We All Are Children of The Planet Named The Earth Владимир Чимитцыренов 10А СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ
творческая работа учащихся

Клюева Ирина Даниловна

We All Are Children of The Planet Named The Earth Владимир Чимитцыренов 10А СОШ №2 с УИОП г. Улан-Удэ


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Предварительный просмотр:

The municipal essay contest in foreign languages

for the secondary schools’ students of Ulan-Ude

“We All Are Children of The Planet

Named The Earth”


Written by: Vladimir Chimittsyrenov

Secondary school №2

Grade: the 10th A

November, 2016

“All of us are  children of the same ship named “The Earth”.

It means we can change it for nowhere  …”

Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupéry

      Dear Jury! I’m awfully glad to present my thoughts and feelings having been aroused inside me. I was deeply impressed by the proposed topic. I’m sure it’s up-to-date to speak about the vital necessity to strengthen the security of our unique world, of our human existence. That’s the way my heart sounds. I hope you’ll be on my side.

   Yours, Vladimir

My eyes are looking at the sky … and asking why?

Neither they’re searching after, nor they’re catching anything there…

You see … my soul’s thinking why it’s so

That can’t I live without feeling

Those waving clouds fleeting deeply

Upon the city twinkling in the evening?

Why can’t I live without missing

The waving cars and passing people?

Why is it so just for me

That can’t I live without things

Have happened to my friends and me?

I’ve neither dreamt of  far away valleys

Nor wished my leaving for anywhere.

My soul says I can’t survive

Without melodies and rhymes

That people’s wisdom saved for us.

Just now going through speaking crowds

With their laughing, whispering and crying,

My soul’s bursting into tears … tears!

Never I’m ashamed of them! The other way!

My eyes are greeting passers – by!

It doesn’t matter what they are

The matter is they are together!

I hope that’ll be forever …

I wish they will be healthy, wealthy,

Together should they make the planet better!

It seems to me I’ll get at last

The answer to my lasting “why?” …

I’ll just a tiny bit of whole living,

My heart is tightly knitted

With  the history of people:

My tastes and my believes,

My  hopes and my wishes

Are rooted in my native people.

Adore I citizens, they are

On board my ship

That’s  been floating far

Against deceptions, treachery and wars

Towards peaceful future world

Entitled “Super Earth”!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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