Сценарий на английском языке "Mother Hulda" ("Госпожа Метелица") для 3-их классов
материал (3, 4 класс) на тему
Сценарий для внеурочной деятельности. Театр на английском языке.
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Госпожа Метелица
сценарий для 3 классов на английском языке
по сказке братьев Гримм
JESTER 1: Hello, boys! I’m glad to see on our play!
JESTER 2: Hello, girls!
JESTER (BOTH): We are inviting you in our fairy tail!
JESTER 1: A long time ago there once lived a widow who had two daughters.
JESTER 2 One was pretty, humble, and hard working; the other was ugly, vain, and lazy.
JOHANN: Don’t cry, my dear. My daughter will do everything you need.
(Singing a song)
What is your name?
What is your name?
Now, tell me please
What is your name?
My name is Johann
That’s my name
STEP-MOTHER: OLD FOOL! Where’s your daughter?
JESTER 2: Since the ugly one was her own daughter, step-mother loved her more than the other one. She made the pretty one do all the work in the house.
PRETTY GIRL: Oh, everyday I have to sit here by the well and spin until my fingers bleed.
Lazy Mary, will you get up?
Will you get up?
Will you get up?
Lazy Mary, will you get up?
Will you get up?
Will you get up today?
No no, mother, I won’t get up
I won’t get up
I won’t get up
No no, mother, I won’t get up today
PRETTY GIRL: Oh, what have I done? My step-mother will punish me for loosing the spindle. I have to get into the well and get it.
VILLAGE INHABBITANT: Wash the spindle!
Pretty girl OW! Horror!
(Spindle falls into the water)
PRETTY GIRL: Where am I? I can’t remember what happened to me. What am I doing here in this beautiful place? I see there’s a beautiful meadow filled with red roses.
Dog 1: Pretty girl! Go!
Dog 2: Come to place.
PRETTY GIRL: I have to follow those dogs. May be they will show me the way.
BREAD: Oh, take me out, take me out, or I shall burn! I am baked enough already!
To buy him some bread
But when she came back
The poor dog was dead/
BREAD: Thank you, kind girl! Good luck!
PRETTY GIRL: Bye, bread! I have to climb that mountain.
TREE: Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!
Apples dance
Mickey Mouse built a house
Under an apple tree/
Mickey Mouse called his house
Number twenty – three/
PRETTY GIRL: Yes, I will help you. I will shake the tree until all of you fall to the ground.
TREE: Thank you! Good luck!
PRETTY GIRL: What is this place?
DOG 1: I’ve smelt fume!
DOG 2: Let’s lead her there!
Why do you cry/ girl?
Why do you cry?
Why/girl/ why girl
Why/ girl /why?
PRETTY GIRL: That’s horrible, I am scared, I have to get away soon!
MOTHER HULDA: What are you afraid of, my dear child? Come into my house and live with me.
DOG: We are agreeing!
MOTHER HULDA: You are working just as I said. I am greatly satisfied with you. You shake the bed as I told you, and feathers fly about like snowflakes.
PRETTY GIRL: Thank you, Mother Hulda. I am glad to hear that. I also live a good life here.
PRETTY GIRL: I can not stay any longer. I must go back to my own home.
MOTHER HULDA: It pleases me that you wish to go home, and, since you have served me faithfully, I will send you there!.
MOTHER HULDA: All this is yours, because you have worked so hard.
COCK: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Our golden girl has come home too!
PRETTY GIRL: Oh, Cock, I am backing home!
PRETTY GIRL: Step-mother, you won’t believe what happened to me. I have to tell you the whole story.
STEP-MOTHER: Let’s go there too, my daughter!
UGLY GIRL: Yes, mother. I will do as you say.
Mother, mat I go and bathe
Yes, my darling daughter
Hung your clothes on yonder tree,
But don’t go near the water
BREAD: Oh, take me out, take me out, or I will burn!. I am baked enough already!.
UGLY GIRL: I do not want to get my hands dirty. Stay in the oven. I have to go.
TREE: Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us ripe!
UGLY GIRL: That is all very well, but what if one of you falls on my head. I have to go.
UGLY GIRL. I have to do everything the old woman asks me to do. I have to get that gold!
UGLY GIRL: I am so tired.
UGLY GIRL: Wow, today I will really not do anything.
DOG2: What will she get, I wonder?
MOTHER HULDA: I am really upset with that ugly girl/
UGLY GIRL: I feel happy today, I think that now I will get the shower of gold.
MOTHER HULDA: This is yours for your service.
UGLY GIRL: No, what have you done to me?
COCK: Cock-a-doodle-doo! Our dirty girl has come home too!
UGLY GIRL: Oh, mother, do something, don’t just stand there looking at me!
STEP-MOTHER: I’m working on that, be patient!
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Конспект урока по литературному чтению 2 класс Сказка братьев Гримм "Госпожа Метелица"
Автор конспекта урока:Громова Ирина Сергеевнаг. Санкт-Петербург, Московский р-он, ГБОУ школа № 663Тема урока: Сказка братьев Гримм "Госпожа Метелица"Цель: Формировать понятие о зарубежных пи...