Урок-презентация в 4 классе.Учебник "Enjoy English-4", М.З. Биболетова
презентация к уроку иностранного языка (4 класс) по теме
Конспект урока с презентацией по теме "Любимые занятия". Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных компетенций по видам речевой деятельности.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок – презентация в 4 классе.
Учебник М.З. Биболетова “Enjoy English -4”
Тема: Любимые занятия.
Подготовил учитель английского языка
МОУ СОШ №6 г. Павлово
Светлана Юрьевна Кузина.
Контактный телефон: 89519034561
E-mail: S-veta3@yandex.ru
Цель урока: Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции по видам речевой деятельности.
Задачи: А Практические:
1. Развивать умения и навыки устной речи:
- учить понимать на слух основное содержание текста;
- учить рассказывать о своем любимом занятии и расспрашивать партнера о том, что он любит делать;
- учить рассказывать о том , что произошло в прошлом.
2. Развивать умения в чтении:
- учить читать текст про себя с пониманием основного содержания;
- учить читать текст вслух с полным пониманием прочитанного;
- развивать навыки устной речи на основе прочитанного.
3. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении второй формы глаголов в утвердительной. Отрицательной и вопросительной формах.
4. Повторить образование специальных вопросов.
В Развивающие:
- развивать речевые способности, внимание, мышление, память и воображение, мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка;
- развивать эмоциональную сферу детей в процессе обучающих игр;
- обеспечивать коммуникативно-психологическую адаптацию младших школьников к новому языковому миру для преодоления в дальнейшем психологических барьеров в использовании английского языка как средства общения.
С Воспитательные:
- учить детей участвовать в совместной деятельности, правильно организовывать свой досуг, соблюдать правила этикета.
Ход урока.
I Начало урока.
1) Речевая зарядка.
- Hello, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
-What day is it today? Do you like it? Why?
- Are you ready for the lesson? What is there on your desk?
- Good. And now look at my table, please. I’ve prepared some magic things for you today. This is a magic ball. And that’s a magic board. They will help you to speak English well and enjoy our lesson. Are you ready to start?
2) Сообщение темы и задач урока.
-Let’s read the theme of our lesson.
(Демонстрация первого слайда.)
- Look. This is our friend Elsy-why. Do you recognize her? She has prepared some interesting tasks for you. I hope you will like them.
( Демонстрация второго слайда.)
- Today we’re going to talk about our favourite activities, listen to an interview and take an interview, read an interesting story and practice using the Past Simple.
II Тренировка грамматики.
1) Тренировка общих вопросов в Past Simple и кратких ответов на них.
– You know Elsy-why is very curious. She wants to know what you did yesterday. Do you remember what day it was yesterday? You are right. Let’s answer her questions.
( Демонстрация третьего слайда.)
-Don’t forget to say “Yes, I did” or “No, I didn’t” Our magic ball will help you. ( Учитель по очереди бросает мяч ученикам и задает вопросы.)
- Did you watch TV yesterday?
- Did you play computer games yesterday?
- Did you go to the skating-rink yesterday?
- Did you do your homework yesterday?
- Did you draw pictures yesterday?
- Did you listen to music yesterday?
- Did you take photos of your friends yesterday? Etc.
Thank you very much.
2) Повторение правила.
-Скажите, какую форму глагола нужно употребить, чтобы рассказать о том, что было вчера, т. е. в прошлом?
-Все ли глаголы одинаково образуют вторую форму?
-Как называется простое прошедшее время по-английски?
( Демонстрация четвертого слайда.)
- Давайте еще раз прочитаем правило, чтобы лучше его запомнить.
( Демонстрация пятого слайда.)
3) Повторение второй формы неправильных глаголов.
-Elsy-why wants to check your memory.
(Демонстрация пятого слайда.)
- Do you remember the second form of these irregular verbs? Let’s see.
-Would you like to play again?
( Дети по цепочке кидают мяч друг другу и называют вторую форму глаголов.)
-Thank you. Now I see that you know the second form of irregular verbs very well. Let’s read them once again altogether.
( Демонстрация шестого слайда.)
- Look, our magic ball is very tired. Are you tired? Then, let’s go on.
( Демонстрация седьмого слайда.)
4) Тренировка в употреблении второй формы глаголов в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях.
-Now we can make up sentences using these verbs and tell Elsy-why and our friends about what we did and didn’t do yesterday. For example: I went to the park yesterday. I didn’t run in the park yesterday.
- Thank you very much.
5) Проверка домашнего задания.
- And now I’d like to check your homework. Was it difficult? As far as I remember you were to do ex. 2 Open your notebooks, please.
( Демонстрация восьмого слайда.)
- Who wants to start?
-Who will continue?
Very well done, thank you.
(Демонстрация девятого слайда.)
III Развитие навыков устной речи.
1) Работа над аудированием.
-You know, Alex gave an interview to Mag yesterday. Do you want to listen to it? I’d like you to listen to the interview very carefully and complete the sentences. Let’s read the sentences first. (упр.8, с. 67)
- And now , listen to the interview, please.
- Are you ready to read the sentences?
-Let’s check it.
( Демонстрация 10 и 11 слайдов)
- You see, everything is correct.
2) Тренировка навыков говорения.
- And what do you like to do on Sundays? Ask your classmates. Use the following words. Our magic board will help you.
For example: I like to read books and to play with my daughters. And you, Kate?
( Демонстрация 12 слайда)
3) Работа над диалогической речью.
