Сценарий КВН для 8 класса «We enjoy English!»
методическая разработка (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
КВН для 8 класса «We enjoy English!»
Club of Merry and Quick-witted
- повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- формирование чувства работы в команде;
- развитие познавательного интереса;
- закрепление лексики по различным темам.
Ход мероприятия
Учащиеся делятся на две команды.
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls, our guests! I’m very glad to greet you here today! Welcome to the club of Merry and Quick-witted! Today two teams are going to show us their knowledge of English. They have been studying English very well all these years and now, we’ll see the result. First of all I want to introduce the judges of our competition to you. I wish success and good luck to our teams and want to invite them to the stage. Please teams, welcome to the stage!
1 конкурс «Приветствие». Команды выходят на сцену и представляют себя (название команды, девиз, эмблема)
T.: So, our teams are on the stage and I begin the 1st round of our competition: “Introducing”. Our teams should introduce themselves and tell their names, mottoes and show us their emblems.
2 конкурс «Разминка»
LAR, PU, PO; -
MO, FA, OUS; -
TO, RY, VIC; -
3 конкурс «Кто лучший оратор?». Команды получают скороговорку, которую должны прочитать как можно быстрее и правильнее.
T.: You must read the putter as fast as you can.
Betty Botter bought some butter,
But, she said, the butter’s bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter
Will make my batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter
Better than her bitter butter,
And she put it in her batter
And the batter was not bitter.
4 конкурс «Английский фольклор». Команды получают пословицы на русском и английском языках. Их задача – найти правильно соответствия.
T.: In the next task you must match the sayings in Russian and English.
5 конкурс: «Музыкальный конкурс». Команды поют по одной английской песне.
T.: And now let’s relax a little. It’s time to listen to beautiful English songs. We are beginning the Musical round of our game! Each team should sing one English song. Let’s support our teams, your applauds, audience!
6 конкурс: «Викторина»
T: Well, the rules of the quiz are the following. Each team should choose a number. For each right answer for the question you’ll get one point. If your answer is wrong, the other team may answer the same question. Take turns in choosing the questions. Are the rules clear?
- Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals? (The UK)
- What is the capital of the United States of America? (Washington)
- What are the colours of British flag? (Red, blue, white)
- What is the capital of New Zealand? (Wellington)
- Where can you visit the Tower? (London)
- What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
- Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
- What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom? (Elisabeth II)
- What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)
- Where does the Queen of the United Kingdom: in Big Ben, Buckingham Palace or the Tower of London? (Buckingham Palace)
- How many stars are there on the flag of the USA? (50 stars)
- The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and …..? (Northern Ireland)
7 конкурс «Домашнее задание». Команды выходят на сцену и представляют свое домашнеезадание.
T.: And now we are moving to the next round. It’s your homework, teams. We are waiting for you!
It is morning. I stand by the mirror
And surprise my soul once more;
The blue air rushes above my ceiling,
There are suns beneath my floor. . .
There are horses neighing on far-off hills
Tossing their long white manes,
And mountains flash in the rose-white dusk,
Their shoulders black with rains. . .
I wait in the dark once more,
Swung between space and space:
Before my mirror I lift my hands
And face my remembered face.
Oh how in our declining years
We love with tenderness and bias!...
Keep shining, farewell light, oh yes,
Shine on, you light of final love of ours.
It's not just simple recollection,
It's life that has begun to chat, -
The same old charm and admiration,
The same old love deep in my heart!
8 конкурс “Конкурс капитанов”
T.: And now I invite the captains of the teams. They will show you the word without saying a word and you must guess it. If the team can’t guess, than the opposing team can help.
Computer programmer
Sales assistant
Pizza delivery boy
9 конкурс «Кроссворд»
T.: Read the clues and write the answers on the snake. The last letter of the each word is the first letter of the next word.
The first day of the week (6).
The colour of the sun (6).
You drink this when you are thirsty (5).
Move quickly (3).
The month that follows October (8).
A bright colour (3).
A domestic animal (3).
You grow flowers in you (6).
Eight plus one is ... (4).
A very big animal (8).
A spring red flower (5).
Boys and girls at school are (6).
Жюри подводит итоги конкурса.
T.: Thanks a lot for your work! Good-bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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