Конспект урока + презентация «So many countries, so many customs» (УМК "English" Тер-Минасова, 3 класс)
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Конспект урока разработан в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС НОО
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дата: 31.01.2017 г. Учитель: Мушкарина В. С.
Школа: № 95 Методист: Учарова Н. М.
Класс: 4-1 Студентка: Сараева А. Ю., 33 группа
Тема урока: «So many countries, so many customs»
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Цель урока: формирование лексического навыка говорения.
Планируемые результаты:
- Предметные:
1. отработать звук [æ];
2. проверить знания грамматического материала: much, many;
3. ввести и первично закрепить новые слова: butter, honey, festival, sour cream, laugh, outdoors;
4. тренировать учащихся в употреблении новых слов в речи.
- Личностные: способствовать повышению мотивации к обучению; совершенствовать память; создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности.
Оборудование урока: УМК «English», 4 класс, Тер-Минасова, презентация.
№ | Этап урока | Деятельность учителя | Деятельность учащихся | Методы и приёмы | Время | УУД |
1 | Орг.момент | Good morning, children. I’m very glad to see you. My name is Alyona Yrievna. I’ll be your English teacher today. Today we are going to learn some new words and practise some grammar material, but first let me ask you some questions. What date is it today? (Today is the 31sh of January) What day of the week is it today? (Today is Tuesday) What season is it now? (It is winter) What month is it now? (It is January) What’s the weather like today? (It is … today) Good for you! Thank you. | Слушают учителя, Поют песню, садятся на свои места, Отвечают на вопросы учителя | Словесный. Беседа | 2 мин | К: владеть диалогической формой речи Л: формирование позитивного отношения к учебному процессу |
2 | Фонетическая зарядка | Let’s begin our lesson with a phonetic drill. Today we are going to practise the sound [æ]. Look at me and repeat after me. [æ] - all together. (3 times) Look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. Listen to me very carefully I’ll read it. Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy, Loves bananas and sugar candy. He buys some at the grocer’s shop And out he comes, hop, hop, hop. Now repeat the words with the sound [æ] after me: Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy, candy, an. Very good. Who can translate this poem? Now read this poem line by line after me. Now read this poem line by line, one by one. P1, start, please. P2, go on. Let’s read the whole poem all together. Who wants to read this poem? P1, read, please. Well done! | Слушают Повторяют хором Слушают упражнение Повторяют за учителем Переводят стихотворение Читают друг за другом Читают всё стихотворение хором | Хоровое повторение Практический Индивидуальное повторение | 5 мин | Р: выполнять действие в соответствии с требованиями учителя, самоконтроль Л: мотивация к учебной деятельности |
3 | Актуализация знаний грамматического материала: much, many | Look at this poem once again and read the nouns denoting food.(bananas, candy). OK. Are these nouns countable or uncountable? (Countable). Good for you! Какое местоимение употребляется с исчисляемым существительным? «much» или «many» ?(«many»). All right. Как вы скажите «много бананов», «конфет»? (many bananas, many candies) Look at the board. Here you can see the words. Work in pairs. I’ll give you 1 minute Your task is to use «much» or «many» with them. (An apple – many apples) All together. (milk – much milk) (a tomato – many tomatoes) (cheese – much cheese) (a potato – many potatoes) (tea – much tea) (a carrot – many carrots) (sugar - much sugar) (fish – many fish) (chocolate – much chocolate) (a sandwich – many sandwiches) (oil – much oil) (an egg - many eggs) (jam – much jam) (a cake – many cakes) (water – much water) Good job. | Читают слова Отвечают на вопросы Слушают Выполняют задание
| Фронтальный опрос, словесный метод. Практический | 10 мин | К: умение высказывать и аргументировать своё мнение П: обращение к ранее усвоенной информации Р: принятие и поддержание цели ориентиров, выделенных учителем, самопроверка, саморегуляция |
4 | Введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики | Now, children, we will learn some new words. Open your books at page 23, ex. 3. P1, read the task, please. Who can translate it? Great! Dasha is telling Jane and Johnny about a Russian traditional festival. Listen to her (No. 71) and guess the meaning of the new words. (Аудиозапись 71). These pictures can help you. - Johnny: Dasha, which traditional Russian festival do you like most of all? Dasha: Maslenitsa, of course. It is a seven day festival between the 3rd of February and the 15th of March. At Maslenitsa traditional food is pancakes. They are good with butter, sour cream and honey. We like them with tea, which is a favourite Russian drink. At Maslenitsa people have fun outdoors. They play snowballs, go sledging, dance, sing and laugh a lot. Who can translate the new words? All right. Now repeat after me: honey – all together, butter, sour cream, festival, laugh, sledge, outdoors. Read the words one by one. P1, read all the words (P2 , P3). Good! Look at the board. Johnny: Dasha, which traditional Russian ______ do you like most of all? Dasha: Maslenitsa, of course. It is a seven day festival between the 3rd of February and the 15th of March. At Maslenitsa traditional food is pancakes. They are good with ______, _______ and ________. We like them with tea, which is a favourite Russian drink. At Maslenitsa people have fun_______. They play snowballs, go _______, dance, sing and ______ a lot. Your task is to match the pictures to the words. Repeat after me. | Слушают Работают с учебником Переводят текст Переводят слова Повторяют слова хором Повторяют слова один за одним Выполняют задание Повторяют за учителем Читают слова Читают диалог Вставляют пропущенные слова | Словесный Практический Слушание Практический | 10 мин | П: умение анализировать, развитие языковой догадки К: умение высказывать и аргументировать своё мнение |