-And now it’s your turn to take an interview. You are to interview your classmates and complete the chart with 5 different names. Find a classmate who skated, read a book, listened to music, watched TV, made a snowman last Sunday.
-You may ask special or general questions. I’ll give you 2 minutes to do the task.
- Have you finished? Read your chart aloud, please.
IV Тренировка учащихся в чтении.
1) Чтение с понимание необходимой информации.
- I say, friends, do you like to read English texts? Do you want to know who came to see Mag’s neighbours, Mr and Mrs Wilson on Saturday?
( Демонстрация 13 слайда)
-Then read the text to yourselves and try to find the answer.
-Who can answer the question?
2) Чтение с полным пониманием.
-Elsy-why has prepared some interesting tasks on the text. I think we should read the text aloud once again to understand it better and do the tasks well.
-Who wants to start reading?
- Thank you. Did you understand the text?
- Have you got any questions?
- Let’s do the task.
( Демонстрация 14 слайда)
- I’ll give you some minutes to think it over.
- Are you ready? Let’s check your answers.
(Демонстрация 15 слайда с ширмой.)
- Look, our magic ball is happy.
3) Тренировка учащихся в построении специальных вопросов.
- Elsy-why likes to ask questions very much. And she wants you to help her to complete her questions.
( Демонстрация 16 слайда).
- Can you do it? I hope you can. But before you start let’s read and translate the questions.
- -Who is ready to read the first question?
- - who can answer the question?
4) Тренировка учащихся в монологической речи.
-Thank you very much. We’ve done a lot of tasks on the text today and I think it won’t be very difficult for you to retell it at home to your mother and father. And now we’ll try to do it together. Who wants to start?
( Дети пересказывают текст по частям.)
V Заключительный этап урока.
1) Подведение итогов урока.
-Thank you very much. I like the way you worked today and I’m going to give excellent marks to ….
2) Домашнее задание.
-I hope you will easily do your homework for our next lesson. Write it down, please.
( Демонстрация 17 слайда)
- The lesson is over, see you on Friday.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
At this lesson you will: Talk about your favourite activities. Listen to an interview and take an interview. Read an interesting story. Practise using the Past Simple.
-Yes, I did. -No, I didn’t.
Past Simple Если действие, о котором мы рассказываем, произошло в прошлом, то употребляется вторая форма глагола. Вторая форма глагола образуется по-разному: - к правильным глаголам прибавляется –(e)d - неправильные глаголы изменяются, например: go – went, see - saw
be catch come cut do draw drink fall fly give go have let make meet put run say see sit take think write
Be – was,were Catch - caught Come -came Cut - cut Do - did Draw - drew Drink - drank Fall - fell Fly - flew Give - gave Go - went Have - had Let - let Make - made Meet - met Put - put Run - ran Say - said See - saw Sit - sit Take - took Think - thought Write - wrote
Be – was,were Catch - caught Come -came Cut - cut Do - did Draw - drew Drink - drank Fall - fell Fly - flew Give - gave Go - went Have - had Let - let Make - made Meet - met Put - put Run - ran Say - said See - saw Sit - sit Take - took Think - thought Write - wrote I went to the park yesterday. I didn’t run in the park yesterday.
Составь предложения из слов. play, puzzles, didn’t, Becky, yesterday. Becky didn’t play puzzles yesterday. 2) my, tomorrow, I ride, will, bike. I will ride my bike tomorrow. 3) got, grandma, My, two, letters, yesterday. My grandma got two letters yesterday. 4) were, the, country, summer, in, They, last. They were in the country last summer.
I like surfing, I like swimming, I like playing football, too. I like tennis, I like baseball, I like basketball, do you?... Do you like surfing? Do you like swimming? Do you like playing basketball? Do you like riding? Do you like diving? Do you like tennis or baseball?... I like surfing, I like surfing, I like surfing best of all. I don’t like riding, I don’t like diving, I don’t like tennis or baseball…
Alex gave an interview to Mag yesterday. Listen and complete the sentences. Alex has got… a) a mother, a father and a sister. b) a mother, a father and a grandmother. c) a mother, a father and a brother. On Sundays Alex’s family like to… a) ride horses in the country. b) ride bikes in the country. c) ride scooters in the park.
Say what you like to do on Sundays. Ask your classmates. Use the words: Skate, play chess/ tennis/ the piano, draw pictures, make a snowman, watch TV/ video, play puzzles, ride (my) bike/ scooter, play with (my) toys, read books, write letters, listen to music, roller skate, take photos, fly a kite, have a picnic, play hide-and-seek
Example: I like to play computer games. And you, Masha? I like to read books. And you, Sasha?
Find a person who… -skated -read a book -listened to music -watched TV -made a snowman last Sunday.
Who came to see Mr and Mrs Wilson?
Put the sentences in the correct order. “ Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.” They opened the door. “ It’s time to get up. We’ve got visitors later today.” He put on his best blue shirt. Mrs Wilson made a big cake. He came to see his grandma and grandpa.
“ It’s time to get up. We’ve got visitors later today.” “ Buy bananas, apples, sweets and some ice cream.” Mrs Wilson made a big cake. He put on his best blue shirt. They opened the door. He came to see his grandma and grandpa.
Complete the questions. Example: When did Mrs Wilson get up? … . did Mr and Mrs Wilson get up early? … . did the grandfather buy? … . did the grandmother make a cake? … . was six years old? … . people came to see the grandma and the grandpa? Who? Why? When? What? Where? How many?
Ex. 3, page 82 (to write) Ex. 11, page 68 (to read) For homework:
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