Конспект урока по теме TOWN (вкл. презентация)
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
план-конспект урока по теме TOWN
повторение названий магазинов на англ языке, введение новой лексики
повторение предлогов движения и составление диалога на основе изученной лексики
презентация к уроку
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок по теме « Город» для учащихся 5 класса
ГОУ СОШ № 213
Учитель: Литвинова Татьяна Вячеславовна
Цели урока: Обучение диалогической речи с элементами монологической.
Задачи урока:
1. Введение нового лексического материала.
2. Развитие внимания и памяти с использованием мнемотехнических приемов.
3. Воспитание внимательного отношения к особенностям культуры страны изучаемого языка.
1 .Введение.
T: Good morning!
S: Good morning!
T: Nice to see you.
S: Nice to see you, too.
T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Today we are having an unusual lesson. Please? Turn and say “Hello!” to our guests.
2.Проверка и повторение ранее изученного материала.
Our lesson today is about a town and the places we can visit. We spoke a lot about different kinds of buildings. We can see them in any town we visit. We have already learnt a lot of words. Let’s revise them.
Get into two groups. We are going to play “Crosses and noughts”.
The group on the right is “Crosses” and the group on the left is “noughts”.
Look at the blackboard!
(На интерактивной доске слайд презентации в виде поля для игры в «крестики-нолики», на полях которого находятся изображения уже изученных зданий по теме «Город».)
museum | Newsagent’s | cinema |
bakery | Post-office | Shoe shop |
Toy shop | Florist’s | theatre |
Try to remember the words to the pictures of the buildings. Please? Begin your sentences with “It’s a ….. .” Do you remember the rules of the game? Let’s start!
(Учащиеся, по одному из каждой команды по очереди подходят к доске и выбирают то поле, слово к которому они собираются называть. Если слово названо правильно, при помощи электронного маркера рисуют значок своей команды. Если слово названо неправильно, представитель другой команды получает право назвать это слово и нарисовать значок своей команды.)
The winners are the team of ………. .Good work!
Now I see that you remember these words.
Ann, come here, please. Look at Ann! As you can see, Ann is a little girl today. She wants to know a lot. That’s why she usually asks a lot of questions. She wants to know when we go to these places. Ann, use the pictures to your questions. Start your questions with “ When do we go……?” Please, answer her questions.
A: When do we go to a museum?
S: We go to a museum if we want to know more about Art or History.
A: When do we go to a bakery?
S: We go to a bakery if we want to buy some bread.
A: When do we go to a post-office?
S: We go to a post-office if we want to send a letter.
A: when do we go to a florist’s?
S: We go to a florist’s if we want to buy flowers.
A: When do we go to a theatre?
S: We go to a theatre if we want to see a ballet.
A: When do we go to a cinema?
S: We go to a cinema if want to see a film.
A: When do we go to a shoe shop?
S: We go to a shoe shop if we want to buy new shoes, boots or sandals.
A: When do we go to a news agent’s?
S: We go to a news agent’s if we want to buy newspapers and magazines.
A: When do we go to a toy shop?
S: We go to a toy shop if we want to buy presents for children.
Thank you very much, Ann! Sit down, please.
3. Введение нового материала.
(изображения зданий представлены на интерактивной доске)
There are many different buildings in a town. For example, every day people go to different shops. Where do people go to buy meat or vegetables? Let’s learn some new words.
1. When I want to buy some meat I go to a butcher’s.
Look at the blackboard! Read the word after me. Look at the transcription of this word. Read it.
2. When I want to buy some vegetables or fruit I go to a greengrocer’s.
Look at the picture and read the word. Pay attention to the sound [I:] which is like the Russian sound [и] in the word «ива».Repeat the word again.
3. The next word is chemist’s. We go there when we want to buy some medicines. Pay attention that letters c and h give sound [k] in this word. Repeat the word after me and then read it yourselves.
4. The last word is library. Look at the picture! This is a library. When do people go there?Can we buy books there?
S: No, we can’t. We can’t buy books there. We go there to borrow books.
4. Составление ассоциаций.
Get into two groups again. I’d like you to make associations to remember new words. This group will make associations for the words library and chemist’s. That group will speak about butcher’s and greengrocer’s.
Use the transcriptions on the blackboard to make phonetic associations. You have two minutes to make them.
(Учащиеся составляют ассоциации на основе соответствия звукового ряда изучаемого и родного языка)
Now, let’s check. Look at the blackboard. Draw lines from the words to the pictures.
5. Запоминание и воспроизведение текста при помощи рисунка.
Let’s continue. Take the sheets of paper and your pencils. You’ll listen to the text. Draw the sentences to remember them.
Yesterday my mother had a birthday. We wanted to make our mum happy. We went to the florist’s to buy some flowers.
My mother likes fruit so we went to the greengrocer’s to buy her favourite apples and bananas. She doesn’t eat meat so we didn’t go to the butcher’s. My father and I can’t make cakes, that’s why we went to the bakery and bought a cake for my mum. My mother was happy.
Listen to the text again.
Are your drawings ready? Use your drawings to retell the text.
6. At the previous lesson I asked you to learn the dialogue by heart. We learnt how to ask and to give directions. Let’s go over your hometask. The map on the blackboard will help you.
- Excuse me. Could you help me?
- Sure.
- How can I get to the florist’s?
- Go along Hill Street and turn left into Queen Street. Walk along it , cross Park Road and the florist’s is on your right.
- Thanks.
- You are welcome.
(2-3 пары рассказывают диалог заданный на дом)
Now make your own dialogues with new words. Use the map on the floor.
- We are at the library. You want to go to the greengrocer’s.
S1: Excuse me. Could you help me?
S2: Sure.
S1: How can I get to the greengrocer’s?
S2: Go along Park Road and turn right into Queen Street. Then turn right and go along Hill Street.
The greengrocer’s is on your right.
S1: Thanks.
S2: You are welcome.
( Во время диалога ученик 1 двигается по карте в соответствии с получаемыми указаниями направления)
- Now you are at the news agent's. You want to go to the butcher’s.
7. Заключение.
Today we have learnt some new words. Let’s revise them. Look at the pictures and answer what it is. Your marks for today….
Good work. Open your note books. Your hometask for the next time is to write down the names of the buildings on the map. Use your drawings to retell the text about the birthday.
Thank you very much for the lesson.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[ ’g r i: n‚g r ə u s ə s ] [ b u t ∫ ə s ] [’l a I ‚ b r ə r I ] [ ’k e m I s t s ]
Greengrocer’s chemist’s library butcher’s
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