Урок для 6 класса по теме "Известные люди"
план-конспект занятия по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Предмет, класс: Английский язык, 6 «Б» класс.
Тема урока | «Известные исторические личности» (сюжетная ситуация – путешествие на машине времени) |
Цели урока | 1. Обучающая Обобщение, систематизация и активизация знаний учащихся по теме урока. 2. Воспитательная Расширение кругозора. Воспитание уважения к истории, понимания ее значимости. 3. Развивающая Дальнейшее развитие языковых навыков по теме урока на уровне монологических логических высказываний, развитие навыков аудирования, публичного выступления, общеучебных умений. |
Ход урока |
1) королева Боудика: А) восстановление событий; Б) игра; 2) выступления детей: А) Ю. Гагарин; Б) Х. Колумб; В) А. Дюма.
Оборудование | Доска. Проектор и компьютер. |
Ход урока.
Этапы | Ход | Время |
1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. | Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, pupils and guests. We are glad to see you here. | |
2. Представление темы. | Our experts in history (Polly, Paul and Ann) are going to conduct a seminar on history. They are specialists in different periods of history of different countries. You are welcome to our seminar “Famous people from history”. Oh, what’s that noise? What is it? (A Time machine) So, let’s make a journey throughout history and our experts can help us in it. | |
3. Путешествие на машине времени: 1) королева Боудика: A) восстановление событий; Б) игра; 2) выступления детей: А) Ю. Гагарин; Б) Х. Колумб; В) А. Дюма. | Let's start from ancient times – 60 or 61 AD (Britain). What do you know about this event? Look! Who was she? Can you write down the story of Boudicca’s revolt against the Romans correctly? When Paulinius, the Roman governor, heard of Boudicca’s rebellion, he returned from Wales and defeated Boudicca. Boudicca took poison when she was defeated by the Romans in 62 CE. Boudicca led a rebellion against the Romans, and with her tribe, the Iceni, she attacked and wrecked the towns of Colchester (Camulodunum, the first Roman capital in Britain), St Albans (Verulamium) and London (Londinium). When Prasutagus (Boudicca’s husband) died, the Romans tried to seize her kingdom. Now let's play a game “Local heroes pairs – Queen Boudicca” In this quiz you have to find matching pairs (eight random pairs). How fast can you find them? If you are quick, you might spot some at the start. You are top historians. Now we are going on our journey. And I think that our experts can help us. The year 1961 (Russia). Polly is a specialist in this period. Listen to attentively. Thank you very much. Let’s travel to America – the year 1492. Paul, you are welcome to tell us about this time. Thanks a lot. Our time machine is ready to carry us to France of the 19th century. Ann tells us about this period. | |
4. Викторина. 5. Физкультминутка Let’s have a rest! | Now let’s take a quiz. Take a piece of paper and answer as many questions as you can. You should guess the names of some famous people from history. Read the descriptions and try to guess. Good luck!
Now let’s check up the answers and count the points – 1 point for each right answer. How many points have you got? What’s your score? Well done!
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5. Домашнее задание. | At home you can create your own quiz about different people from history and continue your journey. But right now we have to return to our time. | |
6. Заключение. | Thank you for such an interesting journey. You are top historians. And I think that you are future famous people. Thank you for your work. |
Can you write down the story of Boudicca’s revolt against the Romans correctly?
When Paulinius, the Roman governor, heard of Boudicca’s rebellion, he returned from Wales and defeated Boudicca.
Boudicca took poison when she was defeated by the Romans in 62 CE.
Boudicca led a rebellion against the Romans, and with her tribe, the Iceni, she attacked and wrecked the towns of Colchester (Camulodunum, the first Roman capital in Britain), St Albans (Verulamium) and London (Londinium).
When Prasutagus (Boudicca’s husband) died, the Romans tried to seize her kingdom.
- He was a genius. He wrote from right to left. He invented a lot of things. He was good at different professions but most of all he was famous for his paintings.
- He was King of England. He came to the throne at the age of 17. He had six wives. He executed two of them.
- She was an intelligent woman. She was Queen of England and led the country for 45 years. It was a “Golden Age” in English history.
- He ruled Russia and later the Russian Empire from 1682 until his death in 1725. He opened Russia to the West. He founded St. Petersburg (1703) in the Neva River delta.
- She became Queen of Scotland when she was 6 days old. She had a son, James. She wasn’t a successful leader. Her cousin ordered her execution.
- Why did Boudicca lead a rebellion against the Romans?
- What towns did Boudicca attack?
- Who defeated Boudicca?
- What did Boudicca do when she was defeated by the Romans?
- Where was Gagarin born?
- When did Gagarin become the first man who travelled to space?
- How much time did it take Gagarin to orbit the Earth?
- How did Gagarin die?
- Where was Columbus born?
- When did Columbus discover the New World?
- What did Dumas write?
Конспект урока
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