Тестовые задания на уроках английского языка
тест (3, 4 класс)

Адиева Ильсеяр Фаридовна

Тестовые задания 4 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Мониторинг. 4 класс. Английский язык.

Вариант 1.

  1. Выберите:

It am/is/are late.

They am/is/are fine.

How many/much bread is there on the table?

How many/much eggs are there in the box?

An elephant is shorter/shortest than a giraffe.

She is the clever/cleverest in the class.

Uncle Harry was/were not at work yesterday.

Mum and Dad was/were not at home last night.

Pam always is watching/watches TV in the evening.

The children watched/ will watch a film last weekend.

We will go/ go to school tomorrow.

We are eating / eats at the moment.

  1. Напишите:
  1. Напишите вторую форму неправильного глагола:

Go - ___________________________

See - ___________________________

Eat - ___________________________

Win - ___________________________

Meet - ___________________________

Swim - ___________________________

Take - ___________________________

  1. Напишите краткий ответ на вопрос:

Did you go to school yesterday? – No, ___________________________

Are the boys happy? – Yes, ___________________________

Is Mr Smith at home? – Yes, ___________________________

  1. Переведите вопросы:

Where is she? ______________________________________________________

What flowers do you like? _____________________________________________________

Who can fly? _____________________________________ii iii iiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii_____/100

Мониторинг. 4 класс. Английский язык.

Вариант 2.

  1. Выберите:

We am/is/are from Russia.

She am/is/are lazy.

How many/much oranges are there in the bag?

How many/much butter is there in the fridge?

A tiger is tall/tallest than a dog.

He is the shorter/shortest in the class.

was/were the cake for Robbie’s birthday?

Larry and Lulu was/were at the zoo last night?

Gary and Diane never go/are going to school together.

She is visiting/visited the zoo yesterday.

He is visiting/ will visit his cousin next weekend.

Look! They are playing/play a game.

  1. Напишите:
  1. Напишите вторую форму неправильного глагола:

Have - ___________________________

Come - ___________________________

Make - ___________________________

Drink - ___________________________

Write - ___________________________

Buy - ___________________________

Give - ___________________________

  1. Напишите краткий ответ на вопрос:

Does your mum play the piano? – No, ____________________________

Is she cold? – Yes, ____________________________

Are the children in the park? – Yes, ____________________________

  1. Переведите вопросы:

Where am I? ______________________________________________

What does she like? ______________________________________________i

Who can jump?_____________________________________ ___/100

Мониторинг для учащихся 4 классов

Чтение (15 минут)

Прочитайте вопросы. Прочитайте текст. Найдите ответ на вопрос и запиши нужную информацию из текста в пропуске рядом с вопросом. Не пишите полный ответ.

Lucy’s family

Lucy is 10 years old. She lives with her mother, father and sister in London. Lucy likes to tell about her family:

“My mum’s name is Ann and my dad’s name is Peter. I look like my mother. I have got the same blue eyes and black hair. My father has got brown hair and green eyes and my sister Pam looks like him.

Every morning my parents get up at 7 o’clock. Mum usually makes sandwiches for breakfast but yesterday we had pancakes. We liked them very much.

Our school is far from school, so my dad takes Pam and me there in his car. In the evening Liz and I like to watch TV. We enjoy programmes about animals.

At the weekends we do different things together. We go to the swimming pool or walk around the city. Last weekend we went to the country. We visited our granny. We had a very good time!”

Пример. How many people are there in Lucy’s family? fourhttps://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_1.png

А1 What colour is Pam’s hair?https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_2.png

A2 What did Lucy and Pam’s mother cook yesterday?https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_3.png

A3 What do Lucy and her sister watch on TV?https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_4.png

A4 Where did Lucy and her family go yesterday?https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_5.png

Грамматика (10 минут)

Прочитайте каждое предложение. Выберите в скобках правильный ответ и обведите его.

B1. Liz and David (is/are) good friends.

B2. My sister and I (have got/has got) a lot of toys.

B3. There (is/are) a carpet on the floor.

B4. They can (dance/to dance) well.

B5. Sam is (better/the best) student.

B6. My friend and I often (go/goes) for a walk (at/in) the evening.

B7. I never (have/haven’t) pancakes (for/in) breakfast.

B8. He (don’t live/doesn’t live) in Boston.

B9. Will your sister (comes/come) to our party tomorrow?

B10. Did you (had/have) porridge yesterday?

Письмо (20 минут)

Прочитайте письмо, полученное от нового друга по переписке. Напишите ответ, дополнив незаконченные предложения

Dear Friend,

My name is Paul. I am ten and I go to school.

I live with my Mum and Dad.

I like to play football and read books.

I like summer. I can swim well.

I have got a cat. My cat’s name is Tom. Tom is funny.

My favourite food is ice-cream.

And what about you? I hope to get a letter from you soon!

Yours, Paul.

Dear _________________,

Thank you for your letter.

My name is_______ . I am С1https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_6.png

I like to_____________________________________________ C2

I like . I can C3https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_7.pnghttps://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_8.png

I have got__________________________________________ C4

My favourite food is ____________________________________C5

Best wishes, .https://fhd.multiurok.ru/html/2017/02/10/s_589df1e63f6f9/555297_9.png

Ключи к разделу «Чтение»


A2 brown

A3 pancakes

A4 programmes about animals

A5 to the country

Ключи к разделу «Грамматика»


B1 are

B2 have got

B3 is

B4 dance

B5 the best

B6 go, in

B7 have, for

B8 doesn’t

B9 come

B10 have

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