Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 4 класс
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме
Учащиеся в игровой форме повторяют ранее изученный лексико- грамматический материал
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок-путешествие в страну знаний
Цели урока:
Обучающая - систематизация знаний по ранее изученному материалу
Развивающая – развитие внимания логического мышления
Воспитывающая - формирование культуры общения
Ход урока
1. Приветствие. Организационный момент
Good morning how are you?
I am fine thank you and you
I am all right you look nice today
Thank you, you to.
2. Основной момент.
Teacher - dear boys and girls. I am very glad to see you at our lesson today because we have an unusual lesson- competition. There are two teams at the lesson- the girl’s team and the boy’s team. You will show us your knowledge of English.. You will have several tasks at the lesson.. They are very interesting. I hope our competition will be interesting. I have lots of red and blue stars here. For an excellent answer you will get a red star. For a good answer you will get a blue star. At the end of the lesson you will count all the stars you have received. The winner will be a team with the biggest number of the red stars. The pupils who show the best knowledge of English will be given special prices. Let’s start our competition. And now you have to imagine that you are the passengers of a train. We are going to travel to knowledgeland .pay your attention. The train is leaving
Station 1. «Phonetics».
1 Каждая команда получает задание прочитать слова в транскрипции
2. Конкурс скороговорок
A fat cat sat on a mat cob is a dob’s tob is mob’s dog. . Sid sees six trees.
Station 2. «Poetry».
Дети читают стихи, которые учили в течение года. Побеждает та команда, которая прочитает больше стихов
Good night, father, Good night, mother, Kiss your little son. Goodnight sister, Good night everyone. I can take a shower. You can take a flower. We can take a bus- It is waiting for us. A zebu lives in a zoo, In the zoo, in the zoo. A zebra lives there too, In the zoo, in the zoo. | I like to red, I like to play. I like to study everyday. I like to jump, I like to run, I like to play, its fun. Tick- tock, tick- tock, Tick Tommy’s clock. It is seven o’clock. It is time to get up. |
Station 3. «Grammar».
На данном этапе проверяются знания грамматики, каждая команда получает карточку с заданием
1. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are.
1. I nine.
2. You from England.
3. He brave.
4. She fine.
5. We small.
6. They Scottish.
2. Use these words to form the sentences.
1. Ten, they, English, have, got, books.
2. Has got, new, her friend, book.
3. Has got, children, mother two.
4. Six, have got stars, you.
5. Pens, have got, the pupils, nice.
6. Little, tables, have got, we, three.
3. Find the mistakes.
1. Ann and Mike is a friends.
2. My hobby has reading.
3. We English are.
4. I have got a books.
Station 4. «Lexical».
Проверяются знания лексики задания такие
- Can you finish these lists?
- Spring, summer, winter, …
- Grandmother, grandfather, mother, f ...
- Tag, hide and sick, lip –frog, h…
- March, April, M…
- Wales, Scotland, England, I…
2 March the word and the number
- six 4
- five 3
- two 6
- ten 9
- five 2
- four 5
- three 10
- Guess the word
Учащиеся отгадывают слово, задуманное другой командой. Тема определяется заранее
Station 5 «Storytelling».
Каждая команда получает картинку, по которой она составляет рассказ.
Station 6 «Conversation».
Учащиеся беседуют друг с другом на заданную тему, например диалог «Знакомство», «В кафе».
Station 7. «Puzzles».
One apple, two apples, Three apples, four, Seven apples more. Now tell me, little Paul, Can you count them all – (28) | How many flowers do you see? Eight in bobby’s hands, Eight in Nelly’s hands, How many flowers do you see? –(16) |
Station 8. «Riddles».
I am grey. I am very big. I live in a jungle. You can see me in a zoo, too You can see me at the circus. I like bananas. I like fruit. An elephant. It has no legs, But just for fun It is always on the run. A ball. I don’t know the A, B, C. But I am writing as you see. A pen. I am in the basket, Mew, mew, mew. You give me milk And then I purr. For you, you, you. A cat. | This animal is very small. It lives in woods. It runs very fast. It is afraid of everything. What animal is it? A hare. It is running night and day, but it is Never runs away. A watch. I am black and red, And blue. I draw everything for you. A pencil. |
Stations 9 «Make a rhyme».
A frog is green p. 1 a crocodile is green.
A parrot is bright p. 2 a cock is bright.
A fox is orange p. 3 a line is orange.
A hare is white p. 4 a rabbit is white.
I have a dog p. 1 I have a frog.
I have a bear p. 2 I have a hare.
I have a house p. 3 I have a mouse.
I have a wig р.4 I have a pig.
I have a kitten p.5 I have a mitten.
Station 10. «Musical».
Учащиеся исполняют любую песню выученную в течении учебного года.
The final.
Your work is excellent and you are supper. And now your task is make as many words as you can out of the word sportsmen.
Учащиеся называли слова Sport, port, or, sort, to ten, rose, nose, stop, pot, post, most,, on not, pet, rest ,nest ,pen.
Победители конкурса получают призы
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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