Сценарий к фестивалю по английскому языку “A TRIP TO ENGLAND”
(1. На экране презентация Англии, ведущие с зонтиками.)
-- Good morning all the participants of our festival. We, school Number 4, are glad to greet you here.
-- We’ll speak today about one of the English-speaking countries – England.
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Сценарий к фестивалю по английскому языку
(1. На экране презентация Англии, ведущие с зонтиками.)
-- Good morning all the participants of our festival. We, school Number 4, are glad to greet you here.
-- We’ll speak today about one of the English-speaking countries – England.
-- Do you know what England means?
-- England means different things to different people. To some of them it is “a fortress built by nature”, to some – “a foggy Albion”. Some people call it “the workshop of the world”, others “a land of sleepy rural beauty”.
-- What about the climate – it is variable. The weather changes very often. There is a saying that Britain doesn’t have a climate, it only has weather. That’s why people always seem to be talking about the weather.
(2. На экране – гремит гром, молния, идет дождь. ведущие раскрывают зонтики.)
-- What a nasty day, isn’t it?
-- Yes, terrible, isn’t it?
-- It’s bad when the weather is so cold.
-- Let’s hope it won’t last.
(3. На экране солнце, поют птицы, ведущие закрывают зонтики.)
-- For us England is associated with London with its different places of interest and history, such as the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Buckingham Palace, the Trafalgar Square, streets, parks, gardens, museums, with different cities – Oxford, Cambridge, Liverpool and so on…
-- We invite you to make a tour around English cities.
(4. На экране презентация музея «Мадам Тюссо»).
-- First we invite you to visit the Museum of Madame Tussaud in London.
(5.На сцену выходят учащиеся в костюмах Чарли Чаплина, Мадонны, Элвиса Пресли, ведущие).
-- Madame Tussaud’s wax museum is the most popular museum in the world. There are wax models of the famous and infamous people both living and dead. The wax figures are standing and sitting and sometimes even moving and talking and singing.
-- They are extremely realistic and when they look at you, their eyes sparkling, you often feel uncomfortable in their company. We hope you recognize them.
(6. Ведущие уходят, звучит музыка – поет Мадонна, восковые фигурки оживают.)
(7. Слова ведущих…).
-- Now, let’s invite you to the People’s Princess Diana. Hundreds of
people talked about Diana’s kindness. She liked ordinary people, the sick and the poor. She wanted to give them a part of her soul, to make them happy because she was unhappy herself.
-- She wanted to give them love, because she needed love herself. After her death “A light has gone out on earth – and a new star shines brightly in heaven”.
-- More than a million people came to London to remember her. They put thousands of flowers in front of Diana’s home. Now, please, let’s listen to the sing devoted to her “Goodbye, England’s Rose”.
Учащийся исполняет песню Элтона Джона «Прощай, английская роза!
-- Now we invite you to visit the hometown of William Shakespeare Stratford-on-Avon, the greatest and most famous of English writers, and the greatest playwriter who has ever lived.
-- Please, listen a passage from his tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”.
(8. Сцена из трагедии «Ромео и Джульетта», пролог – сцена в саду.)
--Now, let’s invite to Liverpool.
(9. На экране презентация Ливерпуля и группы «Битлз»).
Исполнение песни “Yesterday”
(10. На экране гром, молния, идет дождь, ведущие с зонтиками.)
-- It’s an awful day today, isn’t it?
--Yes, it’s rainy day, isn’t it? Goodbye! (all together)
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