Тест для 5 класса
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Лазян Ангелина Григорьевна
Тест для 5 класса учебник серии «Rainbow English»


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Тест для 5 класса

учебник серии «Rainbow English»

1 вариант

Лексика                   (максимальный балл – 11)

Задание №1. Дополните предложения верными словами a, b, c.

1 It takes a lot of time to ---------- a large European city.

  1. travel           b) do             c) go

2 It ----------- me 15 minutes to get to school.

  1. takes            b) has            c) gets

3 People often say that there is no place ------------- home.

  1. as                 b) like              c) better

4 A lot of rivers ------------ into big seas.

  1. go                b) run               c) extend

5 It’s not easy to be always kind ------------ other people.

  1. with             b) for                c) to

6 A lot of different ------------ live in Europe.

  1. peoples        b) persons       c) person

7 Russia is very famous ----------- its talented composers and writers.

  1. for                 b) by                c) with

8 Russia is very rich ---------- green forests.

  1. with               b) in                 c) of

9 The water in the lakes is always ------------ .

  1. fresh              b) new              c) powerful

10 There are a lot of museums --------------- the territory of Moscow Kremlin.

  1. of                    b) in                  c) on

11 There are a lot of Russian fairy ------------ about bears and other animals.

  1. tails                b)tales               c) tells

Грамматика                   (максимальный балл -6 )

Задание №2 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1 ---------- Ural Mountains are in Siberia.

2 ----------- Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

3 ----------- Europe is not a very big continent.

4 -----------Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London.

5 ----------- Hyde Park is very green and beautiful.

6 Every year we go to ----------- Black Sea with my parents.

Социокультурные знания       (максимальный балл – 6)

Задание №3. Соотнесите слова в левой колонке со словами в правой колонке.

1) The Arctic Ocean                                a) Siberia

2) Lake Baikal                                        b) the Far East

3) The Volga                                        c) the north of Russia

4) The Caucasus                                d) the Caspian Sea

5) Vladivostok                                        e) Europe

6) the Alps                                        f) the south of Russia

Тест для 5 класса

учебник серии «Rainbow English»

2 вариант

Лексика                   (максимальный балл – 11)

Задание №1. Дополните предложения верными словами a, b, c.

1 I like ---------- . These cute little birds sing so well.

  1. hamsters              b) budgies              c) canaries

2 I ---------- my goldfish in a fishbowl.

  1. have                       b) take                    c) keep

3 It’s bad if people ----------- on the grass in big parks.

  1. go                           b) walk                    c) come

4 Sam is very proud ----------- his collection of books.

  1. of                            b) about                  c)for

5 When people feel ------------ , they are sad.

  1. happy                     b) unhappy            c) happily

6 Have you got ------------ time tonight?

  1. free                         b) spend                 c) enjoy

7 Some people ------------- postcards.

  1. collect                      b) collection           c) keep

8 I usually have ------------ at school at one o’clock.

  1. supper                      b) dinner                 c) lunch

9 How often do you go to the theatre? - ---------- a month.

  1. Second                      b) Twice                 c) Two

10 Little Susan likes drawing ------------- pencil.

  1. In                                 b) with                  c) by

11 My parents are real theatre ------------- . They are very fond of theatre.

  1. visitors                         b) walkers              c) goers

Грамматика                   (максимальный балл -6 )

Задание №2 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1 -------------- Volga runs into ------------ Caspian Sea.

2 -------------- Moscow is the capital and a very important city.

3 -------------- Russia is rich in seas, lakes, rivers and forests.

4 -------------- Lake Baikal is in -------------- Siberia.

5 -------------- Red Square in the centre of Moscow is 695 meters long and 130 meters wide.

6 The territory of ------------- Far East is near ------------ Pacific Ocean.

Социокультурные знания       (максимальный балл – 6)

Задание №3.Какие ассоциации вызывают имена этих знаменитых людей?  Соотнесите слова в левой колонке со словами в правой колонке.

1) Leo Tolstoy                                a) pop music

2) Elena Isinbaeva                        b) Winnie – the - Pooh

3) Alla Pugacheva                        c) world famous literature

4) Viktor Vasnetsov                        d) the Olympic Games

5) Alan Milne                                e) hobby

6) Lewis Carroll                                f) the Tretyakov Gallery

Тест для 5 класса учебник серии «Rainbow English»

1 вариант

Задание №1

1 In autumn most days are cold, rainy and ---------------.

  1. foggy           b) hot             c) sunny

2 Fred never writes letters ------------- his friends.

  1. for                 b) to               c) on

3 Tracy is going to --------- Paris for London tomorrow.

  1. go                   b) leave           c) travel

4 A strong wind----------- for a long time yesterday.

  1. grew               b) blew            c) heard

5 Last weekend my family and I went----------the sea.

  1. on                    b) to                 c) in

6 My parents met when they were at------------.

  1. university        b) occupation           c) holiday

7 I often drink tea-------------- breakfast.

  1. with                   b) on                   c) for

8 Do you want to be a university--------------? - Yes, when I leave school.

  1. student               b) pupil               c) professor

9 My mother’s sister Polly is my----------.

  1. uncle                    b) aunt                c) grandmother

10 My friend writes------------ our school newspaper.

  1. on                          b) at                     c) for

11 Sally and Frank are my grandparents. They live in the----------------.

  1. London                  b) abroad                c) country

12 There are a lot of places of--------------in every capital

  1. holiday                   b) interest              c) visit

Задание № 2 Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу глаголами из рамки, поставив их в нужную форму.

write       begin        go        meet         take          be

1 Last week Sally _____ her old friend Jim. They had a good time together.

2 This weekend my mother and I are ______ to visit my granny.

3 Why are you late, Doris? The lesson ______ ten minutes ago.

4 I _____ this letter a week ago. I want to send it today.

5 Jane and her family ______ not going to spend this summer abroad.

6 Every weekend Ann’s mother _____ her to the cinema.

Тест для 5 класса учебник серии «Rainbow English»

 2 вариант

Задание №1

1 Mary writes-------------our school newspaper.

  1. at                     b) on                   c) for

2 My mother’s brother Fred is my---------------.

  1. uncle                b) aunt             c) grandmother

3 How much time do you-------------with your friends?

  1. steal                 b) know             c) spend

4 Last summer my friends went---------------the sea.

  1. in                       b) to                     c) on

5 Tom is going to--------------London for Moscow tomorrow.

  1. go                        b) leave               c) travel

6 My aunt and my uncle met when they were at-------------.

  1. university           b) occupation           c) holiday

7 He often drinks coffee------------breakfast.

  1. on                         b) for                    c) with

8 There are a lot of places of-------------in every city.

  1. visit                       b) holiday             c) interest

9 What present did you--------------for your birthday? - A book.

  1. give                       b) get                      c) take

10 We leave------------25 Summer Street. I like my house very much.

  1. with                       b) on                       c) at

11 John and Ann are my grandparents. They live in the------------.

  1. Paris                        b) country             c) abroad

12 A cold wind-----------for a long time yesterday.

  1. grew                         b) blew                    c) heard

Задание 2.  Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу глаголами   из рамки, поставив их в нужную форму.

be            want               write            meet             marry          can

1 Three years ago I ---------- not read magazines in English.

2 Who ----------- to become a journalist? –I do.

3 Where ----------- your mother born? – in Samara.

4 Yesterday I --------------an article for our school newspaper.

5 My best friend and I -------------- at school five years ago.

6 Brian ------------ Samantha two years ago. They have two children now.

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