Сценарий по мотивам сказки "Little Red Riding Hood".
методическая разработка по иностранному языку (4 класс) на тему
Сценарий сказки, написанный автором на основе матераила учебников Верещагиной И.Н. "English III" и "Excellent II".
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Little red riding Hood
Characters: Little red riding Hood
The Wolf
The Hunter
Scene 1
( Little red riding Hood is sleeping)
Mother: Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?
Daughter dear , daughter dear.
Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing.
Ding, ding, dong. Ding, ding, dong.
Little red riding Hood: Oh, mother! Good morning!
Mother: Good morning, Little red riding Hood!
L.r.r.H.: What is the weather like today?
M.: It’s sunny and hot today.
L.r.r.H.: Oh, mum, where is my skirt?
M.: Here it is. It was on the table.
L.r.r.H.: Where is my T-shirt?
M.: Here it is. It was on the chair.
L.r.r.H.; Where are my socks?
M.: Here they are. They were under the table.
L.r.r.H.: Where are my shoes?
M.: Here they are. They were under the chair.
L.r.r.H.: And where is my red hat?
M.: Here it is. It was on the cupboard.
L.r.r.H.: Thank you, mummy. ( L.r.r.H. gets up. )
What’s the day today?
M.: Today is .................Oh, dear, today is your grandmother’s birthday. We usually have a birthday party this day. Take some apples, chips and a jug of jam to her. (Mother puts all these things into the basket.)
L.r.r.H.: What time do we have a party?
M.: At 5 o’clock.
L.r.r.H.: OK, dear mother. Good-bye!
M.: Good-bye, darling.
Scene 2
( The wolf walks in the wood and sings the song.)
Wolf: Can you swim like a fish? Can you sing like a bird?
Can you run like a rabbit? Can you walk like a cat?
Can you jump like a kangaroo? Can you climb like a monkey in the zoo?
He can, she can, He can, she can,
You can, they can, You can, they can,
And I can, too! And I can, too!
( The wolf sees L.r.r.H. and hides. L.r.r.H. is in the wood.)
L.r.r.H.: How nice it is in the wood. there are many flowers and trees. I’m picking flowers for my grandmother.
Wolf: Woo-Woo!
L.r.r.H.: Who is there?
Wolf: Woo-Woo!
L.r.r.H.: Are you small?
Wolf: No.
L.r.r.H.: Are you big?
Wolf: Yes, very big.
L.r.r.H.: Are you green?
Wolf: No.
L.r.r.H.: Are you brown?
Wolf: No.
L.r.r.H.: What colour are you?
Wolf: I’m grey.
L.r.r.H.: Have you got small eyes?
Wolf: No, I’ve got big eyes.
L.r.r.H.: Have you got big ears?
Wolf: No, I’ve got big ears.
L.r.r.H.: Have you got a tail?
Wolf: Yes, I’ve got a long tail.
L.r.r.H.: Have you got two legs?
Wolf: No, I’ve got four legs.
L.r.r.H.: Can you fly?
Wolf: No, I can’t fly.
L.r.r.H.: Can you jump?
Wolf: yes, I can jump.
L.r.r.H.: Can you run?
Wolf: Yes, I can run very fast.( The wolf appears.) Oh! Yes, I’m big and grey. I’ve got two big ears and two big eyes. I’ve got a long tail, four long legs and sharp teeth.
L.r.r.H.: Hello, Mr. Wolf. How are you?
Wolf: Fine, thank you. But...
L.r.r.H.: Are you hungry?
Wolf: Yes, I’m very hungry. What are you holding in your hands?
L.r.r.H.: It’s a basket.
Wolf: What have you got in you basket?
L.r.r.H.: I’ve got some apples, chips and a jug of jam.
Wolf: Where are you going with this basket?
L.r.r.H.: Oh, I’m going to my granny. It’s her birthday today and we usually have a birthday party this day.
Wolf: Oh, a birthday party! I love parties. What time do you have this party?
L.r.r.H.: At 5 o’clock.
Wolf: Where does your granny live?
L.r.r.H.: She lives in a little house in the wood.
Wolf: Well, good-bye, Little red riding Hood.
L.r.r.H.: Good-bye, Mr. Wolf.
Scene 3
( The wolf comes to grandmother’s house and knocks at the door).
Grandmother: Who is there?
Wolf: It’s me, Little red riding Hood.
G.: Come in, darling. (The wolf runs up to grandmother and wants to catch her, but she runs away. The wolf puts on grandmother’s cap and sits on the chair. Then Little red riding Hood appears near grandmother’s house and knocks at the door).
Wolf: Who is there?
L.r.r.H.: It’s me, Little red riding Hood.
Wolf: Come in, my dear.
L.r.r.H.: Hello, Granny. Happy birthday! ( Little red riding Hood puts the basket on the table and gives flowers to Granny-Wolf). What big eyes you have got, Granny!
Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.
L.r.r.H.: What big ears you have got, Granny!
Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.
L.r.r.H.: What sharp teeth you have got, Granny!
Wolf: The better to eat you! ( But the wolf hears Hunter’s song and runs away).
Hunter sings the song: I’ve got a little horse. I’ve got a little dog.
He’s got a little tail He’s got a little tail
And his tail goes swish-swish-swish.
