Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку для младших школьников. Тема: "Моя комната"
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (1 класс) по теме

Данная методическая разработка предназначена для учащихся 1 класса, занимающихся по УМК Spotlight.


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Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку

с детьми младшего школьного возраста

Тема: «Моя комната»

Lesson Plan

Course-book: “Spotlight Starter” / [Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Nadezda Bykova, Marina Pospelova]. –M.: Express publishing: Prosveshchenie, 2009.

Unit 3. My Room!

Lesson: 7a (p.36-37)

Aim: By the end of the lesson the children will be able to talk about what objects they have got in their room.

Skills: teaching vocabulary and a grammar structure “I’ve got…”, developing listening and speaking skills

New Language: a room, a chair, a table, a bed, TV; a new grammar structure I’ve got a…

Revision: the names of colours, the names of  school kits





Teacher Does/Say

Pupils Say/Do



To revise the colours: pink, red, purple, orange, blue,

green, yellow

Shows  pupils different school kits and asks them to name their colour, then asks them to touch an object of this colour

Name the colour, touch an object of this colour

The school kits: a pencil case, a rubber, a schoolbag, a book, a desk, a pencil

Teaching vocabulary

6 min

To introduce the vocabulary: a room, a chair, a table, a bed, TV

Shows flashcards one by one and names them. The teacher drills pronunciation of the words

Repeat the new words after the teacher chorally and individually


a room, a chair, a table, a bed, TV

To develop listening skills for detail

1.Asks the pupils to put the pictures with the new words on the desks, names the word

2. Asks pupils to  listen to the audio recording and put the words in the order they hear

Find the picture and show it

Put the pictures in the right order

SB: ex1.p.36

The script: room, chair, TV, table, bed

Game “What is missing?”

3 min

To develop attention and practise new vocabulary

Says: “Let’s play a game “What is missing?”. The teacher sticks the pictures to the board, asks the pupils to close their eyes and hides any picture then says: “Open your eyes? What is missing?”

Say: “Let’s!”

Open their eyes and name the picture which is missing.

The teacher divides the class into two groups and asks the children to come up to the board in turns and hide any picture.

Teaching a new grammar structure  “I’ve got a….”


To introduce the topic

Asks the pupils to open their books at page 36, ex.2, points to the first picture and asks: “What’s the boy’s name?” Then the teacher introduces his friend: “This is Sumeet” and asks the children to name the objects in other pictures.

Say: Larry

Say: a yellow TV, a green chair, a red table, a blue bed

The teacher writes the number of the page on the board.

To introduce a new grammar structure “I’ve got a….”

Says: “Let’s listen!” The teacher turns on the audio recording and points to the characters in turn. Then the teacher translates the sentence: “I’ve got a blue bed” into L1 and explains to the pupils in L1 when this structure is used

Listen to the

audio recording and the teacher’s explanation

The script:

Larry: “I’ve got a blue bed!”

Sumeet: “It’s very nice!”

To develop pronunciation skills

Asks the pupils to repeat the dialogue after the characters chorally and individually

Repeat the dialogue


5 min

To develop fluency in speaking

Says: “Now imagine that you are Larry and Sumeet. Make up your own dialogues.”

Make up short dialogues

Pair work



To provide a physical break

Says: “Let’s sing  a song and dance!”

Listen, sing and dance

Rainbow Song (from the Kid’s Box Level 1, interactive DVD)



To develop  motor skills and practise new vocabulary

Explains the activity: Open your Work books at page 28, take your pencils  and colour the pictures. While children are  coloring their pictures, the teacher comes up to  every pupil and asks: “What are you coloring?  What colour is your chair/bed/TV/table?”

Colour the pictures, answer the teacher’s questions

The teacher writes the number of the page on the board. Checks that pupils know what to do

Describing pictures


To develop  speaking skills

Asks individual pupils: “What have you got?”

Answer: “I’ve got a blue bed”, etc.

Game  “A Snowball”

3 min

To develop


and practise  new vocabulary

Says: “Let’s play a game “Snowball!”

Explains the rules to the class: “One pupil should say I’ve got a table, the next pupil should repeat their words and add something else. For example: I’ve got a table and a chair. The winner is the pupil who will be able to memorize the friends’ words and say the longest sentence

Say: “Let’s!”

Play the game

The teacher makes sure that pupils understand the rules of the game

Game “Echo”


To develop attention and practise new vocabulary

Says the new words or sentences with them in whisper. For example: “A table, I’ve got a table, etc.” and asks the children to repeat them after the teacher like an echo.

Play the game.

Say the words or the sentences they hear

The teacher makes sure that pupils understand the rules of the game

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