Сценарий для школьной постановки по сказке Оскара Уайльда "Мальчик-звезда"
материал (8 класс) по теме
Адаптированный сценарий для школьной постановки по сказке Оскара Уайльда "Мальчик-Звезда" можно использовать в рамках Недели английского языка
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Сцена 1.
«Зимняя» музыка». Зимний пейзаж. Декорация – сугроб.
Участвуют Волк, Коноплянка, Горлинка, Дятел
Wolf: Ugh! This is perfectly monstrous weather. Why doesn’t the Government look to it?
Linnet: Weet! Weet! Weet! The old Earth is dead and they laid her out in her white shroud (саван).
Turtle-dove: The Earth is going to get married? And this is her bridal dress.
Woodpecker: Well, for my part, I don’t care an atomic theory of explanations. If a thing is so, it is so, and at present it is terribly cold.
Wolf: Nonsense! I tell you that it is all the fault of the Government, and if you don’t believe me, I shall eat you.
Все в страхе разбегаются.
Участвуют Автор, Дровосек 1, Дровосек 2.
Вьюга. Автор читает текст размеренным голосом.
Terribly cold it certainly was. The little Squirrels, who lived inside the fir-tree, kept rubbing each other’s noses to keep themselves warm, and the Rabbits curled themselves up in their holes, and didn’t venture even to look out of doors. The only people who seemed to enjoy it were the great horned Owls. Their feathers were quite stiff with rime, but they didn’t mind, and they rolled their large yellow eyes, and called out to each other across the forest, “Tu-whit! Tu-whoo! Tu-whoo! What delighted weather we are having!”
Появляются два дровосека. Увязают в сугробе, дуют на руки. Теряют дорогу, паникуют.
Woodcutter 1: Oh! Saint Martin! Help us!
Woodcutter 2: Oh! There are the lights over there. Thanks to Saint Martin!
Радуются, смеются.
W1: Why did we make merry if the life is for rich, and not for such as we are? Better that had died of cold in the forest!
W2: Truly. Much is given to some, and little is given to others.
Вдруг с небес падает яркая звезда.
W1 W2: Why! There is a crock of gold for whoever finds it.
Бросаются туда. Бегут, подбегают, разворачивают предмет, завернутый в красивый плащ. Cадятся на снег. Разочарование на лицах.
Автор: But, alas! No gold was in it, nor silver, nor, indeed, treasure of any kind, but only a little child who was asleep.
W1: This is a bitter ending to our hope. Let us leave it here. Let’s go our way. We are poor men. We can’t give bread to our children.
W2: No! It were an evil thing to leave the child here in the snow. I’ll bring it home with me, and my wife shall have care of it.
Лесорубы удаляются.
Сцена 3.
Участвуют Автор, Коноплянка, Горлинка, Священник, Мальчик, Приятели.
Смена декораций. Деревенская изгородь. Летний пейзаж.
Ребёнок вырос очень красивым, но очень жестоким.
Автор: So the Star-child was brought up with the children of the Woodcutter, and sat at the same board with them, and was their playmate. And every year he became more beautiful to look at. His curls were like the rings of the daffodil. His lips, also, were like petals of a red flower, and his eyes were like violets by a river of pure water, and his body like the narcissus of a field where the mower comes not. Yet did his beauty work him evil. For he grew proud, and cruel, and selfish.
Коноплянка. Звездный мальчик отрывает ей крыло.
Горлинка. Кидает в неё камень.
Дети, завидев его, бросаются в рассыпную. “Shame on you! You are so beautiful and so cruel!”
Звездный мальчик хохочет и задирает нос.
Priest: You should love every living thing. The fly is our brother. Do it no harm. The wild birds that roam through the forest have their freedom. Snare them not for your pleasure. God made the blind-worm and the mole, and each has its place. Who are you to bring pain into God’s world?
Звездный мальчик презрительно усмехается и отходит со своими приятелями.
Сцена 4.
Участвуют Нищенка, Дровосек-отец, Мальчик.
К ограде подошла нищенка. Отец мальчика занят своим делом. Звездный мальчик приближается с приятелями.
Star-child: See! There are sitting a foul beggar-woman under that green-leaved tree. Come! Let us drive her hence, for she is ugly and ill- favoured.
Берет и швыряет в неё камень.
W2: Surely you are hard of heart and don’t know mercy. What evil has this poor woman done to you that you treat her like that?
Star-child: Who are you to question me what I do? I’m no son opf yours!
W2: You are speaking truly. Yet did I show you pity when I found You in the forest? And was it not ten years ago?
Нищенка вскакивает, услыхав эти слова.
Beggar: Didn’t you say that the child was found in the forest? And was it not ten years from this day?
W2: Truly.
Beggar (радостно): He is my little son whom I lost in the forest. I pray you… I have been in search for him over the whole world. (Простирает руки к мальчику). I pray you come with me, for over the whole world have I wondered in search of you. Come with me, my son, for I have need of your love.
Star-child (злобно): If in very truth you are my mother, it had been better you not stay here, and not come here to bring me to shame. I was the child of some Star, and not a beggar’s child, as you told me that I am. Therefore, get you hence, and let me see you no more.
Beggar: Alas! My son! Won’t you kiss me before I go! For I have suffered so much to find you.
Star-child: Nay! You are too foul to look at, and rather would I kiss the adder or the toad than you.
Женщина, рыдая, уходит. Мальчик начинает играть с приятелями.
Сцена 5.
Участвуют Приятели, Звездный мальчик, Автор.
Boys: Why! You as foul as the toad. Get you hence, for we will not suffer you to play with us!
Приятели набрасываются на мальчика, кидают камни.
Мальчик оторопело замирает. Стоит спиной к зрителям.
Star-child: What’s this that they say to me?
Поворачивается к зрителям. У него жабье лицо.
Star-child: I will go to the well of beauty and look into it, and it shall tell me of my beauty.
Автор: This is not the end of the story about the Star-Child. But this is the end of our performance. And you, dear friends, you should know “Beauty is as Beauty does”. And no other way!
Герои выходят на поклон.
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