Сценарии театральных постановок на английском языке для начальной школы.
проект по иностранному языку (1, 2, 3, 4 класс) по теме
Несколько сценариев на английском из опыта работы с проектом "Театральные подмостки".
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий спектакля «Теремок. Teremok »
(на английском языке)
- Story-Teller
- The Mouse
- The Frog
- The Fox
- The Wolf
- The Bear
Story-Teller: The Mouse has no father, no mother, no house and no friends. She is very unhappy. One day she went for a walk and came to a beautiful little house in the forest.
The Mouse: What a nice little house! I must live here.
The Green Frog: Good morning, Mouse.
The mouse: Good morning. Who are you?
The Green Frog: I am a Green Frog! I can jump and sing.
The Mouse: I’m a little mouse. Let’s live together!
The Green Frog: Let’s sing a song! The more we are together…
Story Teller: So the mouse and the Green Frog live together. They like to eat much and then to sing a song.
The Hare: Good afternoon. I am a White Hare! I am very unhappy. I have no friends. But I can jump and work.
The mouse, The Green Frog: Let’s live together!
Story Teller: So the mouse and the Green Frog, and The Hare live together. They eat much, work much and then they sing a song.
The Gray Wolf: Good afternoon. Don't be afraid of me!
The mouse: Good afternoon. Who are you?
The Gray Wolf: I am a Grey Wolf! And I am kind and clever. Please, let me live with you.
The mouse: I’m a little mouse, she is the Green Frog, and he is a hare. Let’s live together!
Story Teller: So the mouse and the Green Frog, the Hare and the Gray Wolf: live together. They work much, eat much, and then they sing a song.
The Bare: Good evening!
The mouse: Who are you?
The Bare: I am a Brown Bare. I am strong and big please, let me live with you.
The mouse: You are good and we like you, but you are too big!
The mouse, The Green Frog: You are too big!
The Bare: What can I do?
The mouse: We must make a new little house, big and nice.
All together: Let's make a new big house!
Story Teller: And all friends worked much. At last they made a new house. It was very nice and big. And the Mouse, the Green Frog, the White Hare, the Grey Wolf and the Bear still live in the house and they are very happy.
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий спектакля «A party for Winnie-the-Pooh»
Праздник для Винни Пуха (на английском языке)
Characters (Действующие лица) : Девочка, Мальчик, Мама, Птица, Винни Пух, Мышки, Белка, Заяц, Лиса
Первая сцена
Девочка, мальчик и мама в детской комнате
Девочка: Good morning!
My name is … .
I am 6.
Мальчик: Good morning!
My name is … .
I am 7.
Девочка: He is my brother.
Мальчик: And she is my sister.
Девочка: We have many toys.
They are big and small, old and new.
Мальчик: I have a hare,
I have a bear.
My toys are here,
My toys are there.
Девочка: I have a mouse,
I have a fox,
I have a squirrel,
I have birds.
Мальчик: And I am playing now.
Девочка: I like all of them. And my favourite toy is Winnie-the-Pooh. But today Winnie is sad. Mommy, help me please!
Мама: Let’s give a special party for Winnie-the-Pooh. (подумав немного) And let’s invite his friends.
Дети: (радостно) Party! When?
Мама: Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Дети: That's great! Hurray! Hurray!
Девочка (берет птицу) : Please be my messenger: tell everyone about our party.
Вторая сцена
Птица и Винни Пух в лесу
Птица: Hello Winnie! How are you?
Винни Пух: (с небольшой грустью) Hi Bird! I am OK.
Птица: Our family is going to give a party for you. I’m their messenger.
Винни Пух: (с удивлением) A party for me?
(с недоверием) Really? When?
Птица: Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Винни Пух: (радостно) What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!
Третья сцена
Птица и мышки в лесу
Птица: Hello mice!
Мышки: (весело) Hello Bird! Hello! Any news?
Птица: Our family is going to give a party for Winnie-the-Pooh. I’m their messenger. Please, come to the party tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Мышки: We do! We do! We like parties most of all in our live!
(мечтательно) Party… (радостно) It sounds so nice!
Мышки танцуют «Польку»
Четвертая сцена
Птица, заяц и белка в лесу
Белка: I can dance, I can sing!
Заяц: I can do almost everything!
Белка: Can you dance?
Can you sing?
Заяц: Yes, I can do everything!
Белка: Let's dance!
Let's sing!
Заяц: Here's a bell.
Белка: Let's ring!
Птица: Hello Hare! Hello Squirrel!
