Конспект урока по английскому языку 3 класс на тему "These is no place like home"
план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (3 класс) на тему

Попова Екатерина Петровна

Дата 27.10.15

Класс 3-2


Тема "There is no place like home"


Цель урока: Формирование лексического навыка говорения



1.     отработать звук [ð];

2.     закрепить изученную лексику:  a bookcase, a fridge, a TV set, a bed, a door, a wall, a window, an armchair, a bathroom, a bedroom, a flat, a kitchen, a living room, a toilet, a house

3.     проверить знание лексики: a bookcase, a fridge, a TV set, a bed, a door, a wall, a window, an armchair,

4.     тренировать учащихся в употреблении предлогов: in, under, near, behind, on, in front off.   


формировать у учащихся положительное отношение к

иностранному языку как учебному предмету;

·        формировать инициативность как личностное качество


·        создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности;

  • способствовать развитию словесно-логического мышления;

·        способствовать развитию умения учиться

Студентка 46 группы

Попова Екатерина
















Оборудование: учебник, презентация, карточки с заданиями, видео материал «Where is monkey?».



Microsoft Office document icon "There is no place like home" 107.5 КБ

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Приемы работы

Режимы работы



Орг. момент

Good morning, children! I'm glad to see you! Sit down, please.

Today I will be your English teacher.

What date is it today? (Today is the …… of November).

        Today we are going to practise the pronunciation of the words and do some exercises.  



2 мин


Фон. зарядка

Let’s start our lesson with a phonetic drill.

Today we are going to practise the sound [ð].

Look at me and repeat after me [ð] – [ð] – [ð].

- Very well.

So look at the screen. Here you can see a poem. Listen to me.

The armchair is green,

 The bed is bright,

 The lamp is yellow,

The window is white.

- Who can translate this poem?

- Let's read the words with the sound [ð]: the armchair, the bed, the lamp, the window.

- Now let’s read this poem line by line after me.

- And now read this poem line by line one by one.

- Good job!

- Read the whole poem, P1, start, please. Very well. Thank you!






Хоровая Фронтальная



Т        Cl


Р1          Р2

Т        Cl

Т        Cl

Р1 Р2 Р3

Р1          Р2

6 мин


Речевая зарядка

And now, answer my questions, please.

- What is your name?

- Where do you live?

- How many rooms are there in your house?

- Is your house nice? Is it big?

- Have you got a kitchen?

- Have you got a living room?

- Have you got a bathroom?




Р1          Р2

Т       Р1 Р2

5 мин


Повторение и закрепление

ранее изученного



- Look at the screen.

What is it? Что изображено на картинке?  (It is a living room)

Repeat after me all together.

What is there in the living room? Что находится в этой комнате? (There is a window, an armchair, a door, a TV set, a bookcase in the living room).

Read these words one by one.

How many walls are there in the living room? (There are 4 walls in the living room)

  • The next picture 

What is it? Что изображено на картинке?  (It is a bedroom)

Repeat all together.

What is there in the room? Что находится в этой комнате? (There is a window, a door, a bed in the bedroom). Read these words one by one.

  • Look at the next picture 

What is it? (It is a kitchen)

Repeat all together.

What is there in the kitchen? (There is a window, a door, a fridge, a table in the kitchen). Read these words one by one.

  • The next picture 

What is it? (It is a bathroom)

Repeat all together.

What is there in the bathroom? (There is a window, a door, a toilet in the bathroom). Read these words one by one.


P1 stand up and open the door. And now close the door, please.

Nice, take your seat.

P2 stand up and switch on the light, please. Now switch off the light.

Nice, take your seat.

- Look at the blackboard and read these words all together.

Look at the screen. 

Read and translate these words one by one. P1 start please.

give, take, dark, idea, lovely, live, flat, house.

Okay! Read these words all together.

- Now you will write a small test.

На карточках подпишите ваше имя и класс.

I´ll give you cards. There are two tasks.

In the 1st task you are to make words from the letters.

In the 2nd task you are to match the English words to the Russian ones.         

I´ll give you 6 minutes. Good luck!

 Your time is up. Hand in your cards.






















