suit, and act according to the vessel’s Muster Lists. Act as per the emergency explained by the in charge officer. |
№3 Справдивы ли следующие утверждения:
- The special signal should be given in such an emergency.
- Once a crewmember informs the bridge about the fallen person, he can be free.
- The main concern is the location of a person overboard.
- The ship should stop and not to move, because the fallen man will swim to it.
- No flag should be hoisted in order not to distract another ship.
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