Заяц: Hello Bird!
Белка: Hello Bird!
Птица: Please, come to the party tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Белка и Заяц: (радостно) Party! What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!
Пятая сцена
Птица и лиса в лесу
Лиса: Two little eyes to look around,
Two little ears to hear each sound;
One little nose to smell what’s sweet,
One little mouth that likes to eat. (задумчиво смотрит в сторону)
Птица: Hello Fox!
Лиса: Oh, Bird! Hi! Any news?
Птица: Yes. Tomorrow, at two o’clock in the afternoon.
Лиса: What?
Птица: Ah… Our family is going to give a party for Winnie-the-Pooh. Please, come.
Лиса: Thank you, thank you very much for this nice news!
Шестая сцена
Все на лесной полянке
Мальчик: Hello, dear friends!
Девочка: We are glad to see you!
Все: We are glad to see you too!
Белка: Let’s dance and play.
Let’s have a lot of fun today!
Песня-танец “Clap your hand together”
Мама: And now let’s enjoy our party meal!
Винни Пух: Give me, please, a biscuit and a sweet pie.
Мама: Here you are!
Винни Пух: Thank you, thank you very much!
Девочка: Little mice, little mice,
Would you like a piece of ice?
Мышки: No, no! We would like a piece of cheese!
Девочка: Ok, then say “please”!
Мышки: Please! Please! Please! Thanks!
(Заяц, Лиса и Белка играют в считалочку)
Заяц: One, two, three, let me see.
Who likes coffee and who likes tea?
Лиса: One, two, three, now I see.
I like coffee and you like tea. (смеются)
Заяц: I would like a carrot, a cabbage and some juice.
Thank you!
Белка: I prefer an apple, nuts and mushrooms.
Thank you very much!
Лиса: Give me, please, a piece of cake and a glass of milk.
Песня-танец “If you are happy”
Седьмая сцена
Все на лесной полянке
Девочка: This is a party for Winnie-the-Pooh, the best bear in all the world! We’ve a present for you.
Винни Пух: Present for me! It’s so nice! (открывает подарок, а там - карандаши)
Лиса: There are pencils with a letter “B”.
Мальчик: The letter “B” is for “bear”, the best bear in all the world!
Винни Пух: Thank you! I like to draw very much! I’m so happy!
My dear friends, I have small gifts for you.
My favourite food is honey.
I want to share it with you.(угощает друзей медом)
Все: Oh, you so kind. Thank you!
Мышки: What a great surprise! It sounds so nice!
Песня-танец “Goodbye song”
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий спектакля «Звездный мальчик. Star Child»
Действующие лица:
Звездный мальчик
Жена лесоруба
Нищая (она же королева)
Нищий (он же король)
Толпа людей
Scene 1
AUTHOR Once upon a time two poor Woodcutters were making their way through a great pine-forest. It was winter and night of bitter cold.
WOLF Ugh! This is perfectly monstrous weather. Why doesn`t the government look for it! The earth is dead under the snow. I tell you that it is all the fault of the Government and if you don`t believe me I will eat you. It is terribly cold. Ugh! Ugh!
( there are far away sounds of the song Jingle Bells)
WOODCUTTER 1 Listen! They are singing Christmas songs, dancing and having fun. (blowing upon the fingers and stamping) The frost bites bitterly. This life is not for us. We had better died of cold in the forest or a wild animal had better eaten us.
WOODCUTTER 2 That`s true. Much is given to some and little is given to others…Look! A star is falling down.
TOGETHER Why! There is a rock of gold for whoever finds it. (they run towards the falling star)
WOODCUTTER 1 (sees a baby) This is the end of our hope! A baby wrapped in a cloak of golden cloth! Let us leave it here and go our way, seeing that we are poor men and have children of our own.
WOODCUTTER 2 No, it is an evil thing to leave the child to die in the snow. I will bring it home with me and my wife will take care of it.
WOODCUTTER 1 You have the child, therefore give me the cloak, for we should share.
WOODCUTTER 2 No, the cloak is neither mine nor yours, it belongs to the child only. (knocking at the door, wife hugging him)
I have found something in the forest and I have brought it to you to take care of it.
WIFE What is it? Alack, Goodman! Don`t we have enough children of our own! Our children lack bread and shall we feed this child of another? Who will take care of us and give us food?
WOODCUTTER 2 God cares for everyone and feeds all living creatures.
AUTHOR 10 years passed.
Scene 2
WIFE (walking with the Star Child) The fly is our brother. Do it no harm. The wild birds have their freedom. God made everyone and each has it`s place. You must not bring pain into God`s world!