Р1          Р2

Т        Cl

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Т        Cl

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Т        Cl

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Т        Cl

Р1          Р2

Р1 Р2 Р3

Т        Cl


Р1 Р2 Р3

Т        Cl


Р1          Р2

13 мин


Физ. минутка

I see you are tired! Let's have a rest. Stand up, look at the screen and do as the heroes do. Sit down, please.

2 мин



Тренировочные упражнения в употреблении предлогов:

in, on, under, near, behind, in front of

Упражнения на закрепление  предлогов:

in, on, under, near, behind, in front of

Look at the screen.

- Your task is to find the meaning of prepositions. Ваша задача догадаться о значении предлогов (по картинкам).

in, on, under, near, behind, in front of

Repeat after me all together.

Where is the dog? The dog is in front of the picture.

Where is the cat? The cat is behind the ball 

Where is the frog? The frog is in the box.

Where is the mouse? The mouse is on the cat.

Where is the cat? The cat is on the table.

Where is the monkey? The monkey is under the umbrella.

Where is the dog? The dog is in the car

Where is the kitten? The kitten is near the puppy.

Where is the frog? The frog is behind the box.

Where is the kitten? The kitten is under the book. 

Where is the cat? The cat is near the rabbit.

Where is the cat? The cat is in front of  the TV 

- And now read these prepositions one by one.

- P1, read all these prepositions, please. - Thank you.

Good job!

And now we'll sing a song «Where is the monkey? »

1. Where’s the monkey?
Where’s the monkey?
The monkey is
under the bed.
The monkey is
under the bed.
Where’s the monkey?
Where’s the monkey?
The monkey is
under the bed.

2. Where’s the monkey?
Where’s the monkey?
The monkey is
in the drawer.
The monkey is
in the drawer.
Where’s the monkey?
Where’s the monkey?
The monkey is
in the drawer  (drawer ['drɔːə] – ящик)

Следующие куплеты аналогичны, меняется только месторасположение обезьяны:

3. The monkey is on your head (head [hed] – голова)
4. The monkey is
in front of the TV.
5. The monkey is
behind the curtain (curtain [ˈkə:tn] – занавеска)

Continue our lesson.

And now work in pairs.

I’ll give you cards. Your task is choosing the correct answer.

  1. Where’s the cat?
  • The cat’s in the hat.
  • The cat’s on the hat.

  1. Where’s the bear?
  • The bear’s in front of the rabbit
  • The bear’s near the rabbit.

  1. Where’s the lion?
  • The lion’s under the umbrella
  • The lion’s on the mouse.

  1. Where’s the pen?
  • The pen’s under the table
  • The pen’s behind the table.

  1. Where’s the doll?
  • The doll’s on the box
  • The doll’s in front of the box.

  1. Where’s the cat?
  • The cat’s behind the ball
  • The cat’s under the ball.

Your time is up.

Come to the board and describe you cards.

Very good!










Т        Cl

Р1 Р2 Р3

Р1 Р2 Р3

Р1          Р2


P1       P2

Р1 Р2 Р3

12 мин


Дача домашнего задания с комментариями

And now open your record books and write down your home work.



3 мин



So, children, I liked your job and I hope you will be fine next lesson. The lesson is over, good bye! See you! Your marks are…



2 мин

Дата 27.10.15

Класс 3-2

Тема "There is no place like home"

Цель урока: Формирование лексического навыка говорения



  1. отработать звук [ð];
  2. закрепить изученную лексику:  a bookcase, a fridge, a TV set, a bed, a door, a wall, a window, an armchair, a bathroom, a bedroom, a flat, a kitchen, a living room, a toilet, a house
  3. проверить знание лексики: a bookcase, a fridge, a TV set, a bed, a door, a wall, a window, an armchair,
  4. тренировать учащихся в употреблении предлогов: in, under, near, behind, on, in front off.        


формировать у учащихся положительное отношение к

иностранному языку как учебному предмету;

  • формировать инициативность как личностное качество


  • создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности;
  • способствовать развитию словесно-логического мышления;
  • способствовать развитию умения учиться

Студентка 46 группы

Попова Екатерина

Учитель: Ганцева А. В.

Методист: Иваненко Н. С.

Оборудование: учебник, презентация, карточки с заданиями, видео материал «Where is monkey?».

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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