презентация урока для интерактивной доски по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
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Подписи к слайдам:
«Opposites» Black Happy Interesting Short Beautiful New Clean Small Poor Easy - White - Unhappy - Boring (uninteresting) - Long - Ugly -Old - Dirty - Big - Rich - Difficult
«Dates» 1.Christmas Day 1. February,14 th 2. Thanksgiving 2. March, 17th 3.St. Valentine’s Day 3. April, 1st 4.April Fools’ Day 4.October, 31st 5. St. Patrick’s Day 5. December, 25 th 6.Halloween 6.May,one Sunday 7. Mother’s Day 7. June, one Sunday 8. Father’s Day 8. November, fourth Thursday
« The right word » 1 team 2 team naclde seetar rckti lhalownee albectere setpern dcrsa ebedcmer adttriion soefwlr narjuay aldhioy
« Word game » M O T H E R S D W E E K E N D A P U M P K I N Y S A N T A C L A M I D N I G G U J O K E E H R S L O V E M T E E C O S T U N E G S W E E T S S G P R E S E N T S
« Guess the holiday » 1 team: Nobody knows much about him. People called him the saint of love. On this day children write their names on cards with hearts on them and give them to their classmates.People give cards, presents and flowers to their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives. Some people do not put their names at the end of their cards because they want their names to be a secret. St.Valentine’s Day
2 team: He was an Irish saint, and this day is very popular in cities where there are many people from Ireland. Green is the Irish colour and people often wear green on this day. If you don’t wear green, someone may pinch you. St.Patrick’s day
« Songs » This is the way we ... and ...., ..... and ....., ..... and ......, This is the way we .... and ....., On a .... and ...... morning. This is the way we ..... on the ice, ...... on the ice, ...... on the ice, This is the way we ...... on the ice, On a ..... and ...... morning.
This is the way we ski and skate, Ski and skate, ski and skate, This is the way we ski and skate, On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we dance on the ice, Dance on the ice, dance on the ice, This is the way we dance on the ice, On a cold and frosty morning.
«Grammar game» 1 team : 1. Easter, the, March, is, in, late, early, or, April, weekend 2. Is, a, Easter, holiday, Christian. 3. People,coloured, or, eggs, give, chocolate, to, other, and, each, cards, send. 2 team: 1. Is, Christmas, holiday,the, of, the, year, biggest. 2. The, before, Christmas, evening, Day, called, is, Eve, Christmas. 3. People, this, on, prepare, day, dinner, of, a, traditional, turkey, vegetables, with.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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