Сценарий фестиваля "Год Британии"
методическая разработка на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1.- Good afternoon, dear guests? We are glad to welcome you in our school at an annual local festival of foreign languages in Pechora.
2.- But what are we going to discuss today?
1. – The theme of our festival is “British culture”. By the way, what are the first things you picture in your mind when you think of Britain?
2.- The Union Jack, Nessie, kilt, 5 o’clock tea, Queen … There isn’t a single chance to innumerate all of them. But did you know that the year 2014 was announced the year of British culture in Russia.
1. – Oh,yes. I’ve prepared a little information profile for you. Please, look at the screen.(ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ)
2. - A lady who lived in Peru
Was looking for something to do.
She took a cold shower
Every half hour,
And ended up with bad flue.
1.- What are you mumbling to your nose?
2.- Oh, it’s a famous Irish poem. Haven’t you heard about limericks? If no, just wait a second and you’ll learn more.
1.- Please welcome school № 49.(номер)
2.- (ученик смотрит в зеркало и чётко произносит слова) Don’t say a word. I’m working at my pronunciation.
1. Good for you. Let’s enjoy school 10 and their performance by B.Show “Pigmalion ”. (номер)
2. – Britain isn’t only a country of traditions, but it’s also a country of eccentric, extravagant people.
1.- With school 83 we will plunge in the world of British festivals.(номер)
2.- Have you ever been to London?
1.- Unfortunately, not. But it’s my dream. Millions of English learners are keen on visiting Britain’s heart.
2.- So, you won’t believe. But today you’ve got a chance to have a glance at it.
1.- Please welcome school 9.(номер)
2.- Do you have a favourite British tale?
1.- Yes, I do. It’s “Alice in Wonderland”. It’s thrilling, isn’t it?
2.- Let’s us see school 2 with their theatrical performance.
1.- Each country is unique with its traditions.
2.- And Britain isn’t an exception. School 3 will tell us about some of them.(номер)
1.- “Dance to the music, dance to the music … ” School 1 and their musical trip through the
2.- We hope you’ve had a wonderful time together this afternoon. Now we give a word to our jury.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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