Контрольная работа 8 класс
тест (8 класс)
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Контрольная работа 8 класс к УМК В.П. Кузовлева «English»
Unit 1 «My country at a glance»
Part I . Reading (9 points-max)
Task 1 .Read the text and decide if the statements given below are true/false or not stated.
The capital of Great Britain is London. London is the biggest city in Britain. It’s very beautiful, important and busy. There are a lot of sights in London: the Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument of Admiral Nelson. Different parts have their own emblems. They are all plants. The symbol of England is a red rose. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle. The symbol of Wales is a yellow daffodil. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock. The flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. It is made up of three flags: St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. The symbol of a typical Englishman is John Bull. It is a man with a large stomach and a round face. Usually he wears high boots, an open jacket and a Union Jack waistcoat. He often has a bulldog with him.
1) London is very beautiful, important and busy
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
2) The flag of the UK is called the Union John.
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
3) The symbol of a typical Englishman is Big Ben.
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
4) The symbol of England is a red rose.
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
5) The symbol of Scotland is a tulip.
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
6) There are a lot of sights in London: the Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument of Admiral Nelson
a) Truе b )False c) Not stated
Task 2 /Match three texts with the appropriate titles. One of the titles is extra.
1) Customs and traditions in Great Britain
2) A useful tree
3) One of the beautiful sights of London
4) Nature in Great Britain
- Russia has a lot of woods and forests. The largest of them are situated in Siberia. On the European part of the country one can see various trees. Only one of them is a symbol of Russian nature. It is a tree with thin long brunches. Its bark is white with black lines on it. It is very popular on the territory of Russia, a lot of people grow it in front of their houses, in squares and parks. This tree is very beautiful especially in autumn when its leaves are yellow. It is very useful; people use the leaves in medical purposes.
- The Tower of London is a very old building in London. It is nine hundred years old. The Tower of London stands on the Thames. In the early days of the history of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died, black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those years. The black ravens live in the gardens of the Tower now. The English people like them very much. A man looks after the ravens and gives them meat in the morning and in the evening.
Now the Tower of London is a museum and many people from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. The walls of the Tower are five metres thick. In the museum they can see many old guns. - Englishmen have traditions not only in political, but in social life. For example, London, the capital of England, is traditionally divided into three parts: the West End, the East end, and the City. The City is a historical, financial and business center of London. The East End is the district where workers live, and the West End is a fashionable shopping and entertaining center. The English are traditional about their meals. They eat eggs and bacon with toasts for breakfast, pudding or apple pie for dessert. Every English family has five o’clock tea. A typical feature of an English house is a fireplace, even when there is central heating in the house.
Part 2. The Use of English (18 points-max)
Task 2 .Put the words into the gaps in the appropriate form.
- In the 17th century Australia_____________________ by the Dutch mostly. EXPLORE
- In the ________ half of the 16th century the northern coasts and waters of Australia were visited by Spanish sailors. TWO
- I ______________fond of British holidays. BE
- They _______________ to get from London to Brussels in two hours. BE ABLE
- Write a letter to _______________ pen-friend from London. YOU
Task 3.Perephrase the sentences by using subject + passive verb + infinitive
- People believe that the British are very reserved.
- People know that the British don’t like to talk about their private life to strangers.
- People think that the Irish are not great talkers.
Task 4.Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
- a traffic jam a)жестокость
- a custom b)ассоциировать
- violence с) обычай
- for example d) сдержанный
- associate e)честный
- reserved f) пробка на дороге
- honest g)вежливый
- lazy h)например
- proud i)ленивый
- polite j)гордый
Part 3. Writing (10 points-max)
Task 5.Your pen-friend John wrote a letter to you. In his letter he asks you to tell him about Great Britain and answer three his questions.
-What is Britain famous for?
-Would you like to visit Britain?
-What city of the UK would you like to visit? Why?
Part 4. Speaking (10 points-max)
Task 6 . Answer 5 questions on the topic «School life»
- How old are you?
- Do you like travelling?
- What famous sights of London do you know?
- What British holidays do you know?
- What do you know about Royal family?
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