Презентация-проект по теме food and drinks (Вини-пух едет в гости)
презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему
Данная презентация направлена на закрепление материала по теме еда и напитки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What food is it? It is… honey
What animal likes honey? What is his name? Winnie the Pooh “H” is for honey. It is so sweet. “Let’s take a little”, Says brother Pete.
Winnie the Pooh goes to his friend Rabbit.
[ e ]- v e getables, br ea kfast, for br ea kfast [ i : ]- to ea t, like to ea t [ I ]- b i sc ui ts, to dr i nk, like to dr i nk [ k ]- c arrots, chi ck en [ s ] – jui c e, s au s ages
Jelly on a plate Jelly on a plate, Jelly on a plate. Wibble Wobble Wibble Wobble Jelly on a plate. Sausages in a pan, Sausages in a pan. Turn them over, Turn them over Sausages in a pan.
Winnie’s friends Who is he? Eeyore Tigger Piglet
Do you like to eat…? (to drink…)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t . biscuits vegetables pasta tea milk carrots jelly
I like to eat(to drink)… I don’t like to eat(to drink)…
Rabbit. 1)Rabbit like s ,but he doesn’t like 2)He like s to eat ,but he doesn’t like to eat 3)He like s to drink ,but he doesn’t like to drink
What do Piglet, Eeyore, Tigger like to eat and to drink for breakfast? Tigger likes to eat pasta for breakfast. He doesn’t like to eat vegetables for breakfast. Piglet likes to drink milk for breakfast. He doesn’t like to drink lemonade for breakfast. Eeyore likes to eat apples for breakfast. He doesn’t like to drink juice for breakfast.
A clever train
Some (+) I have got some apples. Any ( - ) I haven’t got any apples.
My friends help me!
Shopping list 1) milk 2) sweets 3) biscuits 4) apples 5) bananas 6) carrots 7) oranges
1)Do you want an apple, an apple for your tea? Or do you want an ice-cream? An ice-cream, please! 2)Do you want an orange, an orange for your tea? Or do you want an ice-cream? An ice-cream, please! 3)Do you want a cake, a cake for your tea? Or do you want an ice-cream? An ice-cream, please! 4)Do you want a pear, a pear for your tea? Or do you want an ice-cream? An ice-cream, please! 5)Do you want a banana, a banana for your tea? Or do you want an ice-cream? An ice-cream, please !
Head Shoulders knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes, Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes.
At the shop. Ex.2 p. 46 - Can I have some…, please? -Here you are. -Thank you. 1) milk 2) sweets 3) biscuits 4) apples 5) bananas 6) carrots 7) oranges
I have got some … but I haven’t got any …
I can see…
Roo Roo is … He likes to eat… Roo doesn’t like to eat… Roo likes to drink… He doesn’t like to drink..
Thank you and good buy !
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