2017 Worldwide UNESCO Center for Peace Youth Multimedia Competition Качан Валентин
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2017 Worldwide UNESCO Center for Peace Youth Multimedia Competition Качан Валентин
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The Lucky Story
Modern, with an attractive appearance, enough educated, but in general as usual as everyone around him, Valentine woke up in a bad temper, deeply convinced that something very important had escaped in the currency of his daily existenсe. Valentine didn’t want to go to school. He tried but couldn’t explain to himself the reason of his vague anxiety. Was it because of his problems in mathematics? By all means, that wasn’t the explanation. And his relations with classmates and teachers couldn’t influence Valentine’s state of mood. Under a cool stream of the morning shower Valentine was listening to his inner overwhelming irritation that was convincing him of not attending the lessons. He felt that the main thing, maybe something extraordinary, was going to happen not here, but somewhere else. Nevertheless Valentine made himself drink a cup of coffee. Then he dressed and went out. In the street it was cold enough, and branches covered with snow were hanging down heavily and looked glassy. Valentine approached the tree and threw his head aback. He saw only a grey dull sky. To calm, Valentine pulled down the branch hanging above him and flakes of snow were falling upon his face. They were so icy .There was silence nearby. Valentine closed his eyes…
The merciless sun was burning everything around, turning the land into grayish dust. No one could say what color the sky was .Ahmed and Dzhail had already been walking along the road for several days. Both were silent because they were afraid of admitting the reality that had been desperately shocked .They became homeless. Their whole being was filled with the clanking of caterpillars and the whistling of bullets, scattered toys and the frozen motionless of their dead parents. Ahmed and Dzhail were not able to speak, but their souls cried: «What is it for? How to live on?!!!»
Valentine opened his eyes. A faint smile appeared on his lips exposing his heart’s release as Valentine found the cause of his troubles .He realized that everyone’s life was given not to waste it in a thoughtless dreaming, but to enrich your personal ability of communicating with the world’s complicated and constant energetic chaos and transforming its consequences. Intuitively he understood that right now someone urgently needed his help. Indeed, someone whom Valentine has never met in his life needed his help. Something unusual could happen if the whole currency of events would not be transformed by his willing. Valentine suddenly clearly imagined the exhausted figures of two boys, having lost hope of salvation, thrown by fate onto that merciless road. He realized how to help Ahmed and Dzhail. Then he was convinced that there were no limits in Energy, and the only thing that had been changing the centuries of human civilization was the energy of Mind that had been transforming and improving everything and everyone.
Good Heavens! he knew how to save Ahmed and Dzhail. Valentine focused himself at the boys and transmitted his thought of hope and rescue: «You’ll overcome!!!»
In the depth of the night they heard the distant rumble of approaching machines. Looking forward, Ahmed and Dzhail were sitting at the edge of the road. Despite though they were extremely weak, right then they were very calm as if someone had told them that everything would be OK ... The first passing ATC took the boys. So, they were rescued.
Valentine came home back. There was ‘The News’ on TV .They continued war-actions in Syria, killing lots of innocent civilians. Eyes of the children were looking desperately at Valentine from the screen, they were filled with despair and ache, appealing for compassion of human hearts. Those innocent children had already lost their houses, their childhood, their future...
Valentine felt his blood beating hard in every vine. Valentine was sure he had lived a useful day, he managed to rescue Ahmed and Dzhail. He was satisfied he had done the right action, though he was melancholic. It occurred to him how Life is fragile and how it’s difficult to stand against Evil. To escape global catastrophe, people ought to do their best to practice only their positive qualities. Surely, it’s so lonely to be alone in the World. Valentine changed. He became stronger.
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