(Star Child runs from the woman. A beggar-woman is approaching)
STAR CHILD See , there is a beggar-woman. Come, let`s drive her away, for she is ugly and ill-looking! (throwing stones at her)
WOODCUTTER 2 Surely, your heart is hard like a rock, and you don`t know mercy. What evil has this poor woman done to you that you treat her this way?
STAR CHILD Who are you to question me what I do? I am not your son.
WOODCUTTER 2 You speak truly. Yet did I show pity when I found you in the forest?
BEGGAR-WOMAN Did you say that the child was found in the forest? And was it not ten years ago? Did he bare a chain of amber on his neck? Was there a cloak of golden cloth around his body?
WOODCUTTER 2 Truly. It was as you say. (shows a cloak and chain)
BEGGAR-WOMAN He is my little son whom I lost in the forest.
WIFE Come into the house and find your mother, who is waiting for you.
STAR CHILD Why, where is my mother? For I see none but this beggar-woman.
BEGGAR-WOMAN I am your mother.
STAR CHILD You are mad to say so. I am not your son, for you are ugly and in rags and I am beautiful. (looking in the mirror) Get away!
BEGGAR-WOMAN No, but you are my little son. The robbers stole you and left you to die. I recognized you and these things: the cloak of golden cloth and the amber chain. Therefore I pray you come with me, my son, for I have need of your love.
STAR CHILD No, I was the child of some star. Get away!
BEGGAR-WOMAN Alas! My son. Will you kiss me before I go?
STAR CHILD No, I would rather kiss a toad! (puts on a mask of a toad)
Oh! What`s happening? (looking into the mirror) where is my beauty? I look like a toad. Surely this has come upon me because of my sin. I have denied my mother and been proud and cruel to her.
(sad music, song about a star.)
( Star Child wondering around and looking into ladies` faces, everyone pushes him away. Comes up to a city gate)
Scene 3
SOLDIERS What is your business in this city? (drop their halberts across the entrance)
STAR CHILD I am seeking for my mother. And I pray to let me in, for she may be in this city. She is a beggar as I am. I treated her evilly and I pray you to let me in. She may forgive me.
SOLDIER 1 Your mother will not be happy to see you, for you`re llike a toad. Get away. Your mother is not in this city.
SOLDIER 2 Wait. I have an idea. We will sell the guy for a slave for the price of a bowl of sweet wine.
MAGICIAN (passing by) I will buy him for this price. (takes the Star Child by the hand and leads him into the city) You are my slave now. In a wood near the city there are 3 pieces of gold: white, yellow and red. Today bring the piece of white gold, and if you don`t I will beat you with a hundred stripes. Get away quickly and at sunset I will be awaiting for you.
STAR CHILD (sees a hare in a trap)I am myself but a slave, yet may I give you freedom? (lets him go)
HARE You have given me freedom and what shall I give you in return?
STAR CHILD I am seeking for a piece of white gold, but I can`t anywhere find it, and if I don`t bring it to my master he will beat me.
HARE Come with me, I know where it is hidden and for what purpose.
STAR CHILD Thank you for your service and kindness.
HARE As you dealt with me, so did I deal with you.
(on his way back Star Child sees a beggar-man sitting at the gate of the city)
BEGGAR-MAN Give me a piece of money or I must die of hunger. They have driven me out of the city and there is no one who has pity on me.
STAR CHILD I have but one piece of gold and if I don`t bring it to my master he will beat me, for I am a slave.
( But he gives his gold to the beggar)
MAGICIAN : Have you got the piece of white gold?
STAR CHILD I don`t have it.
MAGICIAN Eat, drink. If tomorrow you don`t bring me the piece of yellow gold I will surely keep you as my slave and beat you.
(the following day in the forest)
HARE Why are you weeping? And what do you seek in the wood?
STAR CHILD I am seeking for a piece of yellow gold, and if I don`t bring it to my master he will beat me.
HARE Come with me I know where it is hidden.
STAR CHILD How can I thank you? This is the second time that you have helped me.
HARE But you had pity on me first.
(on his way back Star Child sees a beggar-man sitting at the gate of the city)
BEGGAR-MAN Give me the piece of money or I must die.
STAR CHILD Take it. Your need is greater than mine.
(comes back to the Magician)
MAGICIAN Have you got the piece of yellow gold?
STAR CHILD I have not.
MAGICIAN How dare you come to me without gold, ugly slave?
