План урока по теме "Food
план-конспект занятия по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему

Попова Елена Сергеевна

Разработка урока по теме "Food" для 4-5 классов общеобразовательных школ.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу tangerine

Картинки по запросу peach

Картинки по запросу apricot

Похожее изображениеПохожее изображение

Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу blueberry

Картинки по запросу cucumber

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу persimmon

Картинки по запросу pomegranate

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу radish

Картинки по запросу lettuce

Картинки по запросу parsleyКартинки по запросу dill

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу cauliflower

Похожее изображение

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу french fries

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу salmon

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу lamb

Картинки по запросу beef

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу chicken

Картинки по запросу tuna

Картинки по запросу shrimp

Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу candyfloss

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу sour cream

Картинки по запросу buckwheat

Картинки по запросу milletПохожее изображение

Похожее изображениеКартинки по запросу walnut

Похожее изображение

Картинки по запросу sodaПохожее изображение

Describe the most disgusting food in the world

What is your favourite fruit? Why?

What is your favourite kind of food?

What kind of food do you prefer eating when you eat out?

What is your favourite dessert? Describe it and why do you like it?

Would you rather go without television or fast food for the rest of your life?

What do you usually eat for your breakfast?

Do you drink enough water? How much water do you consume a day?

Do you have a friend, who hates Coke?

Is shopping for food your favourite activity?

What do you usually eat for your lunch?

What do you usually eat for your dinner?

 Are vegetables useful for the health? Why?

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

1 at the supermarket

Shop assistant: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Buyer: Yes, please. I would like a bottle of buttermilk and one loaf of bread.

Shop assistant: Here you are. Anything else?

Buyer: Oh, yes. Do you sell French fries?

Shop assistant: Sorry, we don't sell it.

Buyer: No, that’s all.

Shop assistant: Do you need a bag? 

Buyer: No, thanks. How much is it?

Shop assistant: It’s ₤2.

Buyer: Do you take credit cards?

Shop assistant: Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard.

Buyer: Here's the card.

Shop assistant: Enter your PIN, please. OK, your payment is successful. You can take your card.

Buyer: Thank you. Goodbye.

Shop assistant: Goodbye. We'll be happy to see you again.

2 at the restaurant

Waiter: Welcome to Paradise.

Are you ready to order?

Visitor 1: I’ll have the grilled salmon with French fries.

Waiter: And you?

Visitor 2: I’ll have one roast beef with salad.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Visitor 1: I’ll have green tea.

Waiter: And you?

Visitor 2: I’ll have juice. What kind of juice do you have?

Waiter: Orange, mango, apple and pineapple.

Visitor 2: One pineapple juice please.

Waiter: OK. So that’s one grilled salmon with French fries, one roast beef with salad, one green tea, and one pineapple juice.

Waiter (After a time): Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter (After a time): How was everything?

Visitor 1: Delicious, thanks!

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

Visitor 1: No, thank you.

Waiter: Can I get you anything else?

Visitor 1: No, just the bill please.

Waiter: Sure. I’ll be right back with that… Do you want to pay separately?

Visitor 1: No, you can put it all on one bill.

Waiter: (Brings the bill) There you go.

Visitor 1:  (Give the money to the waiter) Thanks a lot.

Slap up dinner

Good value for money

Spicy, hot








It melts in the mouth

It’s really yummy!

That looks mouth-watering

Mmm, scrumptious!

Oily, greasy , fatty






Предварительный просмотр:




  1. Приветствие

- I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

-Today we are talking about food. First of all, let’s see the presentation.

5 мин




  1. Виды еды

-Look at the food pyramid. We can see 7 groups of food.

The first group is fats and sugars. This group includes oil and chocolates.

The second group is meat, fish and poultry. Which products does this group includes?

The third group is dairy products. What can we relate to dairy products?

The fourth group is vegetables. Name all vegetables which you know.

The fifth is fruits. What fruits do you know?

The sixth group is bread and cereals.

And the last group is beans and seeds.

15 мин




  1. Ответить на вопросы со слайдов и с бумажек

-And now answer these questions, please.

15 мин




  1. Вставить пропущенные слова

-Your next task is to fill in the missing words.

  1. You need 3 ___ and some milk to make an omelet.
  2. My mum made a huge ___ for my birthday yesterday. I blew out all the candles, yeah!
  3. An ___ is round and light brown. It can make you cry!
  4. In the morning we eat ___.
  5. Mice like it a lot. But I like French ___ with big holes too!
  6. A ___ is a long, thin and orange vegetable.
  7. Every year we pick up a lot of ___ in our forest, especially after rain.

10 мин




  1. Разыграть диалоги

1 at the supermarket

Shop assistant: Good afternoon, can I help you?

Buyer: Yes, please. I would like a bottle of buttermilk and one loaf of bread.

Shop assistant: Here you are. Anything else?

Buyer: Oh, yes. Do you sell French fries?

Shop assistant: Sorry, we don't sell it.

Buyer: No, that’s all.

Shop assistant: Do you need a bag? 

Buyer: No, thanks. How much is it?

Shop assistant: It’s ₤2.

Buyer: Do you take credit cards?

Shop assistant: Yes, we accept Visa and MasterCard.

Buyer: Here's the card.

Shop assistant: Enter your PIN, please. OK, your payment is successful. You can take your card.

Buyer: Thank you. Goodbye.

Shop assistant: Goodbye. We'll be happy to see you again.

2 at the restaurant

Waiter: Welcome to Paradise.

Are you ready to order?

Visitor 1: I’ll have the grilled salmon with French fries.

Waiter: And you?

Visitor 2: I’ll have one roast beef with salad.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Visitor 1: I’ll have green tea.

Waiter: And you?

Visitor 2: I’ll have juice. What kind of juice do you have?

Waiter: Orange, mango, apple and pineapple.

Visitor 2: One pineapple juice please.

Waiter: OK. So that’s one grilled salmon with French fries, one roast beef with salad, one green tea, and one pineapple juice.

Waiter (After a time): Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

Waiter (After a time): How was everything?

Visitor 1: Delicious, thanks!

Waiter: Would you like anything for dessert?

Visitor 1: No, thank you.

Waiter: Can I get you anything else?

Visitor 1: No, just the bill please.

Waiter: Sure. I’ll be right back with that… Do you want to pay separately?

Visitor 1: No, you can put it all on one bill.

Waiter: (Brings the bill) There you go.

Visitor 1:  (Give the money to the waiter) Thanks a lot.

10 мин




Slap up dinner 

дорогой роскошный обед

good value for money

Хорошее соотношение цены и качества

Spicy или hot

Пряная, осстрая пища














Долго жевать

it melts in the mouth

тает во рту

It’s really yummy! 

Это реально вкусно!

That looks mouth-watering. 

Это выглядит аппетитно.

Mmm, scrumptious! 

Ммм, потрясающе!

oilygreasy б fatty





пережаренный, переваренный







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