He’s a happy little horse He’s a happy little dog,
You can tell it by his tail You can tell it by his tail,
L.r.r.H.: Oh, thank you, Mr. Hunter.
G.: Thank you very much. It’s my birthday today. Stay with us.
Hunter: OK. But I have a horse and a dog with me.
G.: A horse! I like horses! Where is your horse?
Hunter: He’s near the house.
G.: What’s his name?
H.: Silver.
G.: How old is he?
H.: Eight. Yes, he’s 8.
G.: What color is Silver?
H.: He’s white. He has got long legs and a little tail.
G.: Can he jump?
H.: Yes. He can jump well and he can run very fast.
G.: Does he like apples?
H.: Yes, he loves apples very much.
G.: Take these apples for Silver.
H.: No, thank you. He’s not hungry.
G.: What time do you feed the horse?
H.: At 10 and at 6 o’clock. What time is it?
G.: Five o’clock. Oh, it’s time for my birthday party! ( Mother comes to grandmother’s house and knocks at the door). Who is there?
L.r.r.H.: It’s a wolf, Granny. Don’t open the door.
Mother: It’s me!
L.r.r.H.: It’s a wolf! Don’t open the door.
G.: What is your mother wearing?
L.r.r.H.: She is wearing...................................................................................
G.: What are you wearing?
Mother: I’m wearing........................................................................................
H.: What is your daughter wearing today?
M.: She is wearing..........................................................................................
G.: OK. It’s your mother. Come in, my dear.
M.: Happy birthday! This is from me. ( Mother gives grandmother a present).
G.: What is it?
M.: Open.
G.: Oh, it’s a torch. Thank you.
M.: Have you got a torch?
G.: No, I haven’t got a torch. ( Hunter gives grandmother a present in the box).
H.: And this is from me.
G.: Thank you. What is it?
H.: Guess!
G.: Is it a book?
H.: No, it isn’t a book.
G.: Is it a new bag?
H.: No.
L.r.r.H.: Is it a plate?
H.: No, it isn’t a plate.
M.: Is it a new bowl?
H.: No. It’s an animal.
G.: Animal? Is it a cat?
L.r.r.H.: Is it a white rabbit?
H.: No, it isn’t a cat and it isn’t a rabbit.
M.: is it a dog?
H.: Yes, it’s a little dog. ( He opens the box).
G.: Thank you for the dog. What’s the dog’s name?
H.: Sandy. His name is Sandy.
L.r.r.H.: He’s very funny. How old is he?
H.: He’s .............
G.: Oh, he has got....................................................................................................
( Knock, knock, knock. The wolf comes).
G.: Who is there?
Wolf: O-o-o-o-o-o-h!
M.: Is it a ghost?
L.r.r.H.: No, it isn’t a ghost, it’s a hungry wolf.
Wolf: Yes, I’m a hungry wolf but I’m a good wolf. I like chips, hamburgers, apples, oranges. And I love parties.
G.: OK. Come in.
Wolf: Happy birthday! ( The wolf gives grandmother the flowers).
G.: Thank you. Oh, it’s time to lay the table. Mr. Wolf, what is your job at home?
Wolf: I lay the table, I clean my room, I feed my pet and I go to the shops.
G.: OK. Help me to lay the table. Put on plates, cups, forks, knives and spoons. What is there on the table? Are there 5 cups?
H.: No, there are 4 cups.
G.: Here you are. Are there 5 plates?
L.r.r.H.: Yes, there are 5 plates.
G.: Are there 5 forks?
M.: No, there are 3 forks.
G.: Here you are. Are there 5 spoons?
Wolf: No, there are 4 spoons.
G.: Here you are. Are there 5 apples?
H.: No, there are 3 apples.
G.: Are there 5 oranges?
L.r.r.H.: No, there are 2 oranges.
G.: Are there 5 bananas?
M.: No, there are two bananas.
G.: Is there a jug of jam?
L.r.r.H.: No, it’s in the basket. Take it.
G.: OK. Thank you. do you like games?
All together: Yes.
G.: Let’s play the miming game. What am I doing?
H.: Are you .....................something?
G.: Yes. What am I ........................?
H.: Are you .....................................?
G.: Yes. I’m .....................................Your turn!
H.: (The hunter shows something). What am I doing?
M.: Are you............................... something?
H.: Yes. What am I ..................................?
M.: Are you ..............................................?
H.: Yes. I’m ................................... Your turn.
M.: ( Mother shows something). What am I doing?
L.r.r.H.: Are you............................something?
M.: What am I................................?
L.r.r.H.: Are you ......................................?
M.: Yes. I’m ......................................Your turn.
L.r.r.H.: ( L.r.r.H. shows something). What am I doing?
Wolf: Are you...............................something?
L.r.r.H.: Yes. What am I......................?
Wolf: Are you .........................................?
L.r.r.H.: Yes. I’m............................. Your turn.
Wolf: ( The wolf eats something). What am I doing?
G.: Are you eating something?
Wolf: Yes. What am I eating?
G.: Are you eating a hamburger?
Wolf: No. I’m eating you!
All together: Oh!
Wolf: Ha-ha-ha! It’s a joke. I’m eating an apple. Thank you.
Song: Who’s afraid of big good wolf
Big good wolf, big good wolf?
Who’s afraid of big good wolf?
No, no, no, not me!
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