(beats him)
MAGICIAN If today you bring a piece of red gold, I will set you free, but if you don`t I will surely beat you again .
(Star Child sitting in the forest and weeping)
HARE The piece of red gold you are seeking is in the cave behind you. Don`t weep and be glad.
STAR CHILD How can I reward you? For this is the third time that you have helped me.
HARE But you had pity on me first. (runs away)
BEGGAR-MAN (in the center of the road) Give me the piece of red money or I must die.
STAR CHILD Take it. Your need is greater than mine. (takes off the mask of a toad)
(in the gate of the city soldiers bow down)
SOLDIER 1 How beautiful is our lord! There is none so beautiful in the whole world!
SOLDIER 2 Surely there is none so beautiful in the whole world!
STAR CHILD Are they mocking me? (touching his face) Oh no! My face has come back to me!
SOLDIERS You are our lord for whom we have been waiting, and the son of our king. It was prophesied that on this day would come he, who was to rule over us. Let our lord take this crown and be our king over us.
STAR CHILD I am not king`s son, but the child of a poor beggar. And why do you say that I am beautiful, for I know that I am ugly to look at. Let me go. I must find mother and ask for forgiveness.
(among the crowd sees the beggar-woman and the beggar-man, kneels down and kisses her feet)
Mother, accept me. I gave you hatred, give me love. I rejected you, receive your child now. Give me your forgiveness and let me go back to the forest.
(Star Child looks up and sees a King and a Queen)
QUEEN This is your father whom you helped in need.
KING This is your mother whose feet you have washed with tears.
(they hug and kiss him and set the crown upon his head)
AUTHOR And he ruled over the city. Much justice and mercy did he show to all, and to the Woodcutter and his wife he sent many rich gifts, and wasn`t cruel to bird or beast, but taught kindness and charity, and to the poor he gave bread, and there was peace and plenty in the land.
Предварительный просмотр:
Сценарий спектакля «Белоснежка и семь гномов»
(на английском языке)
На сцене стол и два стула. Сбоку стенд с изображением замка. Выходит рассказчик.
Story-teller: Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived a pretty girl. Her name was Snow White. Her father, the king, married again, and his new wife hated the girl a lot. The stepmother thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and always asked her magical mirror about it.
Музыка. Выходит Белоснежка. Она ставит чайник и чашки на стол, затем начинает подметать пол. Останавливается, вытирает пот со лба.
Snow White: Oh, I am so unhappy. My stepmother hates me. My father has forgotten mе Perhaps some days a prince will come and take me away from the palace!(садится в углу на стул, вышивает)
Грозная музыка. Входит мачеха. Садится за стол, берет в руки зеркало, смотрится в него. Белоснежка вскакивает, наливает мачехе чай, подает, кланяется, садится опять в уголок на стул и продолжает вышивать.
Stepmother: Oh, how happy I am! I have married the king and I am the queen now. How beautiful I am! Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror (голос за кадром): You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful.
Stepmother (зло): Dirty glass! I’ll break you into pieces! Oh, Snow White, how I hate you!
( Белоснежка от испуга вскакивает, роняет вышивку)
You won’t live in the palace any more! Go to the forest and let wild animals kill you!
Грозная музыка. Мачеха уходит.
Snow White ( грустно): What shall I do? I must go to the forest. Nobody can help me. How unhappy I am! (уходит).
Смена декораций. Сцена в лесу. На сцене стол и лавка. На стенде рисунок домика в лесу. Выходит рассказчик.
Story-teller: So, our Snow White left the palace and went to the forest. She was very, very unhappy. There was dark and cold in the forest. Snow White got frightened very much. Suddenly she saw a small house. Seven dwarfs lived there.
Snow White: Oh, how it is dark here and nobody around! What shall I do? Where shall I sleep when night comes? (видит домик). Oh, what a nice little cottage! It looks like a toy.Who lives there? (стучит в дверь) Is anybody here? May I come in? (заходит) Oh, dust everywhere! The plates are dirty. I must clean everything here. ( музыка. Белоснежка протирает посуду на столе, подметает пол) I’m so tired! I’ll just lie down on this little bed (ложится на лавку, засыпает)
Музыка. Входят гномы.
1 гном (настороженно): Hush! There’s somebody in here!
2 гном (испуганно): It’s a burglar!
3 гном (подбегая к столу и разглядывая тарелки): But nothing is missing!
4 гном: May be it’s a monster?
(все гномы ахают хором от испуга)
5 гном: I’m afraid of it!
6 гном: But we must know who is there!
