Презентация "История футбола" (8 класс)
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План: История возникновения футбола Популярность футбола Футбол в древности Англия-родоначальница современного футбола Футбол в России Правила игры в футбол Социальный опрос Вывод
Цель проекта : Изучить историю возникновения футбола Задачи проекта: 1.Узнать как играли в футбол в древности 2.Выяснить, какая страна является родоначальницей современного футбола 3.Узнать, существовала ли игра, подобная футболу на Руси, и был ли популярен футбол в Советском Союзе 4.Узнать правила игры в футбол 5.Выяснить, играют ли наши одноклассники в футбол в свободное время
Football is a popular sport played all over the world. It is the national sport of most European and Latin-American countries and of many other nations. Millions of people in more than 140 countries play football. Football is played in the Olympics .
Games similar to football were played in China as early as 400 ВС.
In Japan similar ball games were played about 1400 years ago. According to historical data, between 300 and 600 BC, Japanese invented the game which was named Kemari.
It is known that Native Americans in South America played a ball game "Pok-a-Tok" approximately 1600 BC. Indians of North America had a ball game too. Sometimes 1000 people took part in it.
Ancient Egyptians played a kind of football too. They played games involving the kicking of a ball.
About 2000 BC ancient Greeks invented the game with kicking or throwing the ball, called "Episkiros“.
In about 200 AD the Romans played a game “Garpastum” in which two teams tried to score by advancing a ball across a line on the field. The Romans passed the ball to one another but they never kicked it.
AD 1 the ball game became known on the British Isles thanks to the Roman conquerors, it quickly gained recognition among Britons. They were good players: AD 217 in Derby they played for the first time against the Roman legionaries and won the game.
London children in about 1100 played a form of football in the streets.
Football was played all day long on market squares and even on narrow curve streets. There were no rules and that`s why the game was very cruel.
The King Edward II and the King Edward III ban ned playing the game in the towns because young people were more interested in playing football than practicing archery . But games were held on waste grounds and in the country.
During the 1800's the people of England played a game similar to football. Many rules changed and each person interpreted the rules differently. In 1855 the first football club “Sheffield” was founded. Nowadays it is the oldest club in the world.
Now, the sport has grown to a global scale, including men's and women's teams and the World Cup and European Championship competitions, which is played every four years. Also there is League of Champions and FIFA Cup competitions which take place every year in Europe.
Football originated with kicking games played by people in ancient times. The modern version came from England. Football was not that popular kind of game until the mid-1900s.
It started as a game involving kicking and handing, but late this branched off into two separate sports: rugby and football, which is what the Americans call soccer. Around the late nineteenth century, English football began spreading over Europe. The United States was one of the last to implement football as a national sport.
The first World Cup Championship was in Montevideo, Uruguay. Since then it has been played every four years except during World War II.
Next World Cup Championship will be held in Russia in 2018.
Football appeared for the first time in Russia at the end of the XIX century. And in 1893 on September 13 in St. Petersburg the first football match of Russia was officially played. But football in Russia existed earlier. As well as in other countries in Russia there was a ball game similar to football. It was played with the leather ball filled by feathers on ice of the rivers or on market squares.
The national football team of the Soviet Union was founded on November 16, 1924. It had a lot of fans in the country. In 1960 it won the first Cup of Europe. Famous Soviet goalkeeper Lev Yashin became the best football player of Europe in 1963 He played 78 matches.
Feodor Cherenkov Igor Belanov Rinat Dasaev Oleg Blokhin In the Soviet Union everyone knew the names of these football players.
These football clubs are the most popular in Russia.
The rules for playing football are simple. The referee makes most of the decisions and attempts to encourage fair play. The game starts off with a kick off and the teams are allowed to pass, dribble, juggle, head, kick and shoot the ball to place it down the field, and into their opponent's goal .
Социологический опрос среди наших одноклассников : Играешь ли ты в футбол в свободное время? Опрошены 26 человек: из них 10 мальчиков играют в футбол, 2 мальчика не играют в футбол, 3 девочки играют, 11 девочек не играют ( из них 4 девочки смотрят футбольные матчи по телевизору)
Conclusion Football is the most popular game in the world and it is played nearly in all countries. Football is played on a field and two teams compete there. Football is loved by millions of people who watch games on TV, go to see them on stadiums and even play football with friends and peers during their leisure time.
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