Сценарий сказки "Lazy Jack"
проект (5 класс)
Сценарий театрализованного представления для 5-6 классов
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Сценарий сказки «Lazy Jack»
Действующие лица: Authors(Гылыков Эрдэм,Цыренова Дарина), Mother(Самбуева Юмжана), Jack(Домшоев Вова), Farmer( Батуева Арьяна), Rich man (Цымпилова Алтана), Wife(Калмыкова Даша), Girl(Банзаракцаева Баина) .
Реквизит: забор, 2 лопаты, монета, 2 молотка, кошечка, 2 ведерка и 2 малярные кисти, «мясо» на веревке, ослик.
Author: Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack. Jack lived with his mother. They were very poor, and the old woman made her living by knitting. But Jack was so lazy that he did nothing. So people called him Lazy Jack.
Mother: You must work! We have no money. If you don't begin to work for your porridge, I will turn you out of the house.
Jack: Don't worry, Mum. I'll hire for a day to a farmer. I'll make a lot of money.
Author: On Tuesday, Jack went out and hired himself for a day to the farmer.
(Копают землю)
Farmer: You worked hard. Take a penny for your work.
(Джек по дороге домой теряет монету)
Jack: Oh, Mum, I have earned a penny! But when I was going home in the evening, I lost the penny.
Mother: You silly boy, you should have put it in your pocket.
Jack: I'll do so another time.
Author: On Wednesday, Jack went out again and hired himself to the farmer.
(Заколачивают гвозди, ремонтируют забор)
Farmer: You worked hard. Take a cat for your work.
Author: Jack took the cat, and wanted to put it into his pocket, but in a short time the cat scratched him so much that he let it go.
(Джек пытается засунуть кошку в карман, она царапается и убегает)*
Mother: You silly boy, you should have tied a string to it, and dragged it along after you.
Jack: I'll do so another time.
Author: On Thursday, Jack hired himself to the farmer.
(Красят забор, 2 ведерка и 2 малярные кисти)
Farmer: You worked hard. Take some meat for your work.
Author: Jack took the meat, tied a string to it, and dragged it along after him. By the time he got home, the dog ate it.
(Собака съедает мясо)
Mother: You foolish boy, you should have carried it on your shoulder.
Jack: I'll do so another time.
Author: On Friday, Lazy Jack again went out, and hired himself to the farmer
Farmer: You worked hard. Take a donkey for your work.
(Джек взваливает ослика на плечи)
Author: Jack put the donkey on his shoulders and began to walk slowly home. Now it happened that on his way home he passed the house of a rich man.
Rich man: We have an only daughter.
Wife: She is a beautiful girl, but she is deaf and dumb.
Rich man: She had never laughed in her life.
Wife: Oh, we are so unhappy!
Doctor: She would never speak till somebody made her laugh.
Author: Now it happened that this young lady was looking out of the window when Jack was passing with the donkey on his shoulders. The sight was so funny and strange that she burst out laughing and at once found that she could hear and speak.
Girl: Look! The donkey is on his shoulders! It's so funny! I can hear and speak!
Rich man & Wife: It's a wonder! We are so happy! Thank you, Jack! We want to marry our daughter to you. Do you agree? You will become a rich gentleman.
(свадебный марш, затем сразу танец)
Author: Jack and his beautiful wife lived in a large house, and Jack's mother lived with them in great happiness. They lived happily for a long time.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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