5 | Дин. пауза | I see you are tired. Let’s do some exercises. Stand up. Hands up clap, clap, clap (Руки Вверх хлоп, хлоп, хлоп) Hands down shake, shake, shake (Руки вниз встряхнут, встряхнуть, встряхнуть) Hands on hip jump, jump, jump (Руки на бок прыжок, прыжок, прыжок) Good sit down, please. | Повторяют движения | Практический | 1 мин | |
6 | Тренировка учащихся в употреблении новых слов в речи | Look at the pictures on the board and say how Russian people celebrate Maslenitsa. You’ll need the following words on page 23. Repeat after me: -a big straw doll in an old dress -to burn the old doll -to say «Goodbye» to winter and meet a new spring -to wear national Russian costumes -to play games outdoors -to go sledging -to have lost of fan -to laugh a lot -to sing and dance Who can translate? P1, tell me what is shown in the first picture. (Children go sledging) P2, tell me what is shown in the second picture and etc. (Children play games outdoors) P3, tell me what is shown in the third and fourth pictures. Well done! Now look at the board. Here you can see a dialogue. Your task is to choose the correct word(much, many). I’ll give you 1 minute. -Hello. We'll party tomorrow. -I have got much/many honey. I’ll bring it. -Ok. And I’ve got much/many sour cream at home. -All right. I’ll come to you tomorrow. Your time is up. Let’s check. P1 and P2, read this dialogue. Good! Now work in pairs. I’ll give you 2 minutes to act it out. P1 and P2, go to the board and act out this dialogue. Good for you. | Слушают учителя. Повторяют за учителем Переводят Строят речевые высказывания Смотрят на доску Читают диалог Выбирают нужное слово Проверяют диалог Читают диалог в паре Разыгрывают диалог в паре | Объяснение, ситуация. Практический Практический Словесный Словесный Практический выполняют упражнение | 10 мин | П: умение анализировать, развитие языковой догадки Р: самоконтроль К: адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения различных коммуникативных задач К: владеть диалогической формой речи Р: планирование своих действий в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации |
7 | Информация о домашнем задании | Open your record books, write down your homework. Your homework will be: S/B p. 26 ex. 7 переписать слова; W/B L. 42 ех. 1, 2; Test-words (L. 38-42) | Записывают домашнее задание, слушают пояснение | Объяснение | 5 мин | Р: принимают учебную задачу на следующий урок |
8 | Итог урока | What did we learn today? Very good. Now the lesson is over. Goodbye. | Отвечают на вопросы, подводят итог | Беседа | 1 мин | Л: оценка собственного включения в работу |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
candy bananas
Исчисляемые существительные Неисчисляемые существительные Обозначают то, что можно посчитать one pen – two pens one toy – three toys Обозначают то, что нельзя сосчитать juice milk
An apple , milk , a tomato , cheese , a potato , tea , a carrot , sugar , fish , chocolate , a sandwich , oil , an egg , jam , a cake , water . many much
an apple many much apples
milk many much milk
a tomato many much tomato es
cheese many much cheese
a potato many much pot atoes
tea many much tea
a carrot many much carrots
sugar many much sugar
fish many much fish
chocolate many much chocolate
a sandwich many much sandwiches
oil many much oil
an egg many much eggs
jam many much jam
a cake many much cakes
water many much water
butter festival sour cream
sledge outdoors laugh honey
honey – butter – sour cream – festival - laugh – sledge – outdoors -
honey – мёд butter – масло sour cream – сметана festival - праздник laugh – смеяться sledge – кататься на санках outdoors – на улице
Johnny : Dasha, which traditional Russian ______ do you like most of all? Dasha: Maslenitsa, of course. It is a seven day festival between the 3rd of February and the 15th of March. At Maslenitsa traditional food is pancakes. They are good with ______ , _______ and ________ . We like them with tea, which is a favourite Russian drink. At Maslenitsa people have fun_______. They play snowballs, go _______, dance, sing and ______ a lot.
Johnny : Dasha, which traditional Russian ______ do you like most of all? Honey, butter, sour cream, festival, laugh, sledge, outdoors.
Dasha: Maslenitsa, of course. At Maslenitsa traditional food is pancakes. They are good with ______ , _______ and ___ . Honey, butter, sour cream, festival, laugh, sledge, outdoors.
We like them with tea, which is a favourite Russian drink. At Maslenitsa people have fun _______. Honey, butter, sour cream, festival, laugh, sledge, outdoors.
They play snowballs, go _______, dance, sing and ______ a lot. Honey, butter, sour cream, festival, laugh, sledge, outdoors.
-a big straw doll in an old dress -to burn the old doll -to say «Goodbye» to winter and meet a new spring -to wear national Russian costumes -to play games outdoors -to go sledging -to have lost of fan -to laugh a lot -to sing and dance
- Hello. We'll party tomorrow. - Great! Have you got much/many pancakes for it? - Yes, I have much/many pancakes. And have you got any honey or sour cream? - I have got much/many honey. I’ll bring it. - Ok. And I’ve got much/many sour cream at home. - All right. I’ll come to you tomorrow.
- Hello. party tomorrow. - Great! Have you got pancakes for it? - , I have pancakes. And have you got any honey or sour cream? - I have got honey. I’ll bring it. - Ok. And I’ve got sour cream at home. - All right. I’ll come to you tomorrow.
- Hello. party . - Great! Have you got pancakes for it? - , I have pancakes. And got any honey or ? - I have got honey. I’ll bring it. - Ok. And I’ve got sour cream . - All right. I’ll tomorrow.
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