7 гном: Look! Look! It’s a girl! She is sleeping.
(гномы обступают спящую Белоснежку, рассматривают ее)
1 гном: How beautiful she is!
2 гном: Her face is as white as snow.
3 гном: Wakе up, wake up, please! (трясет ее за плечо)
Snow White: (просыпается, потягивается, видит гномов) Изумленно: Oh, my! You are dwarfs!
гномы хором: And who are you?
Snow White: I’m Snow White. May I stay here? I can keep the house for you. I can do many things. I can cook tasty food, bake bread and clean the house.
Гномы (хором, радостно хлопая в ладоши): Tasty food!
4 гном: You are a very good girl! You can stay with us!
Snow White: Thank you, dear friends! I suppose you are hungry. Would you like me to cook meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea and cookies for you?
Гномы хором: Oh, meat soup, fish and potatoes, tea and cookies!
Snow White: Your dinner will be ready soon.
5 гном: Thank you, Snow White! Now we must go to our mine.
6 гном: Be careful! Don’t let anyone in.
7 гном: Don’t open the door to anybody.
Snow White: I promise, my good friends. Good-bye and good luck!
Гномы хором: Good-bye!
Смена декораций. Комната во дворце.
Stepmother :(заходит злая королева, садится за стол, пьет чай, глядится в зеркало):How happy I am! Snow White has died in the forest. (кокетливо, глядя в зеркало): How beautiful I am! Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?
Mirror (голос за кадром): With the seven dwarfs still alive, the fairest in the land, Snow White.
Stepmother (зло бросая зеркало): Shut up, shut up, dirty glass! I know what to do. I’ll poison her myself. Where is my magical red apple? Oh, here it is! How juicy and delicious it looks. I’ll go to the forest. I must hurry now! (поспешно встает, накидывает плащ, берет яблоко, уходит).
Смена декораций. Домик в лесу, Белоснежка сидит и вышивает.
Snow White: Oh, how happy I am! My dear dwarfs will come soon.
( раздается стук в дверь) Oh, who is there? Come in, come in, please!
(входит мачеха в плаще с капюшоном) Oh, who are you/
Stepmother: I’m an old woman. I want to drink. Give me some water, please!
Snow White: (наливает в чашку воды, подает мачехе): Here you are!
Stepmother: Thank you, good girl! You are so kind! Have the apple. It is so tasty. Try it!
Snow White: Thanks a lot! (откусывает яблоко) Ah! (падает на лавку)
Stepmother ( откидывая капюшон с головы, радостно): Ha-ha-ha! She is dead! (уходит)
Музыка. Приходят гномы.
1 гном: Oh, our dear Snow White is dead!
(гномы обступают Белоснежку)
2 гном: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold earth.
3 гном: What shall we do?
(гномы сидят грустные вокруг Белоснежки)
Выходит автор.
Story-teller: Suddenly a prince was riding nearby. He heard the dwarfs crying and came to
the cottage.
Музыка. Въезжает на «лошади» принц.
Prince: Hello, my good men! Why are you crying?
4 гном: Our dear Snow White is dead (плачет).
5 гном: You must kiss her to wake her up!
Prince: Oh, I’m ready to do it!
(встает на одно колено, целует Белоснежке руку)
Wake up, wake up, please!
Snow White (просыпается, потягивается): Oh, where I am?
Prince: You are safe with me. I cannot live without you!
Snow White: Oh, my prince, I’m so happy!
6 гном: Three cheers for Snow White and her Prince!
гномы хором: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
(все артисты выходят на край сцены)
Выходит рассказчик.
Story-teller: Very soon Snow White and her Prince got married and lived happily for f long, long time.
(Артисты, взявшись за руки, кланяются, затем уходят под музыку)
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Сценарий Рождественского праздника на английском языке в начальной школе
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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в начальной школе «Интеллектуальная игра «Что? Где? Когда?»»
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятияпо английскому языку в начальной школе«Интеллектуальная игра «Что? Где? Когда?»»...

Сценарий новогодней сказки на английском языке для начальной школы "The Christmas cub" by Justin Korman Fontes
Сценарий новогодней сказки для инсценировки в начальной школе по мотивам сказки "The Christmas cub" американской писательницы Justin Korman Fontes....
Сценарий театральной постановки на английском языке "Jack and the Beanstalk"
Сценарий театральной постановки написан с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся начальной школы, может использоваться в работе кружка и для тетрализованных представлений учащимися с 1 по 4 класс....
- Мне нравится (1)