Проект на английском языке "St. Valentine's Day"( 4 form)
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Проект на английском языке
"St. Valentine's Day"( 4 form)
По сцене навстречу друг другу медленно идут юноши и девушки .
( Танец " Шербургские зонтики")
По сцене появляется почтальон
Valentines, Valentines, count them with me,
I have red ones, orange ones, yellow ones, too.
I have green ones, purple ones,
And some that are blue.
Valentines, Valentines, how many do I see?
Valentines, Valentines, count that with me.
Pupil 1
Нere’s a special valentine
With lots of love for you
And since you’re very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
Pupil 2
Love, love me do,
You know I love you,
I’ll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Pupil 3
Someone to love,
Somebody new,
Someone to love,
Someone like you.
Pupil 4
I love you more than marzipan,
Than marmalade on toast,
For I love pies of any size.
But yet I love you most!
Pupil 2-3-4
I send a Valentine to Sue,
I send a Valentine to you,
I send a Valentine to Lis
But she didn't send one to me.
I bought a valentine for Bill,
I bought a valentine for Jim.
I bought a valentine for Bim
But he didn't buy one for me.
I made a valentine for Kim,
I made a valentine for Pim
I made a valentine for Lee
But he didn't make one for me
Don't be upset. You will get yours next year.
Pupil 1
The customs of sending valentine cards started in Europe in the 1700s. Valentines often have poems written on them. One of the most popular Valentine’s poems is the following:
Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you
St. Valentine's Day has certain symbols that represent the meaning of the celebration
( дети показывают символы и рассказывают о них)
The first symbol is the heart. Many gifts for Valentine’s Day are in the shape of a heart and common gifts are heart pendants, heart shaped boxes of chocolate and even heart shaped candies. The phrase “broken heart” is often used to show how someone is feeling.
Rose is one of the most popular flower and one of the most powerful symbols of Valentine's Day. For romantic people the lovely rose stands for beauty, passion and love.
Winged little angel called Cupid is one of the most famous Valentine's Day Symbols.
In the Roman mythology Cupid was described as the son of Venus – the Goddess of Love.
Lovebirds and doves
Lovebirds and doves are Valentine's Day symbols too. The symbol traces its origin from a belief in the olden times that birds found their mate on February 14.
Love knots
Love knot is another symbol of Valentine's Day. Young Muslim women living in strict households used to express love to young men through secret messages woven through the knots of a carpet. It is a symbol of endless love.
Valentine’s Day lace
Laces and ribbons are delicate Valentine's Day symbols. At the ancient time when kings and knights went to battles their ladyloves presented laces to them.
Pupil 2 Юноша девушке
Love, love me do,
You know I love you,
I’ll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Песня " Love me tender"
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