Тест по английскому языку для 5 класса
тест по теме

Аюрзанаева Юлия Юрьевна



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Тест. 5 класс


1. She … milk now.

is drinking




2. He … at the airport tomorrow.


will arrival

will arrive

will arriver

3. He … the passport control yet.

hasn’t passed

has passed

has pass

have passed

4. She … check in.


 is going to


buy the tickets

5. They … the tickets 2 days ago .


didn’t booked

have booked

has booked

6. Paul … TV when his mother … into the room.

watch … came

watched …come

watching … came

was watching … came

7. She … coffee while he … a newspaper.

was drinking … was reading

drinking … reading

was drinking … read

drinking …read

8. The children were playing chess.



at 4 o’clock tomorrow

11. I have already checked in at the airport.

what did you check ?

when have you checked in ?

what have you checked in ?

where have you checked in ?

14. Who came to the airport?

she came

she did

she is



A little Chicken lives with his mother in the country.

This chicken has only one eye, and one wing, and one leg. He is just half a chicken. That is why his name is Half-Chick.

He is a very naughty Chicken, and he always does what he likes and goes where he likes and when he likes.

One day Half-Chick says to his mother, "Good-bye, mother. I'm going to the city." "No, no!" says his mother. "Don't go. It's too far away. Stay here in the country."

But Half-Chick only laughs, and says, "I don't want to stay here all my life. I'm going to see the city."

1. Is it true that Half-Chick lives in a village?________________________________________________________
2.How many legs does Half-Chick have?____________________________________________________________
3. Do you agree that Half-Chick is naughty?_________________________________________________________
4. Why doesn't his mother want to let him go to the city?______________________________________________
5. Why does he want to go to the city? _________________________________________________________

Выберите правильный вариант:

1.  Did they take many ... ? a) water, b) food, c) sweets

2.  The ... have got better computer, a) Brown's, b) Browns, c) Brown

3.  He ... a good doctor, a) are, b) does, c) is

4.  ... she at the swimming pool last week? a) Did, b) Does, c) Was

5.  The boy is ... a) run, b) runs, c) running

6.  Do you like .,. picture? a) Bob, b) Bobs, c) Bob's

7.  I don't like ... story. It's bad. a) these, b) this, c) those

8.  She must... the soup, a) eat, b) eats, c) to eat

9.  Granny ... visit us tomorrow. a) won't, b) shan't, c) isn't


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты


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