материал на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
A little old woman
With twelve children:
Some short, some long,
Some cold, some hot.
What is it?
(A year)
What year lasts only one day?
(New Year)
In what month do we work, eat and sleep least?
Twelve falcons, fifty two daws, three hundred sixty five starlings have brought one egg.
(Months, weeks, days and year)
What is white when it is dirty and black when it is clean?
(A blackboard.)
What table has no legs?
(A time-table.)
I have got cities but no houses,
Forests but no trees;
Rivers without water.
What am I?
(A map.)
If you want
To draw a straight line,
Make use of me,
For this business is mine.
(A ruler.)
I know everything,
I teach everybody.
But to make friends with me
You must first learn.
(A book.)
He is not French, he is not Greek;
He tells us how to write and speak,
But in a language not our own –
Which none of us could do alone.
What is he?
(A teacher.)
Your teacher puts marks in it.
(A daybook.)
What three letters mean twenty six letters?
(The ABC.)
What is it you keep in your schoolbag and that shows how you learn your lessons?
(Your daybook.)
I'm black, and red, and blue.
I draw a picture for you.
(A pencil)
An old gentleman, bent with age,
Is asking questions on every page.
(A question-mark.)
Ten tiny balls on each wire mount.
They help little children learn to count.
(An abacus.)
It is not a man,
It is not a woman,
But it teaches me.
(A book.)
I have got cities but no houses,
Forests but no trees;
Rivers without water.
What am I?
(A map.)
If it begins with a “c”
You can eat it,
If it begins with an “l”,
You can swim there.
(Cake; lake.)
My first is what we do when your hands are dirty,
My second is the suffix of Participle I,
My third is the letter that comes after “s”,
My fourth is a preposition,
My whole is the capital of a state.
How many apples can you eat on an empty stomach?
(Only one.)
How many 9’s between 1 and 100?
John Smith bought a used car for $600 and sold it to Mary Baker for $800. He later bought it back for $1000 and resold it for $1200. How much profit did John make?
How many lions can enter an empty cage?
(Only one. After that the cage is not empty.)
Name 7 things that have milk in them.
(Butter, cheese, ice-cream, sour milk, curd and two cows.)
Write quickly eleven thousand eleven hundred and eleven.
If you cut 30 metres of cloth into one metre pieces and cut one metre every day, how long will it take?
(Twenty-nine days.)
There are four corners in the room. There is one cat in each corner. There are three cats in front of each cat.
How many cats are there in the room?
(Four cats.)
Eleven little boys
Playing ball with Ben.
Two boys go away,
And then there are ... ?
I am the only thing that always tells the truth. I show off everything that I see. I come in all shapes and sizes.
So tell me what I must be!
(A mirror.)
What goes without moving from its place?
(A clock.)
It is blue and green, and red,
It bounces higher than my head.
It does not want to stop at all.
What is it? It is my… .
This is a house with one window in it, showing films nearly every minute.
(A TV-set.)
What is it that doesn't ask questions, but must be answered?
(A telephone.)
What belongs only to you, and yet is used more by others than by yourself?
(Your name.)
The poor have two,
The rich have none,
Millions have many,
You have one.
What letter is it?
(The letter “о”.)
What is in the middle of the day?
(The letter “a”.)
What letter of the alphabet is a drink?
(The letter “t” = tea.)
What is the difference between “here” and “there”?
(The letter “t”.)
Can you spell “mousetrap” in three letters?
(“c”, “a”, “t” = cat.)
What can always be found between town and country?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
конспект урока к УМК "Enjoy English 9 класс" Биболетовой М.З. по теме "Путешествия. Загадки планеты"
коспект содержит разнообразные разноуровневые упражнения к уроку, а так же карточку-опору для учащихся....
Музыкальные загадки
Загадки развивают фантазию детей, с их помощью школьники с интересом включаются в работу....
Химические загадки
Подобранный материал (загадки, шарады, метаграммы, логогрифы и др.) способствует активизации знаний учащихся по химии. Для внеклассной работы по химии....