Конструкция there be в 4 классе
план-конспект урока (иностранный язык, 4 класс) по теме
Открыиый урок в 4 классе
Конструкция there be. УМК Биболетова
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в 4 классе
Тема: Конструкция «There is, there are»
Задачи: -Познакомить с новой лексикой по теме «Твой дом»; с употреблением конструкции there is there are.
-Развивать умения и навыки устной речи в монологических высказываниях
- Учить извлекать информацию при чтении вслух и про себя
- Формировать умения, употреблять грамматический материал в разговорной речи. Развивать умения высказываться по теме урока
-Воспитывать и прививать любовь к семье и дому
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент: Good morning my dear friends! Sit down, please. The bell has already gone. I ‘m glad to see you. Tell me please, who is on duty, today?
What day is it today?
What the weather is today? Do you like autumn? Good.
Well, let’s begin our English lesson. Today we’ll have a model lesson.
The theme of our lesson is: «Your home.»
We shall speak about our home, your home and about there is , there are.
Let’s begin with our sounds, repeat after me: Room, bathroom, living room, bedroom.
Wall, hall. floor, door, small.
Cheese, kitchen, teacher, check
Has, have, flat, pantry
Where, there, chair Good
Look at the house. Ex 1. Jim and Jill live in this house. Listen to the tape and repeat.
1. hall | 6.bathroom |
2.kitchen | 7.toilet |
3. pantry | 8.window |
4.living room | 9. wall |
5. bedroom | 10. door |
- Let’s do ex 2. Say how many rooms the Browns have got. Name the rooms.
For example: The Browns have got 2 rooms. They have a living room and a bedroom.
And now tell me about your own house. How many rooms do you have? Дети отвечают…
- And now Let’s read the text ex 4.
- Well, attention. Look at the blackboard and listen to the story. (Показываю картинку и читаю)
I have a friend. His name is Sam. Sam has a small house. He has a hall, a kitchen and a room.
You see his room. It is small but nice. There are two windows in the room. There is a bed, a table, two armchairs, a TV and a mirror in the room. There is a blue carpet on the floor. The walls are yellow. Sam likes to read. He has very interesting books. There are ten books on the shelf. He likes his room.
And now tell me, а сейчас скажите какую конструкцию я использовала в этом тексте.
Дети: there is, there are, для описания комнаты или дома используется there is , there are.
В единст. Числе there is? А во множ. Чиcле there are.
Что бы наша английская речь была красивой давайте вспомним, как произносится звук ( ), затем -there is, there are-
I like the sun
I like the spring
I like the birds
That fly and sing
Translate my sentences, please. From English to Russian
There is a book on the table.
There is a spoon in your cup.
There are many apples on the table.
There are many stars in the sky.
From Russian to English В лесу много грибов.
В году 12 месяцев.
В месяце 4 недели
В недели 7 дней.
Физкультминутка: Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
And eyes, and ears, and mouths, and nose
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, Ok sit down.
5. А теперь давайте посмотрим знаете ли вы, когда в предложении нужно употреблять there is, а когда there are Help Tiny to fill in the words.
(open your copy books, write a date and write down ex 7 at page 22)
Very good. ( У доски)
- Перемена была очень короткой, и я не успела из слов составить предложения.
Help me to do it now. ( Слова на доске)
7.. Перед вами картинка с изображением комнаты. You must describe it , work in pair .
- My friends, Who can describe your house?
- My friends read the text. ( раздаю тексты)
There are many mushrooms in the forest. They are under the trees and bushes. There are many berries there too. There are many birds, butterflies, bees and ladybirds in the forest. There are many animals in the forest: foxes, bats, wolves and squirrels. There are many trees in the forest. The trees in the forest are green. Answer my questions.
1. Are there many mushrooms in the forest?
2. Are there many berries there too?
3.What animals do live in the forest?
4. Are there many trees in the forest? Very good
- Подведение итогов. А сейчас давайте подведем итог. О чем мы сегодня говорили, ( о конструкции there is there are, ) когда употребляется и для чего. Оценки
- Write down your Homework page 30, ex 2
Thank you for your work. You were active, friendly and attentive. Good bye.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Технологическая карта урока по английскому языку "конструкция there, is,there are" 4 класс
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